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Status Updates posted by MasterBigJosh

  1. I noticed you plagurized on your second application, you should fix this in your third attempt or else on of the moderators might catch on.

  2. I realized something, this server is not for me. I can stick to character, but when it comes up to typing role-playing, I just can't stand it. I'll still be around on the forums every once in awhile.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Salamandra


      I believe the first word I said when I saw somebody was; "Wassup?"

      Aparently the Malinorians speak ma language

    3. Trazier


      If RPing feels like a chore that gets in the way of your whatever-you-doing, then yeah, this likely isn't the server for you.

    4. danic


      Eh, I always talk like I'm RPing, in IRL, before I ever saw this Server

  3. Just posted my application into the server, wish me luck.

  4. Just put in my second application, fixed up what was needed. Hopefully everything is good!

  5. Next person who sees this, mind contacting a web admin to delete my account?

  6. No idea why I am staying up this late to wait for an application approval/denial, nobody is on. I also wouldn't be able to get online tomorrow which would give me plenty of time to work on a new one if needed.

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