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~ Fiend ~

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Posts posted by ~ Fiend ~

  1. Pebble tilts her head back and forth a few times as she stares at the notice. She'd been curious what those crazy ancestor worshipers were on about for a while, so this would do nicely. Unsure whether she should RSVP, she just checks the notice occasionally to see if anyone else does.

  2. It's not adding new abilities, it's shifting some magic that's currently void magic over to be it's own thing. It can be put right back into Arcane if it's an issue.


    Right, but I meant more stuff to learn and know, more rules to memorize, etc.

    I just get the feeling if psychic type is added, people will create so much more nonsense that goes into it and it'll be another really complicated thing.

  3. As much as I love adding non-void magic and the psychic type seems cool, IDK about magic overhaul. It's already sort of a mess, adding more stuff seems iffy.

    The levels.. I get what you're going with, but if anything, just.. take out the word tier. It carries too much connotation here.

    I'll stay neutral.

  4. Names: This is where you put your name. Not your nickname, not "The Shadow" and especially not your username! (Don't get me started on "_" users...) If you are scared of metagaming, then why role play when you can get metagamed at all times!? Just put your name there and if someone metagames, call them out on it and if it gets too bad, report.


    Several times now I've talked to the _ people and they're either from Aegis or just the internet, where names can't have spaces. The character creation screen could mention that it's possible, it could also stand to startle new players less. #TutorialIsland

    It's much easier (read: less tedious and time consuming) to not allow the possibility of metagaming, but I don't have that problem, so.. meh.


    Age: Look, I understand the want for putting your age as high as you can but don't do it if you don't know the history OR are just doing it so you can call everyone children. Come on, it's just sad, especially if the character is a new one. I mean, I've had times where my character for a good six months (aging him as correctly as possible... Thanks broken autoage!) gets called a child by someone who literally just created that character! Blegh, then I had someone try to tell me facts about a character I worked for back in Anthos and they screwed up everything... I helped them OOCly and they were chill but that's not the point!


    That's a peeve about peoples' characters, not the cards, but still.. why would that bug you? In a world of elves, it makes sense for most of them to be older anyway, why get upset when someone comes into being at a higher age? Sure, they should read the wiki (implying it's helpful, I don't find it to be) and learn the history, but still. Not everyone wants to play children and for elves child means something different.


    Race: Main races should be removed, half- variants should be instituted and that's that. No such thing as a "normal elf" as in real life there's no such thing as a "normal human". We all come from a certain sub-race, live with it.


    No no no no no. Just because people decided in character that main races don't exist doesn't mean you (read: anyone) should get to enforce it OOCly. Generic elf is a thing, with no subrace. Half dark elf half wood elf is a thing, with no character card option. Half orc half human is a thing. They're not going to add all the possible bloodlines so overarching race will be a thing. There is such a thing as a normal human, as heritage has nothing to do with species.


    Description: This is where you put a description of what your character looks like, so we have an idea off of the bat. NOT WHERE YOU TELL US YOUR BLOODY BACKSTORY AND THEN END WITH, "PLEASE DO NOT META!!!". Oh and those who say "LEARN IN RP!!!!!" are worse! I mean, I am learning in RP... By looking at you! God damn it people.


    Bugs me too, man. I shamefully use their backstories against people sometimes. x)

    I mean backstory is great, but making it public seems kinda cheaty.


    Status: It seems to become a norm that we all put our titles in here, which makes sense as we all should know who our kings and queens are, etc. But lately I've been seeing people use it for their pregnancy and even someone use it for there... Hat! Okay fine, not bad... I just needed to complain about this to complete the set. 


    I don't actually like the inclusion of titles. I can understand using "king" or whatever, as people would likely know, but like "doctor"? As for hats and pregnancies, I think they should be used for exactly that. It's a temporary status not worth modreq'ing a change of name for, you're not going to (or going to be able to) skin it, and people would know from looking at you.

    Let's be real, nobody checks character cards the second time they RP with someone.


    Generic elves are an actual thing.


    *blows kiss*


    People who play certain races for the buffs. Absolutely disgusting.


    Sometimes I wish I'd had the forethought, considering no one seems to get in trouble for it anyway, but then I think it seems too cheaty and I wouldn't, in circles. Oh well.

  5. Isabella sends a letter to the orcs.

    "You have my support and I will help you remove this new, strange forest, provided the Spring Grove is not included in this region. - Isabella Deathsbane"


    She then goes out to backburn around the grove.

  6. The top floor of the "standing tree" got buggered over too. All wood/logs changed to oak, doors and beds popped, and even the piano's the wrong color. (Hopefully gonna get it fixed tomorrow.) I think it's to do with whatever save data they have for emergencies not saving the metadata, so it remembers something was wood, but not what kind.

  7. -Parkour: An accepted pastime for any Druid, the Ancient Drui were masters of Parkour, and often it is incorporated in some way to at least one section of the grove.

    -Nature puns are essential, we will not leaf you alone until you stick to such a deerly held tradition.


    You all disgust me.


    That said, a much, much better guide. I've given it a once over and it seems to only cover things that are reasonably OOC, most of which have been rules for a while.

    I'd give it all the green light save for a small note under the use of magic:


    -Inform at least one Hierophant.  The Aspects ALWAYS know IMMEDIATELY when you’ve performed other magics they did not gift you, and they directly inform Hierophants in more severe cases of imbalance. (Hierophants have visions from time to time, things like this tend to come up during them)


    if you're in the Spring Circle, just switch "Heirophant" with "an older druid". There would still be that vision/notification/whatever process, it just doesn't make sense for the other circle to be the ones the Aspects warn.


    Otherwise, nice, inclusive, and doesn't rustle me. *thumbs up*

  8. Artimec raises a hand to object to the spelling of his name, before lowering it dejectedly and walking off. Assuming at this point they just do it on purpose.


    He also decides not to go because no one loves him and he probably won't be able to find a date.


    Izzy offers to be his date, or rather, offers to make him tea and reminds him that the high elves probably still want to skip rope with his entrails and that this is so obviously a trap.






    700 posts lol get a life nerd

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