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  1. *The small fluttery bird lands before Alum with the note in its grasp.......nearly scaring Alum half to death. After a few moments Alum peers up from the brush he dove into and sees the tiny creature peering up at him waiting. *After reading the note a few times to make sure he understands it well. He crafts a sticky reply using sap from a branch and the original note as a surface. "I don't have much to offer in the form of currency, but perhaps we could arrange a deal, I'll wait around the temple a bit longer if you could meet me, or send your feathered friend with directions and I shall do my best to follow them....I should warn you though I often get lost. *a small sad face is drawn here after the phrase. But don't worry I always eventually end up where I am going....or so it goes..something like that. -Alum" ((Message me ingame if you want @ Pswag))
  2. *A small messy poster is hung up near Cloud Temple. "I am in need of saplings of many types, I will l hang around the temple to see if anyone can help me." "O and I'm Alum by the way, in case you ever wondered." "I like cheese too...if anyone has any to spare. Preferable Yak cheese....thats the best."
  3. *Alum reads the sign a few times..."Staffs...why that is my specialty." *He pulls out a bit of wax and using the stick he had been carefully gnawing on scribbles a reply on the post near cloud temple. "Hello friend that goes by the name of Heshakomeu Sohae, I am Alum the hunble woodweaver, I would be more than happy to help you find what you seek. I ask not for payment in gold nor jewels however, but with the dear children of the trees. I promise to tend and look after them as if they were my own. I shall wait about the temple a few hours maybe longer to see if you come along" Signed: -Alum
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