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Posts posted by Matt1234567

  1. *Mattias is walking by when a flyer get's blown against his leg, lifting it up he looks at it. After a minute or two to read it he grins under his Iron mask.*

    "A man looking for a blacksmith eh? Well it looks like fate is treating you well."

    *Mattias walks off into Arethor to find this man*

  2. *Mattias almost laughs as he reads his name of the list while Lancel's men search Ildon. Rubbing the back of his hand on his Iron mask, he hands the list over to the next man*

    "My you are a persistent one Lancel aren't you?"

    *Mattias walks off grinning under his mask.*

  3. Oath:

    I, Mattias Abdiel, swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my royalty, James, Kyral and Lancel Hightower, and keep them safe. All indulgences of the world will not disrupt my task in protecting them to the best of my ability. So do I swear, Mattias Abdiel.

    ((OOC Section))

    MC Name -


    Do you have a VA? If so, give a link. -


    Skill Levels (Stats, do not show if it is 0) -


    Swordsmanship: 49

    Mining: 54








    (Answer as if you were placed into this situation.)

    - A man is walking down a street in fine silks and exotic velvet, running up to him you see two goblins and a orc about to corner him in a dark alley by the tavern. You hear a yelp and rush in to find him dead, the three running down the alley.

    Mattias watches as the Orcs and Goblins run. Assuming they had mugged him mattias yells at them, “Halt!” The Goblins and Orc keep on running down the ally. Mattias runs after them. Mattias pulls out his bow and notches an arrow. Taking aim he fires the arrow, hitting on of the Goblins in the back. The Goblin and Orc turn around to see Mattias alone and unsheathes their swords. Mattias drops his bow and does the same with two Scimitars. The Goblin and Orc run at Mattias, brandishing their weapons. Mattias continues to run at the with the two Scimitars ready to strike. Mattias choses to attack the larger Orc first, needing to dispose of him as soon as possible. The Orc brings down his sword to kill Mattias. Using one of the Scimitars Mattias blocks the attack and sidesteps slightly, then he goes to stab the Orc through the stomach. The Orc drops as he sees the sword in his stomach and moves both hands to hold the wound. Mattias turns to see the Goblin still charging at him. Mattias parries one of the blows then brings both swords to hold them at the Goblin's neck. “Stop fighting and you shall live.” The Goblin drops his sword and pulls his hands away. Bringing the hilts of both Scimitars down on his head; Mattias manages to knock him out. He then drags the Goblin to the jail to await his trial.

    IC Section

    What is your name? -

    Mattias Abdiel

    Why do you wish to join the Hightowers? -

    Because Mattias was convinced to join his friends Edric in the Hightowers. Mattias also has many friends within the guard and enjoys the idea of once again guarding the city.

    What skills do you offer to aid Solace? -

    I am rather good with a blade and have much experience within the guard as I have been part of many. Experience and some hospital work is what I can offer you, as well as a bit of farming.

    If anyone had convinced you to join, whom was it? - Edric (Duckd8) who offered me a position.

    Have you ever lived in Solace before this time? -


  4. MC Username:


    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread):


    Character Skillset:


    Swordsmanship: 49





    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender):

    Sithara is an adorable new-born kitten. Being the litter of A Pantera and a Cheetrah, Sithara was afflicted by the Cheetrah gene in the two and was dominantly tan with a lot of small black spots. Sithara is also the smallest of the litter and is currently only two months old.


    Sithara is a somewhat shy Kharajyr that wishes to prove herself. Her small size will cause many to underestimate her which she will use to her advantage. She is determined and will try to excel at everything she does, even though she may not be fit for the job. Being a kitten she will enjoy playing with her brothers. She is still new to the world and will be afraid of many of the monsters until she has become use to them.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    Sithara is one of the many kittens in the litter of Morthawl; a Panthera and Sathera;a Cheetah. Being female and a cheetrah she was the smallest of the litter. She is rather agile but is not the strongest of the litter. Her brothers have the upper-hand when it comes to strength, but fall short when compared to Sithara's speed. As her life has just began this is all that has happened so far. However, with this massive litter it is almost guaranteed that there will be many stories to unfold from here.

    Character's ambitions:

    Sithara will want to prove herself to the rest of the Kharajyr that she is not weak simply because of her small size. Sithara will also have a taste for adventure, wanting to travel around and meet the other races. Eventually she will want to get find a mate and have her own litter, but that is far off.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    Sitara has wandered to far from the rest of her litter and sees the large man approach her. Almost as soon as she sets her eyes on the man she is scared out of her mind. The man being much bigger then her. She turns and starts to run in the opposite direction on all fours. The man sees that this small kitten may be his only way to find his way out as so he starts to run after her. As Sithara runs she finds a small burrow under one of the trees routes. As she runs and dives into the burrow and starts to shake as she watches the man run by. Waiting at least another ten minutes before coming out of the burrow she runs in the direction of home. As she arrives she goes to her mother and snuggles next to her soon proceeding to pant and shake, slowly falling asleep.


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    Sithara is scared, but not that scared as the dwarf is rather short. As she sees the bowl of cream she starts to inch her way into the tavern, not knowing any better. As she walks closer she starts to smell the sugar in the cream and likes the smell. She goes and starts to drinks out of the bowl. As she starts to drink the dwarf grabs her by the skin at the back of her neck and lifts her up. Sithara squeals in fear and is brought face to face with the dwarf. The dwarf chuckles, obviously drunk, and proceeds to threaten Sithara, “A nice soft pelt ya got there kitty, I might decide to make you into a rug.” Not understanding what the dwarf says but becoming even more afraid by his tone, Sithara starts to twist herself around to try to get away, in the process she ends up scratching the dwarves nose with the claws on her paws. The dwarf lets go to hold his face and Sithara lands on her feet on the ground. As she watches the other dwarves rise from there seats she bolts out of the tavern as fast as she can. From that day on she is scared of the other races until she meets them with her parents.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    Sithara stirs as she hears the door of the house being pounded on. As her father goes and opens the door she hears them speak about something, but being young she can't understand what they are saying. She yawns and curls up into a ball again, going back to sleep.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    I swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law and swear to hold Metzli and all her actions as sacred.

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin


  5. *Mattias walks up the the Grand Hall and posts a note outside the gate*

    I, Mattias Abdiel, hereby leave me job as part of the Guivret army. I know that I am banned from the lands and I write this note only to make it official. In doing so I take back any oath that I have sworn to the Guivrets.

    *Rereads the note one last time before leaving the Duchy*

  6. Out of Character Information

    MC Name:




    Time Zone:


    Do you have TeamSpeak?: [http://www.teamspeak3.com/]

    Indeed I do

    In Character Information

    Why are you interested in joining the Guivrets?

    During Mattias' travels he came across a beautiful women who is part of the Guivrets house. Taking fancy to her Mattias decided to join the Guivrets in order to protect her.

    Have you read and understood the rules of the Duchy?

    I have and I do.


    Mattias Abdiel





    Are you 100% committed to the Guivrets? No other commitments made?

    Mattias is 100% committed to the Guivrets.

    What are your skills? [Give exact stats /stats in game]

    Lumberjack: 50


    Mining: 51



    Do you swear to abide by the oath? [Copy+Paste Here, but make sure you have read it.]

    I,Mattias Abdiel, Swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my lord, Balian Guivret and Helaine Guivret. To keep the Guivret family safe, to protect and support the Duchy, and to do my job to the best of my ability. I swear to protect the flag of The Guivrets, the Holy Oren Empire, and to remain loyal to the Guivrets.

  7. 1)MC Name & RP Name:

    MC: Beast720 RP: Mattias Abdiel

    2)Chosen Patron:


    3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended):

    I wish to join the Order so that I may overcome my short Temper and attempt to reason with people before attempting to threaten them. Also, I would like to learn more about the Aenguls and Daemons.



    5)Flaws in Your Character:

    Easily angered when accused of doing something he hasn't. Has a certain hatred for the Normandor Guards, which he hopes to overcome through the order.

    6) How long have you been on the server:

    Around 6 months.

    Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

    7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages]

    Mattias walks up slowly and taps the mage on the shoulder. The Shade would turn around and most probably utter something along the lines of “What do you want?” Mattias would then go on to ask the Shade what he was doing, as he does he would motion to the citizen to escape while he was talking to the Shade. After the citizen runs off the Shade would most likely turn around and see the citizen was now gone. Getting rather furious the shade would most probably turn around to attack Mattias, when he turns around he would find that Mattias has departed to go and make sure the citizen is safe.

    8) You see a small child shivering in the snow.

    Mattias walks up to the child and offers him/her his tunic. After doing this he would kneel down next to the child and ask him/her where his/her parents are.

    Possible scenario 1: If the child said that he was lost and didn't know his way back, Mattias would offer to take the child back to his city, where he/she could be reunited with his/her parents. Mattias would pick up the child and carry the child to the city, on the way offering the child some food. Returning to the city Mattias would pass the child to his/her parents and tell the parents that they should try to watch the child more closely, as it could of ended much worse then it did.

    Possible scenario 2: The child says that he does not have any parents. Mattias would offer to take the child to the nearest city, or the child’s place of choice. Mattias would pick up the child and carry him/her to the city. On the way offering the child food. After arriving in the city Mattias would ask if anyone was willing to adopt a child. After many people refusing Mattias would most probably bring the child back to the Cleric base, choosing to raise the child himself and teaching the child about the the Aenguls and Daemons.

    9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables.

    Mattias stops and looks at the bandit. Mattias asks him why he is doing this. The bandit would most probably glare at Mattias and utter something like “Last chance, your minas or your life.” Mattias looks upon the man, "Material wealth will not help you when you die one day. I do not value my own live and would rather others live to show the way to the light after I have gone. I pray to Gazardiael that he will bless you with a new beginning." Reaches into his pocket and hands the Bandit his pouch of minas. The Bandit slowly takes the money and considered what Mattias has said. He then pushes past Mattias and walks off deep in thought. Mattias continues on his way.

    10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive.

    Mattias would approach the man. “Why do you say such things? Iblees drove us from our homes. That is not the truth. Aeriel and the true God gave us a new place to live. Gazardiael blessed us with a new beginning. Tis not the truth what you speak. You do not see that we were driven from Aegis for a reason. That reason is that if we were not driven from Aegis we would not be here, in the beautiful land of Asulon. We would not be here if it wasn't for that. Believe in what you will but do not put down other peoples faith.

    11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?"

    Mattias would respond: “ To test our faith in him. Everything happens for a reason. God does what he must to ensure that we can live our lives to the fullest. Life is not always the way it seems, and God does not want to give us everything or else we will be lazy and do nothing with our lives. He will not always make us suffer. He will soon bring blessing that will take away our suffering, as long as you trust fully in him then you cannot go astray. God has the answer to anything, you must just be patient. Do not question God as he does what he must. Also, do not test the creator, for those who test him have little faith. Show that your trust in him and the suffering will stop, and many blessing will fall over you.”

  8. What's your MC name?


    What kind of events are most interested in? (Playing as a temporary faction, creature, Antagonist etc..)

    As I am submitting this application I am saying by doing so that I will play whatever character you want me to play. Dog, spirit, master sorcerer, whatever. I want to help the server become a lot more fun for everyone else. It doesn't really matter what you want me to play. I will Rp whatever it is to the best of my ability.

    What kinds of influential RP has your current LOTC character been involved in?

    My char has been in a few RP events. He has worked together with another char to protect Skravia from the infected when the plague came to Asulon for the first time. Later on, Mattias' (My char) friends got the plague. In order to try to get rid of it, since he was the only infected in Skravia, he told Mattias to burn him so that the plague would burn with him. Mattias did burn him and made for some Rp as quite a few people broke into the hospital where Mattias was going to burn him and tried to stop him.

    Mattias was also involved in an attempt to hunt down a Sand Mage after the mage had taken one of his friends. After tracking the mage down they had a battle where the sand tried to swallow them and suffocate them. Eventually it came down to a chase in a building. Mattias and one of his friends ended up cornering the mage.

    I have not really been in a Rp even that has impacted the whole server. However that is what I want to be involved in. That's one of the reasons why I am attempting to join the Event team.

    What in your opinion, makes a good event?

    A good event is one that get's the whole Lord of the Craft community involved. The event is planned down to the last detail and you need to involve everyone. When the Dragon attacked everyone who was there fought back. This started rumours and created a lot of fun RP for everyone. Also, the actors in the event should be told what to communicate to others. Not given a script. If you tell them what information to give the others, but not how to it, it makes it more fun for the people involved. It makes it easier for people to get involved because it's not a scripted conversation in-between two characters and no one else. The Actors should be able to do improv, make up lines and make the Rp interesting for everyone. Not just the people in the event team.

    Let's say your playing as a wolf, wandering outside a village and you smell cake from within a bakery that seems unattended. Inside the bakery the cake sits on the counter. What do you do and how do you emote?

    *Lifts its nose and smells something delicious.

    *Walks towards the bakery.

    *Looks over and sees a cow grazing.

    *Runs over and is about to attack the cow when the smell returns.

    *Lifting it's nose up to the sky the wolf hangs its tongue out of the side of its mouth.

    *Turns back and walks towards the door.

    *Nudges the door with it's nose, walking in as the door opens.

    *Walking over to where the cake is on the counter the dog hops up and puts both paws on the counter.

    *As wolf goes to take a bite but the cake is too far back on the counter.

    *Stretching forward the Wolf just manages to grab hold of the edge of the plate with his teeth.

    *Pulling back, the Wolf pulls the cake off the counter and it crashes onto the floor.

    *The wolf starts to eat the cake on the floor.

    *Hears the door to the back of the bakery open.

    *Sees the man run at him

    *Wolf darts to the door

    *Hides in the bushes from the man.

    *Goes on it's way in search of the cow he saw earlier.

    You're playing as a necromancer hiding out in a graveyard, in search of a relic. Two armor-less players enter the graveyard to revisit an old friend. What do you do to create an experience for them and how do you reveal yourself?

    (I am saying the name of the necromancer is Darien)

    *Darien Walks along, looking at grave after grave I finally stop at one with a half-moon on it.

    Darien: “There you are beautiful.” Grins to himself

    *Darien goes into his bag and produces a shovel.

    Darien: “It won't be long now until I have it.”

    *Darien As he digs he hears the gate to the grave-yard open.

    *Darien Looks over

    * A man and a small child are coming through the gate.

    *Man and child start to walk towards him

    *Darien Sees a empty grave next to the one was about to dig up.

    *Darien As the man and child approach he dives into the empty grave.

    *The man and child come to the grave he was just at.

    *Darien Curses

    *The man, look a the grave and start to cry, the child stands next to him staring at the grave.

    *Darien Decides that he best make his escape. Putting his hands on the wall of the hole he starts to mutter to himself.

    *The child hears something

    *As he looks over a hand comes out of the grave.

    *The man draws his blade, the child stares at the hand

    “What in the nether?!” The man yells.

    *All over the grave dead corpses crawl out of there graves.

    *Darien Jumps up and climbs out.

    “Hello boys, I will just be a moment.” Darien grins as he says this.

    *Darien As the corpse comes out of the grave and attacks the man Darien starts to dig with his hands in the soil. He smiles as he finds what he was looking for.

    “Well, thanks chaps, I got what I needed,” *Holds out the bracelet, “ I do hope you have a good time with. . .these.” *Grins at the as he starts to walk off.

    *The man grabs his arm.

    “Not so fast!” The man yells.

    *Darien Looks at the man

    “Now, if you think about this, the only way you might live is if I make all of these,” *Motions to the Zombies that are surrounding them, “ Go away.”

    *Darien Grins at them

    *The man holds his sword up to him

    *Darien Grins.

    “You should learn to kill a man then ask question. ” Darien says

    “Wha. . .” says the guard.

    *Darien Raises his hand on fires an ice spike at him.


    *Darien Takes the moment that the man is distracted and runs.

    *Darien As he does the Zombies slowly start to go back into their graves, the person they were defending gone.

    ((I would allow for them to live so that they would spread word of what had happened. This way more people would find out what was going on and would be able to participate in the event.))

    You're playing as a drunken sailor. You have to tell players rumors of treasure but accidentally, how do you go about doing this?

    ((Pirates name is Walter))

    “Eh! Yoush lad over dere. . .hic!” Shouts Walter at a passing man.

    *The man looks at him and walks towards him

    “Ya, yoush. Come 'ere a shecond. . .hic!” Walter says as he stumbles over to the man. A bottle of Rum in hand.

    *The man looks at him

    “Yes? What do you need?” The man asks.

    “Have you sheen me Captain Waldo?” Walter asks.

    *The man looks at him


    “Yesh, yesh I need to tell him about the treashure. . .uh nothin. You sheen him?” Stops himself before he says the rest.

    *Goes and takes a swing of his rum.

    *The mans eyes light up


    *Walter stops drinking half choking he look at him

    “Treasure. . .Did I saysh treasure? Uh. . .I mean the mapsh to. . .uh. . .” Walter stumbles, trying to cover up his mistake.

    *The man looks at the map that Walter has in his hand.

    *Walter follows his gaze

    “Itsh just the map to uh. . .to me ship! Thatsh what!” Walter tries to cover up his mistake.

    *The man looks at him

    “What else were you going to tell your captain? So that if I find him I can tell him for you.” The man says.

    *Walter, not thinking clearly says

    “ I wash just goin to tell him thatsh the treashure was over at Cashpien Cove.” Walter says as he empties the bottle of Rum.

    “Caspies Cove eh?” The man says

    *Walter chokes on the Rum again

    “Didsh I shay that?”

    *Points to himself as he shoves the map into his back pocket.

    *The man Shakes his head

    “What? No I said that was where I was heading just now.” The man Grins

    “Well, if yoush finds 500 weight of Goldsh and Diamondsh bring em back to mesh ok?” Walter says drunk and not thinking clearly

    *The man grins

    “Will do old man.” The mans says as he hurries off.

    Create a small paragraph describing a quirky character that could provide roleplay for players.

    A quirky character that I think would be fun for other to roleplay with would be a old man who is a huge flirt. He would walk around the temple with a bottle of Ale and go over to women. He would Smile and start a conversation, but then he would turn it around. Telling her she is a fine beautiful women and that he would love to take her out sometime. If the women was already married to another man, the Old man would go up to him and start to pick a fight. However, as soon as the other man brought up his fists to fight the old man would run over to the women, give her a quick kiss and run off, coming back later to try again

  9. MC Name:


    RP Name:

    Mattias Abiel

    Do you live/work in Levanthus?


    Combat Skills? [i.e Axemastery, Archery, Swordsmanship] Alright, so right now I am going to say my skills are not that good. I am trying to get them up, so don't laugh. My swords is only 45 and my archery only 28. No point saying my axemastery because I don't really use axes. I have been on the server for not too too long, maybe about 3 months, so yes I realize my skills are crap.

    Other useful Skills? [i.e Cooking, Blacksmithing, Lumberjack]

    Lumberjack 42

    Mining 42

    Farming 48

    Past Experience?  

    Ig My char has been a guard at about a total of 3 different places. He started out as a guard for the City of Roseus Aquila, then he became part of the Servilex in Rienna. He is a guard in Skravia at the moment. The only reason he left those places was because they disbanded.

    Position? [i.e Legionnaire or Auxiliary] Probably Auxiliary. I like the idea of being sneaky and spying on the enemy. I would probably get a Va so I would be able to assassinate people and deceive people.

    Do you swear fealty to the Legion?   My character is always loyal to his brothers in arms. He would never betray the Legion. So yes.

  10. *As Mattias lowers the paper his face is full of frustration. He asks himself "Why Ayran?" Then he storms out of the house and travels to Sarun. As he places flowers on Ayran's grave he says: "Don't worry Ayran, I'll find the Bandits, I'll kill em." Then he storms off, on his way to gather some friends and end the lives of the cowards who killed Ayran.

  11. Viper, or as I know him Kevin, is a great guy and an awesome player. Event though I have not played with him that much I can fully support him. OOCly,as I know him very well, he always takes his responsibilities seriously and will put his duties first before his own personal playing time. I know that he will make an awesome GM and clearly has a lot of experience. I FULLY SUPPORT his application.

    Good luck Kevin.

  12. -Application-

    MC Name: Beast720

    IC Name:Mattias

    RL Age:15

    IG Age:22

    Short Biography: Grew up in Al'kazar with my father being the head guard there. Mother died during my birth and father died during the undead attack. Mattias grew up with his neighbours in Asulon but soon left because he wanted to travel Never truly had an ambition to become a guard but his fathers instincts kicked in and he joined the Roseus guard. Later on he was offered a job in the Servilex army, which has now disbanded, and the Skravian military. Mattias took both these jobs and served in them well. After a while in the Skravian military Mattias' friends were starting a town and needed a captain of the guard. Now that it has become Mattias' new dream he gladly accepted. He is currently part of the Skravian military, the Roseus Guard and the leader of the Elros guard.

    Why do you wish to join the Seventis Military?

    I wish to join the Seventis because the war with them against Solace seems unfair to me. I think that Solace should leave the Seventis alone and stop attacking. Mattias is choosing the side he believes deserves to win.

    Which starting rank do you wish to become? (Frouros, Peltast, Toxotes)

    I wish to start off as a Peltast because they use both swords and bows.

    Will you be loyal and respect those higher in command then yourself?

    I have been loyal and respectful to all those in high command of me since I first started and I do not intend to stop now.

    Your Weapon skills? (i.e. Axes-75 or Swords-34)

    Swords: 42

    Archery: 27.

    These are my two strongest.

  13. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name:Beast720

    How old are you?:15

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:Eastern Standard time/Canada

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes. It has been my first language all my life. I also speak french as a second language.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I am a Canadian who was Born in South Africa but moved to Canada when I was four months old. I currently live with my parents. I'am in grade 10 and absolutely love video games.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: About 15 hours. It's hard to judge with school. School always comes before video games in my family, however my semester has been very relaxed. I might be able to be on for 20 or more, however during exams my time on the server will be limited.

    FFF"]What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: Roleplaying is taking on the role of a made up character. While you are roleplaying you make decisions on what your character knows and not from information that you already know. You pretend that you are the in-game character and you need to act as the character would. Your character can be anything but whatever you are you must act like it. So if your character is dumb but you are really smart in real-life then you need to act dumb in game. It is a way of pretending to be someone or something that you are not.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:I have played many Roleplaying games on Xbox 360 (for example Skyrim) and have very much enjoyed this genre of gameplay. I do however understand that this will be a completely different type of roleplay and will embrace it.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Meta-Gaming is using information that your in-game character would not know from sources like TeamSpeak or public chat. So if you hear about a raid on you village, but it was spoken through TeamSpeak then you must control your character as if he did not hear it because in the game he hasn't. Another example is if some broadcasts coordinates to a secret house, then your character can't go there unless he talks to another character in-game that tells him where to go.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is:Power-gaming is when you do not give another in-game character the chance to counter act you actions. For example if I said “I Killed (In-game name) and stole all of his money and jewels” then I would be power-gaming because I did not give the other character the chance to counteract my actions. It is an unfair style of playing the game.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:I expect that this Server will be a lot of fun and will be a good environment to have fun playing minecraft on a whole new level. Also that this will be a great roleplaying server.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:I have played on an uberminecraft server and I left that server because I had collected all my resources and they were in my inventory and when I logged in one day they had all been taken away.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:Yes I have read the rules and I do agree to them.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules:Yes

    How did you hear about us?: I heard about you from one of my friends.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?:Yes. I was voter 3767.


    Character Name:Mattias

    What Race are you?:Human

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Mattias as a Kid

    I was born in the City of Al'khazar. Me Da was part of the town guard. Tis a sad tale about me mother, she passed away when I was a wee boy. From a very early age I have been forced to grow up by me self. Me Da works late hours and often came home too tired to do anything but rest his head. From a young age I was a troublemaker. Oh the fun me and the lads had. We once let out all of the horses belonging to the guards. Haha me and the lads were on the ground laughing so hard watching the guards scramble around to round em up. Me Da was not so pleased. After I had returned home me Pa was a waiting for me and before I could explain me self he gave me three whips with the cane. Me father was a strict one and did not like me being a troublemaker. There are so many other stories I could tell ye but now is not the time. The destruction of Aegis was coming.

    The Escape to Asulon

    Twas the wee hours of the morning when the Undead attack Al'Kazar. I was in me bed fast asleep when me Pa roused me. Told me that I was to escape the town. I quickly went and gathered me most prized possession. Which included a picture of me mother and me favorite blanket. Then me Pa dragged me out of the house and took me to the neighbors. They were headed for the protection of Alras and me father told me to go with them. When I had asked me Pa where he was going he frowned and handed me his own sword and bow and said that he had to defend the city. Lemme tell tears welled up in me eyes when my Pa launched himself into the fray with nothing but an ol sword. The neighbors quickly bundled me into there chariot and set off. The rest of the escape was a blur to me and I would't of made it if hadn't been for me neighbors. I was so grief stricken that the next thing I knew I was on a boat headed for who knows where. I had quickly found me neighbor and had questioned about me Pa, he frowned and said that no news has been recovered and that he was most likely dead. The trip to the new country was long and by the end of it I was over me grieving. I could not help me Pa now. We had arrived at an unknown land call Asulon.

    Life begins in Asulon

    When we arrived at Asulon, me neighbors took me in as there own to raise me. When I turned 20 however I left to explore Asulon to get to know the country side. I practiced more and more with me Bow and sword and eventually became very good. My age is now 22 and I have began to search the country side for adventure, to take life as it comes at me.

    Description of Mattias

    Mattias is currently 22 years old. He has brown hair that is long. He has rather small eyes and has broad shoulders. He is not fast but can r un reasonably well. He usually is very short tempered and is willing to fight if the means ensue. He can be kind and gentle at times for he is not a savage. He is fast at sprints but is not good at endurance runs.

    What is your Character's ambitions?:

    Me greatest ambition is to explore Asulon and go on adventures worthy of songs and tales.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): My characters favorite tool is the bow.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?My characters most skilled talent is his shooting ability with a Bow.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):In the Attachments

    Other Information about your Character: There is nothing else ye need to know about me.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    Mattias: Aye, what is going on here lads.

    Warriors: we be trying to get our money back, we lent some to this halfling over a week ago and he needs to pay us back.

    Halfling: But I have no money sir.

    Warriors: Then ye be paying in pain and labour.

    Mattias: Hey now, i'll cover the charge.

    Warriors: It'd be 200 minas.

    Mattias Hands over money.

    Mattias: Now be off men.

    Mattais leaves.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    Mattias: Hello there lad what have you for sale?

    Merchant: Aye well I have the best wares in all of Asulon.

    Mattias: Well then let me see them then.

    Merchant shows him his produce, inside there are some diamonds that spark Mattias' interest.

    Mattias: How much fer the diamonds lad?

    Merchant: Aye 500 mina lad.

    Mattias: That is a lil expensive, I give ye 400 for them.

    Merchant:Aye, but me robbin' me self.

    Mattias: Thanks lad and and may the land of Asulon give ye many blessings.

    Merchant: You also.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    Aye, I wait around for a while to see if anyone comes to claim thee house. No ones comes by for a many hours so I decide that if it's in the wild then it is fair game for anyone, and with that I take the items and continue on me way.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond? Common tongue being the only language I speak I respond:

    Mattias: 'ello there can ye by any chance spare some food for a hungry lad.

    Men at camp: Aye, but only if ye have something to trade us for it.

    Mattias: I have this golden sword and some iron ingots. Also I have some leather if ye would want.

    Men at camp: Aye how about that sword and bow there.

    Mattias: Aye me Pa gave me these before he died and there'll be no chance I will ever part with them, but I'll throw in a diamond.

    Men at camp: That'll do here is some soup and ale.

    Mattias: Aye bless you sir, will there be but a chance you can show me the direction of the nearest town?

    Men at camp: Aye it's that way (Gestures towards town) about a days hike from here.

    Mattias: Aye sir, well i'll be off then.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    Mattias:Aye so I hear that you be needing some assistance.

    Town guard: Aye, there be some bandits that have been threatening the village, can ye help to eliminate them.

    Mattias: Aye, but what is in it for me self?

    Town Guard: Aye, there be a 500 Mina reward for anybody who aids in the capture.

    Mattias: Aye I will join ye then.

    I have tried to include as much as I could from the escape from Aegis to Asulon. From the forums I've read this is what I take happened. However since I was not on the server at that time I cannot be sure. Also I do know that I will start with nothing.


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