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Posts posted by Helvetius

  1. The Gambinos are now wanted for crashing a wedding, killing guests, killing Lords and Knights, and disrupting the peace. Any assistance and known accomplices will now be killed on sight. - Ser Alexander Helvetius

  2. Helvians




    Over one hundred years ago a society was built on the outskirts of dwarven lands. Barbaric in nature this society was quickly laid to waste for its destructive nature in the lands of Anthos. When the leader Lacedaemon fell the remnants scattered and slowly integrated into normal human society. For the most part the families forgot their ancestral history except for a few and these few continued to practice their ancestral customs. Now these families are coming together again to reform the society.



    Culture & Tradition

    The Helvian's Society is built upon war. Its people thrive on war for its glory, honor, and power giving nature to man as war distinguishes the powerful among the weak. Many mundane parts of life such as farming or cooking are commonly given to servants, slaves, women, or the old as it isn't common for a man of fifty-five or above to be in battle. And yet many young experience harsh beginnings of life at the age of seven. Pain from lashing, schooling, and tradition are beaten into these children up until the age of fourteen.


    At the age of fourteen each child is  taken by a trainer to learn combat, survival both in the wilderness and cities, and murder. Upon the age of sixteen they begin to learn formations and further arts of combat until the age of eighteen. For the final test of their youths they are thrown out into the wild and if they return after several months alive this boy will be considered a Helvian.


    Yet that is for a natural born Helvian from a Helvian mother. During the past many foreign folk wished to fight beside the society and were declined, being viewed as weak. For the foreigners that proved their skill with combat, their status granted was a Perioeci. Not a slave, yet not Helvian. The idea of these outsiders being greater warriors than themselves was absurd and yet even then a man of prowess in combat was able to gain the status of Helvian. The status of Helvian to the people was one of a man or woman who upheld Helvian tradition and culture, and the thrill of combat, higher than anything else in their close-knit society.


    Slaves were the lowest form in Helvian society and in human terms yet Helvians thrived on them. Slaves worked their farms, their kitchens, their smiths. Slaves were the front-line casualties yet sometimes a slave could also prove himself in the Helvian society by surviving. How did the Helvians get slaves? Raids, slaving travelers, and war.


    The Helvian form of government, at this current time, is simply the Head and council of two. The council is chosen through fights amongst the strongest and wisest of Helvians. As for raids, the man who leads a raid is the man who is most respected among the Helvian warriors which may not be the Head.



    Becoming A Helvian


    ((Wishing to start as a Helvian you start at the age of 7 unless requested otherwise))



    Do you have skype:

    Do you have teamspeak3:







    Bio (if above age 7):


  3. I)


    Full legal name: Alexander Helvetius


    Gender: Male


    Place of birth: Petrus


    Age (precise is best, but approximate is accepted): 18


    ((-Skype name (If you do not have Skype, that's unfortunate. We want to keep organised, and as a community - so, now's the time to make that move. http://www.skype.com...e-for-computer/): Leonidas8227882





    Choose, one of the following, as your dominant sect (by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate your response). Then, to those it’d concern, indicate (with ‘V’) your interests regarding other, non-dominant sects.


    Industrious sect: of the sciences, mechanics and labour.  [V ]


    Mercantile sect: of trade, Valaise and wealth.  [    ]


    Military sect: of defenses, law enforcement, and arms.  [X  ]


    Cultured sect: of arts, dramatic, literature or music.  [    ]




    The following questions are to be answered by either ‘Ye’ or ‘Nay’.


    Do you pledge that your sole residence and Citizenship shall only be Salvian, upon completing this application? Ye


    Do you show willingness to pay consistently as a tenant of Government property (that be, once a year)? Ye


    Do you recognize that all non-neutral ties with other must be severed upon being of the neutral Republic of Salvus? Ye


    Do you acknowledge that you are to be involved with Salvian Conscription, as any other Citizen, for a minimum eight year term? Ye





    Settler’s Section : to be completed by all Current Salvians already with Passport, for at least one year. Failure to complete this section shall see their Passports being revoked.




    The following questions shall be answered with thorough and complete detail - otherwise, the responses are very likely to be rejected, along with the entire application. Upon reading Examples, please remove them from your response.


    State the street and door number of your place of residence (or, of the building it is contained within). Then, declare the price of tenancy of the property (check this with the S.A - should you not know the exact sum) per year. Inner-House 2, 300 minas



    (Door number) oneEmbrace of the Brothers (street), 200 Minae per year.


    State the Guilds you are of, and what role/s you hold within them (please state if you are part of none). I am currently a part of the Peacekeepers.



    Bard (role) of the Salvian Bard’s Guild (Guild), and Fresher (role) at the Salvian Institute (Guild).


    State all maintained sources of your income - and approximate amounts of income from each - and the exact street and door numbers of the locale of your work: Forging - 300 minas, Peacekeeper Valet- Unknown/None?



    Mason (job title) at the Salvian Institute Workshop (Locale), Three Versale Way (street and number) - earning approximately 1000 Minae per year (projected yearly earnings).

  4. Name:

    Alexander Helvetius

    (MC Name):


    (Skype Name):




    Previous Loyalties:



    I am currently barely adequate in the use of a sword and shield. My skill in the crossbow is barely adequate as well.

    Why is it that you wish to become a Peacekeeper?:

    I wish to become a Salvus protector as it is a city of beauty and growth.

    Are you willing to become a Salvian Citizen?:

    Yes, Of course.

    Do you vow to protect the people of Salvus as a Peacekeeper, even if it may be at the cost of your life?:

    I will protect the people of Salvus as a peacekeeper even if it may cost my life.

  5. ~The Criminal Merge~

    In the slums of Adria criminals the meeting is held. Criminal gang leaders such as from the Bread Bandits, Nameless, Underworld, Risen Kings, and others enter to sit at a large round wooden table with bandits watching the alleyway to keep the meeting secure. Yet such a meeting like this can't go unnoticed by its sheer size and notorious individuals attending. Word does get out and the words spoken are that all of the gangs have merged in The Underworld. Not lead by one man, yet not a council as observant folks estimate this means the criminal organization numbers at over two-hundred and seventy criminals. This is the largest criminal organization that has been formed in the recent centuries and the crimes have begun.



  6. Catching wind of this gang the Deceiver, who sits in his darkened hideout, smiles. "Looking to make me a corpse so that you may become the most powerful criminals and yet you have already become an unwilling tool for me. Before you had formed, I had already won."

  7. Poster:

    ((MC NAME)): funny981

    ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): Neither

    Name: Rundon Tissruth

    Age: 24

    Reason for signing up: I want to earn money, ale, glory, and have excitement.

    Weapon of choice: Battleaxe (or any two handed weapon)

    Previous combat experience: I have fought 2 men and a woman, all of them won. I also am a guard for Holly Svane of Diamant, so I have defended her from a witch and some Uruk.

    Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): Blacksmithing

    Any Questions: None

    "Welcome to the Invictus! You will be contacted and outfitted shortly!"

    -Signed, Invictus


    Adoros sits in his office and writes out several notices in black ink, "Invictus are requested next elven day for basic outfitting and brief." After finishing he smiles and leans back thinking how the Invictus has once more reached the hundred man mark as it did in its past.

    (5PM EST)

  8. ((MC NAME)):Soul_Ripper

    ((Skype or teamspeak or both)):Both



    Reason for signing up: Recently left the golden Crow and seeks work for his talents.

    Weapon of choice: Broadsword and Bearded Ax

    Previous combat experience: Golden Crow, Duel's, Previous Contracts 

    Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): Blacksmith

    Any Questions: Nope



    ((MC NAME)): guenther

    ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): I have both, but I prefer to use neither.

    Name: Saul Theodric

    Age: 30

    Reason for signing up: I was invited to join and thought it sounded like an interesting offer.

    Weapon of choice: A bow or a knife.

    Previous combat experience: I was a hunter, among other things.

    Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): None worth mentioning.

    Any Questions: None.


    "Welcome to the Invictus! You will be contacted and outfitted shortly."

    -Signed, Invictus

    ((can you both send me your skypes in pms?))

  9. Poster:

    ((MC NAME)): colaone1

    ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): il.sam.il Don't have TS



    *The applicants writting is slobby and poorly spelt*


    Name: Sammy Calden


    Age: 16


    Reason for signing up: I'm poor and homeless, don't have the calm mentality for bakers or butchers work.


    Weapon of choice: A simple to use weapon, shortsword, axe, mace, anything that takes little skill to use.


    Previous combat experience: Other than fist fights in taverns and on the streets, little to none.


    Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): I'm a good thief when it comes to it, picking pockets and locks, other than that I'm not too useful in anything else.


    Any Questions: None come to mind.

    "Welcome to Sword Invictus! You will be contacted and outfitted shortly."

    -Signed, Invictus


    ((MC NAME)): nesoyaboy

    ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): Audun Sandum (skype)

    Name: Gared

    Age: 28

    Reason for signing up: i want to become a part of the mercanarys and i tough it would be cool to be a mercenary

    Weapon of choice: SWORD

    Previous combat experience: Bannermen

    Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): Swordsmanship i think

    Any Questions:Nope


    "Welcome to the Invictus. You will be contacted in person shortly and outfitted."

    -Signed, Invictus

    ((pm sent))

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