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Everything posted by Helvetius

  1. Helvians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2tDbEwTqnQ Over one hundred years ago a society was built on the outskirts of dwarven lands. Barbaric in nature this society was quickly laid to waste for its destructive nature in the lands of Anthos. When the leader Lacedaemon fell the remnants scattered and slowly integrated into normal human society. For the most part the families forgot their ancestral history except for a few and these few continued to practice their ancestral customs. Now these families are coming together again to reform the society. Culture & Tradition Becoming A Helvian
  2. Name: Alexander Helvetius (MC Name): Decimus405 (Skype Name): Leonidas8227882 Race: Human Previous Loyalties: N/A Skills: I am currently barely adequate in the use of a sword and shield. My skill in the crossbow is barely adequate as well. Why is it that you wish to become a Peacekeeper?: I wish to become a Salvus protector as it is a city of beauty and growth. Are you willing to become a Salvian Citizen?: Yes, Of course. Do you vow to protect the people of Salvus as a Peacekeeper, even if it may be at the cost of your life?: I will protect the people of Salvus as a peacekeeper even if it may cost my life.
  3. A corpse burned beyond recognition is left in an alleyway of Felsen with a note tagged onto it, "For your poor attempt at savior."
  4. Shrugging, "We will kidnap a noble next then if they don't care about this man. Perhaps we will torture said noble before even allowing a ransom."
  5. ~Civilian Ransom Poster~ Name: Araloth Malagor; Race: Human Ransom: 300 minas; Citizen of Felsen Two elven days to pay this ransom to the Underworld or there will be a corpse at Felsen's gate. -The Underworld-
  6. im the new javawizard. fk off old one.

  7. Dahfawk wrong person banned xD

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Helvetius


      Talked to Lolita she got the wrong person :/. plz pm me next time nathan...

    3. Nathan_Barnett36


      I tried, I didn't get a response

    4. Helvetius


      ah sry then. i pmed u about how dis got mixed up :)

  8. Criminalll meeeerrrgeeeee *GAAASP* literally so many crims in 1 organization

  9. y i no log in? y can others log inz?

  10. y i no log in? y can others log inz?

  11. Catching wind of this gang the Deceiver, who sits in his darkened hideout, smiles. "Looking to make me a corpse so that you may become the most powerful criminals and yet you have already become an unwilling tool for me. Before you had formed, I had already won."
  12. -Scrolls have been sent our regarding the Invictus- -Invictus is no longer recruiting as of now.-
  13. :3 Invictus is once again at the 10 peps mark :3

    1. Ragadorus


      Beware of GMs suddenly doubling plot active requirements w/ out telling you.

  14. "Welcome to the Invictus! You will be contacted and outfitted shortly!" -Signed, Invictus Adoros sits in his office and writes out several notices in black ink, "Invictus are requested next elven day for basic outfitting and brief." After finishing he smiles and leans back thinking how the Invictus has once more reached the hundred man mark as it did in its past. (5PM EST)
  15. "Welcome to the Invictus! You will be contacted and outfitted shortly." -Signed, Invictus ((can you both send me your skypes in pms?))
  16. "Welcome to Sword Invictus! You will be contacted and outfitted shortly." -Signed, Invictus
  17. "Welcome to the Invictus. You will be contacted in person shortly and outfitted." -Signed, Invictus ((pm sent))
  18. "Welcome to the Invictus. You will be contacted in person shortly and outfitted." -Signed, Invictus
  19. On the beaches near the once Fortress Kythira lines of men clad in Ferrum armor wielding spears, swords, and shields conduct training. Many of old have returned and many new have arrived. Between the lines are the instructors and at the front are the officers overseeing the training such as in the golden times of its past. When the training ends the officers step forward and the camp goes silent as Adoros begins to speak. "Tis good to see many new and old faces amongst the Invictus once more. In the past we faced many trials and adversities as men and orcs sought our destruction. Our officers split being kidnapped, others ran, and our most renown fought on to the bitter end. It was a sorrowful time when after the height of our power we fell just as quickly from the massive onslaughts. Ah...But things are different now I see. I see the man who has learned through pain and the learned can teach the unlearned for our pain was not in vain. Our sacrifices were not in vain. Tis be the time to rejoin our fallen or live to be the changes of this world!" A roaring cheer goes up across the beach as the Invictus raise their spears and swords ready to fight once again. When at the start of the formation the Invictus banner rises the men begin to march.
  20. Invictus is reborn! It is coming back to life like a BIIIAAAAAA- bomb :3.

    1. Jonificus
    2. nordicg_d


      will it crumble into nothing, like last time?

    3. Helvetius


      Probably not so long as 30+ people don't attack the fort again :P

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