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Posts posted by tnoy23

  1. Name- Toby Williams


    Race- Ascended


    Gender- Male


    Details- 6'0, 110 pounds, rest can be seen in art links.


    Skins/pictures to help me draw it-


    http://imgur.com/a/EBto6 - Here he is before his gear got revamped. If you could use it for things like skin color and hair, that'd be great.


    http://imgur.com/a/oMPOi - Here he is after his gear revamp. If you could use these clothes, that would be the best IMO.

  2. I love your art style! It is very pretty.


    Character Portrait 

    Sketch, Polished, or Color: Color, if you may.

    Color Details (if applicable): Coloring found in these references.


    http://imgur.com/a/oMPOi - This is his new gear, if you could use these clothes, that would be great!


    http://imgur.com/a/EBto6 - This is his old gear, if you could use it for things like hair color and whatnot that would be great!

    Character Name: Toby Williams

    Age: Physically, early 20s.

    Gender: Male

    Race: Ascended

    Link to Character's In-Game Skin (optional): You have a lot of references with my imgur albums, but here's the skin!





    Flowery Physical Description: Absurdly thin and frail, having been a mage for IRL years now. He is about 6 feet tall and, with his becoming an Ascended, his eye color switched to a bright teal.

    Clothing (this will only be visible from the shoulders up): Also visible in my references and skin. Like I said, if you could use the first links's clothes, that would be best IMO.

    Other: If you could maybe do something with red lightning or white aengulfire magic, I would be willing to pay a little extra! If not, that is totally fine. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

  3. Order form:
    Gender: Male.

    Age: Physically, early 20s.

    Race: Ascended.

    Picture: http://imgur.com/a/oMPOi - New gear, use these clothes if you can.


    http://imgur.com/a/EBto6 - Old gear, for body type and face and stuff.

    Body type: Skinny and frail, having been a mage.

    What do you want them doing: Something with either aengulfire, which is basically white fire that cleanses taint, or red lightning. I'll give you some creative freedom here.



  4. MC Name: tnoy23


    Character's Name: Toby Williams


    Character's Age: 166


    Character's Race: Human / Ascended


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Ascended magic, Gold sect


    Teacher's MC Name: Jallentime


    Teacher's RP Name: Heial


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: T5 electrical evocation, T 5 conjuration. Links can be found at the end of this app.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: I do.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope





  5. MCname: tnoy23
    Forum Name: tnoy23
    Skype Name: tnoy23
    Timezone: PST / GMT -8
    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications? Yes I do, as I've been an AT before.
    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work with others?
     I would like to be an AT member as this server has given me a lot, and I do not feel I've given back enough in return. I am able to work well with others, which has been proved by my previous staff experiences.
    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC? 
    I fully understand, recognize, and accept such.
    Is there anything else you would like to add?
    No, there is not.
  6. My name is a really boring origin story. When I was like... 3-4, I was trying to make a Runescape account, but I couldn't spell correctly yet. I wanted it to be tony23, but I misspelt it to be tnoy23, and it stuck.

  7. MC name: tnoy23

    Character's name and age: Toby Williams, 85


    Character’s Race: Ascended


    What magic will you be learning?: Ascended magic


    Who will be teaching you?: Resia / Lolitadoll

  8. MC name: tnoy23

    Character's name and age: Toby Williams, 80-ish years old


    Character’s Race: Ascended

    What magic/s did you learn?: Electrical Evocation, Conjuration


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Self-teaching back with the Anthos MAT


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Electrical Evfocation is the shaping of voidal power into electrical bolts to be thrown at your enemies. This magic is usually more effective against heavily armored enemies, as the metal will allow the electricity to flow through the person more easily.  However, it cannot fire through iron bars, and will always redirect to a collection of metal that totals to be 3 blocks worth of metal or more.


    Conjuration is the conjuring of living creatures, such as wolves, spiders, and vines.This type of magic is very mana-intensive. There are 3 forms, morphanism, which is the conjuration of animals  ((And I probably misspelled)) perrenialism, which is the conjuration of plants, and primordialism, the conjuration of beings made of elements. Primordialism requires the use of an evocation, as total knowledge of the elemtnet must be known in order to use primordialism.


    Old apps - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/91862-self-taught-electrical-evocation-toby-williamss-ma/?hl=%2Btnoy23+%2Belectrical

  9. Are you willing to wait? (Got work life so will do them when free after work): Aye
    What body build ? (body structure? tall?wide? short?): More or less Anorexic
    What position do you want ? If there is a picture you want to reference send a link:  Preferably overlooking something, like a city or a keep.
    Character skin: (Can I just get PNG file or an imgur link not screenshot.)  Do you want the rig or your Skin: http://imgur.com/T1q37yP - Just this skin works
    Eyes?: Teal ((Not on skin due to lack of eye color))
    Mouth?: Preferably tight-lipped or something similar
    Eyebrow?: No bloody clue with this one, up to you.
    If you want mobs or items around your character list (up to 2): He carries a golden staff ((Golden Hoe)), which would be good to have. If you're able to do anything with lightning magic as well, that'd be cool. if not, don't worry about it.
    Scenery, (If you want to be in an area and its in Athera send me a screen and cords to set up the area. This is the hardest part of pictures besides the positioning): As I said, some kind of city or keep.
  10. Well it's souns to me is that they are conjuring lightning far over their head, which I feel seems strange knowing that fire evocationists can only conjure a fire a few feet from their body, meaning they can't summon a fire high above their head or the sky.


    I do not know who told you that fire evos could only summon a few feet away from their body, but it is incorrect. What I have been told, all void magic has an effective range of 15 meters or 15 blocks, and anything past that will expend much more mana. The bolt in the sky is using so much mana anyways that it ends up not being an issue. That is what I have always seen it as and been told it was.

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