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Posts posted by higgsyy

  1. Mokrag exits the clan house, holding his mace Gutmalanek in his good arm, and a cigar in his rusty claw arm. Remnants of the undead battle nearly twenty years prior. Following his, is the behemoth, giant orc standing eleven foot high monstrosity, Ghazkull. He wielded his iron fist, and warhammer. And lastly, Zagstruk...


    They looked down at the Ugluks, knowing that at any moment they could attack. And an ambush coursty of the rest of the Braduks was only a sand rat away. He stayed he rat though, speaking.


    "Pawk. I'z dun gib ah skah whut lat finkz ta beh 'onezt. Iyf lat wuntz ta beh hiy agh miteh den zo beh id. Bud du nob drahg uz intu id. Bekoz ob our bruddahship, I'z am allow'n lat ta walk awey, agh i'z prupoze ah allaienze iyn wich we du our OWN fingz bud 'elp eachoddah owt iyn tikz ob diztrezz. Iyf dat aint gud enuff fah lat, agh lat dezydez latz wuntz ah klomp whu am weh ta led lat duwn."

  2. Mokrag, approaches with two orcs, Konzturk and Blitzkreeg on either side of him. 


    Yub. Agh I'z luuk forwurd ta kik'n zum blak agh yelloh azz.


    He holds up a a old black and yellow loin cloth with the patter on a bull skull, something he wore long ago. It is lit alite and slowly burns.

  3. A tan piece of paper, aged and worn out is pinned by a bone into the wood of the wall inside of the warcamp of the orcs. Written in blood, the note reads;


    Uglukz, I'z bak. MI haz herd abowt da rejuin bak intu da Ugluk klan, zo I'z am gonnah du id tu. Un dub kondizionz.


    Azh- Mai eldah ztatuz remainz


    Dub- Mai femely gedz treeted whid da rezpekt dey dezerve. Oddah wize I'z will kik da skah owt ob latz.


    The letter is not signed, only a raven with horns is stamped on the bottom




    Ugluks, I'm back. I have heard about the rejoin back into the Ugluk clan, so I'm going to do it to. On two conditions.


    One- My elder status remains


    Two- My family gets treated with the respect they deserve. Otherwise I will kick the sh*t out of you's. 

  4. If I remember correctly my warn was for calling a "player" a ****. I use the quotation marks because it wasnt a player it was merely just someone creating a new account to save themselves from a ban. Furthermore, I was not the one who typed that. Yes yes thats  prime excuse, but if you look at the ban report in which I posted on that, you will see in two screen shots provided that the IP used for my account was shifty. In screen shot A, the IP for the account of the person on the end of getting banned, the IP of the false account and my IP are identical. And in screen shot B, my IP for regular use is completely different to the one in which it was on the forum post.


    Therefor, I believe the warning was un worthy.


    Screenshot A




    Screen shot B



  5. Is there a specific way of joining clans or does it vary from clan to clan?


    It does vary. Usually you'll go through 1-several rp rituals but it could take IRL days for others.


    And Braduks are extinct because they killed eachother.

  6. After the death of Mokrag, the clan was in ruins. The Braduks had no chieftain, and a large portion of their members had been killed or disapeared. Grommash and Dura'kai had been killed. Buzetk, Bok, Bragar and Muzgah had gone missing. Now all that was left was the core family. Three orcs emerged for the rightful chieftain position. Zagstruk, Frak and Tungtor, the children of Mokrag engaged in a klomp to see who would take the place. Zagstruk was knocked out first, taking Tungtors hammer to his head. After seven hours, Tungtor and Frak both hit the ground. The clan remained chieftainless. Then, another challanger emerged. Ghazkull, with his own intentions challenged Frak and Tungtor in another klomp. Frak was gone first this time, his ribs broken by Ghazkulls steel fist. The klomp went for one day, then two, and on the third they were ordered to stop by Kita I, Mokrags mate. 


    After the klomp had ended, Ghazkull stated that Pok had talked to him offering them armour and weapons if they joined the Ugluks again. The orcs were disgusted. But Ghaz was not going to give up so easily. The night before Mokrag disapeared, Ghazkull promised him that he would do anything in his power to allow the family to live and prosper. He offered a neutral comprimise. Clan Braduk would become a legitmate sub branch. They would officially be Ugluks, but still run their own selves in certain ways. Some orcs came around to this idea. Tungtor stated that they should remain as Braduks and Braduks alone, as he hated the Ugluks and blames Pok for his fathers death. After much discussion, Tungtor simply said that he would split the clan so he didnt have to face Ghazkull in a one on one klomp and dared the followers of Ghazkull to try and stop him. Clan Braduk was now split into two chapters. "Da blud talunz." Led by Tungtor, and "Da howlur durubz." Led by Ghazkull. Both sides wore coloured pieces of leather, symbolised their stance. 


    They each had their own hideouts, but they were out in the open. No housings or encampments just open land and some beds. A small guerilla war insued, with attacks on single members taking place on both sides. It began to light a fuse.


    Larty wun eye, a neutral Goblin in the clan had scheduled a meeting where the chapters could come to an agreement. It was at the old territory, "Kudoz wyng". Both sides didnt expect the other to show, so it would become an inevitable clash. Tungtor rallied his side over the mountain near Brevias' fort, and Ghazkull back at the oasis. 


    Tungtor stood infront of his orcs. They followed him like they followed his father. With honour and to the death. "Ukke. Larteh is gonnah be dere da hole dey so weh gonnah goh der foh ah hour agh den kom back. Azlong as we make da apearenze den idz gud. Deze urukz am femely. Dose whid oligz yoze dem as ah last resort. Agh iyf lat haz ta shuut aim foh da legz. Flat unly iyf lat haz tu. Doh dis fa Mokrag. Ghazkull wants ta rejuin da ZCUM who made hym flat. DU NUB LED DEM WIN!" The orcs stand up equipped and ready. "LETZ GOH"


    The blud talun chapter had arrived at the meeting ground and began to unequip after about an hour. The plan was to relax a bit then go back as they made their stance. 


    The orcs of the howlur durubz took formations, as Ghazkull paced the front line. "Tungtor iz blynded bai anga. Mokrag wizhes woz for da klan tu prospah. Dat tik has passed. Our unly choize nuw iz ta juin da Ugluks, agh mabeh wen da tik iz rite avenge doze whu fel in da rebelion. Da tik haz kom! Foh Mokrag agh foh Braduk! If dey am dere den weh will bash dem agh tayke dere kolaz." Ghazkull waved his axe around and they began to march off.


    The orcs of Tungtor geared up to leave laughing and slandering Ghazkull and his orcs calling them weak and cowards. Through the trees however, Ghazkulls forces emerged. The blud talunz quickly sprung into action, gearing themselves up for combat. Some orders were shouted and the howlur durubz formed one big line. Tungtors orcs did the same. Each orc was prepared to fight, and Larty back away slowly before running.


    The sides


    The howlur durubz {Dark blue and white}


    Ghazkull [armed with the axe of Goregutz]

    Zagstruk [armed with a mace and circular bronze shield]

    Magmol [armed with spiked brass knuckles]

    Gromzlak [armed with bow and arrow and dagger]

    Kita II [armed with short sword and circular bronze shield]

    Shula [armed with a club]

    Surgitz [armed with a battle axe]

    Darax [armed with a battle axe and dagger]

    Valarof [armed with two swords]


    The blud talunz {Blue and Orange}


    Tungtor [armed with the shorthammer of Braduk and a short sword]

    Kita I [armed with two spears]

    Frak [armed with a broad sword and rectangular shield]

    Arez [armed with a battle axe and warhammer]

    Yaurg [armed with two machetes and a bow and arrow]

    Gish [armed with a sword and bow and arrow]

    Alpak [armed with chain with spear head on the end]

    Zlendzwarg [armed with an axe and bow and arrow]


    The orcs stood in their lines, and they each stared at eachother. There was utter silence. Ghazkull spoke to Gromzlak. "Covah mi, mez go'n iyn. nub foiyar'n." Ghazkull walked over and Tungtors orcs held their weapons up. Ghazkull came face to face with Tungtor. "Pud da weaponz duwn, agh klomp liek troo urukz." The silence continued, except this time Zlendzwarg readied an arrow and aimed pointblank at Ghazkulls head. "Git dat fing out ob mi faze befoh mi ram id ub latz azz." The silence continued. Ghazkull was fed up, and smacked the bow away, Tungtor then smacked Ghazkull in the jaw with his hammer and he stumbled back. The forces charged with Ghazkull and Tungtor fighting in the center. The first swing between them collided, the axe and hammer hit and shattered. Two legendary weapons of the clan could not match eachother. Ghazkull now defenceless swung punches at Tungtor, all landing flushly. Tungtor rolled back drawing his sword and stabbed Ghazkull in the quad. Tungtor was sent sprawling back recieveing a kick to the chest. Ghazkull spear tackled him. Yaurg charged ghazkull, slicing his hand off. Ghazkull roared ripping the machete away from her hand and cut her head off.


    Deaths were happening quickly. Kita I and Shula were fighting, it ended with Shula being stabbed in the throat with a spear. Arez smacked Kita I in the face with his warhammer, then decpaitated her. Zagstruk engaged with Frak, it ended with Zagstruk foot getting cut off. On the floor Zagstruk cut Frak in half via the groin up. with a stray sword.


    Ghazkull had lost sight of Tungtor and was just mauling the enemy. He turned to see his son, Darax get cut in half by Tungtor. "NUB!" Ghazkull charged over, knocking Tungtor down. He pinned him on the floor and snapped his neck. Zlendzwarg charged Ghazkull trying to avenge his father but his jaw was ripped off by Ghazkull and he bled out on the floor. Several arrows soured over and hit Ghazkull in the back and he fell foward not moving.


    The blackness faded as Ghazkull turned onto his back roaring as the arrows went deeper. He sat up to see the carnage. His family, layed mangled on the floor. He got up gripping the end of his arm where his hand should be. He saw Zagstruk, his nephew mourning over the body of his children. "KITA! KITA!" Zagstruk crawled along the floor, seeing his cubs dead. "GROM, GRO, GROMZLAK! MA-MOL, MAGMOL!" Ghazkull rushed to Zagstruk, falling to one knee but continuing.   "Zagstruk, dis was ah terribul fing we dyd." Ghazkulls rage had worn off, and now that he thought about he realised he had slaughtered his family, and gone against the one orc he trusted the most. His best friend, his brother, Mokrags wishes before he died was for the family to survive. Thats what he lived for and now Ghazkull had taken it away. Ghazkull slung Zagstruks arm over his shoulder and helped him off, a few tears escaped his eye.


    ((And with this, clan Braduk has ended. It was a good run but it began to really fall apart near the end. Some members left for personal reasons, others were more tragic.  But now, Ghazkull and Zagstruk are going to attempt to rejoin the Ugluk clan and I will be playing Ghazkulls cub. Hopefully everything gets sorted.))


    List of the deceased


    Tungtor [Neck snapped]

    Frak [Vertically cut in half]

    Kita I [Decapitated]

    Shula [bled out after being stabbed in the throat]

    Darax [Horizontally cut in half]

    Kita II [Fatal stab to the heart]

    Gromzlak [skull caved in from a club beating]

    Magmol [stabbed to death]

    Arez [Died from an arrow to the head]

    Valarof [slashed across the chest and bled out]

    Alpak [bled out after losing her arms]

    Zlendzwarg [bled out after lower jaw was ripped off]

    Gish [Arrowed in the back and died from blood loss]

    Yaurg [Decapitated] 

    Surgitz [Throat slit]




    Mokrag [Lung cancer]


    During recent events, specifically after the rebellion situation, there has been a lot of IC hate towards the Ugluks from our end. To avoid any confusion and just because Im too nice, I would like to say that there is no OOC bad blood from me or any one else in the extinct clan Braduk. RP is that. Just RP and it should not affect the way you view a person OOC as it has not us. If you found yourself offended or felt bullied during this time 1) That is not what was intended. 2) Sorry. 
  7. Name: Tungtor Nazwarg’Braduk

    Nicknames: Nazzaz

    Age: 39

    Gender: Male

    Race: Uruk

    Status: Alive



    Height: 8ft’4

    Weight: 265 pounds~11% body fat

    Body Type: Mesomorph- Naturally fit and gains muscle with ease. Hard to gain fat and has broad shoulders in comparison to hips.

    Eyes: Green

    Hair: Red. It is pulled out however.

    Skin: Light yellowish green.

    Markings/Tattoos: Scar on his eye from his first war, the first attack on Talerith.

    Health: Incredibly healthy physically. His aesthetics is top notch, but his mental state is troubling. The recent loss of his father, someone who had seemed to live for an eternity has damaged him.


    To most orcs, Tungtor is respectful and willing. However, he has a burning hatred for orcs of the clan Ugluk. This is because during the rebellions the Ugluks left the Braduks for dead, and in a state of no return. During this time, clan Braduks numbers dropped radically. Tungtor blames the Ugluk chieftain Pok for Mokrags death. He was brought up in the old ways and naturally despises the other races without exception. Tungtor doesn’t trust anyone.



    Short hammer of Braduk

    Dagger of Goregutz

    Armour of Orgaturk


    Life Style

    Alignment*: Lawful evil

    Deity*: Krug, Braduk

    Religion: N/A


    Braduk/War Uzg/Brevias’ Fort


    Tungtor is a main orc in the Braduk clan, and since it looks like his Uncle Ghazkull is going to betray the family and clan, Tungtor is most likely going to become the chieftain.




    Special Skill(s):

    Incredible stamina



    Good vision

    Experienced and well trained in combat



    Still grieving over the loss of his father

    Has too much anger built up to handle






    Fighting Style:

    Brutish and quick. His strikes are formed due to his 16 years old training. Tungtor prefers more horizontal swings rather than stabs.


    Preferred Weapon:


    Favored Weapon:



    Tungtor can fire a bow sufficiently, but he hates the idea of it and rarely does it.




    Mokrag and Slaavesh


    All of his siblings come from a different mother to his.

    Oldest brother-Frak

    Older brother-Zagstruk

    Younger sister-Alpak


    Adopted son-Zlendzwarg

    Extended Family:

    Kita-step mother








    Gruhag-Adoptive nephew







  8. Two of my original members, who I have known OOCly for years didnt want to rejoin Ugluks like I did. So, for reasons that wont be disclosed as of right now clan Braduk is still alive, though barely.

    And my mistake, we have six members but only three that are active.

  9. Females

    Kita/Kita da virzt


    135 years old


    Mokrags lifemate

    When plague struck Asulon, Kita had just given birth to Zagstruk. She became infected. Not knowing how bad the plague would be, Kita requested Mokrag to kill her so Zagstruk couldnt be infected because she didnt want to lose another cub. When they got to the forest however, Mokrag talked Kita into leaving peacefully. It was a sad moment but for the better of both of them. She found her way to Elsyiam and re-met with her family. Kita is also the clan mother as Mokrag is the clanfather of clan Braduk.

    Mokrag: You view eachother as strong and worthy of eachothers company. He holds you in high honour and anyone who insults you...dead. But he knows you could handle yourself easily.

    Ghazkull: Ghazkull always liked you, as a friend. There is a mutual respect between you and he still hasnt gotten over the fact when you had first started mating with Mokrag you bet him in a klomp.

    Frak: Its slightly awkward between you two, as you did come home to find his charred body on the floor. However, you treat him with the respect and honour he deserves and you two have a good relationship.

    Zagstruk: She doesnt know of the horrors Zagstruk has grown up to be so you think he warrants honour and respect. Soon though, that will change.

    Tungtor: Being his step mother is always easy but at the end of the day you respect eachother.

    Gruhag: You like him.



    19 years old

    Daughter of Mokrag and Kita

    6ft 12

    Alpak is the future clan mother of the Braduk clan, as to the Braduks the chieftains favoured mate of lifemate remains clanmother until that chieftain steps down or is killed. Alpak is a excellent warrior, and currently seeking a mate to keep the family growing. She has a good control on her anger, but when she gets angry she gets furious.

    Mokrag: Being his second daughter he keeps a close hold on you. He wants you to mate with an orc in the clan. Not inscest but an outsider who has been inducted so the cub can remain in unlike Yaztra his first daughters cub who is now a Gorkil.

    Kita: Being her second female cub, you dont really suprise Kita. Whilst yes you are more stronger than Yaztra as she was more of a breeder build and you more of a warrior build she isnt that shocked with you. You and her do still have a good relationship.

    Ghazkull: As per usual, he trained you as you grew up and is suprised that someone of your age could compete with such strength against the more experienced members of the clan.

    Frak: Being still young your quite naiive. Frak, feeds off of that. He is the "evil big brother". He sets you up for falls and gives you wrong information about stuff. There is hate but you still do respect eachother.

    Zagstruk: No.

    Tungtor: The brother who treats you better. You and Tungtor klomp often and whilst he beats you 7/10 times he doesnt come out woundless. He holds you in high praise for you strength.



    24 years old


    Daughter of Frak

    Yaurg never knew her mother. This made her rely on primarily male figures and that made her angry. Often seen with her best friend and twin sister, Gish.

    Mokrag: He pressures you into getting a mate to keep the family going although you have no interest in it.

    Kita: A good friendship is between you two. You resemble a lot of her as she was growing up and you two discuss the "facts of life" (males and killing pretty much).

    Frak: You and your sister are his pride and joy, and he is quite a lenient father letting you choose your fields of combat. He does beat you like the average father if you step out of line, so he is strict about how you act.

    Ghazkull: He used to be close with you but over time you started to drift apart.

    Zagstruk: You dont like him.

    Tungtor: You and him are close friends and klomp often. You view eachother and strong and respect eachother.

    Gish: She is your twin sister and best friend. You do a lot together. You are both strong, about equally but your only focus is on strength and klomping, while she concerns herself with the clan aswell as klomping.



    24 years old


    Daughter of Frak

    Gish had to grow up without a mother. As she did it moulded her into a great orc who cares for the whole clan instead of herself. She is twinned with her sister Yaurg and they are best friends.

    Mokrag: You please him more than your sister as you wish to get a mate. However apart from that your relationship is stale

    Kita: She helps mentor you and will be there with you when you pick your mate out.

    Frak: You and your sister are his pride and joy, and he is quite a lenient father letting you choose your fields of combat. He does beat you like the average father if you step out of line, so he is strict about how you act.

    Zagstruk: You were taught to hate him and you do so.

    Tungtor: He doesnt really take an interest in you but you to are close when you do interact.

    Yaurg: She is your twin sister and best friend. You do a lot together. You are both strong, about equally but your only focus is on strength and klomping, while she concerns herself with the clan aswell as klomping.

  10. Not only is this a complete speckers idea, (spectacular idea) the place in the first screen shot was the original Braduk fort. It was built shabbily and before completion surrounded by pinkskin builds even after we had "claimed" that entire area. Therefor, that fort is already property of the War Uzg specifically clan Ugluk as all surviving Braduks have been relegated by Mokrag to clan Ugluk. Whatever the uzg wishes to do with it is none of my concern now.

  11. The air was still, and sounds ceased. It was as if time stopped at that moment. Mokrags eye snapped open and he stood up. He towered over everyone in the area except the behemoth known as Ghazkull. The clan was in shock. Mokrag put his hand to his forehead in frustration. Everyone watched, what would happen now? If the reason the Braduks joined the cause was gone, then what could they now do? It wasnt long before Mokrag snapped.



    Zagstruk grins nodding.


    ((I thought it would be necessary to say, that I dont feel the way my character does. I actually believe Pok had rights to go back to the uzg if he did, so I dont mean to be calling anyone out OOCly.


  12. K

    So my opinion, is we do this.

    The four main people (Krug, the midget, the quickspawn and the tree lover)'s spirits get turned into gods by lets say the Aeriel. Then they are each given things to represent. Land, feelings/emotions, actions and I dont know how to explain the last one but youll see what I mean and lastly a symbol. So if you would worship one as the sky god and pray your crops recieve rain fall and are good or something. Bare in mind it doesnt have to be the founding people.

    Krug~ Land: Deserts. Feelings: Honour, bloodlust. Actions: War. The one I dont know how to explain: The sun. Symbol: Flame

    Urgan~ Land:Underground. Feelings: Heartiness, Greed. Actions: Excavating. The one I dont know how to explain: Darkness. Symbol: Gem

    Horen~ Land: Grass and/or snowland. Feelings: Remorse corruption. Actions: Harvest. The one I dont know how to explain: The sky. Symbol: House

    Malin~ Land: Forest. Feelings: Care, sadness: Actions: Reproduction. The one I dont know how to explain: Time. Symbol: Tree

    Now of course, to do this you would need other gods to cover everything. So have demy gods or something who dont have land. Like,

    Metzli~ Feelings: Distrust, lonelyness. Actions: Trade. TOIDNHTE: The moon. Symbol: Half moon.

    Please forgive any misjudgements I have with races its my take if humans arnt the farming people excuse that its 12:45 am and this is just an idea like I said it could be other people or have changes to what the "gods" represent etc.

  13. On the edge of the desert, a river crosses between crassland and sand. It was now ground of the Braduks, known to them as "Kudoz wing". The clan could be seen gearing up, and small talk of the fight to come echoed through the air. Off in the distance, through the haze of heat radiating off the sand, a large dark green figure could be seen holding something round and something long. Some orcs turned, the newest ones. But the elders kept equiping themselves. As the figure neared, it was the old Warlord and Battlemaster, Mokrag. He was thought to be dead after some people assumingly from Oren attacked a squad that Mokrag led. Mokrag delayed the group so the rest of the clan could get away. The orcs cheered seeing their leader grow nearer, holding his axe and the head of the elf who led the attackers. The head rolled to the feet of Muzgah, the newest member. A log brought from the forest nearby layed on the sand, and the wargoth stood on it. The orcs fell silent.

    "Mai urukz, dere iz ah klomp un da horizun. Da Rex Zhar'ku, agh hiz forze ob urukz wunt ah fite. Hur! Deyz gonnah git wun! Weh am da lazt chanze diz rebeliohn haz. Nub prezzure." The orcs erupt in laughter. Mokrag then continues "Bud diz am id. Weh ztayre duwn da hordz ob urukz weh wunze kawlled bruddahz agh weh du id whid honah. Remembah, juzt koz weh iz klomp'n, id nub meen weh nub rezpekt dem. Wez am Bradukz. Nuw whud duz dat meen? Id meenz freedum. Datz wot maykez uz urukz. Weh goh fazt, weh go ztrong, agh ya reprenzent ya klan whid PRYDE!"

    As the speech finishes the orcs cheer and roar. "Blitzkreeg, goh fynd da oddah worgothz ob da rebeliohn. Blah dat weh zeek rehinforzementz."

    ((Any other rebelion orcs who wish to take part in this battle assumingly can because I cant guarantee that my clan will be sufficient in numbers on the day.

  14. Arez is the only one taken. If your referencing

    Mokrag: Old, wise, destructive and overweight. He is incredibly battle intelligent and if he bothered to rally an army he would be terrifying.

    Ghazkull: He is a behemoth. Standing at 10ft (poss more) he is a scary figure. He could rip through the clan members (*cough minus mok cough*) in minutes due to his shear brute force.

    Zagstruk: Weak minded, nervous. He is hated for he weakness amongst the clan, but is respected for the fact his cubs a usually the strongest.

    Magmol: Free spirited and enjoys to fight. Often gets in trouble for his "antics" but can buckle down and be serious when needed.

    Gromzlak: Selfish and takes little concern for the family. He is cunning and quick, and a voice of reason to his siblings Magmol and Kita.

    Kita: Curious, but violent.

    Gruhag: The youngest family member, he is simmilar to Kita.

    Then they are characters who are actually being played. They are members of the family who have a player, as myself Mokrag has been being played for 9 months. Ghazkull for 8 and Zagstruk for 6. The rest a couple.

  15. The goblins of clan Braduk blew the ancient rhino horns.

    The clan fell into the fort, each carrying their own weapon and baring their own armour. Over time the line got smaller. First Murtz, then Grommash, Bragar and now, Dura'kai. Each were young, but new the ways of old better than most. Heavy losses. The entire clan went down the steps into the throne room, where the huge form of Mokrag could just be seen though the darkness. As Larty one eye, and Teefbuum da gobo lit the torches, the axe of Baderkuk was seen on the table infront of Mokrag. The most important orcs took their seats. Ghazkull, laying the axe of Gorgutz on the table next to him, Zagstruk laying his sword on the table, Arez and Frak, laying their axes on the table. The rest stood behind them weapons sheathed. Ghazkull tapped his treetrunk fingers on the table and began to speak. "Dere iz an civil wor in da uzg. Wez ned tu pik a zide." A quick murmur and nodding flowed over the people except the orc on the throne. Mokrag sat there resting his head on his against the arm of his throne. Zagstruk was next to speak. "We haz femely on Shar'kuz side. We shud hona Braduk agh juin dem." Frak leaned foward saying "Hur hur. Lizzen up kub. Da rulez ob klanz am tu pud dem hiyer in lats life den lats own femely. Agh dis clan coms frum Ugluk yub? Pok agh da Ugluks am whid da rebelion. Dat am who we shud klomp widz." Gromzlak, standing behind Ghazkull cleared his throat before he spoke "But, we is in da klan now. We make our own dezizionz." Ghazkull turned to his son "If id wuz nub fo Pawk, den weh wod nub beh zit'n in diz ruum rite nowh." Arez stood up stamping his foot on the ground "Flat dem oll! Kreate ah ghak parti agh insure Braduk dominaze!" Zagstruk simply gave a puzzled look and said "Join Shar'ku tu insure Braduk dominance!" Ghazkull said the opposite and to join the rebellion. A verbal conflict erupted in the throne room.

    "ENUFF!" Mokrag shouted, slamming his fist down onto the arm of his throne. "Awll mai lyfe, I'z haz ben ah free uruk. Agh az da worgoff ob owr klan, id am mi jawb ta inzure dat future generazionz hab da zame ritez az i'z dyd. Shar'ku mey hahd giben uz da ovicial ztatuz, bud dat aint gonnah meen skah iyff weh lib undah ah uzg ob terany!" He begins to stand up. "Weh fite wid our muddah klan, da Uglukz agh whuevah dey allai demzelvez whid. AGH WEH DU ID, TU DA DEFF!" As he speaks, each orc comes around to the idea. Mokrag grabs his axe and everyone else in the room does the same, standing with their weapons drawn. They hold them high, angled at the middle of the table as they all shout "BRADUKZ FAH EVAH! FAH EVAH BRADUKZ! BRADUKZ FAH EVAH! FAH EVAH BRADUKZ! " The chant is long and loud. The clanging of steel is rings around the fort and further.

  16. Mokrag sits bellow in the throne room, furious with the loss of Dura'kai. A goblin reports in of the situation and he rubs his temple in thought. "Dere am nub wey weh iz gonnah betrai Krug. Bud Shar'ku made uz offical." The rest of the clan awaits a response. "Klan Braduk wyll remayn nootrul until furdah notize. Weh wil peep whu am un whuz zyde agh den chooze. Until den, nub uruk am tu haf eny lethul konflikt wid ah non Braduk."

  17. How are wargs depicted in LOTC?

    The mohawk tiger thing


    Or more like leaner lur wolves


    Because, I always figured that if there was lur wolves as mounts then they would be like the tiger things. I own three wargs thats why. But the way I imagine them they wouldnt be able to be ridden. I use them as pets (beasts of combat). Just wanting some clarification

  18. Mokrag sits on his throne, his highest ranking members standing in front of him. Next to him are the runts simply there for helping the old warlord around. "Sharkuz Rex...?" They all nod there heads. They stare at the ground, not wanting to be clipped in Mokrags notorious wrath. He stands up, and the runt guards along with two more goblins help him to his feet. His huge form towers over everyone in the room. "Ah boi, whu I'z yeled ad foh dizturben ah klomp liek dubety yearz agoh, iz Rex. Dat am uttah bullskah. Granded latz goddah rezpekt huw kwik heh haz rizen, bud fah skahz zayke zumazh whu groo ub iyn da awld weyz shud beh leed'n diz raze." They each nod in agreement. One of the goblins, the newest one, Larty, speaks up saying "Noknok roze tu beh latz hiyezt gobo gard iyn undah ah zeazon, diz sharku haz ebrehrite ta beh Rex!" Without a second thought, Lartys right eye was ripped out. "Dunt blah ob Noknok. Heh wuz ah beddah gobo den eny on latz. Bud datz awff topik, Zharku az honabel az heh mahy beh shud nub beh Rex. Pawk Fore Blaw dat krowd am fit foh id."

    ((Excuse mokrag being a ****. Congratumalations.))

  19. Character Name: Mokrag Mar Dagg Braduk

    Nicknames: Muzz, Dog, da skull crusha

    Age: 200+

    Gender: Male

    Race: Uruk

    Status: Dead. Body assumed to be cremated but no proof has been released from his clan.


    Height: 9ft7

    Weight: 500+ pounds

    Body Type: Endomorph; Puts on fateasily and is difficuly yo shred off. Muscle comes easily and is of a stock butstrong build.

    Eyes: 1 eyed. Purple

    Hair: Mohawk. Black but graying.

    Skin: Murky dark green

    Markings/Tattoos: Tattoos ofrhinos and ravens on his arms, the symbols of the Braduk clan, along with aancient tribal script on his head.

    Health: Has an early case of lung cancer. (Thanks Evark)

    Personality: Smug and egotistic. He is powerful and he knowsit. Mokrag enjoys his riches. However, he abides by honour. Unlike manypinkskins.


    The bulked armor of Onjak

    The twohanded serrated sword ofGorfjol

    The shorthammer of Braduk

    The great bow of Kenuk

    Further Details:

    Life Style

    Alignment*: Lawful Neutral

    Deity*: KRUG

    Alliance/Nation/Home: Clan Braduk/War Uzg

    Job/Class: Warlord and Chieftainof the Braduk clan

    Title(s): Warlord,Chieftain, Bezerker, Infamous, notorious

    Flaw(s): 1 eye.Overweight. Over estimates himself.


    Fighting Style: Death or Glory.Brutish and all at once. Formed, but also clustered with strong yet speedyattacks.

    Preferred Weapon: Hammer

    Favored Weapon: Hammer

    Archery: Suprisingly accurate


    Parents: Gorgutez & Minshora

    Siblings: Ghazkull

    Chdren: Zagstruk, Yaztra, Noknok,Tungtor, Frak

    Extended Family: Olug, Zlendzwarg,Kita, Valarof

    Pet(s): Wargs; Thurak Drebon Vernen//Sandrat; Tarktail


    In a small village on the edge of theOrc lands, roars of agony could be heard. Four days, and three nights, the cubdidnt emerge. During the third night, Mokrag was born. He and his brotherGhazkull were born one year apart. Mokrag was the elder of the two. The law ofthe village was one cub and one cub alone, but their parents did not care. Thereason for this law was overpopulation. No one knew why this was, the shamanskept it a secret from others, but it was still a law. They were both put intohiding and kept away from the eye of the local shaman. They grew up togetherand played in the confines of their home.

    One night the village held a feast.Mokrag’s parents attended the celebration leaving the five and six year oldcubs home alone. The village blacksmith, a goblin by the name of Keng, was askilled locksmith and broke into their home searching for goods. He searchedevery room in the house looking for anything of value. His bare feet made afunny sound on the stone floor. As he headed for the door he noticed a distinctchange in sound. It sounded familiar; he had heard it before in a differenthouse raid. It was hollow he knew this was a secret door. He pulled away therug revealing a wooden trap door. He opened it and ran down the stairs with awide grin on his face. Softly he said “I betz derz gonna be gud tresha downere”.

    His grin slowly changed to look offright, then to a smile. He saw two Orc cubs sleeping by a fire. On the otherside of the room, he saw a necklace made of pure diamond and gold. Slowly hecrept around the sleeping pair. He was too busy looking at the cubs that hedidn’t notice the stack of pots and pans in front of him. He kicked them,spreading them across the room making a loud clash of metal. Mokrag woke up firstseeing the goblin. Before Mokrag had time to react he was struck over the headby a pan knocking him out. Ghazkull stood up. He already stood a few feet abovekeng. Keng tried the same tactic, hitting him with the pan. Ghazkull simplypunched the pan away with then gripped his hand in pain. Keng had to think of anew tactic, he knew even an Orc infant can be lethal. He grabbed the necklaceand ran for the door when Ghazkull grabbed Keng by the neck and threw himacross the room. He ran over to him and started laying mild punches into Keng’sface.

    Ghazkull felt a heavy hand on hisshoulder. He grabbed a pan and turned around swinging it. He stopped inchesbefore the figure. It was his father, with his mother behind him. Ghazkull ranto his mother dragging his brother for comfort, leaving his father to deal withKeng. He grabbed Keng, and through him up the stairs and into the door.Ghazkull’s father ran up the stairs shouting at Keng in blah. He kicked Keng inthe back sending him flying out the door. Bruised and bloody Keng limped backto his house.

    The next morning there was a loud knockon the door. Mokrags father opened the door with a worried look on his face. Itwas the village shaman, behind him was Keng bandaged up like a mummy. Theshaman searched the house for the cubs but found nothing. Keng didn’t speak, hejust pointed to the rug. The shaman pulled the rug away and opened the doorwhere he walked down the stairs slowly, looking around the room. He immediatelysaw the pair standing in the corner. He grabbed them both and haled them up thestairs. He said to Mokrag’s father “lat bruk da law”. He then punched him inthe stomach. He looked at Mokrags father and said “lat haff tu chuz ash tu steyagh den ash must leeb”. He looked at his sons and said “Mokrag go wid shaman”.Mokrag’s relaxed expression quickly changes to a look of anger. Mokrag saysunder his breath “skah lat popo” as he is taken from the sandy village to asnowy forest. His mother gives him a necklace made out of a bear claw, and givesanother to Ghazkull. Mokrag gives one last look at Ghazkull and his eyes beginto water. “Mi surah” says Ghazkull. “Nub, not lat falt” replies Mokrag.

    Mokrag wondered around the snowy villagefor days. He grew tired, sore and hungry but kept going. He went two weekswithout food, but found water from condensation in various plants. It was thenhe first learnt how to make weapons and tools out of loose wood. He made ashovel like tool, and digged his way into a hill to make a house. He was on theverge of starvation when a bear approached him from behind. He heard thebreaking of a twig and turned. Instinct and blood lust took over and he ran atthe bear, with nothing but a shovel. He was instantaneously tackled to theground, but smacked the shovel into the bears head repeatedly. Just as the bearwent to bite his face, he shoved the shovel deep down the throat of it. Thebear eventually choked. He took the pelt and used it for extra warmth. Thisbegan his love for hunting.

    When Mokrag was 18, he had his first nonOrc contact. His body had grown rapidly, and so did his hunger. He heard thesoft steps of multiple Halflings just threw a small layer of tall trees. Hetook out his wooden knife, carved from a sturdy tree. He had never seen thembefore, and assumed they were some kind of bear. He hid in the bushes,following them as they went. It got to a point where he decided to go nofurther and emerged from the shrubbery. He lunged at the one at the back of thegroup, landing on his front. Mokrag was ontop of him, and stabbed at the backof his neck with a swift, firm swipe. The other two turned and unsheathed theirblades. Mokrag got back up to his feet and charged. The others did the same butwere knocked down violently. After the battle, Mokrag took the Halflings backto his cave and feasted. He had never tasted such wonders. As soon as he tastedit, he picked up the real scent. He went insane and craved more. He didn’t getany, for a while anyway.

    At the age of 23, Mokrag had been on thesearch for more Halflings but hadn’t found any. All he found was a female bear.He did his usual routine which he had practiced for years now. He took the bearback to his cave. The snow storm made it hard to see, but he still made his wayback as he knew every tree, every bush in that forest. He finally made it backand saw a big figure sleeping in his home. He dropped the bear on the floor. Assoon as that happened the figure sprung up. “Gh….Ghazkull?” It was his brother.The two embraced for a long time.

    Ghazkull led Mokrag to the burial groundof the Braddukk family warriors. There, the ashes layed beneath the earth. Theyarrived at a large mountain, and the burial sight sat at the top. Ghazkull leftMokrag to scale on his own, as it was tradition for each Braddukk to do so.Mokrag began climbing, and Ghazkull left and headed back to the caved shack.After a few hours, Mokrag had reached the top. His arms strained and tired. Hislegs jittering, but he stumbled foward to the burial ground. He saw the markedgraves of his grandfather, grandmother, their parents. Even, the grave ofBraddukk himself. He payed his respects, and started to head down. During hisdesent, a rocked clipped loose and Mokrag fell. Any human, dwarf, or elf wouldhave died. He layed on the ground, un-counscious. A wild pack of wolves,approached him. The alpha male sniffed Mokrag and knew he was alive. The othersclosed in. They savoured the smell.

    But, before the could act, and young butlarge raven flew in. She defended the lifeless orc and pecked at the wolves.She bit, clawed and dove at the the wolves, and they soon retreated. Mokrag sawthe last seconds of the "fight" and smiled. The raven flew to him,and landed on his arm. "Mi kall latz, Kudo." Kudo was the name ofMokrags great grandfather, who fought in small village wars between his own andothers with no arms.

    10 years later, Mokrag went outside totake a piss when he heard the clonking of hooves on the ground. He hid behind atree, but was hit with an arrow instantaneously. His shoulder flesh bled. Amesh, net flew above his head and he became intangled in it. He was draggedover to the horses and hitched up. A loud roar, then a squark startled theseemingly bandits. It was Ghazkull, and flying over head was Kudo.The two camecharging forward axe in hand and claws at the ready. Kudo clawed out the eyesof a bandit, but was then hit in the wing with an arrow. Kudo spiraled to theground and was taken with Mokrag being thrown in the net. And for Ghazkull. Hefought bravely, but the numbers game got to him. Mokrag yelled at his youngerbrother to run but he did not listen. Ghazkull took an axe to the face, andMokrag presumed him dead. He roared in agony, but it was cut off. He wasstomped multiple times on the head and lost consciousness.

    He did not wake for quite some time, butwhen he did he felt a whole new terrain on the back half of his body. It seemedto be flowing past him yet it was rough. That’s when he realized the net washitched to the back of a horse and he was being dragged. He spotted Kudoperched on his stomach. The wing wound was covered in leaves, a crafty ravenKudo is. They both eventually dozed off.

    He woke on a pile of rocks. He observedhis surroundings. A large stone wall surrounded where he was. People from allother races were held in that camp. Mokrag would be sent to do hard labor,building things, lugging rocks around and many more things. He would oftenattack the slavers, but would be inevitably brought down and held in highsecurity captivity for weeks at a time. He was held in this camp, until he was47.

    However, for the last few years of camptime, Mokrag spent his time in a cell. Through the brutal murder of a guardSeargent, Mokrag was able to have Kudo in his cell as well.

    On Mokrags 47th birthday, he was awokenby the sound of screaming men. He sat up, well as far as he could with thechains restraining him. He watched as a group of ten men ran passed his celldoor. There was a roar. Then the same group ran past the door again in theopposite direction, with only four. “BRUDDAH” said a loud voice. He had herd itbefore it was Ghazkull. Ghazkull kicked the iron door open with ease, breakingthe hinges. He swung his axe down at the chains restricting Mokrag. He was freeagain. His brother handed him a sword saying “appy burfdai”. Mokrag grinnedrunning out the door with Kudo on his shoulder swinging his sword wildly.

    After the fight Ghazkull led Mokrag and Kudo through athick jungle to a river. There was a small raft with a hooded goblin standingthere with a paddle. “bout tim lat gut ‘ere” said the goblin. “hu lat bi” saidMokrag angrily. “lat dun membah mi” said the goblin chuckling. “diz… am keng”said Ghazkull. Mokrag roared and ran for the raft drawing his sword. Ghazkulllifted Mokrag and through him in the opposite direction. “ DUNT WI NUD ‘IM TATAK UZ TA DA NEW LAHNDZ” said Ghazkull. Mokrag said nothing he just growled.The whole time they were together keng was saying things to mokrag just to makehim annoyed. Mid-way through the trip keng started singing a song. ;” Mokrag,Mokrag, iz a fatteh, Mokrag, Mokrag ‘eh gut baned frum da village”! keng sungit over and over again. Mokrag grasped his sword handle. He felt his brothershand on his shoulder. “wun wi get der” he whispered”. A few hours past until theyreached the docks at Asulon. The two Orcs began walking away. “Oi wers mipayment” said keng. Mokrag turned around stabing keng through his stomach.Ghazkull walked over to keng, snapping his neck with one hand saying “ ‘er’slatz payment, a quick death, but nub evun lat desurv dat”! Kudo squarkedfeasting on Kengs eyes.

    As they walked off the beach, they say ship wrecks.Dozens. Mokrag, his bird and Ghazkull quickly settled in amongst the refugeecamps, they began to discuss remaking the clan Braduk. Mokrag was the oldest,and had proven to be the most valuable. But ghazkull didn’t want to be outdone.So they had a klomp. It started with Ghazkull charging. Mokrag ran forwardalso. Just as they reached eachother Mokrah sidestepped and jump punched at ghazkullstemple. Mokrag watched his younger brother fall to the ground unconscious. Itwas quick but effective.

    Mokrag would be chieftain. He would follow in thefootsteps of Braduk. Ghazkull would be his second. They sent Kudo off to scoutand the two brothers decided to look around. The early city of Talerith wasseen. Mokrag and Ghazkull headed inside and say a bustling city underconstruction. They looked at eachother and walked out to plan. Admist thetalking, Mokrags old friend Evark. Now, they started to have a plot form. Evarkwould distract the people and Mok and Ghaz would sneak in.

    The plan begun. Evark went in and began burning thecrops. The two orcs snuck in over the short poorly constructed walls andflanked the witnesses. Two revolted, and they were cut down quickly. The restof the citizens fled in fear. Talerith belonged to clan Braduk. Evark soonleft, and the orcs went out to meet up with Kudo. During this time, thepinkskins went in and “retook” the city.

    This angered the old chieftain, and so now he seeked anew ally. The township of Runemire. Mokrag had a one on one conversation withJistuma. The city agreed to help. Three weeks past. Mokrag and ghazkull arrivedat Runemire and the people marched. When they arrived at the front gates, thecitizens of Telarith built fortifications within minutes. Suprisingly fast. Itwas then that the people of Runemire fled. Whether it was fear, boredem orbetrayal It was now two against fifty. With a shout the fighting started. Metalclashed left and right. There was only two casualties.

    Mokrag and Ghazkull wiped the blood from themselves asthe Telarithians retreated to the city, and stared at the two people they hadkilled. They went back to the wilds to heal.

    Over the course of the next few months, Mokrag wentdark. He was not seen and Talerith went back to normal. Mokrag however met twoorcs, Gromamsh and Dura’kai. They were recruited and would soon become his bestwarriors. Murtz and Zagstruk, also became Braduks. Then it was Buzetk, and Bok.The list grew and the clan grew in strength. The newest recruit, Drakoth wenton his rituals. He had to kill or mame and pinkskin. It just so happened thatthe human was related to Talerith. So now, Dura’kai, Grommash and Drakoth weresoon battling the entire city of Talerith. A huge amount of forces floodedthem. Mokrag sat on his throne, he was now a notorious Warlord. His name wasknown across the cities. Not just Talerith or Runemire, he was knowneverywhere. His sandrat Tarktail carried a note. It read “Mokrag we arhoutnumbahed. ‘elp com tu Talerif.” Mokrag got up, and headed back to the cityhe loathed. When he arrived it wasn’t looking good.

    Mokrag ran in shouting “WAAAAAAAARH!”. He stabbed onein the chest. An arrow was shot at him but his armour deflected it. He becameinswarmed with pinkskins. Before he made his “final” move, he saw Grommash bestabbed in the eye. He grabbed the three people swarming him and jumped off thecliff edge. The humans died instantly. The humans cheered as they turned to Dura’kai,the only one standing. They thought Mokrag was defeated. No. He wasn’t. Anotherroar “WAAAAARH” could be heard as he appeared at the cliff edge. “Hur hur hur.I’z nub dat eazeh ta kyl” He charged. Another four fell to his mighty hammerand sword. Dura’kai killed many also. Grommash was now up. The three made theTalerithians retreat back to the bridge before heading back to the city. Avaliant effort. Dura’kai spotted Drakoths body, dead on the floor. Mokragsimply shrugged it off and left.

    The Braduk clan didn’t show its face around too muchafter that. They focused on finding Asulon now. Project “Bubflowt” was nowunderway. They were building small fleet. A warship, a supply ship, a ship tocarry the beastiaries and a scout ship. Each were heavily armed. It wasn’t longbefore they set sail. After about a month of sailing, they came across a hugefleet of boats. They took their chances and followed. They then soon did arriveat Asulon. For about fifteen years Mokrags whereabouts was unknown. He resurgedhimself during times of war, and was often reported to be seen in the war uzgand helping out the wargoth pok. He was also on the boat traveling from Asulonto the “new lands”. Clan Braduk is still known, talked about and feared fortheir cunning brutality, fearsome strength and rich history.

  20. Think of it as, in Lord of the rings there are Orcs and Uruk'hai. Orcs are about the size of humans a sneaky. Uruk'hai a bigger and stronger. Orcs in lordoftherings are like goblins in lordofthecraft. And uruk'hai in lordoftherings are like orcs in lordofthecraft.

    Confusing but it works.

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