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Posts posted by Draxon_Caeliat

  1. /\/\/\

    When I say the monks are on their own is because they would need to make a new temple, and they would oversee the building of it whilst the rest of the races go off and create their cities, and in no way was I referring to them as a race. ((And I understand they're a religious group))


    We could have maps, but instead use the in game ones.. Having a navigator for each group would be fun because they would Map out the land and help navigate using stars and such. And maybe after a month or two we could have standard issue maps given to new players with the routes to the different cities.

  2. I think when we do flee from Asulon it should be a forum broadcasted event, ((So we get as many people as possible)) then when we arrive at this new land have nothing there... at all, nothing just the natural land, and form 7 groups ((The Monks, the Elves, the Orcs, the Dwarves, the Mori, the Kha, and the Humans)) to go out and explore the new world... the 7 groups would find a place to settle and all work together to make their homes, and no map of the world would be provided to show what the land looks like, so no one can meta... and throughout the map have a few rp hazards ((like a dragon that inhabits a mountain the Dwarves want to build their capital, etc. or a creature that runs around and eats sleeping campers...)) And the whole highway thing, after everyone builds their capital how about we hire a group of 10-20 or so people lead by the path maker? ((Shiftnative)) and rp'ly begin to build the highway?

    Diamond in the rough idea hear, just woke up so it may be a little rambley ...

  3. This server is has RP in the name for a reason, and the amount of PvP is insane.

    Most PvP stems from wannabe villains, or n00bs thinking they can kill someone and take their stuff. If Rp was used they could come to an agreement that makes both parties happy. Currently the rule is only one side has to agree and have some sort of warning, etc. PvP is also weighted heavily upon the stuff you have on and your skills, which I find a bit unfair.

    Realistically a thug in iron armor would easily beat a lowly farmer, and the farmer probably wouldn't fight back. But with RP the opposite side has a chance to respond, I.e fight back ,run, call for help, But PvP is a click fest that lasts a few seconds, and in the end no one in happy resulting in Ban reports and strikes. ((And RP fights/robberies with criminal are much funner.))

    Although I hate PvP to its core sometimes bigger fights ((In my opinion more than 4 on each side)) that the RP would be to weird and hard to follow, causing power gaming, etc. So let's say your having a big war, instead of a huge wall of RP fighting PvP would solve it quicker and have a better outcome. All in all it depends on the situation at hand. But I still say PvP should be agreed on by both parties... and if this halts criminal activity then they've been doing their job wrong. Because Criminals are their to enhance experience, not keep you in the slums.

  4. I said we'd still have wilds, just not on the mainlands (look at my post I said "But that doesn't mean we should get rid of it" or something along those lines...)

    I agree with the entire towns should have lore and I hate it when people just make them just to have a title...

    I mixed the Dark elves and the Mori, only because all the dark elves I've seen are Moris, and have seen few that are not... but if we must it's ok if they're separate...

    Just for the sake of argument, most Kha I have seen are kittens and such, and I enjoy their Rp (both adult Kha's and kittens) because they are so... how do I put this nicely? Odd, for the average Asulonian (just a random word I made up cause I could tongue.gif) But I would love if they were more common, and in the new map I think they should have a small jungle surrounded by small mountains... filled with old Aztec like ruins.. But I agree with the whole furry thing... (I ain't a hater ether so don't worry...)

    And PvP, needs to be agreed upon by both parties because of the amount of bans that are made because someone PvP'ed them after they wanted RP, blah, blah, blah. But the PvP rule would be void if say you were doing something horribly against the law, etc. And honestly this is an RP server so criminal acts shouldn't be hindered at all. In my opinion it's a ton funner to RP battle, or get robbed with RP instead of "I want your money! ((pvp in 5...4...3...2...1))

  5. These are all the ideas I've been collecting for the past 4 days, so I'm sorry if any of this has already been said, but at the moment I am tired and didn't feel like reading through 12 pages of text (But I did read the op, and some of the comments at the beginning and towards the end, but not all twelve pages.) And it may sound a bit ranty, but that's how I get when I'm running on coffee.

    How we going to get there?:

    Please no common enemies like the undead... please. Let's just keep it simple, maybe restrict it to natural disaster or a famine, of pollution, but no undead, for heaven's sake!

    But personally i think a HUGE under ground cave in that made a huge inactive volcano (Much like the one in Yellowstone national park) go boom, so we can all safely sit on the shore and watch Asulon go Kleblewy from our boats, we would liberality go out with a bang...

    Features I'd like to see in a map:

    I love Asulon just like all of you guys, but being fairly new I never had a chance to experience Aegis in person. But like everyone else I have problems with this map (Again just like everyone else I have problems with RP spread, amount of towns/villages, etc.) But I feel that when we move to the new map (It will happen and hopefully this will be the last time.) we need to have more established trade. Meaning meduim-large paved roads or "Highways" that would offer save travel. This would make trade simpler and safer, and if a few towns and inns would placed on this road/highway it would help the flow of RP.

    Because of the skills we need to rely on others, I LOVE THIS, because if I want something I need to find someone that is more skilled than my character in whatever to help me (Which makes more RP, blah, blah, blah)... but this can be hard, since these people (I'm talking about blacksmiths, cooks, etc.) are spread so far apart. Now I purpose we make a small directory in the spawn were it points out some of these people and where to find them.

    Now my next point, there should be NO wilds on the main land. Why? Because the wilds are were the most land scarring happens, making everything ugly. They are also were a lot of wannabe homes/towns are made, and since they are so vast they spread out RP. But I'm not saying get rid of them completely, maybe we could have a series of islands ether linked to the main server via multi-verse (Like previous mining ideas) or just somewhat out of the way of the main land.

    Also I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to see academies,schools and such, that are near the spawn... Why? Because I am SOOOO tired of people rping self taught sword/bow/etc. masters. And with schools you'd have a chance to learn IC about your trade and such, while Rping.


    I am in NO WAY against new races but I'd like to stick to the basic 5 we have at the moment

    (This is how I have categorized them and is not official)



    High Elf

    Wood Elf

    Dark Elf



    Mountain Dwarves

    Cave Dwarves

    Forest Dwarves




    and the "Common folk"





    and the Kha


    This is a RP sever, simple as that, PvP must be agreed upon by both parties. There should also be an arena near spawn were disputes may be settled and such with combat for all to see.

    New spawn:

    When you get on for the VERY first time the rules should be displayed blah, blah , blah, but at the end their should be a maze that will test the persons knowledge of all rules, etc. and if you get through you get some staring minas. YAY!


    Vaq= unappreciated coding god

    I find that most of Vaq's updates help RP by giving people something visual to a skill; Such as the recent herbalism skill. Allowing healers, Alchemists, and the like a reason to RP and get paid as one by giving them the things to do their jobs both by RP and MC standards.

    And I recently had an Idea that we should split stamina (How long you can sprint) and hunger up by using the useless xp bar. It is simple, the xp bar would always be full, and when you start sprinting it would slowly go down to zero, when it is empty it will make you stop running, and it would slowly regenerate. And the fuller you are the faster it would regen.

    Remember these are ideas, so I'll add more as I think of stuff...

  6. *You see a man handing out pieces of paper to everyone at the temple. He then Aproaches you and gives you a piece of paper and smiles. It reads*

    Our small town is in need of locksmiths. We are willing to pay. If you are interested please contact Draxon. (Dragonmaster1327) or Adameus. (Rockleone6645)

    (( Yes we have modreqed it but they all said "Get a Friend (Who is a VIP) to do it." so we could really use some help. I'll also be on today so you can send me a bird and I'll guide you to the town.))

  7. *You see a bird in the sky, rapidly descending towards you. As it approaches you see a piece of parchment tied to its leg. The bird alights on your arm and you remove the parchment and see it is a hastily written letter, you then begin to read it.*

    Fellow Elf,

    I am in need of a guide to Normador. I am new

    to the area and will not have much to repay you with.

    But if need be I will work to pay it off. I would be

    honored if you or anyone you may know can help me.

    If you do decide to help send this bird back with a

    time and place we shall meet.


    Draxon, a fellow elf.

    ((I have been asking around the server and have even ventured off in search of the city but have died many times due to monsters. If interested please send me a message. ))

  8. MC Name: Dragonmaster1327

    RP name: Draxon Caeliat


    Race: Elf hybrid ((He is part high Elf, part wood elf, but the wood elf is dominate))

    Gender: Male

    Time Zone: central time zone, or GMT 6.

    Brief Description of your characters personality: Shy, Persistent, and willing to learn. He does have a short temper, and gets very giddy when around new people.

    Biography: His parents were merchants he learned everything he could from them, including how to use a bow. He was also saved by the rangers when him and his father were bringing home a large portion of the stock they were going to sell.

    Why do you wish to join?: My character believes he was destined to be a ranger. He thinks that becoming a ranger will make him stronger, and a better person, he also hopes that it will help get rid of his shyness.

    Roleplaying skill(I don't want a bloody story!): I've played many games like, WOW, skyrim, etc. But I now I'm not the best RPer and hope this server will help me become better.

    What does your character prefer to fight with?(Include skill level too if possible): A bow, if needed he will fight with a sword but only if necessary.

    Can your character build?: No he cannot, but he is willing to offer any help he can to the guild, and if that means learning how to build, then so be it.

    Any other special skills?: Not of current, but he is willing to learn anything he can.

    Will you uphold every rule, and if necessary, enforce them?: Yes I will, but will apologize before hand, because everyone makes mistakes and I am no exception.



    LotC app link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=374375

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