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Peter Chivay

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Posts posted by Peter Chivay

  1. Although I'm not an active member on the server I've been asked by several people to state my opinion on this administration change, and I figure I might as well post.


    As someone who has dealt with Cappy quite a lot in the past (my men and Cappy would clash heads CONSTANTLY) I can say that I do not agree with this decision, not because of any inner 'hatred' I have toward Cappy or anything like that. 


    Cappy, I'm going to state one thing that no one can deny, you're too damn robotic. The whole reason people are moderators and administrators is so they can take a moment to digest situations, cool down, and finally pass a verdict. This is something that I feel you lack greatly. On an old RP server that I played on the coder attempted to develop this 'auto-admining' code that was suppose to take a load off the administration staff, banning people when they would use the words like ni**er and fa**ot, stuff like that. However the minute this code/robot was implemented, it banned anyone who would say anything close to those words. The point I'm trying to make is that we have humans for administrators for a reason.


    My second reason is the high horse that you sit on. I see it, everyone that is posting against you on this thread most likely sees it, and I'm honestly surprised that Viper doesn't see it. I cannot say that I've had one conversation with you in the past without you having some kind of condescending tone (be it if those conversations were close to a year ago). 


    Regardless of what the player base says you're staying an administrator, be that as it may, you can either change the person you are- or continue to be the same one that people hate.


    Your call.

  2. Damn Shift, sad to see you go- though I fully understand why.


    Everytime you've help me with something or spoke to me about an issue you always handled it with utmost professionalism and kept a level head.


    You are one of the few staff I can say I have respect for.


    Best of luck with the future.

  3. Castor Sparrow spits onto the floor in sheer disgust reading over the document,


    "Uneducated inbreds- they have not the intelligence to even know who the head of House Chivay is. It pains me to see what this so called 'Empire' has become."


    The angered bastard rips up the paper and scatters the pieces into the wind.

  4. Logo_Order_of_the_Flaming_Rose.png


    The Fortress of Kaer'Angren 


    <:: Home of the Order of the Flaming Rose ::>







    *The sound of industry and clanking metal ring in the county of Petrus, anyone traveling in the area already know where the sounds are coming from. Slowly glancing up toward the large fortress, anyone but a human would know to quickly place their hood up and walk by. For this is a place where their kind was not welcome.


    The banners that fly proudly along the fortress walls and mighty citadel are ones that are all too well known.


    This was the home of the Order of the Flaming Rose- history would be forged here.*




    General Information


    Name: The Fortress of Angren


    Location:  X: 1036 Z:-108


    Current Head Family: Chivay


    Standing Garrison: Order of the Flaming Rose


    Religious Orientation: Highly Devoted Reformed Communionists- Owynist Sect



    Recruitment Information


    Any and all recruitment is done through the Order of the Flaming Rose, as they are the standing garrison and army of the Fortress.


    Recruitment Thread for the coming Recruitment Cycle:






    [brought to you by Rosenberg Accounting Firm]

  5. [[ thats honestly just ****


    In the great keep of Angren, a lone Sparrow revises some paper work- however he hears news of the change in name of the Capital.


    Castor Sparrow groans at the mention of the new capital name, "Bah... Analberg is no name for a true and proud city." He sucks in hard now, spitting a large bundle of phlegm onto the floor- returning to his large pile of recruitment documents.


    The sounds of terrified Elven yelling can be heard as an all too familiar uniform slowly converges on those unfortunate to pass this rekindled flame. Before too long, further grunts of pain and grief can be heard as numerous 'snips' rings through the air.


    Chants of "Ave Kaedrin!" and "Rebirth through fire!" echo around the stone road as clipped Elven ears are held proudly and high to the sky. Soon followed would be the purging of anything unique, for uniformity is key. Through conformity- greatness is formed. The creator smiles upon these actions, the Flaming Rose knew this.


    Degeneracy and unholiness be damned, for only a pure world is one that a living entity should be proud to live in. It is time to show what man truly thinks of others, it is time to return the favor to those that spit on humanity- it is time for judgement. 


    Although many may laugh at the notion, scoff at the fact that an order so dead could possibly return to its former greatness- the long and dark tunnel ahead is lit by a powerful torch. A forever burning rose.


    We will be the sword holding arm.


    Strength through faith.



  7. Really nice but I honestly felt that you should have added some more player-esque events rather than singularly this whole 'over arching' story-line. Everything that was in this made it pretty much seem like everything is on a set path, rather than dynamic roleplay. 


    Just my viewpoint on it.


    Still though, great work.


    Example: You made a small mention of Anthos being "locked in war" but made zero effort to dive any further into it. Naming specific characters and events would have made it a little more personal and let people unbeknownst to the server get a feel of what a single player/person can do in a roleplay setting.

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