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Peter Chivay

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Posts posted by Peter Chivay

  1. 49 minutes ago, Aerial said:

    I like Tom and know he could do it, but I'm still disheartened by his forum toxicity. To uphold the rules and to write them you must also retain a firm understanding of them, and he has broken forum rules time and time again. I've got rather mixed feelings on this app. 


    I'll be completely honest with you, I've broken those forum rules on purpose time and time again for laughs and goofs. I've turned over a much more serious leaf now and I hope my recent behavior over the past few days (refraining from memeing and the sort) has shown my ability to stop acting like a dumb ass.


    13 minutes ago, cyber_king3 said:

    If I were to see more serious outward behavior from you, I would seriously consider supporting you. You're definitely a very competent person who could do well if you took the job seriously.


    Also, the GM Team demands evidence of your 4.0 GPA. We will take unofficial transcripts with your application, but if you are ever to be accepted we require an official transcript submitted to Tythus LTD by your college or university.


    Check it ;)


  2. #Minecraft name/s: Sheumgal


    #Age: 19, soon to be 20


    #Time zone and availability: Eastern Standard Time in the U S of A, will be extremely available once the summer time rolls around


    #Skype: sheumgal


    #What is something you have always wanted to change on the server?: I've always wanted to make the server more RP heavy (especially when I was an active member), I took Oren from a pile of no RP filth and turned it into a hub of noble and peasant role-play alike- I believe in any case that Roleplay > Plugins and I sincerely feel we have strayed away from that as a whole. 


    #What are your finest qualities?: I have excellent management and leadership ability, I'm also dreadfully honest about anything and everything thrown my way. No reason to expect lies from me. I also currently have a major in Business Economics with a concentration in Financial Management- along with a Management minor standing at a 4.0 GPA.


    #What are your worst qualities, and how could you improve these aspects?: I can be rather brash about certain things, however I know how to control it. I have also been EXTREMELY unserious for the past couple weeks however my good friend Steven has convinced me to change my ways and work to make LoTC great again.


    #What members of the Staff could you look to for guidance?: I would welcome any and all of the members of the team to give me guidance and support. You don't get to where I am today (a twenty year old that is currently trading Binary Options and Stocks for profit) without listening to the advice of many, many different individuals.


    #Who do you not get along with on the current team?: Cannot think of a single one I have bumped heads with, nor have had problems with. I've memed a bit too hard with things like the "Real White Rose Hours" thread but I don't believe that really blackened my reputation.


    #How much free time do you have? Will this change in the foreseeable future?: After about a week and a half I will have an enormous amount of free time, of which I wish to dedicate to the server to make LoTC great again. 



    God Bless

  3. Magnetism is one of the oldest recognised material properties. Known since antiquity, records from the 3rd century BC describe how lodestone, a naturally occurring magnetised ore of iron, was used in primitive magnetic compasses. Today, thanks to the theory of quantum mechanics we now understand the nature of magnetism, too, with the concept of spin explaining the behaviour of elementary particles such as electrons in the material that make it magnetic.

    Spin, a property of sub-atomic particles such as electrons and quarks, makes each individual electron behave as if it were a tiny magnetic compass needle. The millions or billions of electron spins in a piece of material interact with each other in various ways and stabilise to form the different possible magnetic states found in solid matter. Taken together in such large numbers, the spin of the material's electrons grants the same magnetic properties to the material itself.
    Magnetism is essential for the basic trappings of modernity: magnetic materials form the basis of modern electronics and information storage. With this in mind, scientists have pursued the discovery of materials with entirely new magnetic behaviours or new states of matter with unprecedented and potentially beneficial properties.
    One is that of a quantum spin liquid, first proposed by the Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist PW Anderson in the early 1970s. In a paper published in the journal Nature Materials, a research team led by Professor Stephen Nagler at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the US has demonstrated the quantum spin liquid nature of the magnetic material ruthenium trichloride (α-RuCl₃).
    How do quantum spin liquids form?
    Quantum spin liquids are frequently found in a class of materials known as frustrated magnets. In a conventional magnet, the interactions between spins result in stable formations, known as their long-range order, in which the magnetic directions of each individual electron is aligned.
    In a frustrated magnet, the arrangement of electron spins prevents them from forming an ordered alignment, and so they collapse into a fluctuating, liquid-like state. In a true quantum spin liquid, the electron spins never align, and continue to fluctuate even at the very lowest temperatures of absolute zero, at which the spins in other magnetic states of matter would have already frozen.



  4. Regular Marriage or Matrilineal: Regular

    Year of Marriage: 2016

    Male Given Name and Surname: Thomas Oliver

    Female Given Name and Surname: Steven Krokodilos

    Legitimate Children (if any): Vinny DiGiovanna

    Illegitimate Children (if any): Dominique Bethune

  5. All of these extremely stupid memes aside, it would honestly be an injustice to not allow Mog to become a Lore Master.


    Not only does he have an extremely extensive knowledge of lore as it currently stands with the server, he has proved his ability to be an effective and active asset to the community.


    I also consider him one of my best friends so you know I'm not being bias at all.



  6. the one thing that has always made oren so successful and attractive is that anyone can make it, the orenian dream.


    youre given a plot of land b/c you proved yourself, proved to have competency, or maybe even just know people.


    whether that land prospers or fails is your own doing, not oren's fault, so why should oren have to change whats made is so insanely popular and successful?  dont make no sense


    last time oren tried to centralize to 'manors' in the capital is failed miserably and the nobles used them for about a week before moving off to find plots of land for themselves.


    if youre looking for an "rp reason" the orenian population can just be very sparse and spread out throughout its territory, much like fishy pointed out with russia and its population centers- this is something that has real life merit as well.


    oren is a proud conservative state, give us your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door...


    and their success is based on their own merit, work ethic, and willingness to succeed


    god bless these united vassals of Oren and god bless the empire


    i am a god fearing orenian and im god damn proud of it

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