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Posts posted by Narco

  1. A seemingly small and slightly torn stack of flyers are sent off to every corner of Oren, as well as at the great crossroads of Anthos**


    Come one, come all to the Rat & Crow's massive bulk food sale. We have a surplus of food ans it all has to be sold. 


    Contact me, Frederick Millicent for further details. ((Pm me on forums, in game, or respond on this topic))

  2. * a fine piece of parchment is pinned up around the Holy Oren Empire, including Salvus, the Capital and the great Crossroads*


    Hungry? Thirsty? Looking for a bed just beside Oren's capital city? If any of these things are true, the Rat & Crow is for you! Now under new management, the Rat & Crow is now serving a whole new array of fresh food and drink, as well as the cheapest beds in all of Anthos! Located just outside the Capital's gates, The Rat and Crow boats some of the freshest ale in the land.


    We are currently in surplus of...


    -Steak, the juicy brown meaty stuff

    -Porkchops, less brown, but just as meaty

    -Melons, fresh harvested

    -Bread, our main menu item.


    Come by for the traveler's pack, a combination of meat, bread, and drink for a super low price!



    The Rat & Crow is brought to you by the Goldman Co.


    Username: narcoleptic_cat


    Character applying for: Aeda


    General activity level: Moderately active, about 5 hours on a weekday
    and possibly more on weekends


    Characters you play currently and a brief description of them:

    Rhaegar Woodsong: An ambitious elf who spent most of his days farming
    in the fields of Alras, until he found his true calling in the game of human
    politics. Rhaegar was by no means a large elf, but brawn was not what he
    needed, nor found any use for. Rhaegar used his quick tongue and fast mind to
    quickly rise in Oren’s Hierarchy. Now, Rhaegar’s achievements were hardly fit
    for legend, but his blitz to relative power was enough to satisfy his ambition.
    Rhaegar retired to a more quiet life or farming and trading, using his brains
    and his renown to ling his pockets with gold.


    Frederick Millicent: ((I have just started playing Frederick, and I
    will describe his life and personality so far)).

    Frederick was born in Norjun, a vast agriculturally based Duchy in
    Oren. Frederick, a scholar and a human, was expected to put his mind to work
    for the Holy Oren Empire. This, of course, is Frederick’s dream. However, lack
    of communication within Oren has made it difficult for Frederick; he has no way
    of proving his worth. Frederick’s current mission is locating a venue in which
    his knowledge will be of use, quite preferably a venue related to the Empire.


    Characters you have played in the past and a brief description of

    Myrcella Flormai:

    Myrcella, a wood elf, was adopted by an aging wizard by the name of
    Salamandra when she was two. She, along with her sister and two brothers, found
    a quiet home in Normandor with their new parents. As Myrcella grew older, her
    siblings left Normandor to start their own lives, but Myrcella stayed and
    learned from her father. Over the years, Myrcella became known in the city of
    Normandor, and became a well-liked figure in the community. However, her father
    decided it was best for them to move to Holm. In Holm, where the cold winds
    blow relentlessly, Myrcella grew tired of her lonesome life, and set out to
    find adventure. Myrcella was never seen again.


    Edrick Strorm:

    Edrick, a simple minded lumberjack, was born into a large family of
    other simple minded lumberjacks. Like his father before him, Edrick lived in
    Salvus, working hard for the city and often learning from his co-workers. For
    many years, Edrick spent his days cutting, hauling and stacking wood, until one
    day he simply collapsed in the woods. His body was found by passing rangers and
    brought to the city where his body was identified by the guards. Edrick was 53,
    and they say that when the rangers found him, he had a smile on his lips.

     These aren’t all my characters, by the way, I may have missed a few,
    as I have only listed those most significant in my LoTC lifetime.

    Have you rp’d with the Greens before? No.


    Have you rp’d with the Hightowers before? The most RP I’ve done with
    them was as Edrick, working as a lumberjack and occasionally speaking with the
    king. I’ve often been present and within earshot of the Hightowers during their
    RP, and have been witness to many conversations.


    What do you envision the character's personality being like?
    Ambitious, proper, well spoken. I think a very pompous, upright female
    character would work fantastically in contrast with a playful, mischievous
    brother counterpart. This combination of opposites would create some great RP. The
    same is true if both children have the same personality. If both Aeda and her
    brother were well spoken, upright individuals then the RP would be magnificent.

    Still, as sprintindwarf said, I firmly believe the child’s
    personality should be changeable, depending on how he/she is raised and by whom
    they are raised.



    Have you played a child before? Yes, Salamandra’s adopted daughter.


    What age would you like to start playing? I’m not sure what age
    children start to develop a distinct personality, but I don’t really want to
    play Aeda until she is mature enough to really be the character I envision her
    as being. I’d say at least, and I mean at least four years old, because
    I think at that point Aeda would be able to develop a more in-depth character,
    rather than just * Aeda giggles and jumps around, “Mama, Papa!” etc, etc. Of
    course, those kinds of situations must take place, because a kid is a kid, and
    I will play Aeda at that stage of mental development if I must, but the fun in
    playing a child is the development years, not the shallow, “googoo gaga” years.

    Proved an rp sample; this can be screenshots, or chat logs. If you
    have none of the above, write a situational story about something happening to
    the character. You may use any topic, and write at any point during the child's

    Situation: A chilly fall day, Aeda’s brother is playing outside, and
    Aeda’s mother approaches her to talk:

    “Why don’t you go out and
    join your brother, darling?” Aila asks, a thin smile folding on her lips.

    “What, so I can look just as
    foolish?” Aeda replies with a hint of suppressed attitude, as she pushes her
    shoulders back and looks the other way.

    “Now, a little fun never
    hurt anyone. I’m sure he could use some company out there. I’m telling you, Aeda,
    there won’t be many opportunities to play in the leaves when you’re older.
    Enjoy youth while you have it.”

    “I guess you’re right, Ma, I
    just didn’t want to dirty my clothes, is all” Aeda stands, quickly straightening
    her gown. “But if he pushes me into the mud again, I’m going to hit him”.

    Aila chuckles softly,

    “Now there, darling, be nice
    to your brother”.

    Aeda bounds down the small
    steps and skips over to her energetic brother, and they play together, happily
    conversing and lollygagging until the sun sets. (I stopped there because I didn’t
    really know the Male Character’s personality, so I couldn’t write his RP.)


    ((Basically all I was
    showing there was Aeda’s seemingly unbreakable posture and elegance, that, when
    nudged hard enough, reveals that she can be an enjoyable person. Aeda shows
    here that when questioned by those outside the family, she acts proper,
    upright, and presentable. But when it is clear that there is no threat, she
    lets her walls come down.))



  4. +-OOC-+

    MC Name: narcoleptic_cat

    Timezone: EST ( + 5)

    Skill Levels: Swords 100, farming 100, archery, 75 (That was in Asulon, depending on the new skill plugin, it may change.)

    Link to a VA? If applicable: None


    Name: Rhaegar Woodsong

    Simple but Sweet Biography: Rhaegar Woodsong was first attracted to House Amedaius in the days before the plague, when Renati I was the ruler. He served with Renati as a common soldier until he was killed. Rhaegar continued to work with House Vallark, being the Master Farmer. He was mocked and bullied by the lieutenants and captains for being a weak farmer, and so he trained to become the swordsman he is today. He now wishes to server his former liege, so he requests to become part of House Amedaius.

    Past jobs and/or experiences: Soldier of Seventis under Renati I, Master Farmer of House Vallark, Farmer of Alras.

    Reason for seeking a position as a Amedaius Bannerman: I wish to serve with my former brothers, to share good memories and to defend the holy land of House Amedaius.

    Have you sworn The Amedaius Service Oath? (Copy/Paste it Here): Yes, I have. I, Tiberius, pledge myself to an oath of service to House Amedaius. I swear to carry out with any orders or instruction given to me by any superiors and to follow them without question or comment. I shall do to the best of the ability of my mind and body to further House Amedaius and I announce them as my lieges whom which I faithfully serve. I will never go against House Amedaius by committing acts of treason or by acting in such a way that either betrays the trust bestowed upon me by my lieges or helps to weaken the household. I must receive permission from a blood member of House Amedaius in order to resign from my position. If I choose to disregard this pledge of service, so help me God.

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