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  • Location
    Newmarket, Ontario
  1. That feel when Na'Vi knocks out NiP like it's EZ mode for the finals.

  2. Can't connect? Outdated server? Help?

    1. Temp


      Downgrade to a different version of MC

      1.7.3, I think

    2. xenenxnennxnx


      I'm on 1.7.5

  3. Anybody know of any good RP roles right now? Trying to get back in after a long break and can't quite find a role to settle in to.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Demotheus


      Anyone suggesting races or cultures doesn't understand the question at all. He's talking professions. Sure auverian or whatever...but what role wwould he play there?

    3. Narco


      Yeah I have basically 0 idea of where **** is, how to get there,etc because of being off lotc for so long. I was just looking for like a good RP sub group that wants more players to join up.

    4. Narco


      Wow, that word is censored? Ok.

  4. Anyone know if Paysafecard works with steam?

  5. Exams? How about no.

    1. Nekkore


      I already done 2 one more to go.

  6. Can't connect? End of stream...

  7. CSIS: Dream job.

    1. EmeraldStag


      Which one is that? There are so many I can't remember them all.

    2. Narco


      Canadian Secret Intelligence Services

  8. Woot, snow day. No school.

    1. Skippy


      snow day in april :S

  9. Goldman Co. Still in dire need of tavern wenches! (Or female Innkeeps, if you prefer..)

  10. The Goldman Co. Needs Tavern Wenches, anyone up to it?

  11. Anybody out there willing to play a young Inn keeper female character at a popular Oren Inn? I've found that a female worker attracts more customers...

    1. Dargene


      I might be :P

  12. A female character would have been a much better choice for running an Inn, attracts way more customers.

  13. Ahh, feels good to be back

  14. Greatest Minecraft Map :D
  15. Happy New Year from Toronto, Canada!

    1. Amorphbutt


      I would like to hear it from Scott Pilgrim please.

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