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Posts posted by EmeraldStag

  1. What can I say other then these guys? Oh, i can say this: Jt has top rate role playing skills from everything that I have seen from him. Mature, chill, all around great awesome member of the community from which I can only see great things if he is made an Event Team member.

  2. Please, give this man a Medal. THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH FOR MAKING THIS THREAD! You have no idea IDEA how man times this has happened. Look at all those abandoned threads just sitting there. All because of the many reasons you have stated. Please, would someone pin this so that others can read it as well?!

  3. Aidriar sends off another bird.


    "I cannot seem to find my way on my own. Would you please send me directions to wherever I need to go? It would be very much appretiated." ~Aidriar Titor.


    ((I do not know how to effectively use birds or aviarys so maybe just a PM or something? TY in advance.))

  4. Given name(RP name): Aidriar Titor


    (Skype name if you have one): emeraldstag (should be a yellow cringing face for the picture)


    True name(MC name): EmeraldStag


    Race: Human


    Authentic magic user?(accepted magic user?): I am not.


    If so what form of magic ye use?: N/A


    Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?: Yes, I do. I have been lonesome for a while, and wish more companionship.


    All applying will be apply for the applicant position. However should you pass that stage what profession might you take on? Note that if you want to learn magic you must speak to a Delver Arcanist personally: Delver Vigilant or Pathfinder.


    What combat skills have ye?: I have a moderate skill in swordsmanship that my father had taught me before he passed on.


    Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye would respond:

    1.) You come across a massive ruin of ancient design, strange sounds and lights emanate from within. I would walk into the ruins to investigate. Whatever I find, I would find someone of higher stance in the Delvers and tell them about it. Maybe even put together a group and investigate farther into the ruins.


    2.)While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact". I would get as close as I could to find out more about this "artifact" hopefully without being noticed. I would then pass along this information to someone within the Delvers that way they can do with whatever they wish with the information.


    3.)Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a necromancer. A Necromancer? I would be fearful of that man, and would go and find help.There is strength in numbers, especially against a Necromancer. I would never choose to go against such a wizard on my own, unless I had to.

  5. Airdriar Titor posts up a note beside those who have made very high offers.


    "There is literally no point in over betting such a high amount. It twas only 250 Minas originally, correct? What in the Nether could of made you bid up such a large amount? The sword is now no longer worth the minas with stupidly high bets."


    He walks off, a bit angered by these pointlessly high bets. He left his name out of the note to protect his identity.

  6. YAYAYAYAYAY! I can't wait for shops to be resetup! I can finally continue with my Alchemical studies! (I am really really early in my development....I have 2 books and zero plants.....I wish I knew where to really start besides getting a teacher)

  7. I hope this helps stop the whole , "Woops, wrong person." Thing from happening anymore. You have no idea how many /tells I have gotten from people trying to get other Em's on here lol. You have no idea how happy I am about all of these being put into LotC! I am so happy with all these new, shiney, sparkly thingies. 8.3

  8. Now, since it was technically in Contemplating, I am unsure as to why it also was purged from the mass denial we had. Whatever. It gives me motivation to update it at least.


    Real Name
    Joseph Henton 
    Ingame Name
    RP Name
    Rutto Lilian, Perry The Peasant(A goof character) Aidriar Titor
    Time Zone 
    How Long will you be online per week.
    I am usually online Every Day for 8 hours or more, depending on either if I have something to do, or my family/friends spring a surprise on me. I have things to do with friends that the date varies and I will more than likely notify 2 days in advance if I am going to be unavailable that day.
    I have experience as an App Team member.
    Previous Forums
    It's not previous, as I am active there as well. I couldn't get enough of FRP so when the FRP had dried up.. I know we have a perfectly good server right there, but sometimes you wanna roleplay other kinds of things, you know?
    Why I should be a FM
    That's the biggest question I have to ask myself. Why should I be an FM? I have been apart of this wonderful community for over a year now, watching it grow and become what it is today. I have always wanted to do More for the community, which was why I chose to become an App Team member (I wonder how those few applicants I accepted are doing...) Though, sadly, I personally resigned from the position on account of two reason: 1. I felt that I was not doing the best I could for the team because 2. I had to focus more on my schoolwork then I could go and review applications.
    I am, and i am sure others would agree, a helpful, kind, and compassionate person both IRL and online. I always do the best I can, no matter what task I am put to. Whenever something comes up, whether it be a flame war, ban report, or some major drama going on, I try to stay as far away from it as I can, while also trying to find out what was happening on both sides of the disputes. I always try to be as honest as I can with everyone.
    Other Info 
    Well, I feel that through out my time on these forums, my full year here, I have noticed something. I have spent much more time on the forums than in game. I have so much time on my hands, unless of course stuff comes up, that I have mostly nothing to do with it. I know we have a perfectly good server to go onto, but sometimes you just don't feel like going on with things happening IRL I know I can do a great job as an FM, and even clean up a section that really needs to be cleaned up, The OffTopic Forum Roleplay Section is in total disarray. . If I am chosen....I will try my very best to help sort it out and delete/take care of threads that are no longer used. Please, consider me for FMship. I will not disappoint.


    I am not sure what else about myself I can really say that would explain why I should be one.....I just....feel that I should try going down this route of Staff to try and help out wherever there is a need for an FM. If I am chosen....I will try my very best to help around where there is a task needed to be done.


    As a final note, if this app is accepted, then I will probably get rid of my GM app. If my GM app is accepted, then i will delete this App.l

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