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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. happy new years

  2. tbh if you don't admit to the hacking for a ban like this you shouldn't be unbanned lmfao https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/169670-ban-appeal-mograinetr-use-of-hacked-client/


  3. really not ok when gms close your modreqs without answer when you are offline =/ b55ab98a6227abd7370209e75da6207c.png

  4. "Breathe in as you picture a dog in your mind's eye. Now breathe out as you shoot the dog with your mind's gun."



    (stolen from reddit sorry :()

  5. is anyone a terf if so @me please thank you

  6. whatever happened to rifle grenades

  7. Watching AGDQ with a nice bowl of Tostitos® Hint of Jalapeño Tortilla Chips! Awesome! #ad #sponsored #AGDQ2019 #saturday

  8. Stand up, all victims of oppression,
    For the tyrants fear your might!
    Don't cling so hard to your possessions,
    For you have nothing if you have no rights!
    Let racist ignorance be ended,
    For respect makes the empires fall!
    Freedom is merely privilege extended,
    Unless enjoyed by one and all.

    So come brothers and sisters,
    For the struggle carries on.
    The Internationale
    Unites the world in song.
    So comrades, come rally,
    For this is the time and place!
    The international ideal
    Unites the human race.

    Let no one build walls to divide us,
    Walls of hatred nor walls of stone.
    Come greet the dawn and stand beside us,
    We'll live together or we'll die alone.
    In our world poisoned by exploitation,
    Those who have taken, now they must give!
    And end the vanity of nations,
    We've but one Earth on which to live.


    And so begins the final drama,
    In the streets and in the fields.
    We stand unbowed before their armour,
    We defy their guns and shields!
    When we fight, provoked by their aggression,
    Let us be inspired by life and love.
    For though they offer us concessions,
    Change will not come from above!


  9. trying to get a funny status update out, nothing is coming up. sorry. deeply sorry

  10. they should change the ‘gender’ part in your profile to ‘pronouns’

  11. eternally suspicious of all with interests in old white cultures

  12. why does everyone smell good on lotc. until like 50 years ago literally everyone constantly walked around smelling like ass


    more bad smelling characters


    is this acceptable fireheart i’m trying

  13. anyone reading Heroes In Crisis? issue #5 and it kinda seems to be getting better. superman’s speech was about as good as you can expect

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