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Status Updates posted by Angel~

  1. Just went on a ride on my dirtbike...Awsome...:P

  2. Angel wants to play something...

  3. lo -spawns on temp server- AAAAA -runs like hell...-

  4. Server reset's - Eh Im just happy i get to rp...

  5. -stares at the server list...- Come'on...

  6. Oh wtf....I went to relog now the temp server is down..?

  7. what just happened on the temp server..;-;

  8. Server...why you stop my baby talk rp fun

  9. Angel Shall Take a Short break....Angel Need's to grow up...ANGEL SHALL LEAVE FOR SOME DAYS AND COME BACK TILL SHE'S older Rply :3

  10. Mmm...1.4....Why must you be so fun...*looks at Jibuis's Comment* Sweat lord , Server update pwease!

  11. What's going on with server~?

  12. Raggee server we said we trust you why did you throw it away!!!!

  13. Server, Why you no come on

  14. Dear lord! , Whats with the server!?

  15. Ok , Guy's Spamming curse words on the server oook....

  16. Well...I guess Im heading off For Tonight NIGHT ALL YOU RPERS!

  17. Sooo...Orc's Claiming Normander for their own...gg..

  18. bad packet....AGAIN??

  19. Server staph , I am awaiting your up...

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