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About Alec_Pierce

  • Birthday 12/02/1993

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Snowboarding, Video Games, Golfing, Playing Guitar and Airsoft, Working.
  1. Apparently everyone can see my status updates! :D Lesson learned... *facepalm*

  2. Apparently everyone can see my status updates! :D Lesson learned... *facepalm*

  3. Apparently everyone can see my status updates! :D Lesson learned... *facepalm*

  4. My application was perfect....but got banned for 3 months due to plagarism. Such a misunderstanding...

  5. My application was perfect....but got banned for 3 months due to plagarism. Such a misunderstanding...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Solaba


      His bio looked a bit short to me, not to mention he didn't use the correct format(colors)

    3. Alec_Pierce


      Whoa, ok. First of all I did not think everyone could see this. Second of all, my friend (Ibob) and I worked on our applications together because we knew they had to be as perfect as possible. This was the only reason that we had the same Power/Meta gaming definition. Please stop commenting on this post, I just want to play the server and not cause problems. My character is after all suppose to be a simple axemen that doesn't get into conflicts.

    4. Alec_Pierce


      Whoa, ok. First of all I did not think everyone could see this. Second of all, my friend (Ibob) and I worked on our applications together because we knew they had to be as perfect as possible. This was the only reason that we had the same Power/Meta gaming definition. Please stop commenting on this post, I just want to play the server and not cause problems. My character is after all suppose to be a simple axemen that doesn't get into conflicts.

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