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Posts posted by Aiden

  1. *you see a note in the cloud temple and read it because the large letters and bright colors catch your eye*

    Fletcher for hire!

    I am a Fletcher for hire, as the title says. I will do any orders under a bundle of materials ((64 of feathers, flint and sticks)) for free and will charge one-hundred minas per bundle of materials after the first amount.

    Tips are appreciated and help me keep my services as cheap as they are.

    If you would like to use my services, you can either send a bird to my mailbox at Tree Ring House number four in Normandor, Malinor ((PM me)) or you can go to Normandor and look around for me.

    ~ Orym ((Aiden_AJK))

  2. *you walk up to the notice board and see a poster with over-sized letters written with blue dyes in the title. Curious, you walk up to it and read*

    Attention to my fellow Vanguards:

    A ban has been placed on hunting in Elandriel by High Commander Elene Silverwind.

    Anyone found hunting there will be subject to the Mori.

    Thanks for reading this,

    ~ Outrider Orym

  3. Out-Of-Character

    Main Minecraft Account Name:


    Alternate Minecraft Account Name:


    In your own words, define what the act of Roleplaying is:

    Rooleplaying is when a person or group of people get together and do unscripted acting. Unlike preforming a play/movie, RP gives you the opportunity to do whatever you want, making it an enjoyable experience. Also, it isn’t set therefore anything could happen, giving it the feel of real life, only in a much more outlandish yet amazing way.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is:

    Metagaming is when one uses OOC information IC. An example of Metagaming would be if dwarf A tells dwarf B over skype, “Help! SEVEN ORCS AT THE GATES” then dwarf B comes rushing to the gates immediately afterwards with a group of other dwarves, ready to fight the orcs.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Emoting is:

    Powergaming is a couple of things. Powergaming is roleplaying without giving the other player a chance to react to the powergamer’s actions. An example is say Bob walks up to Steve and says “GIVE ME YOUR MONEY OR DIE!” Steve: “Uhm.. no..” Bob: -cuts off Steve’s head in one swift strike, then steals his money and runs. The other type of power-emoting is when your character does something extremely unrealistic. An example is: *Bob attempts to kill the whole group of twenty bandits* Even though he said ‘attempts’, he still would do something extremely overpowered if he were to say /roll 20 over it.


    Character Name:

    Daenir Merilinor

    What Race are you? (You may only be Human, Orc, Elf or Dwarf!):


    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):

    Dark Elf

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Daenir was born only a mere two years after Aegis fell. His two parents were important people that were hated by many, so to protect their only son, Daenir, they sent him off on a boat, hoping that wherever he ends up will be the right place for him.

    After a few hours of sailing, Daenir ended up landing on a shore outside of a small camp that was near present day Normandor. Two dark elven women walked over to the small boat to find Daenir staring at them with his red eyes. He immediately began to cry for food and attention so the two women gave him shelter for the night and fed him a warm meal. After the cold night, the two women brought Daenir to the cloud temple, where the monks would care for him.

    Once he had lived with the monks for a year, Daenir was adopted by an old woman who was starting a multi-racial orphanage. He stayed there for a large amount of his childhood and, at the age of none, the conflict began. Daenir, as everyone soon found out, didn’t mix well with other races. He always seemed to pick a fight with one of the young uruk or be seen insulting a human. Due to his rudeness, he was beat up constantly by the bigger orcs that were in the Orphanage. Daenir soon realized that he either was going to be picked on, or he could learn to fight. So he did just that, every night he would sneak out of his bedroom to go into the forest nearby to attempt to train himself to be able to fight in hand-to-hand combat.

    Daenir finally decided to escape the orphanage with one of his elvish friends, Urdir, at the age of fourteen, which at this time he had become decent at hand-to-hand combat after all of his training, due to all of the other races that Daenir that thought were abominations to Asulon. Once everyone else was fast asleep, Urdir and Daenir snuck out of the orphanage as quietly as they could and made a run for the boat that would take them to the cloud temple. Once they were almost there and they thought that they were home-free, a guard walked up and saw both of them. In their panic, they both dove into the water and attempted to swim away. The guard then yelled “COME BACK HERE NOW!!!!” After yelling a few more times, the guard sighed and murmured something about stubborn children.

    Daenir and Urdir swam back to the shore near the boat once they realized that the guard had not followed them. They both panted and plopped down on the sand, grinning at each other. “We haven’t gotten away yet” said Urdir with a sigh. “We should keep moving before we’re found”, said Daenir. After Urdir nodded his agreement, they both got up and began a jog towards the boat, this time being more careful when nearing it. They both successfully got to the boat without being spotted as soon as the sun began to rise. They talked to the captain and he said “I am goin’ to set sail in about an hour.” Urdir and Daenir then both nodded and went below deck to wait.

    Urdir and Daenir parted ways once they arrived at the cloud temple docks. Daenir then wandered around a bit and eventually ended up taking a carriage to Oren. Once there, he asked around for work and was told by some dwarves that they were hiring miners. Eager to get paid, Daenir quickly said yes to the job. He followed the dwarves to a carriage that took the group of them to a dwarven city. Once there, Daenir was given a room with a bed, and a few picks. Then, he was taken into the mine and began his training as a miner. Daenir first began to learn techniques on how to mine out stone efficiently. After a few months of trial and error, Daenir was able to get some coal out of each ore he found, making the dwarves happy that he actually was bringing in ores. He then continued to mine stone out, giving the more experienced miners the chance to mine out the iron and even gold without breaking any stone themselves, making Daenir worth more than dwarves had thought he would be.

    Daenir continued to be a miner for many more years, until the age of twenty-five, making him more stubborn then he was as a small child and making him much stronger as well. Daenir decided to leave the mine and go elsewhere because he believed that it was time for a change. He became well aware of the economy and different prices for items. He ended up owning many different shops during this time in his life and made quite a bit of profits off of reselling and off of his old ores from being a miner. He was able to afford a lovely home in Alras and was happy with his situation.

    At the age of fourty-five, Daenir sold his properties to Alras and shops as well, believing that he should become more of an elf, because even though he had matured enough to respect other races, he still didn’t like to be around them contantly. He packed up his bags and began to explore the elven lands, hoping to find more elves that he could possibly relate to. He came across a group of elves who were traders that were in need of someone who knew prices and was also a miner. Daerin thought to himself “Well, that sounds a whole lot like me..” so he accepted their offer and became their miner.

    Daerin left the group of traders a few years later and continued his travels through elven lands. He got into less fights while around other elves but still never lost his hand-to-hand skills or his mining skills what so ever and is always ready to fight in defense.

    He now continues to explore around elven lands at the age of fifty and still tries to make coin wherever he can whether it be through mining, trading, or even guarding people using his hand-to-hand skills.

    What are your Character's ambitions?:

    Daenir wants to become the best he can be at fighting hand-to-hand. He also would like to become a wealthy trader and better at mining then he currently is. The last ambition that my character has is to fully explore all elven lands and he also wants to be able to be around other races and enjoy himself instead of get angered by his past.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):


    Other Information about your Character:

    He is very stubborn and doesn’t think much before going into things due to his childhood. He also is fond of sweet foods.


    Answer at least three out of five listed!

    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?: *Daerin walks up and assesses the situation*

    Warrior 1: Now, I’m gonna say this one last time, give me your money and we’ll leave you alone.

    Warrior 2: Yeah.. *snickers like a fool*

    Halfling: *seeing Daerin walking up* P-P-Please h-help me!

    Daenir: What is going on here?

    Warrior 1: This ‘alfling ‘ere owes me money!

    Halfling: Wha- What money?

    Warrior 2: The money we framed you for st- *Warrior 1 shoves a cloth in his mouth*

    Warrior 1: You fool!

    Daenir: So you are framing this little halfing?

    Warrior 1: Yeah! We are! Do you have a problem with that?

    Daenir: *thinking back to his childhood* I do, actually, you humans shouldn’t be messing with small halflings like this one here.

    Warrior 2: What’re you gonna do to stop us?

    Warrior 1: Yeah! *turning to the Halfling* Give us the money now.

    Daenir: I don’t think so. *readies his fists*

    *Warrior 1 and 2 both laugh*

    Warrior 1: What are you going to do, hit us to death?

    Daenir: *getting angered* Get away from him now.

    *Warrior 1 points his blade at the Halfling*

    Daenir: You’re finished *runs up and attempts to punch Warrior 1 in the jaw*

    *Warrior 1 attempts to side-step but is still hit by the punch in the arm*

    Warrior 1: Ow! What the..

    *Daenir then throws a punch at Warrior 1 but misses by inches*

    Warrior 2: Oi! *swings his sword at Daenir*

    *Daenir attempts to side step but is cut on the arm*

    Daenir: Arrgh! *getting even more angered, throws two more punches at Warrior 1’s jaw*

    *Warrior 1 dodges the first punch but the second punch lands right on his jaw*

    Warrior 1: Ugh..

    Warrior 2: *getting frightened* I’m getting out of here! *runs away*

    Warrior 1: Please.. don’t kill me!

    Daenir: Leave now and never harass this Halfling again or I just might.

    *Warrior 1 stumbles away, dropping his sword on the ground, leaving a blood trial behind him*

    Daenir: *picking up the sword* Here, have this *hands the sword to the Halfling* If they bother you again, use this.

    *Daenir then walks away grinning*

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?: *Daenir sees that the merchant is an elf and happily says back* “Hello! What do you have for sale?”

    Merchant: Well, what do you need?

    Daenir: Hmm.. do you have any bread for sale?

    Merchant: Of course! It’ll be about three minas each.

    Daenir: *thinking that that’s a good price* Alright.. I guess *Daenir gives the merchant nine minas and in return acquires three bread*

    Merchant: Come back again some time!

    Daenir: I will..

    *As Daenir walks away, he sees a hooded figure sneaking towards the stall*

    *Daenir attempts to sneak behind him and isn’t caught*

    *Once the figure was obviously a thief, Daerin decided to yell*


    *Two dwarven guards come running down the path*

    Thief: Erm I was just eh..

    Daenir: Just what?

    Thief: Buying some things for free?

    Guard 1:*running up* You’re under arrest for attempted thievery.

    Guard 2: *pulling out his shackles* Submit and your time will be shorter.

    Thief: Never! *attempts to run away but runs right into Daenir who then grabs him*

    Daenir: *handing the man over to the guards* There you are.

    Guard 2: Thank you, I love the honesty that people like you give..

    *Daenir barely hears this as he is already six feet down the road*

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?: *Daenir walks into the small dusty hut*

    Daenir: Hmm.. it seems to be abandoned..

    *Daenir looks into the chest and sees two iron ingots and a golden sword*

    *He decides against taking the items temporarily until he is sure that nobody lives here*

    *Daenir lays down on the small bed and decides to sleep*

    -In the morning-

    *Daenir wakes up to two goblins that are trying to access their bed*

    Goblin 1: ‘Ey you twiggie get outta ‘re bed!

    Goblin 2: Yub, Yub!

    Daenir: Oh.. this is yours is it.. *raising an eyebrow*

    Goblin 2: Yub, Yub!

    Daenir: So what weapons do you use?

    Goblin 1: Big axe!

    Goblin 2: *nodding* Yub, Yub!

    Daenir: So if this hut is yours, why would you have a sword in your chest?

    Goblin 1: Wha’ chest ye’ be talkin’ about twiggie?

    Goblin 2: *seeing the chest and pointing* Yub, Yub!

    Goblin 1: Shineys!

    Daenir: *knowing that the hut isn’t theirs* Don’t touch those items.

    Goblin 2: Nub, Nub?

    Goblin 1: Yeah! Why nub!

    Daenir: They aren’t yours.

    Goblin 1: ‘ow you know, twiggie?

    Daenir: I can tell by your words, goblins.

    Goblin 2: Nub! It ours!

    Goblin 1: Yub! It ours!

    Daenir: *sighing* Well then I guess you’ll miss that free gold party in Oren..

    Goblin 1: SHINEYS?!

    Daenir: *nodding* Lots of shineys in Oren!

    Goblin 2: Yub Yub!

    *both goblins drop the gold sword and iron bars then take off running for Oren*

    Daenir: Idiots.. *picks up the sword and bars and then puts them back in the chest*

    *After that, he hides the chest with a blanket, then walks off*

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you in the common tongue, how do you respond?:

    Daenir: Hello! How are you?

    Trader 1: Fine.. want to trade?

    Daenir: Hmm… I suppose so.. do you have any cookies?

    Trader 2: I got some in me tent..

    *Trader 2 walks over to his tent, goes inside, then comes out with five cookies in his hands*

    Daenir: I’ll take them for say.. ten minas.

    Trader 2: Deal.

    *Daenir and Trader 2 exchange the cookies for the minas*

    Daenir: Do you people mind if I stay here for the night?

    Trader 3: Not at all! Here, use the spare tent. *points towards a small and empty tent*

    Daenir: Alright, thanks. *Daenir walks over to the tent and lays out his bedroll, he then falls asleep*

    -In the dead of night-

    Trader 4: There are two orcs approaching, everyone wake up!

    Daenir: Uruk?

    Trader 4: Yes come on!

    Daenir: *Walking out side to see everyone gathered by the fire to greet the orcs* Hm..

    Orc 1: Give us yer money or be flattened!

    Orc 2: Yub, give it or flat.

    Daenir: *getting angered by the orcs* No.

    Orc 1: Nub? You be flat den twiggie!

    Orc 2: *walking up to Daenir, axe in hand* Yub.. You be flat.

    Daenir: *getting even more angered* No! *throws a punch at the orcs jaw*

    *Orc 2 is too slow to react and is punched in the jaw, fracturing the bone and causing some blood to drip from his mouth*

    *All of the traders draw their weapons and run up to orc 2, slicing and hacking away at him*

    Orc 2: I nub be flat! *attempts to run away but trips and falls, giving the traders a chance to end his life after a few more swipes*

    Orc 1: Keep yer money twiggie! *runs away as fast as his legs will carry him*

    Daenir: Well, I’m going back to bed. *yawning, he goes back to his tent*

    -In the morning-

    Daenir: Well, thanks for letting me stay, but I must be off.

    Trader 1: *smiling* Any time, friend!

    Daenir: Mhm.. *walks off into the forest*

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    Daenir: *walking up to the guard captain* When do you leave, I’d like to come along.

    Guard captain: Right now actually, let us go.


    *five guards and two freelance fighters come to the gates*

    Captain: Move out!

    -The group walks for about an hour, then the bandit camp comes into sight-

    Daenir: There! Through the trees!

    Captain: Everyone, on my mark we charge!

    Captain: 3… 2…. 1…. CHARGE!

    Bandit lookout: GUARDS!!!!

    *The bandits begin to scream and yell*

    Daenir: *running up to a bandit* Die!

    *Daenir throws a punch at the man’s stomach*

    *Bandit 1 is hit in the stomach because he is taken by surprise but then he slices downwards at Daenir*

    *Daenir attempts to dodge but is cut on his foot*

    Daenir: Oi! *throws two more punches at the man’s arms*

    *One of the punches misses completely but one hits the man on the cheek causing him to bleed slightly*

    Bandit 1: Uh.. *falls over knocked out*

    *Daenir looks around for more bandits and sees two double teaming a guard*

    *Daenir runs over to the two bandits and the guard*

    *Daenir throws a punch at the back of one of the bandit’s head, hitting because the bandit didn’t know Daenir was there*

    Bandit 2: Uhh! *Falls over, then the guard slices him in the neck, killing him*

    Bandit 3: Uh oh.. *attempts to run away but is cut down by the angered guard*

    Daenir: Nice work!

    Guard 1: *nodding* Mhm..

    *Daenir looks around for more opponents but he sees that all that is left is the bandit leader, fighting with the captain and two other guards*

    *The bandit leader is quickly killed due to the triple team*

    Captain: We’ve done it! Rewards for all! *hands all of the men one-hundred minas*

    Daenir: *Accepts the minas gratefully* Thank you. It was great to help..

    Captain: *nodding* Thank you, I saw you help that guard that was being killed.

    Daenir: *grins then walks off*

  4. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: Aiden_AJK

    How old are you?: I am thirteen years old. I was born on the third of August.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: U.S.A. Central Time

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Indeed, being american, I speak English quite well.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I love to play video games as much as I love acting and roleplay. I have a good sense of humor and like to help people and do the right thing. On previous RP servers I've been on I've improved many people's roleplaying skills. I hope to get even more acting and roleplay time in on this server.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: As much as my plans allow. On weekends at least four hours and during the week at least one if I'm not busy. Possibly up to 20 hours a week maybe?

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: I know that roleplaying is when you take on the life of a character that you create. You act out the character's personality and what you believe their actions would be in countless situations. Basically it's acting in a play except there's no script to follow. It's extremely entertaining because you decide the character's actions, not a playwright.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: Well, I used to roleplay on RuneScape but in minecraft I've roleplayed on Skyrim: TAW, Lordran: TLS, Irilith Cradle of Life, and Assassin's Creep V1 and V2.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Metagaming is when a player uses out of character information in character. Some examples are seeing someone's nameplate through the walls then going directly to them and killing them or talking with them. Another example is you hearing that your friend's friend is a dwarf on skype and for whatever reason your character hates dwarves. Going to that particular player who may be disguised and killing him would be metagaming.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Powergaming is when players don't give the other player a chance to react to their actions and when they do things that are impossible to do in real life. Examples are: *Steve punches Bob so hard that he flys through the wall and then dies* or *Joe kills bob in one hit!*

    What do you expect this server will be like?: An amazing roleplaying experience based off of Lord of the Rings with a minecraft twist on it. I also believe it will have tons of battles and fights to keep it entertaining.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Skyrim TAW, It went down, Lordran The Lost Souls Barely anyone goes on and I didn't like the staff, Assassin's Creep V1 It went down, Assassin's Creep V2, I have not really left, my spoutcraft just won't work well.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have read them and I understand them.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: Of course.

    How did you hear about us?: Browsing the minecraft forums and people's signatures.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?:





    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-%E2%96%91%E2%96%92%E2%96%93-the-lord-of-the-craft-%E2%96%93%E2%96%92%E2%96%91-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/): When I finish posting this one I will.


    Character Name: Aiden Redhorn

    What Race are you?: Human

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race): N/A

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): Aiden was born in a small cottage in a big forest miles from any civilization. He learned from his father how to effectively hunt for food and other survival skills. From his mother he learned how to cook food and how to use his surroundings to his advantage.

    Day after day he hunted, his brown eyes honing in on the animals while he kept silent in the forest with his skills of stealth. He grew to depend on his smaller body to slip through openings in the woods that most others could not. He would keep to himself and stay quiet. The only time he ever opened up to the world was when he was in the woods, solitary.

    When he turned fourteen years old, he began to go with his father to nearest town, almost twelve miles away. In this town he stealthily walked around using his hunting techniques to his advantage. He learned countless things while visiting towns near him. For one, you shouldn't trust most people. Another thing he learned was to stay away from the guards, especially the drunk ones. ((He was only 14 at this time, keep that in mind))

    On his sixteenth birthday his father gave him an expensive bow from somewhere in a city far away. Aiden cherished this weapon and brought it with him everywhere. He crafted a full quiver of arrows to go along with it. He practiced with it every day on a small target that he attached to a tree along with shooting the animals that he ate for dinner. He grew to make clean, accurate shots consistently. He knew that Asulon could be a dangerous place so he needed to be able to defend himself.

    Two years went by and Aiden grew tired of the same woods and the same routine that he had done for all of his life. He packed a bag of supplies along with his bow, his arrows, his father's beloved chestplate of solid iron, which had been given to him from his sobbing father as a good-bye gift, and his hunting knife. From his mother, Aiden acquired an iron cooking pot and a variety of food. With his final goodbyes, Aiden slipped on his leather hunting boots and set out. Aiden explored the landscape and visited many different towns, trading his animal skins for food, arrows, and other items that an adventurer might need.

    During Aiden's travels, he encountered many situations where his stealth saved him. One of the situations was when he was nineteen years old. Aiden had been following the road for five days, moving on to the next village. He saw a group of bandits in a fight with some orcs. Sneaking up, he heard them arguing over weapons and supplies. Curiously he got in closer. He then heard someone scream "Die you fool!" then the fight broke out. One of the bandits was flung back into the very bush Aiden was hiding in. He quickly looked around for anyone else nearby then ran. From this he learned that he shouldn't poke around with fights unless it's necessary. Now, at the age of twenty, Aiden roams the land helping when he believes he should and doing what will better himself. He now plans to continue adventuring and exploring Asulon.

    What is your Character's ambitions?: Aiden would like to explore the land and learn as much as he can. He would also enjoy being a travelling merchant, selling his hides and flipping different items for profit. On top of those ambitions, he would be happy to master the bow and master stealth but he knows that will takes many more years of practice.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): Aiden's favorite tool is his extravagant bow and his sharp arrows. This is his favorite tool because it allows him to hunt animals effectively and fight enemies without the risk of close quarter combat and getting stabbed in the back (Literally a knife going into his back, not the betrayal kind).

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents? One of Aiden's most skilled talents besides marksmanship is stealth. He learned this skill from his father and became more adept at the practice through hunting animals. When hunting, he quickly learned that if he didn't become more stealthy, he wouldn't be able to provide himself with food which would cause him to starve.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):

    I believe I have it correct now.


    Other Information about your Character: Aiden can be very deceiving and is good with nature.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    Aiden: *walking over to the warriors and the halfling* You men! *pointing towards the warriors* What do you think you are doing!

    Warrior 1: What do you mean? We're just 'borrowing' money from this here eh... Halfing... Right?

    Halfling: *nervously and shaking* I-I They who they ar-are b-borrowing th- no no they are taking it from m-me! H-Help!

    Warrior 2: You fool! I'll get you for that! *draws his blade and lunges at the halfling*

    Aiden: Stop! *draws sword and attempts to deflect the blow*

    *Warrior 2 makes contact with Aiden's sword and is flung onto the ground*

    *Warrior 1 steps up and attempts to slice Aiden's hand off*

    *Instinctively Aiden jumps back and draws his bow, the halfling begins to slowly back away*

    *Warrior 1 begins to charge Aiden*

    *Aiden attempts to shoot the Warrior*

    *Because the warrior is focused on charging Aiden, Aiden manages to land an arrow on his shoulder, Aiden then quickly draws his gleaming blade*

    Warrior 1: *taking the impact of the arrow* Gah.... *keeps charging after he quickly pulls the arrow out*

    *Aiden attempts to cut Warrior 1's sword hand*

    *Because Warrior 1 is injured, Aiden is able to throw off his aim but because he is better with a bow, he doesn't cut off the hand*

    Warrior 2: *Back on his feet* I'll kill you! *screamed more loudly then intended*

    *Guard Captain hears the commotion and runs over with three other guards*

    Guard Captain: Stop fighting all of you or you'll be jailed!

    *Warrior 1 ignores the Guard along with Warrior 2 and attempts to land a blow down Aiden's chest*

    *Aiden attempts to jump back but it hit by Warrior 1's sword in the leg*

    Aiden: Gah! Help me guards!

    *The guards begin to fire arrows at the warriors*

    Warrior 2: Bill, let's get out of here!

    Warrior 1: Agreed!

    *Both run and two of the guards begin to chase them out of sight*

    Guard Captain: *walking up to Aiden* That sure was brave of you to do that.. good work. How's your leg?

    Aiden: *Standing up* It's fine I suppose.. I'll just wrap it with some cloth.. I must be off now.. Goodbye.

    Guard Captain: Farewell

    *Both walk in separate directions*

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    Aiden: Hmm do you have any arrows?

    Merchant: Let me see.. *walks into a small tent behind the stall*

    *While the merchant is in there, Aiden spots a lone man in black robes sneaking over to the tent*

    Merchant: *exiting the tent* I do indeed have thirty arrows! I'll sell them for 200 Minnas

    Aiden: *Still watching the robed man* I'll take it... *hands the money to the merchant*

    Aiden: If I were you, I'd look at your tent entrance and call the guards.. *Aiden takes the arrows from the man's hands*

    Merchant: Oh I see... Can you stay here while I get them?

    Aiden: I suppose..

    Merchant: Excellent.. *rushes towards a guard tower*

    Aiden: *sneaking behind the robed figure* Who are you?

    Robed Figure: *startled* Oh-Me-I-I was-was ch-checking th-this t-tent to s-see if it's s-stable.

    Aiden: *pretending to believe him* Oh I suppose that's okay then.. *walks back to the stall then hides and watches the man again*

    *The robed figure goes into the tent*

    Guard 1: Is this your tent?

    Merchant: *whispering* Keep it down! Yes, it is.

    Guard 1: *whispering as well* I see.. Let me have a look inside.

    *Guard 1 goes into the tent and yowls in agony*

    Aiden: Oh no.. *rushes over to the tent*

    Merchant: Ahh! *yelling loudly* GUARDS! HELP! THEFT MURDER!!!

    Aiden: I'll take care of this! *kicks over the supports that hold the tent up, causing it to fall making an outline of the Robed Man*

    *Guards 2 and 3 approach*

    Guard 2: What's going on!

    Merchant: The man in the tent is a thief and a murderer! Get him!

    *Robed Figure attempts to sneak away but the Guards rush over and cuff him*

    Guard 3: Your coming with me.. You there *pointing to Aiden* Get that guard to a healer as fast as you can!

    Aiden: Alright. *goes over to the wounded guard and picks him up*

    *Aiden rushes the man to the nearest healer*

    Healer: What is it?

    Aiden: This guard needs help! He was stabbed in the chest!

    Healer: *inspecting the guard* I see.. place him here then be off!

    *Aiden places the guard on a small table then walks away from the Healer's home, evaluating the situation he was just in*

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    *Aiden walks into the hut and sees the items in the chest, two iron ingots and a fine golden sword*

    *He quickly takes the items and searches the rest of the hut*

    *When he sees nothing else, he quickly hurries to the nearest town*

    Aiden: You there, where can I sell some ingots and a sword?

    Man: The blacksmith is right over there.. he'll probably buy them

    *Aiden heads to the blacksmith*

    Blacksmith: 'Ello what can I do for you

    Aiden: I'd like to sell these items *shows the sword and ingots*

    Blacksmith: Ooooo a fine weapon. I'll pay you five hundred Minnas for it.

    Aiden: *with hesitation* Fine, deal

    *Both men give their items to the other person*

    Aiden: Good day.

    Blacksmith: You too.

    *Aiden leaves, happy with the deal*

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    Aiden: Hello there fine men! Do you by any chance have some food that I could purchase?

    Trader 1: *In a rough voice* I have some pork that I could sell to you.

    Aiden: Hmm how much pork do you have and what is the cost for half of what you have?

    Trader 1: I have ten pieces of this fine meat.. I'll sell you five for a mere fifty Minnas

    Aiden: *thinks for a moment* Hmm I'll take it *goes over to the trader and gives him the money*

    *Trader 1 gives Aiden the pork*

    Aiden: Thanks. Does anyone have some arrows or know how to repair armor?

    Trader 2: I can sell you fifteen arrows for one-hundred Minnas.

    Aiden: Deal. *Aiden and the trader exchange items*

    Aiden: Mind if I stay here for a night?

    Trader 4: You can stay, the more the merrier or something like that..

    Aiden: Right.. *Lays down on a spare bedroll and gazes at the stars*

    -Suddenly a big bear growls from the trees nearby-

    Trader 3: Oh no! Not a bear..

    Aiden: *drawing his bow* I'll get it! With some help of course..

    Traders in unison: *drawing their weapons* Get the bear!

    Aiden: *shooting an arrow towards the noises* Rah!

    Bear: *Growling* Grrr Grrraahhh!! *charges into the clearing and knocks over a tent*

    *Aiden attempts to shoot an arrow in the bear's neck while the traders slowly advance with their swords*

    Bear: *Getting slashed on the foot and having the arrow hit it's shoulder* Grrrrrahhh!!!! *lunges for Trader 1*

    Trader 1: Ahhhhhh!!! *throws his sword at the bear's head and runs out of the bear's range of clawing*

    Bear: *getting hit by the sword right in the jaw* Rrrahh.. Guh.. *stumbles around slashing at anything that moves*

    Trader 3: *attempting to cut the bear's head off* Help me get it's head!

    Aiden: *attempting to hit the bear in the eye with an arrow* Agreed! Hit its head!

    *Aiden along with traders 2, 3, and 4 attack the bear in unison aiming for it's big head*

    Bear: *Falling to the ground with little energy left* Guh.. Ruh..

    *Trader 3 finishes the bear with a blow to the chest*

    Trader 4: *panting* That was interesting..

    Aiden: Agreed now I'm going to get some rest.. *Aiden goes to his bedroll and falls asleep while traders 1 and 3 skin the bear and take out it's meat while throwing the rest of it out into the woods*

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    Aiden: *Approaching the guard leader* I'd like to sign up to help defeat these bandits.

    Guard Leader: Hmm alright.. What are you good at?

    Aiden: Well I'm very stealthy.. I could be a scout if you want. I'm also a good marksman.

    Guard Leader: Hmm I'll have you scout ahead then report back to me when we go to attack. You shall also be mixed in with all of the other archers.

    Aiden: Alright. *walks over to his room in the town's tavern and sleeps until daybreak*

    -Morning time-

    Aiden: *yawning* Gotta... Get.. Gear... On...

    *Aiden drowsily puts on his apparel and then grabs his bow and walks towards the Guards and volunteers who look like they are about to depart*

    Aiden: I am ready to scout ahead.

    Guard leader: Wonderful. We shall begin marching twenty minutes after you depart.

    Aiden: Alright. *Aiden trots out of the town and goes to the camp*

    *When the camp is in sight, Aiden sneaks past the sentries and looks around for a tent with armor or weapons*

    *Aiden eventually spots one and sneaks down into it*

    *Once inside Aiden counts their supplies and takes note of its condition*

    *Aiden then sneaks back out of the tent and trots back to where he believes the guards are probably located*

    Aiden: *walking up to the leader* Here is my observations: *Aiden tells the leader all about the camp; where the easiest place to break in would be, the armory tent, how many archers there are, and other things that would help the Guard Leader achieve his goal of killing all of the bandits*

    Guard Leader: I see. Thank you then... Go join the archers over there *points towards a group of five men with bows and quivers full of arrows*

    *The attackers continue on marching for another half hour before they reach the camp*

    Bandit Sentry: Guards! Attackers! Emergency at the front gate!!!!

    *Bandit Archers rush up to the towers located around the camp and station themselves on its sturdy wooden walls*

    Guard Leader: Archers! Fire! Infantry, Follow me!

    *Aiden and the other archers begin to fire all of their arrows at any bandit foolish enough to pop up out of his hiding place*

    *The Guard Leader leads ten men over to the weakest part of the wall and orders two of the men to put up ladders*

    *Once the ladders are up the infantry pack themselves at the bottom of the ladders while others quickly climb up*

    Bandit Sentry: Over there! Up the wa- *Bandit sentry stays out of hiding for too long and is hit by a stray arrow*

    Aiden: Ouch.. What a horrible way to go.. *shoots another arrow in the direction of the gate*

    *The infantry make it up onto the wall and begin to fight the bandits that come to meet them*

    Infantry Guard 1: Die you outlaw! *attempts to decapitate Bandit 1*

    Bandit 1: *ducking down to avoid the blow* Woah! Die you guard! *attempts to stab the guard in the stomach*

    *Guard 1 is hit but his armor takes in most of the blow*

    -The fight continues like this for another three hours. In this time Aiden and the other archers go up onto the wall and surround the remaining bandits, trapping them in the leader's tent-

    Aiden: Come out or die outlaws!

    *The bandit leader along with his wife and two other bandits come out of the tent with their hands on their heads*

    Guard Leader: Well Well Well... Looks like I've caught you.

    Bandit Leader: Bah just get on with it. Take us away.

    Guard Leader: Right.. Guards! *Two guards go up and handcuff all four people* Everyone else, Take the good items from this camp for the guard barracks in town then burn this 'camp' to the ground!

    Guards: Will do!

    *Guards begin to burn the camp to the ground while Aiden walks over to the leader to accept his reward*

    Aiden: Err I do get payed for this correct?

    Guard Leader: What? Oh yes, of course. Here you are *hands Aiden five-hundred Minnas*

    Aiden: *accepting the Minnas* Thank you! See you around I suppose *Aiden strolls back to the town to have a drink and share stories about the battle with everyone*

  5. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: Aiden_AJK

    How old are you?: 13

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: U.S.A central time.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I love to play video games as much as I love acting and roleplay. I have a good sense of humor and like to help people and do the right thing. On previous RP servers I've been on I've improved many people's roleplaying skills. I hope to get even more acting and roleplay time in on this server.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: As much as my plans allow. On weekends at least four hours and during the week at least one if I'm not busy. Possibly up to 20 hours a week maybe?

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: I know that roleplaying is when you take on the life of a character that you create. You act out the character's personality and what you believe their actions would be in countless situations. Basically it's acting in a play except there's no script to follow. It's extremely entertaining because you decide the character's actions, not a playwright.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: Well, I used to roleplay on RuneScape but in minecraft I've roleplayed on Skyrim: TAW, Lordran: TLS, Irilith Cradle of Life, and Assassin's Creep V1 and V2.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Metagaming is when a player uses out of character information in character. Some examples are seeing someone's nameplate through the walls then going directly to them and killing them or talking with them. Another example is you hearing that your friend's friend is a dwarf on skype and for whatever reason your character hates dwarves. Going to that particular player who may be disguised and killing him would be metagaming.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Powergaming is when players don't give the other player a chance to react to their actions. Examples are: *Steve punches Bob so hard that he flys through the wall and then dies* or *Joe kills bob in one hit!*

    What do you expect this server will be like?: An amazing roleplaying experience based off of Lord of the Rings with a minecraft twist on it. I also believe it will have tons of battles and fights to keep it entertaining.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Skyrim TAW, It went down, Lordran The Lost Souls Barely anyone goes on and I didn't like the staff, Assassin's Creep V1 It went down, Assassin's Creep V2, I have not really left, my spoutcraft just won't work well.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have read them and I understand them.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: Of course.

    How did you hear about us?: Browsing the minecraft forums and people's signatures.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?: Yes, I was denied for using an older format. Here it is: http://www.lordofthe...-whitelist-app/



    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraft...-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/): I will post this one after I post it here.


    Character Name: Aiden Redhorn

    What Race are you?: Human

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race): N/A

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): Aiden was born in a small cottage in a big forest miles from any civilization. He learned from his father how to effectively hunt for food and other survival skills. From his mother he learned how to cook food and how to use his surroundings to his advantage.

    Day after day he hunted, his brown eyes honing in on the animals while he kept silent in the forest with his skills of stealth. He grew to depend on his smaller body to slip through openings in the woods that most others could not. He would keep to himself and stay quiet. The only time he ever opened up to the world was when he was in the woods, solitary.

    As he turned fourteen years old, he began to go with his father to nearest town, almost twelve miles away. In this town he stealthily walked around using his hunting techniques to his advantage. He learned countless things while visiting towns near him. For one, you shouldn't trust most people. Another thing he learned was to stay away from the guards, especially the drunk ones. ((He was only 14 at this time, keep that in mind))

    On his sixteenth birthday his father gave him an expensive bow from somewhere in a city far away. Aiden cherished this weapon and brought it with him everywhere. He crafted a full quiver of arrows to go along with it. He practiced with it every day on a small target that he attached to a tree along with shooting the animals that he ate for dinner. He grew to make clean, accurate shots consistently. He knew that Asulon could be a dangerous place so he needed to be able to defend himself.

    Two years went by and Aiden grew tired of the same woods and the same routine that he had done for all of his life. He packed a bag of supplies along with his bow, his arrows, his father's beloved chestplate of solid iron, which had been given to him from his sobbing father as a good-bye gift, and his hunting knife. From his mother, Aiden acquired an iron cooking pot and a variety of food. With his final goodbyes, Aiden slipped on his leather hunting boots and set out. Aiden explored the landscape and visited many different towns, trading his animal skins for food, arrows, and other items that an adventurer might need.

    During Aiden's travels, he encountered many situations where his stealth saved him. One of the situations was when he was nineteen years old. Aiden had been following the road for five days, moving on to the next village. He saw a group of bandits in a fight with some orcs. Sneaking up, he heard them arguing over weapons and supplies. Curiously he got in closer. He then heard someone scream "Die you fool!" then the fight broke out. One of the bandits was flung back into the very bush Aiden was hiding in. He quickly looked around for anyone else nearby then ran. From this he learned that he shouldn't poke around with fights unless it's necessary. Now, at the age of twenty, Aiden roams the land helping when he believes he should and doing what will better himself. He now plans to continue adventuring and exploring Asulon.

    What is your Character's ambitions?: Aiden would like to explore the land and learn as much as he can. Someday, he wants to become a thief (If I get a villain app accepted I will probably do this) but until then he also has the ambition of being a good travelling merchant.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): His Bow.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents? Stealth

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format): post-41837-0-09670900-1335063397_thumb.p

    Other Information about your Character: Aiden can be very deceiving and is good with nature.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    Aiden: *walking over to the warriors and the halfling* You men! *pointing towards the warriors* What do you think you are doing!

    Warrior 1: What do you mean? We're just 'borrowing' money from this here eh... Halfing... Right?

    Halfling: *nervously and shaking* I-I They who they ar-are b-borrowing th- no no they are taking it from m-me! H-Help!

    Warrior 2: You fool! I'll get you for that! *draws his blade and lunges at the halfling*

    Aiden: Stop! *draws sword and attempts to deflect the blow*

    *Warrior 2 makes contact with Aiden's sword and is flung onto the ground*

    *Warrior 1 steps up and attempts to slice Aiden's hand off*

    *Instinctively Aiden jumps back and draws his bow, the halfling begins to slowly back away*

    *Warrior 1 begins to charge Aiden*

    *Aiden attempts to shoot the Warrior*

    *Because the warrior is focused on charging Aiden, Aiden manages to land an arrow on his shoulder, Aiden then quickly draws his gleaming blade*

    Warrior 1: *taking the impact of the arrow* Gah.... *keeps charging after he quickly pulls the arrow out*

    *Aiden attempts to cut Warrior 1's sword hand*

    *Because Warrior 1 is injured, Aiden is able to throw off his aim but because he is better with a bow, he doesn't cut off the hand*

    Warrior 2: *Back on his feet* I'll kill you! *screamed more loudly then intended*

    *Guard Captain hears the commotion and runs over with three other guards*

    Guard Captain: Stop fighting all of you or you'll be jailed!

    *Warrior 1 ignores the Guard along with Warrior 2 and attempts to land a blow down Aiden's chest*

    *Aiden attempts to jump back but it hit by Warrior 1's sword in the leg*

    Aiden: Gah! Help me guards!

    *The guards begin to fire arrows at the warriors*

    Warrior 2: Bill, let's get out of here!

    Warrior 1: Agreed!

    *Both run and two of the guards begin to chase them out of sight*

    Guard Captain: *walking up to Aiden* That sure was brave of you to do that.. good work. How's your leg?

    Aiden: *Standing up* It's fine I suppose.. I'll just wrap it with some cloth.. I must be off now.. Goodbye.

    Guard Captain: Farewell

    *Both walk in separate directions*

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    Aiden: Hmm do you have any arrows?

    Merchant: Let me see.. *walks into a small tent behind the stall*

    *While the merchant is in there, Aiden spots a lone man in black robes sneaking over to the tent*

    Merchant: *exiting the tent* I do indeed have thirty arrows! I'll sell them for 200 Minnas

    Aiden: *Still watching the robed man* I'll take it... *hands the money to the merchant*

    Aiden: If I were you, I'd look at your tent entrance and call the guards.. *Aiden takes the arrows from the man's hands*

    Merchant: Oh I see... Can you stay here while I get them?

    Aiden: I suppose..

    Merchant: Excellent.. *rushes towards a guard tower*

    Aiden: *sneaking behind the robed figure* Who are you?

    Robed Figure: *startled* Oh-Me-I-I was-was ch-checking th-this t-tent to s-see if it's s-stable.

    Aiden: *pretending to believe him* Oh I suppose that's okay then.. *walks back to the stall then hides and watches the man again*

    *The robed figure goes into the tent*

    Guard 1: Is this your tent?

    Merchant: *whispering* Keep it down! Yes, it is.

    Guard 1: *whispering as well* I see.. Let me have a look inside.

    *Guard 1 goes into the tent and yowls in agony*

    Aiden: Oh no.. *rushes over to the tent*

    Merchant: Ahh! *yelling loudly* GUARDS! HELP! THEFT MURDER!!!

    Aiden: I'll take care of this! *kicks over the supports that hold the tent up, causing it to fall making an outline of the Robed Man*

    *Guards 2 and 3 approach*

    Guard 2: What's going on!

    Merchant: The man in the tent is a thief and a murderer! Get him!

    *Robed Figure attempts to sneak away but the Guards rush over and cuff him*

    Guard 3: Your coming with me.. You there *pointing to Aiden* Get that guard to a healer as fast as you can!

    Aiden: Alright. *goes over to the wounded guard and picks him up*

    *Aiden rushes the man to the nearest healer*

    Healer: What is it?

    Aiden: This guard needs help! He was stabbed in the chest!

    Healer: *inspecting the guard* I see.. place him here then be off!

    *Aiden places the guard on a small table then walks away from the Healer's home, evaluating the situation he was just in*

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?: Aiden would quickly take the items and then search the rest of the hut, taking anything else. He would then go to the nearest blacksmith to repair his armor with the ingots. He then would sell the exquisite blade to the blacksmith.

    In RP

    *Aiden walks into the hut and sees the items in the chest, two iron ingots and a fine golden sword*

    *He quickly takes the items and searches the rest of the hut*

    *When he sees nothing else, he quickly hurries to the nearest town*

    Aiden: You there, where can I sell some ingots and a sword?

    Man: The blacksmith is right over there.. he'll probably buy them

    *Aiden heads to the blacksmith*

    Blacksmith: 'Ello what can I do for you

    Aiden: I'd like to sell these items *shows the sword and ingots*

    Blacksmith: Ooooo a fine weapon. I'll pay you five hundred Minnas for it.

    Aiden: *with hesitation* Fine, deal

    *Both men give their items to the other person*

    Aiden: Good day.

    Blacksmith: You too.

    *Aiden leaves, happy with the deal*

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    Aiden: Hello there fine men! Do you by any chance have some food that I could purchase?

    Trader 1: *In a rough voice* I have some pork that I could sell to you.

    Aiden: Hmm how much pork do you have and what is the cost for half of what you have?

    Trader 1: I have ten pieces of this fine meat.. I'll sell you five for a mere fifty Minnas

    Aiden: *thinks for a moment* Hmm I'll take it *goes over to the trader and gives him the money*

    *Trader 1 gives Aiden the pork*

    Aiden: Thanks. Does anyone have some arrows or know how to repair armor?

    Trader 2: I can sell you fifteen arrows for one-hundred Minnas.

    Aiden: Deal. *Aiden and the trader exchange items*

    Aiden: Mind if I stay here for a night?

    Trader 4: You can stay, the more the merrier or something like that..

    Aiden: Right.. *Lays down on a spare bedroll and gazes at the stars*

    -Suddenly a big bear growls from the trees nearby-

    Trader 3: Oh no! Not a bear..

    Aiden: *drawing his bow* I'll get it! With some help of course..

    Traders in unison: *drawing their weapons* Get the bear!

    Aiden: *shooting an arrow towards the noises* Rah!

    Bear: *Growling* Grrr Grrraahhh!! *charges into the clearing and knocks over a tent*

    *Aiden attempts to shoot an arrow in the bear's neck while the traders slowly advance with their swords*

    Bear: *Getting slashed on the foot and having the arrow hit it's shoulder* Grrrrrahhh!!!! *lunges for Trader 1*

    Trader 1: Ahhhhhh!!! *throws his sword at the bear's head and runs out of the bear's range of clawing*

    Bear: *getting hit by the sword right in the jaw* Rrrahh.. Guh.. *stumbles around slashing at anything that moves*

    Trader 3: *attempting to cut the bear's head off* Help me get it's head!

    Aiden: *attempting to hit the bear in the eye with an arrow* Agreed! Hit its head!

    *Aiden along with traders 2, 3, and 4 attack the bear in unison aiming for it's big head*

    Bear: *Falling to the ground with little energy left* Guh.. Ruh..

    *Trader 3 finishes the bear with a blow to the chest*

    Trader 4: *panting* That was interesting..

    Aiden: Agreed now I'm going to get some rest.. *Aiden goes to his bedroll and falls asleep while traders 1 and 3 skin the bear and take out it's meat while throwing the rest of it out into the woods*

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them*. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    Aiden: *Approaching the guard leader* I'd like to sign up to help defeat these bandits.

    Guard Leader: Hmm alright.. What are you good at?

    Aiden: Well I'm very stealthy.. I could be a scout if you want. I'm also a good marksman.

    Guard Leader: Hmm I'll have you scout ahead then report back to me when we go to attack. You shall also be mixed in with all of the other archers.

    Aiden: Alright. *walks over to his room in the town's tavern and sleeps until daybreak*

    -Morning time-

    Aiden: *yawning* Gotta... Get.. Gear... On...

    *Aiden drowsily puts on his apparel and then grabs his bow and walks towards the Guards and volunteers who look like they are about to depart*

    Aiden: I am ready to scout ahead.

    Guard leader: Wonderful. We shall begin marching twenty minutes after you depart.

    Aiden: Alright. *Aiden trots out of the town and goes to the camp*

    *When the camp is in sight, Aiden sneaks past the sentries and looks around for a tent with armor or weapons*

    *Aiden eventually spots one and sneaks down into it*

    *Once inside Aiden counts their supplies and takes note of its condition*

    *Aiden then sneaks back out of the tent and trots back to where he believes the guards are probably located*

    Aiden: *walking up to the leader* Here is my observations: *Aiden tells the leader all about the camp; where the easiest place to break in would be, the armory tent, how many archers there are, and other things that would help the Guard Leader achieve his goal of killing all of the bandits*

    Guard Leader: I see. Thank you then... Go join the archers over there *points towards a group of five men with bows and quivers full of arrows*

    *The attackers continue on marching for another half hour before they reach the camp*

    Bandit Sentry: Guards! Attackers! Emergency at the front gate!!!!

    *Bandit Archers rush up to the towers located around the camp and station themselves on its sturdy wooden walls*

    Guard Leader: Archers! Fire! Infantry, Follow me!

    *Aiden and the other archers begin to fire all of their arrows at any bandit foolish enough to pop up out of his hiding place*

    *The Guard Leader leads ten men over to the weakest part of the wall and orders two of the men to put up ladders*

    *Once the ladders are up the infantry pack themselves at the bottom of the ladders while others quickly climb up*

    Bandit Sentry: Over there! Up the wa- *Bandit sentry stays out of hiding for too long and is hit by a stray arrow*

    Aiden: Ouch.. What a horrible way to go.. *shoots another arrow in the direction of the gate*

    *The infantry make it up onto the wall and begin to fight the bandits that come to meet them*

    Infantry Guard 1: Die you outlaw! *attempts to decapitate Bandit 1*

    Bandit 1: *ducking down to avoid the blow* Woah! Die you guard! *attempts to stab the guard in the stomach*

    *Guard 1 is hit but his armor takes in most of the blow*

    -The fight continues like this for another three hours. In this time Aiden and the other archers go up onto the wall and surround the remaining bandits, trapping them in the leader's tent-

    Aiden: Come out or die outlaws!

    *The bandit leader along with his wife and two other bandits come out of the tent with their hands on their heads*

    Guard Leader: Well Well Well... Looks like I've caught you.

    Bandit Leader: Bah just get on with it. Take us away.

    Guard Leader: Right.. Guards! *Two guards go up and handcuff all four people* Everyone else, Take the good items from this camp for the guard barracks in town then burn this 'camp' to the ground!

    Guards: Will do!

    *Guards begin to burn the camp to the ground while Aiden walks over to the leader to accept his reward*

    Aiden: Err I do get payed for this correct?

    Guard Leader: What? Oh yes, of course. Here you are *hands Aiden five-hundred Minnas*

    Aiden: *accepting the Minnas* Thank you! See you around I suppose *Aiden strolls back to the town to have a drink and share stories about the battle with everyone*

  6. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: Aiden_AJK

    How old are you?: 13

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: U.S.A central time.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I love to play video games as much as I love acting and roleplay. I have a good sense of humor and like to help people and do the right thing. On previous RP servers I've been on I've improved many people's roleplaying skills. I hope to get even more acting and roleplay time in on this server.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: As much as my plans allow. On weekends at least four hours and during the week at least one if I'm not busy. Possibly up to 20 hours a week maybe?

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: I know that roleplaying is when you take on the life of a character that you create. You act out the character's personality and what you believe their actions would be in countless situations. Basically it's acting in a play except there's no script to follow. It's extremely entertaining because you decide the character's actions, not a playwright.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: Well, I used to roleplay on RuneScape but in minecraft I've roleplayed on Skyrim: TAW, Lordran: TLS, Irilith Cradle of Life, and Assassin's Creep V1 and V2.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Metagaming is when a player uses out of character information in character. Some examples are seeing someone's nameplate through the walls then going directly to them and killing them or talking with them. Another example is you hearing that your friend's friend is a dwarf on skype and for whatever reason your character hates dwarves. Going to that particular player who may be disguised and killing him would be metagaming.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Powergaming is when players don't give the other player a chance to react to their actions. Examples are: *Steve punches Bob so hard that he flys through the wall and then dies* or *Joe kills bob in one hit!*

    What do you expect this server will be like?: An amazing roleplaying experience based off of Lord of the Rings with a minecraft twist on it. I also believe it will have tons of battles and fights to keep it entertaining.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Skyrim TAW, It went down, Lordran The Lost Souls Barely anyone goes on and I didn't like the staff, Assassin's Creep V1 It went down, Assassin's Creep V2, I have not really left, my spoutcraft just won't work well.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have read them and I understand them.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: Of course.

    How did you hear about us?: Browsing the minecraft forums and people's signatures.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?: Yes, I was denied for using an older format. Here it is: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/51477-aiden-ajks-whitelist-app/


    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-%E2%96%91%E2%96%92%E2%96%93-the-lord-of-the-craft-%E2%96%93%E2%96%92%E2%96%91-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/): I will post this one after I post it here.


    Character Name: Aiden Redhorn

    What Race are you?: Human

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race): N/A

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): Aiden was born in a small cottage in a big forest miles from any civilization. He learned from his father how to effectively hunt for food and other survival skills. From his mother he learned how to cook food and how to use his surroundings to his advantage.

    Day after day he hunted, his brown eyes honing in on the animals while he kept silent in the forest with his skills of stealth. He grew to depend on his smaller body to slip through openings in the woods that most others could not. He would keep to himself and stay quiet. The only time he ever opened up to the world was when he was in the woods, solitary.

    As he turned fourteen years old, he began to go with his father to nearest town, almost twelve miles away. In this town he stealthily walked around using his hunting techniques to his advantage. He learned countless things while visiting towns near him. For one, you shouldn't trust most people. Another thing he learned was to stay away from the guards, especially the drunk ones. ((He was only 14 at this time, keep that in mind))

    On his sixteenth birthday his father gave him an expensive bow from somewhere in a city far away. Aiden cherished this weapon and brought it with him everywhere. He crafted a full quiver of arrows to go along with it. He practiced with it every day on a small target that he attached to a tree along with shooting the animals that he ate for dinner. He grew to make clean, accurate shots consistently. He knew that Asulon could be a dangerous place so he needed to be able to defend himself.

    Two years went by and Aiden grew tired of the same woods and the same routine that he had done for all of his life. He packed a bag of supplies along with his bow, his arrows, his father's beloved chestplate of solid iron, which had been given to him from his sobbing father as a good-bye gift, and his hunting knife. From his mother, Aiden acquired an iron cooking pot and a variety of food. With his final goodbyes, Aiden slipped on his leather hunting boots and set out. Aiden explored the landscape and visited many different towns, trading his animal skins for food, arrows, and other items that an adventurer might need.

    During Aiden's travels, he encountered many situations where his stealth saved him. One of the situations was when he was nineteen years old. Aiden had been following the road for five days, moving on to the next village. He saw a group of bandits in a fight with some orcs. Sneaking up, he heard them arguing over weapons and supplies. Curiously he got in closer. He then heard someone scream "Die you fool!" then the fight broke out. One of the bandits was flung back into the very bush Aiden was hiding in. He quickly pick-pocketed all of the bandit's money and weapons then ran. From this he learned that he shouldn't poke around with fights unless it's necessary. Now, at the age of twenty, Aiden roams the land helping when he believes he should and stealing what he needs when nobody is around. He now plans to continue adventuring and exploring Asulon.

    What is your Character's ambitions?: Aiden would like to explore the land and learn as much as he can. Someday, he wants to become an infamous thief (If I get a villain app accepted I will probably do this) but until then he also has the ambition of being a good travelling merchant.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): His Bow.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents? Stealth

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format): post-41837-0-38937900-1334964682_thumb.p

    Other Information about your Character: Aiden can be very deceiving and is good with nature.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond? Aiden would walk over and help the warriors take the money. Once the warriors get it, he would steal it from them while they are sleeping. Then he would try to find the halfling to give back some of his money.

    In RP:

    Aiden: Oh what do we have here? A small halfling eh?

    *laughs with the warriors*

    Halfling: O-Oh no... not three men...

    Warrior 1: Now, give me the money or I'll take it by force! *laughs manically*

    Warrior 2: Heh Heh Yeah!

    Halfling: Ok fine! Here's all of my Minnas just leave me alone!

    *throws the first warrior a bag full of Minnas*

    *warrior 1 catches them with a smile*

    *halfing runs away quickly*

    Warrior 1: Hahaha we will be having a feast tonight!

    Warrior 2: Hahaha

    Aiden: Right...

    *Aiden follows the warriors into a tavern*

    Warrior 1: I'll have three drinks! Make them strong ones!

    Tavern Keeper: Coming right up.

    *Tavern Keeper makes the drinks*

    *Tavern keeper hands them to Aiden, Warrior 1, and Warrior 2*

    *Warriors 1 and 2 drink gleefully however Aiden just pretends to drink his ale*

    *The night continues like this until midnight when the warriors rent a room and go to sleep*

    *Aiden sneaks into the room and attempts to steal the Minnas that the men stole*

    *Because the men are asleep Aiden is able to take the money without being seen*

    Aiden: *walking out of the tavern* Fools these days...

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response? Aiden: Do you have any arrows or maybe an oddity in your stock of wares? Man: Hmm let me see... *goes into a large tent behind the stall* *Aiden looks around then attempts to steal a small dagger from the stall* *The man comes back out but takes too long in the tent and Aiden is able to steal the blade* Man: Well I have fourteen arrows but no unusual items. Aiden: Hmm I'll take them *pays the money* Man: Good day to you sir! *gives the arrows to Aiden* *Aiden grins and walks away casually*

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?: Aiden would quickly take the items and then search the rest of the hut, taking anything else. He would then go to the nearest blacksmith to repair his armor with the ingots. He then would sell the exquisite blade to the wealthiest buyer.

    In RP

    *Aiden walks into the hut and sees the items in the chest, two iron ingots and a fine golden sword*

    *He quickly takes the items and searches the rest of the hut*

    *When he sees nothing else, he quickly hurries to the nearest town*

    Aiden: You there, where can I sell some ingots and a sword?

    Man: The blacksmith is right over there.. he'll probably buy them

    *Aiden heads to the blacksmith*

    Blacksmith: 'Ello what can I do for you

    Aiden: I'd like to sell these items *shows the sword and ingots*

    Blacksmith: Ooooo a fine weapon. I'll pay you five hundred Minnas for it.

    Aiden: *with hesitation* Fine, deal

    *Both men give their items to the other person*

    Aiden: Good day.

    Blacksmith: You too.

    *Aiden leaves, happy with the deal*

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond? Aiden would cautiously approach them and see what they had. He would then attempt to purchase a bit of food then he would pretend to move onward. What he really would do, however, would be to hide in some trees nearby then sneak into the camp at midnight and steal some more food and possibly a sword or some of the money that he had given them earlier.

    In RP

    Aiden: Hello there.. Do you have any food for sale?

    Merchant 1: I do, I can sell you ten apples for say... 50 Minnas?

    Aiden: Deal *pays the Minnas*

    *Merchant 1 gives Aiden his ten apples*

    Aiden: Right then, now I must continue

    *Aiden leaves the camp*

    >> At NightFall... <<

    *Aiden sneaks up to the camp and sees that the traders are asleep in their bedrolls*

    *Aiden quietly sneaks up to one of the merchants' coin purses*

    *Aiden attempts to steal one fourth of the Minnas*

    *Aiden barely succeeds because the men are sleeping. He barely is successful because one of the men stirred slightly when he opened the bag*

    *Aiden quickly scurries away with the money*

    Aiden: *out of earshot* That was a close one...

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?: Aiden, seeing a chance to get lots of loot, would sneak over to the camp the night before the attack and steal the bandit camp's weapons if possible and some coin as well. Then he would sign up for the attack and loot the corpses of the bandits while picking them off with his bow and arrows. He would then accept his rewards and move on.

    In RP:

    *Aiden sees the Guard telling everyone about his plans*

    *He thinks for a moment then sneaks over to the camp*

    *When night falls, Aiden attempts to steal some of the bandits' weapons*

    *Because they are all asleep, Aiden is able to steal some of the weapons, not all, however because most are right next to their owners*

    *Aiden also attempts to steal a few Minnas and is able to because again, they are asleep*

    *Aiden sneaks back to the town*

    -The next morning-

    Aiden: *walking up to the guards* I will join with you men!

    Guard: Good! We are leaving now.

    *Aiden marches with the guards to the camp*

    Bandit Sentry: Guards! Guards incoming!

    Guard Leader: Archers, Fire!

    *Aiden along with the archers fire at the camp's archers*

    Guard Leader: Infantry, storm the camp on my mark.... 3.... 2.... 1... Go!

    *Infantry charges the camp*

    *Bandits come out to meet the attackers*

    *Seeing his chance, Aiden runs and hides in a nearby bush*

    Aiden: *muttered to himself* Come on... Fall dead over here...

    *Aiden sees a bandit drop dead only a few feet from his bush*

    *Smiling, Aiden goes over and loots his corpse*

    Guard 1: Die you foolish criminal!

    *Guard 1 stabs at one of the bandits' weapon hand*

    Bandit 1: Ahh *falls down and then soon dies from loss of blood*

    Aiden: Hmm this could be very profitable.. *Loots the bandit who just died*

    -The fighting continues for another hour, the guard eventually kill the Bandit Leader and set the camp on fire-

    Guard Leader: Hmm.. Now you over there *points to Aiden* Good fighting here's your reaward *hands Aiden two-hundred Minnas*

    Aiden: Thank you.. *walks back to the town, organizing his spoils*

  7. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name: Aiden_AJK

    How old are you?: 13

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: U.S.A central time.

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I love to play video games as much as I love acting and roleplay. I have a good sense of humor and like to help people and do the right thing. On previous RP servers I've been on I've improved many people's roleplaying skills. I hope to get even more acting and roleplay time in on this server.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: As much as my plans allow. On weekends at least four hours and during the week at least one if I'm not busy. Possibly up to 20 hours a week maybe?

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: I know that roleplaying is when you take on the life of a character that you create. You act out the character's personality and what you believe their actions would be in countless situations. Basically it's acting in a play except there's no script to follow. It's extremely entertaining because you decide the character's actions, not a playwright.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: Well, I used to roleplay on RuneScape but in minecraft I've roleplayed on Skyrim: TAW, Lordran: TLS, Irilith Cradle of Life, and Assassin's Creep V1 and V2.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Metagaming is when a player uses out of character information in character. Some examples are seeing someone's nameplate through the walls then going directly to them and killing them or talking with them. Another example is you hearing that your friend's friend is a dwarf on skype and for whatever reason your character hates dwarves. Going to that particular player who may be disguised and killing him would be metagaming.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Powergaming is when players don't give the other player a chance to react to their actions. Examples are: *Steve punches Bob so hard that he flys through the wall and then dies* or *Joe kills bob in one hit!*

    What do you expect this server will be like?: An amazing roleplaying experience based off of Lord of the Rings with a minecraft twist on it. I also believe it will have tons of battles and fights to keep it entertaining.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Skyrim TAW, It went down, Lordran The Lost Souls Barely anyone goes on and I didn't like the staff, Assassin's Creep V1 It went down, Assassin's Creep V2, I have not really left, my spoutcraft just won't work well.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have read them and I understand them.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: Of course.

    How did you hear about us?: Browsing the minecraft forums and people's signatures.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?: Yes, I was denied for using an older format. Here it is: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/51477-aiden-ajks-whitelist-app/

    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-%E2%96%91%E2%96%92%E2%96%93-the-lord-of-the-craft-%E2%96%93%E2%96%92%E2%96%91-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/): I will post this one after I post it here.


    Character Name: Aiden Redhorn

    What Race are you?: Human

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race): N/A

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): Aiden was born in a small cottage in a big forest miles from any civilization. He learned from his father how to effectively hunt for food and other survival skills. From his mother he learned how to cook food and how to use his surroundings to his advantage. Day after day he hunted, his brown eyes honing in on the animals while he kept silent in the forest with his skills of stealth. He grew to depend on his smaller body to slip through openings in the woods that most others could not. He would keep to himself and stay quiet. The only time he ever opened up to the world was when he was in the woods, solitary. As he turned fourteen years old, he began to go with his father to nearest town, almost twelve miles away. In this town he stealthily walked around using his hunting techniques to his advantage. He learned countless things while visiting towns near him. For one, you shouldn't trust most people. Another thing he learned was to stay away from the guards, especially the drunk ones. ((He was only 14 at this time, keep that in mind)) On his sixteenth birthday his father gave him an expensive bow from somewhere in a city. Aiden cherished this weapon and brought it with him everywhere. He crafted a full quiver of arrows to go along with it. Two years went by and Aiden grew tired of the same woods and the same routine that he had done for all of his life. He packed a bag of supplies along with his bow, his arrows, his father's beloved chestplate of solid iron, which had been given to him from a sobbing father as a good-bye gift, and his hunting knife. From his mother, Aiden acquired an iron cooking pot and a variety of food. With his last final goodbyes, Aiden slipped on his leather hunting boots and set out. Aiden explored the landscape and visited many different towns, trading his animal skins for food, arrows, and other items that an explorer might need.

    During Aiden's travels, he encountered many situations where his stealth saved him. One of the situations was when he was nineteen years old. Aiden had been following the road for five days, moving on to the next village. He saw a group of bandits in a fight with some orcs. Sneaking up, he heard them arguing over weapons and supplies. Curiously he got in closer. He then heard someone scream "Die you fool!" then the fight broke out. One of the bandits was flung back into the very bush Aiden was hiding in. He quickly pick-pocketed all of the bandit's money and weapons then ran. From this he learned that he shouldn't poke around with fights unless it's necessary. Now at the age of twenty, Aiden roams the lands helping where he believes he should and snatching what he might need when nobody is looking.

    What is your Character's ambitions?: Aiden would like to explore the land and learn as much as he can. Someday, he wants to become an infamous thief (If I get a villain app accepted I will probably do this) but until then he also has the ambition of being a good travelling merchant.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): His Bow.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents? Stealth

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format): post-41837-0-16054800-1334872294_thumb.p

    Other Information about your Character: Aiden can be very deceiving and is good with nature.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond? Aiden would walk over and help the warriors take the money. Once the warriors get it, he would steal it from them while they are sleeping. Then he would try to find the halfling to give back some of his money.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response? ((I shall do this with dialogue)) Aiden: Do you have any arrows or maybe an oddity in your stock of wares? Man: Hmm let me see... *goes into a large tent behind the stall* *Aiden looks around then attempts to steal a small dagger from the stall* *The man comes back out but takes too long in the tent and Aiden is able to steal the blade* Man: Well I have fourteen arrows but no unusual items. Aiden: Hmm I'll take them *pays the money* Man: Good day to you sir! *gives the arrows to Aiden* *Aiden grins and walks away casually*

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?: Aiden would quickly take the items and then search the rest of the hut, taking anything else. He would then go to the nearest blacksmith to repair his armor with the ingots. He then would sell the exquisite blade to the wealthiest buyer.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond? Aiden would cautiously approach them and see what they had. He would then attempt to purchase a bit of food then he would pretend to move onward. What he really would do, however, would be to hide in some trees nearby then sneak into the camp at midnight and steal some more food and possibly a sword or some of the money that he had given them earlier.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?: Aiden, seeing a chance to get lots of loot, would sneak over to the camp the night before the attack and steal the bandit camp's weapons if possible and some coin as well. Then he would sign up for the attack and loot the corpses of the bandits while picking them off with his bow and arrows. He would then accept his rewards and move on.

  8. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name: Aiden_AJK

    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?: I'm afraid not.. I didn't attend MineCon.

    How old are you?: I am 13 years old.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: U.S.A. central time

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I love to play video games as much as I love acting and roleplay. I have a good sense of humor and like to help people and do the right thing. On previous RP servers I've been on I've improved many people's roleplaying skills. I hope to get even more acting and roleplay time in on this server.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: As much as my plans allow. On weekends at least four hours and during the week at least one if I'm not busy. Possibly up to 20 hours a week maybe?

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.: I know that roleplaying is when you take on the life of a character that you create. You act out the character's personality and what you believe their actions would be in countless situations. Basically it's acting in a play except there's no script to follow. It's extremely entertaining because you decide the character's actions, not a playwright.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are. Metagaming is when a player uses out of character information in character. Some examples are seeing someone's nameplate through the walls then going directly to them and killing them or talking with them. Another example is you hearing that your friend's friend is a dwarf on skype and for whatever reason your character hates dwarves. Going to that particular player who may be disguised and killing him would be metagaming. Powergaming is when players don't give the other player a chance to react to their actions. Examples are: *Steve punches Bob so hard that he flys through the wall and then dies* or *Joe kills bob in one hit!*

    What do you expect this server will be like?: An amazing roleplaying experience based off of Lord of the Rings with a minecraft twist on it. I also believe it will have tons of battles and fights to keep it entertaining.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Skyrim TAW, It went down, Lordran The Lost Souls Barely anyone goes on and I was demoted from trial moderator for no reason, Assassin's Creep V1 It went down, Assassin's Creep V2, I have not really left, my spoutcraft just won't work well.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have read them and I understand them.

    How did you hear about us?: Browsing the minecraft forum and people's signatures.

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you? I don't believe it was minestatus but it was minecraft serverlist or something like that. 108.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Aiden_AJK


    Character Name: Aiden Romano

    What is your Race?: Human

    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.): Aiden was born in a small cottage in a big forest miles from any civilization. He learned from his father how to effectively hunt for food and other survival skills. From his mother he learned how to cook food and how to use his surroundings to his advantage. Day after day he hunted, his brown eyes honing in on the animals while he kept silent in the forest with his skills of stealth. He grew to depend on his smaller body to slip through openings in the woods that most others could not. He would keep to himself and stay quiet. The only time he ever opened up to the world was when he was in the woods, solitary. As he turned fourteen years old, he began to go with his father to nearest town, almost twelve miles away. In this town he stealthily walked around using his hunting techniques to his advantage. He learned countless things while visiting towns near him. For one, you shouldn't trust most people. Another thing he learned was to stay away from the guards, especially the drunk ones. ((He was only 14 at this time, keep that in mind)) On his sixteenth birthday his father gave him an expensive bow from somewhere in a city. Aiden cherished this weapon and brought it with him everywhere. He crafted a full quiver of arrows to go along with it. Two years went by and Aiden grew tired of the same woods and the same routine that he had done for all of his life. He packed a bag of supplies along with his bow, his arrows, his father's beloved chestplate of solid iron, which had been given to him from a sobbing father as a good-bye gift, and his hunting knife. From his mother, Aiden acquired an iron cooking pot and a variety of food. With his last final goodbyes, Aiden slipped on his leather hunting boots and set out. Aiden explored the landscape and visited many different towns, trading his animal skins for food, arrows, and other items that an explorer might need.

    During Aiden's travels, he encountered many situations where his stealth saved him. One of the situations was when he was nineteen years old. Aiden had been following the road for five days, moving on to the next village. He saw a group of bandits in a fight with some orcs. Sneaking up, he heard them arguing over weapons and supplies. Curiously he got in closer. He then heard someone scream "Die you fool!" then the fight broke out. One of the bandits was flung back into the very bush Aiden was hiding in. He quickly pick-pocketed all of the bandit's money and weapons then ran. From this he learned that he shouldn't poke around with fights unless it's necessary. Now at the age of twenty, Aiden roams the lands helping where he believes he should and snatching what he might need when nobody is looking.

    Your characters ambitions: Aiden would like to explore the land and learn as much as he can. Someday, he wants to become an infamous thief (If I get a villain app accepted I will probably do this) but until then he also has the ambition of being a good travelling merchant.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do? He sneaks over to a tree and hides. Then, when the elf perishes, Aiden would sneak up on the bandits and shoot them both in the back of the head. He would then steal their items and raid the cottage. He would then quickly run away.

    Your character walks up to a shop in the middle of Al'Khazar. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer? Aiden would say "Hello there, do you by any chance have an enchanted sword? Shopkeep: "Hmm let me see.." *Shopkeep walks into the basement* *Aiden looks around then attempts to grab a fine dagger off the counter* *The shopkeeper walks back up to the counter but Aiden has already taken the weapon* Shopkeep: "I'm afraid not, sorry sir. Aiden: "It's fine" *Aiden quickly walks out of the shop*

    A screenshot of your skin: post-41837-0-38844400-1334802978_thumb.p

    Other Information: None really, I just hope I get accepted so I can roleplay on this server.

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