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Posts posted by hex37

  1. Hello MAT! Thanks for reading my TA. Apologies if it is a bit early; it hasn't even been a month yet since I was unbanned. I was actually planning on saving this application for a much later time. However, RPly Nienna has gotten an Overwhelming amount of requests to teach magic, and she is starting to run out of excuses!
    I've decided to make an application for Telekinesis and Arcane Puppetry. I picked Telekinesis as the first because I know the magic the best out of all my character's magics. I learned the magic the old fashioned way under the Old MAT, so I had a great deal of time to get acquainted it. My second pick was Arcane Puppetry, because I desperately wish to let the lore become popularized, and the only way for it to be learned anymore is through a teacher. I realize that I've also stated that I wish to rewrite my own lore for Arcane Puppetry to make more coherent sense, and this is still true. If possible, I'd love to work with the MAT on hammering out a revision of this magic ASAP, but until a decision is reached on that whole debate of how to revise magics, I'd prefer to merely start teaching it in the meantime.

    MC name: Hex37

    Character's name and age: Nienna Calm, 200 Years Old.

    Character’s Race: High Elf

    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/129083-

    What magics do you desire to teach?: Telekinesis, Arcane Puppetry

    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:
    -Telekinesis is the younger brother of Alteration, and works almost identically to Transmogrification. Through it, a mage is able to cause solid objects to float, move and break through magic alone. This magic is more complicated than it appears, however. In order to cause something as simple as a floating rock, several steps must be followed. First, the caster must establish a Mana Anchor* to the object they wish to move with Telekinesis. Then, they must assay the weight and size of the object based on it's material. Finally, they evoke a change in the object's, acceleration, though an equal and opposite force to counteract the downward pull of gravity. It is only then that the object will begin floating.

    Learning Telekinesis is almost as complicated as learning Transmogrification. The laws of physics- Mass, acceleration, Velocity, Force must be studied thoroughly. Concepts such as Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, and the various relations between distance, speed, and acceleration must be understood as well. Even more so, any aspiring telekinetic mage must also closely study as many kinds of solid matter as they can, memorizing their density, toughness, and hardness.
    *Mana Anchor: A Mana Anchor is the invisible connection between a Mage and their spell. Alterationists, and by extension Telekinetic mages use these bonds in special ways to cast spells upon already existing matter.

    -Arcane Puppetry is a magic of my own creation. With Arcane Puppetry, mages are able to take control of humanoid mannequins made of clay, at the cost of any control over their own body. What makes these puppets dangerous is their ability to be used over long distances. For example, puppeteer can assassinate an enemy with their puppet from the safety of his own home. No harm comes to a mage upon the destruction of a puppet*, which makes them ideal for scouting or acting in risky areas.
    Creating a puppet is a difficult task, and requires the help of an enchanter to create. Complex, compact telekinetic enchantments must be woven into every piece of the mannequin in order for the puppet to move, and special enchantments specific to arcane puppetry must be woven into its eyes to allow the puppet to see.

    *Barring an inability to remember what became of their destroyed puppet.

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):
    Nienna tosses her student a pickaxe. "You want a lesson? Fine. Come on, we're going Mining."
    Her student would fumble, barely catching it. "That doesn't sound like a lesson as much as it sounds like doing work for you..." He'd grumble.
    "Well if you don't like it, you can bugger off." Nienna would huff, shouldering a pickaxe of her own before heading out. "I'm going mining with or without you. If you'd like to learn a skill besides stroking that pride of yours, I'd suggest following."
    The student watched his teacher leave, dumbfounded. It dawned on him that one of the only shots he'd get at learning telekinesis was literally walking out the door. He muttered something about 'a washed up mage' before following after her.
    Nienna led her student into the mines, only half aware that he was even present. Finally, she'd stop at a vein of iron, folding her arms and looking at her student expectantly. "...Well?"
    "Well what?"
    "Start digging."
    The student twitched slightly, raising his pick at Nienna a moment, before setting to work, grumbling. "Is this... supposed to be... some sort of test in persistence...?"
    "Heh. If only." Nienna chuckled. She'd begin lecturing as the student worked, notably doing no work of her own. "Pay attention to what you're mining. Iron- Granite- Diorite- Marble. Here you'll find the very building blocks of nearly every structure in Valeria, And they're all solid, strong objects prime for use in Telekinesis. A telekinetic mage's greatest strength in combat is his surroundings. The rocks beneath your enemy's feet, the brickwork in the walls beside him, the marble in the fountain behind him. All of these are tools to use against your opponent, and in order to use them, you must be able to understand the makeup of them at a glance."
    Nienna's student stopped working, momentarily. "...And how am I supposed to do that."
    "For now? You mine. Get a feel for the weight of each stone as you move it aside. Feel the amount of force it takes to pry it from the earth. Have an understanding of how hard you must hit it with your pickaxe to break it in two. The exact calculations will come later, and there shall be many, but for now you need to get an intrinsic feel for the properties of what you're working with. And hence, we are mining."
    The student blinked, looking at his pickaxe, and then at the rocks he had already dislodged. "...Oh."
    Nienna nodded once, before moving to leave. "Be sure to bring me a proper sample of each kind of material you find. We'll be using it for the next lesson. Also- any iron you find. I have a business to run, after all. Ciao~"


    Name: Beltran

    Age: 29

    Race: Human

    Registered magics: T5 Telkinesis, T0 Arcane Evocation

    Past Offenses(if any): N/A

     Signature: Beltran



    Name: Beltran

    Age: 29

    Race: Human

    Registered magics: Telekinesis 

    Past Offenses(if any): N/A

    Current Students (Please update whenever a new student is attained.): Eliza (daanyolx3)

    Signature: Beltran


    *A license for these magics is sent to the applicant*

    *A Seperate, Teaching License is sent along with it.*




    Upon hearing the news of the laws, Isra Jharar would smirk.


    • The manipulation of auxiliary through illusory means is illegal, and shall be met with the loss of both one's eyeballs. The act of perversion of another's perception is to forfeit the right to your own.


    "I'd like to see them try...."




    Name: Isra Jharar
    Age: 20
    Race: Qalasheen
    Registered magics: Beginner, not yet registered
    Past Offenses(if any): None
    Signature: Isra Jharar


    *A license for these magics is sent to the applicant*






    Name: Nienna Calm

    Age: 198

    Race: High Elf

    Registered magics: Telekinesis, Alteration (Enchanting, Abjuration, Transmogrification), Mental Magic, Arcane Puppetry, Sensory Illusion

    Past Offenses(if any): None

    Signature: Nienna Calm


    Teaching License Format:

    Name: Nienna Calm

    Age: 198

    Race: High Elf

    Registered magics: Telekinesis, Alteration (Enchanting, Abjuration, Transmogrification), Mental Magic, Arcane Puppetry, Sensory Illusion

    Past Offenses(if any): None

    Current Students (Please update whenever a new student is attained.): Isra Jharar (Has not burst into flames. If there is a fine for this, I shall gladly pay it. Haadi, talk to me if you have questions about this.)

    Signature: Nienna Calm


    *A license for these magics is sent to the applicant*

    *A Seperate, Teaching License is sent along with it.*


    *Nienna Recieves her own License*

    " Accepted? Oh, how very nice of me."



    Name: Arden Costello

    Age: 31

    Race: Human

    Registered magics: Clericism (Tahariae)

    Past Offenses(if any): None

    Signature: A. Costello


    *A license for these magics is sent to the applicant*




    License Format:
    Name: Eliza
    Age: 400
    Race: High elf
    Registered magics: Earth Evocation, Enchanting, Telekinesis.
    Past Offenses(if any): N/a
    Signature: Eliza
    Teaching License Format:
    Name: Eliza
    Age: 400
    Race: High elf
    Registered magics: Earth Evocation
    Past Offenses(if any): N/a
    Current Students (Please update whenever a new student is attained.): Kolohe (elk_)
    Signature: Eliza


    *A license for these magics is sent to the applicant*

    *A Seperate, Teaching License is sent along with it.*




    Name: Crineas
    Age: A tad bit over a hundred 
    Race: HIgh elf/wood elf
    Registered magics: Air evocation 
    Past Offenses(if any): Nuup. 


    *A license for these magics is sent to the applicant*


  3. On a more serious note, as the writer of Arcane Puppetry, I'd love to have a chance to Amend this lore so it makes more sense. It got accepted which is nice, but there are some holes in it that need serious clarifying and expanding on. Since I last checked, the LMs have been only accepting strictly humanoid puppets, though the lore was created to be much more diverse, encompassing many different kinds of puppet bodies. Furthermore, I've never had a chance to define the exact process for connecting /to/ a puppet, or the studying required to learn the magic in the first place. It would be much healthier for the lore if I had a chance to expand on these things.

  4. Name: Nienna Calm

    Age: 198

    Race: High Elf

    Registered magics: Telekinesis, Alteration (Enchanting, Abjuration, Transmogrification), Mental Magic, Arcane Puppetry, Sensory Illusion

    Past Offenses(if any): None

    Signature: Nienna Calm


    Teaching License Format:

    Name: Nienna Calm

    Age: 198

    Race: High Elf

    Registered magics: Telekinesis, Alteration (Enchanting, Abjuration, Transmogrification), Mental Magic, Arcane Puppetry, Sensory Illusion

    Past Offenses(if any): None

    Current Students (Please update whenever a new student is attained.): Isra Jharar (Has not burst into flames. If there is a fine for this, I shall gladly pay it. Haadi, talk to me if you have questions about this.)

    Signature: Nienna Calm

  5. "I don't want to start a battle with the law with you of all people, Nienna." Art says through a tired, sad gaze. "But I won't let you be an exception. I plead you just comply, if not, it won't end well for either of us."

    Nienna sees Art appear.


    "No Art, you've betrayed my trust for the last time. I've spent nearly seventy years preforming magic to save your life time and again, but at last you have shown just how ungrateful you are to me, and the art-form I have dedicated my life to learning. If this is all I am to you, then I shall not tolerate another day of it. You are dead to me, Akkaris."


    Nienna's eyes would glow, and she would to disappear in a cloud of smoke.


    "I hope I never meet you again, you ungrateful swine, and if I do, all I will see is an enemy."



  6. OOC
    Minecraft Username: Hex37
    Skype Username: LuckyKoing

    Name: Nienna Calm
    Age: 195
    Gender: Female
    Race: High Elf
    Clarify on if you are currently skilled in the magical arts, or being taught by someone who is: I am skilled in the magical Arts.

    What affinity of magic are you skilled in?: I am skilled in all forms of Alteration, Mental magic, and, to a lesser degree, illusion.

    Do you agree to submit to Orenian Law?: Yes.

  7. Art would recieve a letter from an old friend.


    "Dear Art,


    I noticed the new laws you put up, the non-human relation laws wasn't bad, honestly. The hair color one, however, sounds really stupid. It reminds me of my days in the Cihi, when I would look on helplessly as entrants were constantly berated for every small flaw with their person. Restricting how people look, just so it confines to your standards, is a seriously Kalenz move.


    Please don't do it.


    Sincerely, Nienna.


    PS. I'm alive! If all goes according to plan, I'll be visiting you soon."

  8. MC name: Hex37

    Character's name and age: Nienna Calm, Early 200s
    Character’s Race: Mali'aheral

    What magic/s did you learn?: Telekinesis (Master), Transfiguration(Master), Arcane Puppetry(Adept), Mental Magic(Adept), Sensory Illusion(Novice)


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?:

    Telekinesis (Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/96955- )
    Nienna Self-taught herself Telekinesis, under the rules of the old MAT's self teaching system. She learned this magic after closely studying the concepts and properties of matter and how it moved, and after applying this knowledge to her existing experience with household magic, she was able to learn Telekinesis proper. This was the first magical ability Nienna learned, and became the building block of understanding upon which she learned all other forms of magic.
    Transfiguration (Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/100539- )
    Nienna, along with her long time friend, Elwen Evalgno, taught themselves transfiguration using principles they learned from their respective skills in Telekinesis, and the various enchanted Artifacts Nienna had collected over the years as an Arcane Delver. Together, they were both able to self teach themselves, under the old MAT's self teaching system.
    Arcane Puppetry(link to accepted lore on Arcane Puppets)
    Nienna 'invented' the art of Arcane Puppetry herself while searching for ways to grant prosthetic limbs to her patients. Ultimately, she was never able to succeed in this endeavor, but she did note the usefulness of the arcane puppets themselves. She refined the concept of arcane puppets, and now uses them as personal scouts to safely assay situations from afar.
    Mental Magic
    Nienna learned all concepts of Mental Magic from the writings of her close friend Elwen Evalgno, whose father founded Mental Magic. In Athera, Elwen hand-personally wrote this copy for Nienna, and she has kept the volume safe all these years. Nienna does not use Mental Magic in a typical fashion, primarily using it to treat trauma victims.

    Sensory Illusion Nienna taught herself basic Sensory illusion in Athera to compliment her skills in Arcane Puppetry. She was never able to get past basic sound and visual illusions, but due to her ability to use Mental Magic she is not too concerned by this.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:


    Telekinesis is the art of moving solid objects or containers remotely. Like Transmogrification, Telekinesis is preformed by permanently altering the state of objects. However, instead of modifying the object's material makeup, Telekinesis alters the object's speed and momentum. It requires a sincere knowledge of mechanical physics to use properly.


    Transfiguration(Formerly known as Alteration) is a three-pronged art, as it contains three subschools of magic. The first is Transmogrification, which allows a caster to alter the color, material, and state of objects. The second is Enchanting, which imbues strictly inanimate objects with temporary magical ability, using mana crystals as a substitute for a casting mage. Finally, there is Abjuration, which is able ward against the spellcasting of others by disrupting the caster's Mana Anchor with their spell. All three require intense study of their respective areas of interest, and the art as a whole is often termed "The Scientific magic."

    Arcane Puppetry
    I literally wrote the book on this topic- but here it goes anyways. Arcane Puppetry is the art of controlling clay puppets from long distances away. It is ultimate long range magic, making it ideal for scouting and reconnaissance. However, even though it is useful, it requires a sincere knowledge of enchanting to use properly, as the puppets themselves are enchanted artifacts in their own right. Furthermore, due to the law of equivalent exchange, Spellcasters cannot move, speak or hear while using their puppet, rendering them totally vulnerable.

    Mental Magic
    Mental magic is an ancient art first taught by the Tree of Minds to Jon Evalgno. A mental mage is able to connect their mind to others through the void in a process called "Mind Melding". The process is much more taxing than most magics, and can be easily blocked by wards or mind barriers. Once inside, a mental mage can read the target's mind, viewing their memories and altering the subject's perception of the world around them. All mental mages have a unique tell that only shows when they are casting. For Jon, his eyes dilated. For Nienna, the white dragon tattoo on her arm wraps around her whole body.

    Sensory Illusion
    Sensory illusion is the art of directly altering the perception of others; modifying what they see, smell, taste, feel, and hear. Basic, auditory and visual illusions are the easiest to preform, while the more primitive senses like touch are much more difficult. It is impossible to cause lasting harm to someone through illusion alone, especially death. One big reason for this is that a person cannot illusion what they have not experienced. In order to cast an illusion causing pain enough to kill someone, they themselves would have had to be killed in the same manner.

  9. Nienna, in the confines of her home, begins putting a cloth mask over her face and nose. Beside her, lies a a few, small, patches of grass on the table, covered by a glass dome. They're oddly colored- looking dead, but somehow remaining alive.


    Tainted to the core, clearly.

    Thankfully, that was specifically the kind of thing that the enchantress was seeking. She needed tainted material for her project tonight. Before starting Nienna opened a book to one side of the glass dome, and began reviewing the pages. They revealed the general theory behind her project.
    Taint, Nienna theorized, was a product of altering life force. It's the result of a living creature having their own life-force tampered with- whether it be by the machinations of Drakkar magic, or the idle draining of Necromancy. Nienna had studied these dark magics intensely over the years, and found herself even capable of warding their magic to a small degree. The question remained, though, could Nienna ward away their taint as well?
    Nienna takes the dome off the collection of grass, and quickly waves away the small puff of Miasma that had collected underneath. Picking up one carefully, she set it to one side. This would be the control group. This way, she'd know if she actually accomplished something with her work.


    Further adding to her Scientific rigors, Nienna set some normal, untainted potted grass on the table, and set one to the side as a part of her secondary control group.


    Rolling her shoulders, Nienna began her first test. Waving her hand over the rest of the plants, she would begin casting a ward over Them. A small, runic circle would appear beneath the tainted grass and Nienna would begin trying to abjure them, pouring her past experience with the dark arts into a ward, trying to banish the taint for good.


    ...What would happen?

  10. Since telekinisis is changing how much gravity effects and object would it be possible for it to amplify gravityx2+ inbeetween 2 point or decrease the amount gravitational pull .


    Unfortunately, you cannot literally decrease the gravitational pull in an area with telekinesis, because you must target specific objects in order to cast your spells.


    You can, however, exert an upward force on an object enough to nullify gravity, or exert a downward force on an object to make it feel heavier.

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