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Everything posted by Nandia

  1. Nandia


    Irina had a comfortable childhood, surrounded by her wealthy family. It was a sheltered life, but a life determined and controlled by her father. This hadn’t bothered her for most of her life, as she had always done what was asked of her without complaints. The virtues of role-models such as Reza Vas Sergey Kouachev drilled into her brain until she knew nothing else. She would be the perfect daughter, and perfect lady lest she face her father’s wrath. Eventually however, perfect obedience has a cost that is too high. Irina, at age 16 met a young man named Kuzmich. He was tall and attractive, promising all that Irina had never realised she wanted. Freedom. Knowledge. He was a breath of fresh air in a world that had always been covered in smoke. And so, Irina fell maddeningly in love, a love that would claim her loyalty and change her life. When the Feast of St. Julia came around, Kuzmich gave Irina a Crown of Lilies to signify his devotion to her and she knew it was time for him to meet her father. Kuzmich did not have much to his name, but if she loved him as she did, surely her father could too. But he didn’t. Kuzmich was fed the dreaded Erkindelir and Uli, and Irina was forbidden from ever seeing him. Irina cried and pleaded, but with every cry she only pushed her family further away. So she did what any young lover would do, she found Kuzmich when the moon was mid-sky and they ran away together to start a new life outside of her father’s control. She knew she would never return. For 2 years they traveled together, never settling, before Kuzmich became ill from a mysterious disease. A disease which would eventually take his life. Irina, heartbroken, wandered aimlessly for a year, unsure how to go on. But now, as her 19th birthday has passed and her youthful spark has returned to her, she is ready to begin rebuilding her life.
  2. There's nothing better then waking up to a morning of Role-playing. :)

    1. CloakandDagger


      Waking up to a morning of roleplaying...WITH BACON

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