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Status Updates posted by ToxicLily

  1. Tomorrow I hand in my portfolio....*gulp

  2. I don't do free art: Apparently there's something a lot of people don't understand by the term "Starving Artist" :P

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Patrick.


      Alrighty, thanks for letting me know. I'll see if I can pull up some cash to purchase a drawing.

    3. ToxicLily


      Its a very kind thought; Thank you. But i in no way intended to force anyone to buy my art when i made this post. Only buy it if you want it

    4. Patrick.


      In my case, I do want it! I'll let you know whenever I do have some money to spare.

  3. Please stop asking me: I do not offer free art! When you go to the store and buy a poster of a dragon for $5 you need to understand the artist who drew that dragon was paid $5000 to draw that dragon, then it was reproduced millions of times so that they would sell it at a cheap price. IN the end the corporation is making thousands off selling millions of posters of a dragon. When you commission an artist to draw YOU an image. You are getting YOUR own personal image, something th...

  4. 7 Collage courses + Part time job= I'm not going to be active

    1. blindmind


      I've been there. It's hard, but sometimes you just need to do it.

    2. ToxicLily


      Oh I ain't complaining about the work hun. I'm very passionate about what i do. But sometimes i just have those days where i wish i had a moment to play me some videogames :/

  5. Trying to Draw a Skaven ._.

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