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Everything posted by Aurion

  1. ((I'll be on from 4pm Australian Eastern Standard Time; I'll pm you when I get in :D ))
  2. *Whilst walking through Cloud Forest, Marcel hears footsteps behind him and turns around to face a red-faced messenger who hands him a letter, then runs off. Opening the letter, Marcel notices that it is a recruitment slip from The Tallons, a new guild in Asulon. He pores over it's contents, taking in their aim to aid the common folk. With that, he finds a messenger and pays him to deliver a letter to The Tallons stating;* "To The Tallons; I am Marcel Cadenson, firstborn of the late Knight Caden.I have wandered the lands in solace for quite some time after my father's passing, simply discovering the lay of the land. However, more ill has come of it than good and I wish to put my blade to a better, more selfless use. Please find attached a brief notation of my capabilities, so that you may judge me not only for my character, but for my skills. With regards, Marcel Cadenson." Username (ooc) : MrFenno Username (in-game) : Marcel Highest skill level (type /Stats) : Swords/Mining: 20 Lowest skill level : Wrestling: 1 What can you bring to this Guild? : I can further the cause of The Tallons, whether it be through peaceful negotiation, or all-out combat. Furthermore, I am able to delve into the deep, and acquire resources for the guild. Race : Human Age (character) : 24 Weapon of choice : Sword Guild experience :
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