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Posts posted by Evilbanana5757

  1. You're literally the most absolutely appalling bad GM, and all your characters are so edgy it makes me wanna cry. My cat probably has a better defined sense of justice then you do. Please, just leave this never come, I certainly won't miss you.


























    april fools :D you're actually awesome, one of the best GM's tbh <3<3 (dat activity too :3)

  2. Full Name: ((IGN As well please)) The Druid o' the Birds, Faolin
    Residence: Lenfarthing.
    Magical Areas of Study: The Blessing of the Aspects
    Level of Skill: Better then most.
    Reasons for Studying Magic: Protecting the balance, saving Anthos, etc etc.
    Religious Affiliations: The Aspects


    p.s I'm doing this so I don't get killed/tortured/maimed/crucified by your guards whenever I decided to grow a tree.


    p.p.s  don't hate appreciate

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