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Posts posted by ek_knight

  1. I don't like the idea of the boat. Because your character would be perma-killed upon death people would be power-gaming so much. Besides it is almost invariable that one of the stronger races would gain total control of this boat meaning that other races might completely die out.

  2. *A message is written in beautiful cursive handwriting. It is attached to the previous post.*

    As a citizen of Malinor who has seen this remarkable demostrationI can vouch for it's safety and beauty. I do hope that you will allow this man to demonstrate his invention.

    Maehrir Lirrame

  3. * A piece of parchment is pinned to the message board of Malinor. It is sealed by a small piece of wax. On the front it reads "To be Read Only By a Member of Malinor's High Council". The message on the inside reads as follows.*

    To the High Council of Malinor,

    I write this note in a distressed state. as I was farming in the fields of Malinor I found a curious piece of wheat. Upon further inspection it was strikingly similar to the condition of wheat during the plague. Obviously, this discovery caused me quite a fright. I disposed of it in the ocean but I fear it may spread. I have written out this message to inform you of this grave concern and hope you will find it useful.

    Maehrir Lirrame

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