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Posts posted by Ghazkull'Braduk

  1. Our website



    Our youtube channel, TheBradukClan LotC

    To be added soon


    Clan father: Mokrag'Braduk the blood talon ascended to Krug

    Clan mother [favoured mate of the chieftain]: Raurna'Braduk

    Clan chieftain: Ghazkull'Braduk


































    Founding of Kenuk

    Braduk founds the village of Kenuk


    Village Wars

    Clan Braduk is founded

    Braduk is assasinated

    Gorfjol assaults Kenuk

    Breeding of the rhinos

    Gorfjol assaults Kenuk a second time

    Storming of Gorfjols lair

    Kudo and the fiftys last stand

    Baderkuks revolts, ending the villlage wars


    Slave revolution

    Jokroz unites the orcish slaves having two sub-generals Kahrzen and Mokrag

    First tuldok war

    Jokroz leads forty orcs in a first assault against the slavers

    Warden Janat conducts a lockdown, leading to the deaths of Jokroz

    Karhzen is placed in command of the army

    Mokrag leads a suprise attack on the slave camp, killing Janat and freeing the slavers

    Second tuldok war

    The master slave camp storms the conquered one

    Kahrzen betrays his orcs to save himself

    An execution leaves two thousand orc rebels dead

    Mokrag leads the remaining rebels to the master camp, only to be surrounded

    The rebellion is ended when all orcs but Mokrag are deceased


    Falling of the clan

    As Aegis falls, and Mokrag and Ghazkull are the only surviving Braduks the clan disappears


    The Golden age

    Mokrag and Ghazkull conquer Talerith

    Talerith is taken back by the people 

    The Braduk clan is reformed

    The Braduks are betrayed by a nearby city state and are left for dead

    Talerith conduct a peace treaty with the Braduks

    Mokrag orders his now army sized clan to storm Talerith

    Talerith is taken, along with another six human cities

    Ghazkull leads a small contingent seconded by Durakai conquering twelve other islands

    With Mokrag on the verge of conquering the entire known land, the cities unite

    The conquest is ended when the people of the races move to Elsyium


    The blood talon

    Mokrag sets a foundation in a compound in a uncharted island known as Elysium

    After months of slaving and murdering, Mokrag leaves to die of his age, leaving the clan in dispair

    Ghazkull, Frak and Tungtor klomp for new chieftain, but no victor emerges

    Tungtor and Ghazkull split the clan into two chapters

    Ghazkull and Tungor engage in gorilla warfare

    The two clan chapters inevitably clash which leads to eighteen dead

    Mokrag returns to the Braduks, are dieing clan

    Kahrzen the betrayer's location is found as Muzzmog is caputered

    Mokrag leads the remaining Braduks to Kahrzens base retaking Muzzmog by dieing in the process

    Ghazkull takes over the place as chieftain


    Ugluk war

    In infancy Thurak is captured by the Ugluk clan

    Durak'ugluk is seen trespassing in Braduk turf and is caputred and tortured

    Zagstruk returns Duraks mangled body to Nux, who then kills him

    Ghazkull leads a revolt attack on the Ugluk fort, but it is soon scrapped as Nux challenges him to an honour klomp

    Ghazkull negotiates a peace treaty with Nux and Pok as things simmer down


    Ugluk Lur war

    A small group of Braduks are surrounded and slaughtered by the Ugluk and Lur clan

    The spirit of Mokrag is disturbed and he begins to haunt the goi

    Nazdag falls under misterious circumstances, IE possession by Mokrag

    Against the will of Ghazkull, most if not all Braduks are incited to rebellion by Mokrags spirit


    National Peace

    Braduks are given Wargoth title

    Ghazkull takes a blood oath binding the clan to the Rex

    Tensions rise again within the clan

    Any chance of rebellion is stopped when Raurna sides with Ghazkull


    Howlur Durub

    To stop any further revolt threats the Imperator council is formed

    The Kaxils attempt to raid Durakais home, leading to new enemies

    Another internal battle takes place within the clan, as many outsiders believe Braduks are wrong for believing in Mokrag

    Kahrzens spirit resurect the ten thousand Braduk traitors, as Mokrags spirit resurects every Braduk who has ever lived, starting the War of the Dead

    Nazdag returns, adding extra spark to the spiritual battles


    Shadow of death

    With the orcs on the decline, Raurna and Ghazkull continue to dilberate over rebellion

    Ghazkull ambushes Raurna, leading to a brawl. Ghazkull is killed

    Raurna prepares to lead a Braduk revolt, but is stopped by Durakai

    Ghazkull is resurected by Mokrag and saves Durakais life

    Karhzen and the archangel Mokrag both return in mortal bodied form

    Mokrag slays Kahrzen and bestows the weapons of blood to the surviving Braduks




    Diplomatic stances:


    Blood oathed to the Rex

    Wargothed of San'Orka










    Human kingdoms:


    Holy Oren empire-Disliked


    Elven kingdoms:





    Dwarven kingdoms:


    The kingdom of Urgan-Hated




    Bradukz til I'z die, mi Bradukz til I'z die, mi knoh mi am mi zure mi am mi Bradukz til i'z die






    Blud rainz duwn frum ah angreh sky

    Mi luzk ragez un

    Mi luzk ragez un

    Mi put lat duwn, mi gib lat zhit

    Mi pizz un latz grayve

    Foh da zpohrt ob it

    Wen mi die mi akzpekt nubting lezz

    Mi luzk ragez un

    Mi luzk ragez un

    Ah reazon tu lib iz ah reazon tu die

    Ib lat kant lib diz wey latz am lib'n ah lie

    Mi luzk ragez un

    Mi luzk ragez un

    Weh ztanhd az wun

    Mi luzk ragez un

    Mi luzk ragez un

    Weh kant beh beet'un

    Mi luzk ragez un

    Mi luzk ragez un

  2. Goes to headbutt back, but is stopped by Moksha. If his brother wasn't off on a tangent with his pet then maybe he would have stayed. Ghazkull relies on Mokrag when dealing with superiors, as Mokrag is more well known. He turns with a blank expression and blinks a couple times before walking off.

  3. mc name: makka_pakka_99

    rp name: Ghazkull_Ugluk

    skills: 26 axemastery, 52 mining, 40 lumberjacking (still to use my 50 credits)

    old rank: Grunt

    battles/wars you have partaken: im not sure what teh actuall names are but two wars against the dwarves, one agains the Kharajyr and one against some race that i never new i was fighting.

  4. Out-Of-Character: Minecraft Account Name: makka_pakka_99

    How old are you?: 21

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Adelaide/Darwin Australia

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Very good.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:Im incredibly tall for my age. Im blonde but smart ☺ and I am friends IRL wit higgsyy.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: A large portion of my spare time, but I do play sport a few nights of the week which takes up most of my time.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: Roleplaying means to take on the role of another person, character etc. and to be that person in all expects.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: Higgsyy and I have roleplayed on a non roleplay server as the Imperium from warhammer. It was really fun but got a bit stale.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Metagaming is using information that you as the player know, as in a persons name and using it. What I mean by that is you could go up to someone having a conversation and see their name is Rob, and you got up to him and say “Hello Rob!” That, is metagaming.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: Powergaming is using unfair abilities or doing something way to unfair without giving someone time to react. For example, if I were to run up to someone and stab them in the neck no questions ask, it would be a powergame.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: Higgsyy has been talking it up and saying how awesome it is, and watching a couple lets plays I see what he means. I look forward to playing and rping!

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Longest running servers I have played on is Madgaming and Warzoneminers. As stated before it got a bit stale.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yep!

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: 110% yes.

    How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you?: Higgsyy has been bugging me for ages about this server so I decided to get on.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?: This will be my forth application. However, only one posted on saturday can be linked. The other two have disappeared. I have discussed this with Evelyn and she said its alright.Click here to see my old app.

    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraft...-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/):


    Character Name: Ghazkull Braddukk

    What Race are you?: Orc

    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race): N/A

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    In a small village on the edge of the Orc lands Ghazkull was born. He and his brother Mokrag were born one year apart. Mokrag was the elder of the two. The law of the village was one cub and one cub alone, but their parents did not care. The reason for this law is overpopulation. No one knew why this was, the shamans kept it a secret from others, but it was still a law. They were both put into hiding and kept away from the eye of the local shaman. They grew up together and played in the confines of their home.

    One night the village held a feast. Ghazkull’s parents attended the celebration leaving the five and six year old cubs home alone. The village blacksmith, a goblin by the name of Keng, was a skilled locksmith and broke into their home searching for goods. He searched every room in the house looking for anything of value. His bare feet made a funny sound on the stone floor. As he headed for the door he noticed a distinct change in sound. It sounded familiar; he had heard it before in a different house raid. It was hollow he knew this was a secret door. He pulled away the rug revealing a wooden trap door. He opened it and ran down the stairs with a wide grin on his face. Softly he said “I betz derz gonna be gud tresha down ere”.

    His grin slowly changed to look of fright, then to a smile. He saw two Orc cubs sleeping by a fire. On the other side of the room, he saw a necklace made of pure diamond and gold. Slowly he crept around the sleeping pair. He was too busy looking at the cubs that he didn’t notice the stack of pots and pans in front of him. He kicked them, spreading them across the room making a loud clash of metal. Mokrag woke up first seeing the goblin. Before Mokrag had time to react he was struck over the head by a pan knocking him out. Ghazkull stood up. He already stood a few feet above keng. Keng tried the same tactic, hitting him with the pan. Ghazkull simply punched the pan away with ease. Keng had to think of a new tactic, he knew even an Orc infant can be lethal. He grabbed the necklace and ran for the door Ghazkull grabbed Keng by the neck and through him across the room. He ran over to him and started laying punches into Keng’s face.

    Ghazkull felt a heavy hand on his shoulder. He grabbed an iron bar and turned around swinging it. He stopped inches before the figure. It was his father, with his mother behind him. Ghazkull ran to his mother for comfort, leaving his father to deal with Keng. He grabbed Keng, and through him up the stairs and into the door. Ghazkull’s father ran up the stairs shouting at Keng in blah. He kicked Keng in the back sending him flying out the door. Bruised and bloody Keng limped back to his house.

    The next morning there was a loud knock on the door. Ghazkull’s father opened the door with a worried look on his face. It was the village shaman, behind him was Keng bandaged up like a mummy. The shaman searched the house for the cubs but found nothing. Keng didn’t speak, he just pointed to the rug. The shaman pulled the rug away and opened the door he walked down the stairs slowly, looking around the room. He immediately saw the pair standing in the corner. He grabbed them both and haled them up the stairs. He said to Ghazkull’s father “lat bruk da law”. He then punched him in the stomach. He looked at Ghazkull’s father and said “lat haff tu chuz ash tu stey agh den ash must leeb”. He looked at his sons and said “Mokrag go wid shaman”. Mokrag’s relaxed expression quickly changes to a look of anger. Mokrag says under his breath “skah lat popo” as he is taken from the sandy village to a snowy forest. His mother gives him a necklace made out of a bear claw, and gives another to Ghazkull. Mokrag gives one last look at Ghazkull and his eyes begin to water. “Mi surah” says Ghazkull. “Nub, not lat falt” replies Mokrag.

    At the age of seven Ghazkull began training with his father. At this age Ghazkull already had two scares. In the village that they lived in cubs had to be at least nine to enter a klomp, but Ghazkull’s father believed he was ready. His first klomp was against an Orc by the name of Gore. Gore was nine and was a bit taller than Ghazkull. This did not discourage him. Seconds before the klomp Ghazkull’s father yelled “be smurd agh win”. Gahk, Dub, Ash, KLOMP! The klomp began Gore laid many punches into Ghazkull. Gore lifted him and through him on the ground. Earlier Ghazkull had noticed that Gore had weak knees. While he was on the ground he kicked Gores right knee. He quickly got up and punched Gore in the head, then stomped on his back. The klomp was over he had won.

    At the age of nineteen Ghazkull was challenged to a klomp. At this age Ghazkull had never lost a klomp. It was going well until Ghazkull lost the upper hand. His opponent was strangling Ghazkull and not stopping or showing any mercy. Ghazkull grabbed a nearby rock and bashed it into the opponents head, killing him instantly. He was banished from the village, to the same snowy forest his brother was. He was stripped and given a knife.

    He wondered the forest for many years by now he had a bear pelt loin cloth, had six scars and was twenty three.

    As he was walking he saw a wood and stone hut, but his vision was blurred by a blizzard. He ran as fast as he could bursting into the hut. It was empty. There was a bed and some stale bread. He slept for many hours until he was awoken by footsteps outside the hut. He got up and stood there with a suspicious look on his face. He door flung open and another Orc walked in carrying a bear over his shoulder. He Orc dropped the bear and began to cry. “Gha….Ghazkull” said the figure. He ran to Ghazkull and began hugging him. He was about to stab the Orc in the back when he realised the bear claw necklace around his neck. He dropped the knife. It was Mokrag. He and his brother where reunited.

    Ghazkull stood taller than his brother and was stronger, beating him in a friendly klomp 7/10 times. A few years later Ghazkull was awoken by load horses and an Orc roaring. Ghazkull grabbed his axe and burst out the door. He saw his brother tied in a net like substance. Ghazkull let out a mighty roar, so loud that the slavers had to cover their ears. Three of the slavers ran at Ghazkull with their swords raised. He swung his axe at one hitting him in the chest. He kicked another knocking him down with a thud. The other turned and ran. Ghazkull through his axe, hitting the slaver in the back. He charged at two more empty handed. They prepared for impact but were still knocked away. He stomped on one’s neck suffocating him. As he turned around he was struck in the head by an axe. He lost vision in one eye but continued fighting for his brother’s freedom. He picked up his axe and swung it furiously. Mokrag shouted out to Ghazkull “go mi fine”. Ghazkull did not run he stayed. There are only three slavers left he raised his axe above his head and roared while beating his chest. “Nub mi bubhosh, mi klomp”. He says as an arrow hits him in the shoulder. This did not worry him he broke the tip and pulled it out the other side. He lost his concentration and did not see the slaver behind him. The slaver slashed Ghazkull’s back, while another attempted to cut his one good eye. He stood up slowly and grabed the slaver by his throat and squeezed it until it cracked. He charges at another slaver near a horse. The horse kicks frantically hitting Ghazkull in the head, knocking him down. He feels a sharp pain in his chest as a slaver hits him with his axe. Mokrag lets out a roar of agony seeing his brother lay motionless on the floor. The remaining slavers got on their horses and draged Mokrag away.

    A few hours passed while he layed their motionless. He he felt a hand on his chest. “still live” says a female Orcs voice. Ghazkull opens his eye to see three Orcs carrying him to his hut. A few days passed until he could move again. He got up and looked around there was no one in sight. He felt his face. It is bumpy with scars and he felt an eye patch aswell. Three weeks passed until Ghazkull was ready. He had his axe in one hand and food wrapped in leaves in the other. He set out following the trail of the horses that lay embedded in the mud. He was determined to find his brother. He lived by one motto. No mercy, no failure. He was not the Orc he was before. He was arrogant, obnoxious always angry. Finally, he has arrived in Asulon at the age of 66 now his battle really begins.

    What is your Character's ambitions?: To find his brother, and to serve whatever he can by his side. (Join the Ugluk clan which Mokrag is in)

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): Knife (sword) because he spent a large portion of his life in the wilds and it was the only weapon he had.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?: Hunting

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):

    Other Information about your Character: He is 11ft tall and 535 pounds.


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?:

    Ghazzkull swaggers over casually, unsheathing his axe. He yells at the warriors “Pizz uff skah! Mi hunragh! Hur hur!” The warriors turn to him, raising an eyebrow as they don’t speak blah. The Halfling takes the opportunity to run away, Ghazzkull yells and charges at the two. They both prepare for impact but are inevitably knocked down by his sheer force. He stomps on ones neck and then is stabbed in the side by the other. Once the stomped warrior suffocates Ghazzkull turns to the other warrior roaring. The warrior runs away. Ghazzkull throws his axe, just clipping the warrior, and the warrior escapes.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?:

    Ghazzkull spits on the counter taking out his pipe “Mi ned som cactus greenz. Gimme som!” The merchant nods and takes out a bag of cactus greens. Ghazzkull nods, and tosses a bag of minas on the counter. They exchange and Ghazzkull leaves.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    He looks through the window seeing the open chest. He walks over and kicks the door open with ease. He limbers over to the chest and has another look at the items. Grinning he takes off his money pouch and back sheath. He puts the bars into the pouch, saying “Mokrag am gunna like diz azh. Mi kip da guld.” and sheathes the sword. He gets up and leaves pleased with his find.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    Ghazzkull yells for a distance “Oi! Lat god som snaak flezh?” A trader comes from his tent stall and says “Mr green skin, we don’t take our owns flesh for eating!” Ghazzkull roars and runs at the man. The man is caught off guard and is bowled over, and Ghazzkull is ontop of him, crushing him. Every stall owner in the camp draws their weapon. Ghazzkull being smart, knows he is out matched, and gets up and backs away. He will have to hunt for his dinner.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    He jumps at the opportunity to help the warnation, and runs to the gates of Strigzgoi. As he approaches he notices the fighting has begun. He draws his war axe, and his knife. Arms akimbo he jumps from the top of the stairs into battle. Ghazzkull kills two by crushing them and regains his footing. He turns and is hit in the back of the head with an axe hilt. He stumbles but throws his body at the bandit. He is stabbed in the process but lays pummeling blows of axe swings to the bandits head. He gets up and throws his knife at a bandits head. He blocks it and the two run at eachother. He jabs the flat end of his axe into the bandits midsection, and the other orcs take the last bandit captive.

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