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Posts posted by Altiak

  1. Early at dusk, with the moon low in the sky, a small group of Knights Lorraine set off from shore in an agile skiff, the sloop loaded with harpoons and rope, and their mind set on one objective; hunting whales off of Thales’ coastline. The seas off of the Thales island were ripe and bountiful with migrating pods of whales, and with eager enthusiasm, the group of Saint Amyas knights dipped their oars into the water and set sail for the high water - disregarding the red morning sky, an ancient seaman’s ominous omen …



    Led by an experienced whaler, Fukov, the expedition continued to row further off the coast, disregarding the bothersome gulls and complacent jellyfish. Before long, a spout was spotted off the side of the Knights Lorraine’s skiff - a youthful whale had been spotted! Barking an order to his harpooners, the Order’s Grand Master watched as the brave spearmen skewered the whale as it surfaced.




    After a long-strung chase with the whale, the wounded beast finally lost the struggle, and the confident whalers began to reel in their bountiful catch. However, a deep rumbling rocked the ocean floor as a draconic creature of the sea swooped near them, catching their hard-earned reward in his massive maw. Richard stood upon the front deck, posture rigid as he struggled to remain brave in face of the nefarious dragon.


    Lifting up a clenched fist, he growled, turning to his men, “Take aim. Fire!” In a near instantaneous response, a collection of harpoons flew forth at a furious pace. The beast let out a deafening roar of anger and drew a deep breath. As it exhaled, a gust of wind met the soldiers, and the men’s eyes widened as they were thrust to the skiff’s floor, some flung into the sea itself and left to flounder desperately amongst the churning waves.




    Men clambered about to regain their balance and assist their comrades up as the Grand Master rose, jaw tightening as his teeth wedged against each other. Ever vigilant, he took command and his faithful Master Cross, Ser Sascha de Saltpans relayed the orders hastily. Another volley of harpoons was flung at the dragon, however, a Decurion by the name of Vlad refused his grip the leisure of faltering. The burly disciplinarian contended with the dragon and was finally plucked under the waves now swirling with the blood of order-men and beast alike.



    Wincing, Richard takes action, clasping Corbett VanCleef’s bare shoulder and sending him off to distract the riled sea wyrm, his son Corbett II following after him. To rally his remaining men, the Grand Master diverted his attention to them wholly, roaring, “We will endure, men of Saint Amyas. With God’s favour!” With renewed vigor, the steadfast whalers tug on the oars at the instruction of their leader, and the boat steers toward the beast, halting alongside it. At the behest of the Grand Master, the dutiful knights take hold of their swords and remaining harpoons and charge with newfound zeal, causing the stricken dragonet to submerge beneath the waves.


    With the ghastly sea monster vanquished, the victorious knights hauled in the felled whale’s carcass and brought their damaged sloop back to the mainland with their challengingly-earned trophy in tow, chanting triumphantly, as they had the entire way back.


    “With God’s favour! For Amyas!”


    The Knights Lorraine certainly were truly becoming a force to be reckoned with.

  2. f5682352c864db952e7a34dfb9d1d9d9.png

    The soldiers of the Order of Saint Amyas stand rigidly at the center of the training yard, their expression solemn. The Grand Master barks a command and the order-men march to make way as Knight-Sergeant VanCleef calls out the first two to face off.  Following a series of vigorous spars, the clammy men retire to their fort. Once there, they drink, rest, and chat in a jovial, festive fashion.




    MC Name: DrakeHaze

    Skype Name: Idk

    Do you have or are willing to get TS?: Ye




    Name: Yukanol Fukov

    Race: Good Yukanol be of man.

    Are you of a noble birthline?: Niet.

    Why do you wish to serve the Knights Lorraine?: Godani jest wielki!



    Word is relayed to the applicant by means of courier, who delivers a letter stating, "Accepted! Report to the fort near Severski to take your oaths."




    MC Name: LightF0rce

    Skype Name: LightForceSkype

    Do you have or are willing to get TS?: Yes




    Name: [Teen] Dante Noire

    Race: Human

    Are you of a noble birthline?: no

    Why do you wish to serve the Knights Lorraine?: Because it seems like a good guild to serve. 



    Word reaches the applicant, stating, "Accepted! Report to the fort near Severski."




    MC Name: Parading_bull

    Skype Name: You already got it I believe 

    Do you have or are willing to get TS?: Got it




    Name: Vivien Guintcehv

    Race: Human

    Are you of a noble birthline?: No

    Why do you wish to serve the Knights Lorraine?: To serve the Creator best I can, uphold our faith, and slaughter heretics.



    A courier would bring word to Vivien, bearing a letter reading, "Accepted! Report to the fort near Severeski to take your oaths."




    MC Name: dragonmaster0219

    Skype Name: dylan.minecraft

    Do you have or are willing to get TS?: I have TeamSpeak




    Name: Sayriah Killiea

    Race: Elf

    Are you of a noble birthline?: Nope.

    Why do you wish to serve the Knights Lorraine?: I wish to become a Knight of this Order.


    A letter is sent back to the elf, its contents reading, "Pending! Report to the fort near Severski to be inspected."


    The soldiers of the Order of Saint Amyas grew restless as they prepared ladders to storm the heretic stronghold. The sun began to rise and soon the work was concluded. Two men were dispatched by the Grand Master to clamber up the crude palisade and they managed to open the gates for their order-men below. The Knights Lorraine marched through in a disciplined fashion and were met with no resistance as the opposition fled. Sparing no mercy for the resting place of God's enemies, the village and keep were put to the torch and destroyed. Smoke withdrew into the air in the wake of the rubble below. With gleeful cheers of "With God's favour!" and "For the Order and God!", the victorious soldiers returned to their fortress with heightened spirits and thicker purses.






    MC Name: Xtreme_Prodigy

    Skype Name: harrison.oleary69

    Do you have or are willing to get TS?: Yep




    Name: Edmond

    Race: Human 

    Are you of a noble birth line?: Nay

    Why do you wish to serve the Knights Lorraine?: I feel it would be the greatest honour, to spread and uphold the true virtues of our one god, the Creator.


    A letter is sent in response, reading, "Accepted! Report to the fort near Severski to take your oaths."

  9. Order of Saint Amyas (Knights Lorraine)





    "With God's Favour"




    Finding its origins in the stark quest for a chance to spread the goodwill of the Creator, and the greed of a sellsword, the Order of Saint Amyas’ distant history hums with piety and opportunity. The first Grand Master, Guy de Varodyr, allied himself with a prelate whose actions send ripples across the sands of time, Goddard of Salvus, and with this newfound alliance he was granted papal legitimacy for his group of sellswords as well as a chest of Imperial marks with which to arm his men.


    Thus began the First Crusade of 1416, commissioned by High Pontiff Lucien I. The intent of the First Crusade was to secure the relics of one ‘John de Burcard’, an ancient messiah who had perished on a mission to convert the orcish savages to the faith of the one God. He had been martyred while there, and the High Pontiff had declared the land on which he walked sanctified. This crusade was chiefed by the newly-created holy Order known as the Order of Saint Amyas, led by their Grand Master, Guy de Varodyr, a sellsword part of a distant cadet branch of the noble line of Varodyr, who travelled to the orcish lands accompanied by Goddard of Salvus.


    During the First Crusade, the knights of Saint Amyas enjoyed a relatively short lived success, fending off multiple Orcish raids and skirmishes with an arsenal of tactical genius, brilliant fort design and the will to serve the Creator to any lengths from its members. While taking residence in the sanctified ground that was considered the Holy Land, they built the stronghold of Fort Antrim, acclaimed as uncapturable. After two years occupying the Holy Land, Grand Master Guy created the title of the Prince of Junavos, the stronghold’s attendant lands becoming the independent crusader principality of Junavos. Eventually the knights were recalled to the Empire by Lucien I and were forced to relinquish their nascent crusader state, ending the holy war for good.


    After the glorious First Crusade, the Order participated in the Inquisition’s militant sanctions on Kingston in Salvus, rooting out heresy and abomination alongside the Chapters of the Red Dragon. The Order then enjoyed a long period of silence coinciding with the peace within the Empire. Grand Master Guy contracted a grave ailment, and as his health began to deteriorate he commanded the pious soldiers of Saint Amyas to disband their arms and return to their lives until he called again.


    The next stint of the knights of Saint Amyas was during their brief return to glory under King Otto I, using its titles and doctrines as a honorary Order to commend valour and bravery, so as to continue their legacy. During this time, Gavin Wold was appointed to the position of Grand Master. This was the last recorded Council of Balion, and after this Grand Master Gavin declared the Order of Saint Amyas decommissioned until further notice.


    The Order was briefly rebirthed by Gwenael de Bar as an independent knightly Order who was deemed incapable to lead because of illness and the title passed on to his son, Richard de Bar. Today, the Knights Lorraine are dedicated to fulfilling what they see as the work of God directly instead of through the medium of the Church, seizing sanctified land, killing monsters, punishing nonbelievers and claiming relics for God’s truest followers. It seeks prospective members to take the cross and join its ranks, aiding it in its many goals.




    All members of the Order of Saint Amyas are beholden to High Command, and are expected to obey their authority in all matters or face their punishment. Members of High Command lead the Order in battle and in times of peace.


    (Senior Command)


    Grand Master


    The first and lord of the Order, the Grand Master serves a lifelong oath and may only pass up his mantle by death. Richard de Aldersberg, the fourth and most ruthless Grand Master now functions as the autocratic head of the Order and has recommissioned the knights to establish themselves in the world and offer their services to fellow God-fearing humans.


    Master Chancellor


    An experienced statesman who handles the diplomatic and financial affairs of the knights, operating the treasury and diplomatic service. His duties range from religious and secular politics, maintaining and writing scripture pertaining to the knights as well as the history of the body and her members. During the absence of the Grand Master, the Master Chancellor joins council with the Master Cross to dictate the Order’s action.


    Master Cross


    The Master Cross is a skilled commander, entrusted to lead the Order alongside the  Master Chancellor in times of the Grand Master’s stead. He is chosen from the Knight-Sergeants that display the utmost of merit and loyalty. Power over a specific section of the Order may be assigned to him.


    (High Command)




    The Knight Sergeants are born leaders and veteran crusaders who have shown their devotion to the Order, the Grand Master, and God. Promoted from the knights, they are obligated to demonstrate unfaltering steadfastness and courage and serve as examples to men below them.




    The Decurions are stern and charismatic disciplinaries that are well-versed in the principles of warfare and combat, often spending time with newly-enlisted soldiers to educate them. They also are expected to organize and establish drills and exercises at which all members are encourage to attend.


    (Low Command)




    The elite of the Order, the knights are the valiant warriors that have dedicated their lives to upholding the Creator’s will. Once a squire has proven his worth to a knight, he will be ordained with such a rank. An ordained knight is entitled to use the prefix ‘Ser’ in front of his name.




    The Ensigns serve as junior officers typically tasked with assembling and leading a specialized force to accomplish scouting or espionage missions.






    The Man-At-Arms are resolute soldiers, making up the bulwark of the Order. They are expected to obey all Orders and file into formation without hesitation.  Additionally, they are expected to attend training sessions to better themselves and improve their abilities for the benefit of the Order.




    The Initiates that have proven their salt in combat and loyalty, the Footmen have been given their tabards after several grueling tests and skirmishes. The Footmen will tend to undergo tough labor and other general tests to further improve their general skill as proven soldiers of the Order.




    Being the newest addition to the Order, Initiates are observed inquisitively by all Order members and expected to adapt to the gritty and obedient life-style typical of a soldier. He will have to undergo various trials and phases to prove himself fit of earning a tabard and the following rank.




    The Order of Saint Amyas’ only allegiance is to the Grand Master and God to fulfill the quest to purge heathens, heretics, and unholy beings. As of 1464, the Order fights alongside the forces of House Carrion and her vassals.






    Colloquially known as the ‘Knights Lorraine’, since its reformation, the Order of Saint Amyas will now function as an independent holy Order of knights beholden to none but their Grand Master. They seek to seize heathen land and erect a fortress upon it from which to base their reestablished Order as well as reclaim any holy relics from infidel hands.


    When an individual is ordained a knight of the Order, in addition to their tabard and set of armor they are given a golden collar neck-chain bearing the lorraine, which they are expected to wear when not in uniform as a symbol of their status as a knight of Saint Amyas.


    The Order of Saint Amyas are secularly sovereign to none but their Grand Master. Any man of the faith can join the Order, a peasant, a burgher or even a lord.


    The coat of arms of the Order of Saint Amyas is a golden lorraine cross on white. As well as being the reincarnation of the old knights of Saint Amyas, the reformed Order can be considered the successor to many of the past holy Orders dedicated to the Creator, including the Order of the Griffon, the Knights of the Eventide and the Sons of Owyn.






    The Knights Lorraine have a spoken code; the tenets they strive to uphold with righteous morals and honor - the Virtues.


    I - The Virtue of Obedience


    An Order member will relay his commands when given orders by those above him, and follow his instructions with devoted loyalty. He shall not attack, or steal from a fellow Order member, and will not partake in petty, impractical skirmishes over senseless matters, displaying restraint.



    II - The Virtue of Piety



    An Order member will strive for purity, patience, chastity, and temperance. He will partake in regular sessions of worship, and will not use the name of the Holy Creator in vain. An Order member will remain faithful to God and his teachings, and will not sway in his religion.


    III - The Virtue of Chivalry


    An Order member will protect the weak and frail, and in combat will fight with the honor to bring down his foe without frivolity or twisted pleasure. An Order member will demonstrate benevolence and charity by donating a fraction of his riches to the clergy or the downtrodden.


    IV - The Virtue of the Purge


    An order member will not hesitate to cleanse wicked, unholy heretics by any means necessary, and will remember to make a lesson of all godless, unsanctioned savages, be it by the sensible method of converting these sinful heretics into god-fearing men or burning them at the cross.






    To enlist, there are a few options one may take to join the ranks of Aymas.


    Sending a bird to The Grandmaster (Altiak) or Visiting the Knights’ Fort near Severski.


    Alternatively, you may apply by filling out an application and giving it to an Order member ((post on thread)).




    MC Name:

    Skype Name:
    Do you have or are willing to get TS?:





    Are you of a noble birthline?:
    Why do you wish to serve the Knights Lorraine?:

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