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sir lusty

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Posts posted by sir lusty

  1. Name: Dominic Braxton
    (MC Name): lusty68
    (Skype Name): Lasse Lusty ((lusty68))
    Race: Human
    Why is it that you wish to become a Peacekeeper?: I believe that the system of "Republic" is the future for humanity, and i am willing to protect all who agrees and serve and work 
    within the republic, because i respect those people for what they will ever endure for their choices, and i will do mine to protect those people from all harm. 
    Are you willing to become a Salvian Citizen?: I already applied to become one, so yes!
    Do you vow to protect the people of Salvus as a Peacekeeper, even if it may be at the cost of your life?: My life for the republic and all who stands by it!
  2. Full Name: Dominic Braxton
    Place of Birth: Vanderfell
    Date of Birth: The First Seed, 1477
    Age: 30
    Profession: Sector: Profession: Servicing
                       Place of work: Peacekeepers, and freelancer for Valdeg Lumber
                       Role in workplace: Valet in peacekeepers, and freelancer logger for Valdeg Lumber
    Date of Issue: The Grand Harvest, 1507
    Date of Expiry: The Grand Harvest, 1511
    Core Guild Enlistment: none
    Valais entitlement Status: NO
    Ownership of property within Salvus: (Currently, none is assumed - if so, leave blank)
  3. Kingdom Of Scotland






    The Ships send to Shetlands have arrived, and a colony is quickly set up in the city of Lerwick.
    Any survivors is welcomed into the new colony (if any) the colonist also declared the Shetlands a part of Scotland. A letter is then send to King George about their success.


    Meanwhile King George receives word from his the scout team in southern Scotland. He orders them to find refuge in Edinburgh, due to the coming Radioactivity.
    If that was not enough, words of a heavy snow comes in.
    King George sees the optimism in the cloud breaking up into parts, and perhaps other parts went south,east and west, but that is a matter for another time. All people is advised to stay low, while the winter and radioactivity passes.


    He also appoints a Duke to to "Lothian" (all of southern Scotland) but to show everybody of the Womens new rights, he appoints his nieces "Princess Sophia" as the duke of the province. Making her heard of the rebuilding of the province.




    Word is send to the Ethiopia of both the advancements of the state, and the upcoming winter and radioactivity. Warning them to have any transport or ship stay home, due to that the sailors may get sick.




    Once again, a way to kill the cloud is being researched into. (unknown among of pages) 


    As soon as the winter is gone, a team of researchers and soldiers on about 100 men (with hazard suits) will be send to the Province of Lothian (mostly Edinburgh) and begin to attempt to find a way to "kill the cloud." (8 pages) ((Will remind a Mod about when i need answers.))

  4. Kingdom Of The Highlands





    King George awaits responds from the scout team, but meanwhile the 200 suits are done and prepared to use. that is news pleases king George, but he will not move out before the scout team is back. ((Still need a mod to tell me how well it went)) 


    King George is also eager to unite the land, so bringing up a map given from the outsiders, he declares Scotland united. He do know thats the south is not very inhabitable, but the colonization has begun. he also ones again renamed his nation, this time to the "Kingdom Of Scotland" 







    As Scotland receives the coin, it is prepared and soon will be used, the people are happy finally not being forced to bring a chicken with them every time they had to shop.




    With King George´s dream of a united Scotland almost in the house, he notices the old map says that a old island called "Shetlands" also i considered a part of Scotland. he then order 50 men and women to sail for the island and declare it a part of Scotland, and themselves will inhabit the island. ((2 pages and Shetland will also be a part of Scotland))

  5. Kingdom Of The Highlands






    The reports from the scouts is brought to King George, he orders 10 scouts to go down to research and test the already made hazard suits. They are ordered to move towards the old Scottish capital "Edinburgh." The king believes that if the gods truly is near the capital, they will be able to bring them back to Glasgow, and ask for help. He is happy to hear thought that the air in Edinburgh is about stable.
    He also orders the scouts to move to the capital and declare all of southern Scotland a part of the highlands kingdom, by placing a flag in central Edinburgh. The Highlands will then afterwards begin to colonize the parts, and hopefully make them inhabitable in the future. The scouts are also ordered to look for any item in Edinburgh, that can help them in the fight against the cloud. 


    To be sure the mission will succeed, King George sends his seconds son, Prince Charles as the scout team leader. with the Ethiopian education, a communication link between Prince Charles and King George is set. Prince Charles is a skilled scout, and is also smart. (told by his Ethiopian teacher) ((Need a mod to tell me if they find the gods, or a device to use against the cloud))






    News of the sick Ethiopians sadden King George, they have done much for the Scottish people. to him, it almost seems like they can continue on their own, but that is a question for another time. But King George is indeed interested in this "coin" the Ethiopians are using. for too long Chicken have been the official currency in The Highlands. King George sends a letter to Ethiopia asking for the coin to be used and produced, in the Scottish lands. Mostly to honor the friendship between the 2 nations.




    The Scottish people is very pleased with the recent changes, and the population increasing. it is now expected that about 500 children will be born every year, and slowly increase. 

  6. Kingdom Of The Highlands






    the men from the outside agree with the terms, and the supplies as loaded on their ships. 10 of the outsiders also slowly begin to take off their hazard suits, the diplomat smiles and takes them. When the deal is done, he brings them towards king George. ((This was mod approved in the skype chat))




    King George receives the hazard suits from the diplomat, he immediately shows them to the researches working on the project. Due to the last years work, they know how to handle them, and how to construct more. King George gives them 6 months to produce 200 suits with the material they where given a year ago.





    with the Ethiopians help, lots of plants have been planted in the highlands. They increasing the oxygen level in the Scotland. Also the new canals made help with bringing water to the population in the less civilized parts. The mutation rate of new born children is decreased, to now only 1 out of every 5 children. King George expect the population to increase heavily, with the new "air."



    King George also receives word of the Ethiopians spreading this "Celtic Orthodox" religion. He soon receives the details.
    The most notable changes is that women is given more rights, and cannot be simply dragged away by any man wanting to marry. Also the part which includes less violent outcomes of diplomacy. All in all king George like these new changes and allow the Ethiopians to continue. He does make it clear, that he is not interested in any other religion than the Celtic faith. 

    the new reformed faith, also expect less men to be killed in random brawls.




    all power is put into making these new suits, 200 is expected to be made within 6 months. (3 pages)


    -Mod request


    - Scouts (with their new education) looks for how the plant life is doing in southern Scotland, and also reading off the radioactivity level.

    ((i need a mod to tell me if southern Scotland is less radioactive and/or have fresh air.))

  7. Kingdom Of The Highlands 






    King George receives reports from his dukes and scouts about the Ethiopian  work done around in his newly formed kingdom.
    As ordered by the Ethiopians . he immediately send out word for a ship to be build near the coast. (1 page) Meanwhile the dukes are walking around in the kingdom, questioning all of these sudden changes.
    Therefor king George prepares a speech to the next meeting.


    A few days later the meeting is set, and the king begins to speak.


    "First, i would like to congrats the duke of Orkney with his work with the communication tower, if not for him. we would never have meet these new outsiders.


    But i know the questions on all of your lips "why? and why now?" You see my men. we are the last remaining people and kingdom who serves the true Celtic gods. As you know we must fight to free Britannia from the cloud who rules in the south. together with these outsiders, we will free the land."


    The king rises from his chair and begin to shout. 




    the king then sits down, the dukes around him looking shocked but in agreement.





    The research into making a anti-radioactive suit is now 1 year ahead, with his dukes, the king walks down to the research team and ask for the result. (I need a mod to tell me how well it went)


    ((also just so its not ignored, i still need reply for the outsiders with hazard suits))

  8. Highlands tribe (quick update)




    King George is happy to hear the Ethiopian proposal, he gives the Ethiopian diplomat his hand and accepts. He promises the diplomat that the Ethiopians can do whatever they want in his land, if they help him in liberating Britannia from "the cloud." He also invites the diplomat to "Glasgow" to a feast to celebrate the agreement. and to explain the status with the cloud, and all know about it.


    In honor of his new "overlords" and for the name of civilization, King George renamed his tribe "Kingdom of the Highlands" and changed the flag to a more civilized design. 






    The communication tower in Orkney is now upgraded to both sending and receiving.


    The talk with the outsiders with hazard suits continue. (Mod request)

  9. Highlands Tribe



    -Ethiopian Kingdom


    King George is still talking with the outsiders with the hazard suits when the Ethiopians show up,
    he had got a god feeling about the outsiders but it soon was clear to him that these men where not coming in peace. He looked behind him and looked on his men. Even though the entire highlands army may be enough, he did not want to see anybody die fighting mere men, they had to be saved for the battle with the gods to come.
    He turned around and instructed his diplomat to continue the conversation with the other outsiders, and whatever happens the tribe needed one of those suits.


    the king the turns to the Ethiopians and ask what their terms are, he is willing to cooperate if the highlands will remain independent.


    -Mod request


    the diplomat from the highlands continues the conversation with the other outsiders, and the offer from the king still remains, which was suppliers for some of their hazard suits.

  10. Highlands tribe



    -Outsiders (mod is needed for responds)


    ((i just wanted to let you know the highlands speak English, and if these people are from Ireland, they most likely would do too XD))


    The diplomat nods being a bit disappointed that the outsiders did not know more, he nods still offering them the supplies they requested.


    a few days later the supplies arrives, but to everybody surprise the king shows up as well.
    He storms down to the beach with a smile on his face, and the book he found about radioactivity with him he points at the men with their hazard suits "That is the exact kind of suit there is in this book, that suit should be so called "anti-radioactive."
    The king smiles he offers the men the supplies in exchange of their anti-radioactive suits, he would just need a few, due to he himself already having the material to make more, he would just need the schematics of the suit.

  11. Highlands Tribe





    When the Diplomat approaches the outsiders, he looks around and smiles to them. After they spoke for supplies he ask.
    "I will send word to my king about supplies, we have many extra. But i would need to ask for something in return. You see, our gods are fighting in the south, but the cloud that rules most of Britannia use something called "Radioactivity" to stop us from getting close. do you know of any way to protect ourselves from this radioactivity?, and also  do you have a map for the current world? is there any others then you out there? and do you know how many?" The diplomat could use hours on questions about the outside world, but he mostly awaits the respond about the suits. A single soldier in send back to tell the king about the encounter. and to bring supplies back to the camp. (
    A mod is needed here)

  12. Highlands Tribe






    King George receives the rapport about the anti-radioactive suits, with the anti-radioactive material in Glasgow, he sends it down to the scientists who work with the suit.
    The lead scientists tells George about the possible failure of the suit, but George shows him sympathy. He then calls for all the scientist to meet with him, where he had prepared a speech.
    "My friends, we are not only fighting for the future of Scotland, but all of Britannia. the gods will expect us to help them in this fight. i do know this can take time, but i promise you that i will put all effort into your research, and always remember. the gods are on our side."

    The scientists then break out in a applause to the king.

    King George then as promised, focus all research on the matter of the suit.




    Not long after, king George receives word about the ships landing in the Highlands, for a moment he just stares out in the air, he then says to himself. "So....there really are others?... but how many?"

    Being a bit paranoid about the outsiders, he sends a diplomat with 10 soldiers to the landing site of the outsiders. A scout sits in a tree not long away. watching the scene. (A mod is requested here)




    All research is put into a way to make this anti-radioactive suit. for now they get 1 year to the research.

    (6 pages) (i will remind a mod about it when i need answer on how well it went) 


  13. Highlands Tribe





    The Highlands is experiencing small growth in population, it is now 10000 (10 thousand) citizen in the highlands.
    Manwhile King George discovers a Material which the book he got should be so called "anti-radioactive" it was found in the eastern highlands in a old facility.
    The material is then brought to Glasgow, which will take some time (1 page) king George then attempts to find a way to create one of these "anti-radioactive" suits, the book found explains of a design and researcher is looking into it.


    -Communication tower


    The tower which was found in Orkney is functioning again, and the range of its message have been expanded it can now (very badly though) be received in the southern Iceland, south western Norway and all of Britannia.
    A new message is send through. 

    "I send this message to whoever may receive it, I am the Duke Of Orkney, my nation is the Highlands Tribe.
    My king with the name George, is requesting any kind of assistance you may be able to hand.
    In Britannia we are being attacked by a cloud who is killing our gods. our research have proven that the cloud is using "radioactivity" against us and we now seek to kill it.
    If you know someone or you yourself can help us, we will be forever in your gratitude."


    The tower is a one way tower, so sadly no message can be received back, the Duke Of Orkney is looking into a way to upgrade it to be able to receive a message. 


    -Research/long time events


    Anti-radioactive material is brought to Glasgow. (1 page)


    Scientist of the highlands in looking into a way to create this "anti-radioactive armor and to find the best design possible. (A mod is requested here)


    The communication tower is being upgraded into being able to receive messages. (3 pages)


    A way to kill the cloud is being looked into. (unknown among of pages) 

  14. Highlands Tribe





    The bad harvest in the highlands is almost unnoticed, due to all the land they own much more food was made anyway then what could be eaten by the small population, and only the foolish dies. 


    Meanwhile a breakthrough is made in the attempt to find a way to "kill the cloud."
    A old book which tells of "radioactivity" is found. King George reads through it the best he can, it is now known that the gods, and the reason why the scouts was hurt is due to massive radioactivity.
    The book explained about different kind of radioactivity it is unknown though, which kind that the cloud attacks with. It is also told in the book that a few materials is so called "anti radioactive," but the location of this material  in unknown, but it is believed that it might be somewhere in a old facility. 




    The radio tower in Orkney is somehow weakened, it is believed it is due to the storm.
    Engineers may have found a way to boost the signal, and is working hard on it.



    The radio tower in Orkney is being upgraded and will be able to reach longer distances (3 pages)

    A way to kill the cloud is further researched, (unknown pages)

  15. Highlands Tribe





    ​When the scouts had told their message. their where immediately send to a shamans. The Shamans there used all his powers in a attempt to figurer out a way to save them, and perhaps any information pointing towards way to kill the cloud.


    King George was now certain, he ordered the army to stand down but they would be prepared in case the gods should need a place to retreat to. The scouts where not able to figurer out what the gods where fighting, but George knew that if he should be able to come to the gods rescue, he needed the cloud gone. He then shortly after ordered a meeting with the dukes.


    When the meeting was set they talked about a way to figurer out how to kill the cloud, and all the dukes was given a mission. 

    The duke of Orkney had to make sure his newly found communication tower always worked. and pray that outsider may come to help them. as well as searching libraries and facilities on Orkney


    The other dukes was ordered to use as many resources as possible to find old libraries and factories. for books or any item that could help them discover a way to kill the cloud. King George knew the cloud came because the English  and Irish in the last war had fought, but King George was certain that the Scots had been spared for a reason. He himself also used all his current power into looking for a way to "kill the cloud," he looked through his entire province for facilities and libraries for any clue or information pointing towards a way to kill the cloud.




    All power is used into finding a way to "kill the cloud." (unknown among of pages)

  16. Highlands Tribe





    After Much discussion, king George decided it was for the best not to march south of the wall. A even vote it was, 3-3 vote for the dukes and the king.
    The king voted against and won the vote, he voted no because he still though the gods did not want them to march into the land where the cloud rules.
    But only a few days later a old man appeared in Glasgow. coming south from the wall. He walked around the city and told people that they had where making a huge mistake, he said the gods did not control the cloud, but fought it.
    The highlands was the only domain left in their control, and they wanted them to fight the cloud.
    The word reached the king and he called for a meeting with this man.
    He said he was a old priest. and that he had seen the cloud kill one of the gods themselves right in front of his eyes.
    Then it was clear for George, the gods have spoked through this man and war was needed. George, as the first king of the Highlands ever to do it, declared war on the cloud and claimed all of southern Scotland his. He promised that in the name of the Gods he would reunite Scotland. He prepared the Highlands army of 1000 men, mostly armed with swords, axes and bows. Meanwhile they prepared a small scout force of 10 people, they was send ahead they should walk to the old Scottish capital (Edinburgh) and home again. and report there founding-
    ((Some mod please notice that last part))





    Meanwhile the Duke Of Orkney had found a old communication tower, and after some studying they found out how to turn it on by pressing 1 button. 
    A message was recorded into it that said told about the Highlands. and that they wished for help in there fight against the cloud. and the demons who killed gods. The communication tower was weak, and did not reach out much longer than the distance to the Shetlands from Orkney, but any boat in that area should be able to find the message.




    King George also noticed the small population he ruled ((9000)) he said the gods wished for healthy soldiers. both female and male to fight against the demons. Many family's began to have about 5-6 children. (where only about 1-3 actually survived) George now hoped for population growth.




    The Celts are looking for a way to kill the cloud. (unknown among of pages)
    and how to turn on a communicator. (0 pages)

  17. Highlands Tribe



    Under the Radioactive cloud which is above the British isles, chaos have spread. 
    In Scotland most people fled to the highlands, in hope that the mountains would help them, they where partly correct.
    A primitive wall was set with the highlands south border to the rest of Scotland, all south of the wall is now known in the highlands as the "The land which the cloud rules." The Scottish have lost most communication with the outside world, believing themselves as the only survivors of the British isles, or maybe perhaps the entire world.


    All considered the Scottish have given the blame and almost destruction of the British isles to the Christian faith, and many say that the reason to the appearance of the cloud is because the old gods have punished the Scottish. The highlands has therefor returned to the Celtic beliefs, this time its more reformed though, but the old Celtic meals and cloth is found. 
    The capital of the highlands is Glasgow considered a new holy place for the Scottish due to it being the main outpost of the wall to the south.


    The Scottish cried for a leader, a true king, and one which would show honor and remind them of the old times, mostly due to his last name king Charles Dunkeld was crowned.






    Today the people of the highlands is more calm them when "the gods punished" the current king is King George Dunkeld fourth of his name. The wall to the south is more robust now, and some brave people some times talk through it, yet nobody have ever returned. 


    The Celtic religion is now a de jure of the Highlands, and old Christian churches was renovated for the Celtic religion to use.


    The Celtic system is not a total monarch controlled, the 5 elected dukes of the highlands has votes, that can sometimes force the king to either take action, or ignore action. The dukes are: duke of Orkney, duke of Aberdeen, Duke of Dundee, Duke of the Eastern Isles, Duke of Inverness.


    Now 300 years after the cloud appeared more and more Scottish people are getting interested in the outside world. The old maps for the world before the cloud is found and studied. The Scottish are afraid the cloud may follow them, and perhaps spread disease to other nations, if there is any. for now the matter is still in debate.

  18. Application 




    MC Name: lusty68


    Timezone: GMT +1


    Skype name(Required): Lasse Lusty ((lusty68))


    Do you use TS(required): yes


    Do you have a VA? If so, for what evils: i do not




    Name: Thane Raloch


    Age: 19


    Race: Human


    Fighting skills: My dad learned me a few tricks he be old veteran of Salvus shields, White roses, and Abresi guard. I know my ways around swords and if yeah give meh a bow i be ready as well to use it.


    Non-Fighting skills: ohmm.... farming? well.. not much anywhay..


    Does the applicant swear loyalty to the Lord Griffon, and his Imperial Divinity:

    Oi maty! i swear loyalty to lord Griffon, and Emperor Siegmund Carrion, Carrion is the only true emperor!

     Does the applicant believe in the Creator:

    My father was not very religious but he did teach me some about ehm and i be ready to serve and learn!


    What are the applicants moral boundaries(What will he not do):

    I would never kill somebody i see no reason to kill, with that being sad i mean somebody that aint criminal, traitor, enemy or just annoying. unless i be ordered... 

    What is the applicants reason for joining?:

    My father used to tell me stories about the white roses when i was a child and when i heard about this i decided to join!


    Does the applicant wish to add anything else: 

    May the creator guide mir path and give The true emperor Carrion victory!

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