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Posts posted by iseemoosego

  1. Torrah looks to the poster reading through it. She reads the name Vallel and a bit of her childhood memories return to her " I know Vallel! She wos quiote the firemaker!" She then continues to read looking to the picture "Holy! She 'as changed so freakin' much. Wot 'appened...?" She continues to read smiling a bit after seeing the reward. She looks to who signed it "TWO VALLELS?! Wot es this! I mioght not even be thinkin' oof the rioght one! Mioght as well look...." She begins to talk away a bit puzzled.

  2. Eventa Calm looks around the base after the battle. She peeks from over the stairs noticing the dead body of Torrah Campbell. She begins to get afraid rushing to grab her sword and some oil. She also places in her bag a good deal of food to last her as she hops over the dead body and out of the ruins. "It is no longer safe here. I have to run." She runs off not turning back. (I am going to take a break for a few days. Just giving a reason why.)

  3. We followed the skulls on sticks and they took us as far into the North as currently possible and we came across some ruins of old camps and something that looks like it was once a building we saw the corruption but we couldn't get over to it because there was an ice wall in the way which we can't get around. We know that destroying it has something to do with the Red Crystals that seem to float over it.

    Okay. It is pretty sweet but I have only heard things. That picture does look sweet though! Hopefully it will be open SOON (( I can't do the TM THING! D:!))

  4. Torrah stares at the poster a bit confused. "''ow do ye pay someone wit tha name Tha Nioght Terror? I mean like... WOT? Do ye yell round Abresi ' I BE LOOKIN FER THA NIOGHT TERROR!'" She shakes her head as she goes to tear down the poster but she stops " If the idiot be 'tupid nough te make this 'e shoul' take et down 'imself...."

  5. Eventa looks up to Art wide eyed as she begins to talk quickly "I punched Cyrus in the face! On accident! Also. He is a mage and is researching dead bodies. He is going to be a Necromancer." She lowers her voice "We can confront him after I am done with magic" She looks over to see if anyone runs out of the Crypt.

  6. Cyrus stands up silently, still holding his nose. Bright red blood trickles down his wrist and drips from the bottom of his chin more slowly than before. "Yes... I suppose that's a good thing." he responds. "I would rather not have been badly burned..."


    "Research, it was..."


    He stands silently once more, one hand up by his face and the other hanging by his side. Cyrus then turns to see if Eventa actually took his somewhat blood-stained papers.

    Eventa stands there a bit confused as she flips through the pages. "Cyrus. Why would you study dead bodies when you are a mage? It perplexes me unless... You are going to be a Necroma-" She drops the pages starting to run out of the Crypt "HAELUN! MALN!" She yells turning the corner.

  7. Eventa stands there a bit impressed of herself as she looks over to the Hooded Dwarf starting to move to him. He lights the torch light spreading the room as she looks around. She stays there looking at Cyrus with his bloody nose. She moves down to help him looking over to the papers "First off. You are not a robber and sorry about the nose.. Second! Why are you being so suspicious?" Eventa begins to move toward the papers her covered "Let me take a look Please!" She says this her eyes shining off the torch.

  8. Eventa Sintel walks outside sitting near the river while reading a book. She watches Cyrus go by nodding "I will learn patience soon! I just need more time with Meta!" Cyrus nods saying "Take your time Ms. Calm." Eventa watches him go thinking he is taking a trip to Malinor as she continues to read about the Great War. She hears a crash as she grabs some sand. She walks slowly into the Crypt where she heard the crash. She sneaks in sand in hand as the robbers seems to be looting the body. She yells "ROBBERS IN THE CRYPT!" She throws the sand hoping to get in his eyes as she runs at him eyes closed trying to punch him.

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