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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Updates posted by Kaiser

  1. Anyone like my new pic BTW? Walking Dead is probably my favorite show on right now :3

  2. Oh God I stumbled upon an old post from Adam ;-; I never asked for these feels

  3. Just as a note, everyone should always have a Halfling character!

  4. Why have I gone from total tophat top old hat ;-; I feel betrayed

  5. I'll get the Grumpy Tree up sooner or later... haven't had the time or perms...

  6. Damn hypocrites, I'm going to go play sky rim, I can't handle this...

  7. I'll make my VA now, As, well, No posts on sunday

  8. Huh, part of me enjoys never being here for Aegis. While so many people leave because the spark of LOTC is gone for them, I barely started yet.

  9. It's not the fact I dislike dieing in RP,it just happens so often it's boring! Try to spice up the RP next time you kill someone!

  10. Halfling icecream cart is up

  11. Been on LOTC more than wanted recently.... not going to stop though....

  12. When there's a large amount of random people, Humans yell at one another. The Halflings throw a party!

  13. I, for one, love the music

  14. my love life has been quiet lately....

  15. ayone else crash out?

  16. Just as a warning, those game ads on the sides of the screen aren't games at all....

  17. I'll never understand this server, maybe it's because it's full of younger people who's only intent is to wield power and insults, but hypocritically doing the same they shun. sorry, just needed to get this off my chest.

  18. People trying to say Halfling's aren't fun or original XD

  19. :o server pooped

  20. time to make a VA...

  21. time to make a VA...

  22. due to the rester, my place in line for the roller coaster will be gone....

  23. Scipp3r said my future was to travel to the place where people disappear, abd come back, as a modest man. Also, with Petyr Brandybuck's ale recipe. It may, however, be a brother, but it is for me to decide. (This so funny)

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