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Implementation Coordinator
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1576 Godly

About Kaiser

  • Birthday 07/09/1997

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  1. This proposal has been heard but the plugin will not be unimplemented Thank you
  2. I wanted it to be even HARSHER but Mr. Llir demanded I don't step on the community's balls too much
  3. Old hats are always a joy to talk to. If you ever want to talk about old-timey stuff or want a reintroduction to the server my discord is kaiserthoren. Welcome back and enjoy the craft.
  4. Kaiser

    Where's Mick?

    The server has been plagued for years by shitters who only are a negative to the community as a whole. They really are a drain on the community's culture, and are extremely toxic. They bully, they plot, they scheme, and they ruin the fun for dozens of players, or more. They drive off entire groups of people and only have fun for their own bubble of idiots who get the same joy from being asshats. Is that Mick? Not a clue. I don't know him, I only know his reputation, which may or may not be real. But the question really is less about the exact details of his (or anyone's) ban, and more about if they are a negative influence to the server, I think, and Mick's return is based on disproving his aforementioned terrible reputation. He's a very polarizing figure, and to deny that part at least is to be in denial of reality.
  5. I ran over those school children in RP bro my grandfather was a veteran, please give him discounts at ben and gerrys
  6. in honesty, i'd really appreciate if we were more open and progressive with members of, isis, the Taliban, Al-Quesada and other murderes because it's mostly a cultural difference
  7. As implementation Manager Yeah bro I agree We'll fix it one day
  8. Memes aside, several Ferrymen have been great lads to chat with. Werewolf and Orlanth as examples I've had good chats with about lore or the server in general. Some other ferrymen are just straight up hilarious. Some of yall are nasty fucks sometimes, but not anything I haven't seen in every other community on LoTC, so y'know, glass houses. I think often Ferrymen are looked at as screamer PVP bullies, and certain communities they fight are looked at as Slice-o-Life ERP cringe crybabies. Both of the above statements are both true, and false, at the same time. I'd love to shit-post and meme with you lads if you got a discord up.
  9. I implemented this
  10. If humans are your thing, I'd suggest Numendil. They've a whole recruiting part in their discord. I've got my fam there rn as Elves, so not sure if that's your thing. KaiserThoren is my discord.
  11. Noble knight KaiserThoren 26 @Kaii
  12. SKIN NAME: Noble Knight DISCORD: KaiserThoren BID: 22$ @Kaii
  13. A voice echoes in the distance "Don't care... Didn't ask..."
  14. Throughout the many bars, taverns, clubs, gathering spots, and even inside of outhouses, are posted many slips of paper, all reading the same thing....
  15. Cullas Sylvaeri sheds a tear and places a coin into the ocean for his fallen monkey treasurer
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