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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Updates posted by Kaiser

  1. Anyone has a download of Asulon? Hopefully an older one?

  2. A lot of guides on how to RP assassins today

  3. god damn laggy server... Laggy and stuff... and y'know... laggy...

  4. Apparently my own name is reserved for someone else....

  5. can wee pls joist hav 4.0 now

  6. I think people are starting to make ideas simply for the purpose of making ideas, even if they're bad....

  7. Fun fact: Poison in Latin is 'Virus'

  8. Quavinir_Signus uses the "Papers, Please" denied sta,p for denying applications! Haha, I don't know why but this made me laugh a bit too much :P

  9. 343 guilty spark reputation

  10. again, the O in pornhub has bunny ears

  11. So giant Devil battle was so epic, we all got knocked out. That explains it for me

  12. Godzilla's roar in imax... oooooooooooooh

  13. stupid MC crashes when I try to join lotc >:(

  14. took me 20 mins to log in and then crashed wow

  15. The plague was an inside job, wake up people

  16. well dwarves like to pugsy.....

  17. is the fishingnet plugin gone or broken? Says I can't set one up....

  18. damn it dalek huehuehue

  19. went afk, came back wi; a handful of billy bob taters!

  20. Check Zilldude's wonderful singing :)

  21. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongersヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

  22. So... what time are we leaving?

  23. anyone else crash when they use anything relating to the skills plugin?

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