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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Demotheus

  1. This is great lore in my opinion! It’s an interesting creature, and not just like most depictions of sprites in popular media (see: Tinkerbell). Unless of course I’m mixing up the meanings of the word. Sprites, Faeries, Pixies, etc. Not sure what the actual difference is between them generally speaking. I like that they have interesting abilities and uses, have a built in escape mechanism (basically skin-farting teargas lmao), and most importantly they have a PURPOSE. The basic idea of the “Redemption” mentality they all have is a great basepoint to encourage development in roleplay! 


    A few of things, though. 


    First; in the section regarding their defense mechanism of a toxin cloud it says “When they are under attack”, but “attack” is never defined clearly. This can open stuff up to abuse, or misinterpretation. Obviously, anybody would be able to point and call BS on a Sprite doing something like releasing the toxin for a reaaaallly stretched reason. That said, it doesn’t look like it’s a 100% unconscious action that just happens automatically since it’s specifically stated that one emote must be made for exertion of some kind. So what attack means needs to be clarified. Is this an at will sort of thing that doesn’t actually require them to be in a hostile situation? Or is it something fueled by whatever their equivalent to adrenaline is where they could quite possibly perform this act in a heated argument, but not in a situation where they are completely unprovoked? And – as a big fan and long time user of Illusion Magics – what about illusion? Some could try and argue that any illusion cast on someone is an “attack” on their mind, even if it’s relatively benign. Solving the illusion bit would be easy if it were a matter of making it only useable when they have a proper fight or flight response (pun intended). Then you just need some way of avoiding people trying to stretch the limits of this. “Oh my character has anxiety so you doing this thing that no one else really cares about usually means they go pomf and skin-fart!”. 


    Another thing that should be clarified is whether or not this can be used proactively. For example; say the Sprite’s friend is in a fight, or notice a mage is acting on their friend in some way, or about to cast a spell at someone, or is casting or whatever, but the Sprite themselves is not currently in harms way, being attacked, etc. Can they then essentially do a fly by and expel the toxin to help their friend or disrupt the evil mage’s attempts at whatever they’re doing? Or is it something that requires that they are already threatened in some more direct way? 


    Second; in the example given about what a day sprite would do as far as mischief is concerned it raises the question...what are the upper most physical capabilities for the average sprite for the purposes of doing Sprite stuff. Pranks, ******* with people, etc. Can a Sprite muster the strength to open the latch for the door of an animal pen to let out the animals? Can they even open a normal sized door on their own by any means? This should be clarified. 


    Thirdly; Personally I’m completely in favor of a Sprite (and other similar creatures) being able to fly more or less indefinitely in most situations. They’ve evolved to do so, and are made out of stuff that would more or less support the ability for extended casual flight. Especially if their wings are such a massive, critical weak spot for them. Speaking in the context of IRL Evolution; body parts that are in vulnerable places, or considered weak spots, generally take 2 paths for the most part. They either get weeded out via natural selection since having it there is far more of a detriment than it is a benefit, or they would remain because it creatures a significant benefit which outweighs the detriments. 

    So, I think with these wings they should either NOT be a massive weak point that significant damage to them can literally kill the Sprite outright, or they should be far more useful than you’ve made them here. Some ideal solutions...


    1.  Use in combat can be restricted in duration due to fight or flight (pun intended)/adrenaline and what not, however the reason is because they offer a significantly increased speed and agility for that shorter duration. Either for fleeing a fight, and just ******* booking it the heck outta there like a bat out of hell Sprite out of the Faewilde, or for being incredibly agile and slippery via dodging the ever loving shite out of just about anything that comes their way. Give them a simple system. In combat a sprite has 8 “points” for significant usage of their wings. A point is used in any single emote that would be beyond “casual” flying. Such as dodging swings from weapons, or other similarly jerky movements. That would use 1 point. Flying as hard as they can away would also use 1 point per emote. Caveat is here: Dodging something bigger like a net thrown at them (which would be the obvious choice when trying to subdue a Sprite), or other “area of effect” sort of attacks would require 2 points instead of 1. I think that’d be neat. 
    2.  Casual purpose, non-combat flight should either be totally unrestricted as far as duration is concerned, or the emote limit – if any – should only require very short, and fleeting rest periods, much like real insects seem to do. Not sure if a fly NEEDS to buzz around and then land for a second before buzzing around again due to fatigue, or if it’s simply just a thing they like to do. But Sprites could operate on a similar idea. Flying in a completely inconsequential situation for more than 8 emotes (which is basically nothing) and then being required to wait an elven hour (which is like 3 days in game) before being able to squeeze in another handful of emotes that could be anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes depending on the pace of roleplay is absurd. The wings have all of this blood flow and are a massive weakness/target for what amounts to being able to move and keep up with your average human for a couple of minutes tops. This means that they’ve somehow survived as a species when all it would take to kill them is for someone to sneak up or trick an unsuspecting Sprite just enough so that they could just rip their wings off. 

    This section tl;dr: Only combat should have restricted emote numbers for flight, however they should gain certain advantages and potentially balance that on a sort of point system. Non-combat situations should have no emote limit, or if they need to have the emote limit, they rest period shouldn’t be so massive as 3 in RP days (1 elven hour), and should amount to something like fleeting, short rests. Those short rests could probably be only a single emote, maybe two. There’s little reason for anything more than that, or even having an emote limit at all for casual flight. 


    Anyway, other than that the lore looks awesome and even in its current form would be fun to have on the server. It really depends on what the ST things about that. 

  2. This sounds super neat. Correct me if I’m misunderstanding this but basically; These make it so you can do fire hands and stuff like that? How far does that extend? Can you completely self immolate yourself in this example? Or is it not a total immunity, but rather a resistance to your own magic? So, say you could hold “fire hands” for a while without burning your hands, but it eventually reaches a tipping point where the pain is too great to maintain focus? Sort of like slowly lowering your hand towards a hot candle flame or a burner, or slowly turning up the temperature of the water during a shower until it suddenly hurts too much to stand in – but isn’t hot enough (by the time most people will withdraw from such pain) to cause anything more than superficial redness or singing of the skin? 



  3. I don’t have too many problems with this. My only concern is that the lore team will not like the lack of spells (which I hope the realize is a huge task to undertake if we need to further break down the abilities of illusion and thusly restrict it further than it already is.) 


    One thing I’d like to see added if possible is a certain idea/ability I had that was purely for fluff and fun purposes called “Hypnotists Boon”, as much of what I was writing involved a lot of comparisons to mundane hypnotism. 


    Basically, while in a NON COMBAT environment/situation as well as while using illusions for purposes that in no way try to hide the fact that the thing being done is an illusion (Ie: anything more than a simple prank level of deception which would almost instantly be recognized by most as an illusion or at the very least harmless and not capable of deceiving most people for more than a few seconds) the abilities of an illusionist are effectively limitless. The mana requirement is basically non existent, and the focus requirement for Tier 4 and 5 for any given illusion(s) cast in this manner is also barely an issue.


    For an example: Standing in front of a crowd and suddenly disguising yourself as a clown. Or, putting on some kind of intricate illusory performance like a play or something else. If you can work in the word “whimsical” and if the intent behind it is obviously not any more malicious than a silly prank you can do it and you don’t even have to worry. 

    Justification? The minds you’re deceiving are far less concerned with these sorts of illusions and therefore less critical. Furthermore they’ll tend to be more open to being “deceived” in these ways, especially if it is for the purposes of entertainment which carries no real risk of anybody possibly losing something they don’t want to lose. 

    This also means these types of illusions can effectively be ignored and ‘faded out’ of the mind of someone who is unwilling to perceive them, becoming illusory ‘shadows’, muffled, and barely registering at all. An immediate example of this would be...


    If you disguise yourself as a clown in front of everyone nearby in the town square, but someone in that crowd is horridly terrified of clowns as some people tend to be. This illusion can either be immediately dismissed in that person’s mind and shattered for that person. They can still “see” it in a sense that they’re aware that you’re messing about pretending to be a clown so that it’s not confusing to see a crowd of people staring at you and laughing or whatever in a way that makes little sense, but it won’t be ‘vivid’ for them. It’ll just be a thought at most unless they decide they want to perceive it despite being terrified of clowns (for exposure therapy perhaps?). 




    Why have this as a feature? It’s harmless and it is a ton of fun, opening up many opportunities to use illusion without having to bother yourself with redlines that would otherwise be imposed. You CAN make that 2 foot tall purple t-rex as long as either a) the expectation is set up for it to exist in reality somehow or b) it’s obvious it’s not real, not threatening, etc. 

    These illusions can’t be used in a backhanded way to disguise yourself or anything from someone else. If someone wants to see “through” the illusion for any reason at any given moment they just CAN unless you’re using it with the intent to deceive or hide something or whatever in which case: it must follow all the redlines, restrictions, etc. that illusion follows and does not benefit from this boon. 


    This is one of the ideas I had that I was kind of in love with and I hope we can fit that in. If you’re worried that it might delay the approval and acceptance of this rewrite I’m happy to submit it later as a lore addition after this is approved. 



  4. Okay awesome fantastic wonderful splendid. 

    So now voidal mages have to basically flail their arms in the air, glow as a rule, and might as well be shouting “I’M CASTING FIRE MAGIC AT YOU GET READY!”


    While also being weak as noodles 


    While also being unable to hold a weapon while connected!? 

    In a server where I’m pretty sure people insist the rule is it takes a whole ass emote to draw a sword, but also takes a single emote to run 10 ******* blocks in an environment where fights are generally 20 blocks distance if the mage is lucky? 


    I’m not throwing shade at tox I doubt he wrote the whole thing here or at least probably had to follow Flam’s “instructions”, but it seems to me that voidal magic was just nerfed to be even more useless than it already is in any given combat situation.


    Added note. While connected you can only walk. Well what does that mean? I’ve heard people say you can move 10 blocks in one emote, or 5 blocks, and anything in between. Never really specified what walking speed vs running speed is or anything. 

  5. Lotha, a very cute ginger dark elf of 4 feet in height crumpled up one of these fliers and threw it in a fire place in a huff, and then a cackle. 


    "what a joke! Everyone knows the best women are the shortest women with the fattest a-" she stopped abruptly as she remembered the specifics. "why such a specific height requirement." she cackled again. 


    "ahaha... What a catch." she remarked with only a single drop of sarcasm the size of which could easily fill a vast ocean. 

  6. Lotha started to read the letter she received – as an Ascended – and slowly drooped as she read it with shaking hands. Her posture, her expression, even her comically large ears – they all drooped and sagged. Lotha hadn’t really known Elvira too well, but she was a friend for certain. And perhaps...potentially worst of all...the thing Lotha pestered Elvira about on occasion...that delicious beverage...would be lost forev-hold on...


    Lotha turned the page over and saw on the other side...the recipe...the coveted...delicious mocha recipe...IT LIVED ON!


    Lotha squealed with mixed tears of joy and grief and stumbled around her kitchen through bleary eyed excitement. Many things were broken in that kitchen that day. However, Lotha had all of these ingredients handy as she had tried her hand at replicating Elvira’s secret family recipe ever since the blessed liquid touched her tongue for the first time. 


    And then...it was done...she had a hot cup of that delightful happy beverage in her little hands. Lotha sniffed back more tears and nodded as she looked out her window at the moon. 


    “This drink is for Elvira.” She said with her quivering, nearly quaking voice as she stood and enjoyed that drink in the company and view of the moon and – she hoped – her old friend as well. 

  7. Telanir, I really don’t like your wishy washy explanation for the staff downsizing. I don’t believe for a single second that you “miscommunicated” the concept. You would have seen the complaints and concerns and addressed them immediately if your intention was contrary to what the belief was. Instead – as you said yourself - you played into it. Don’t apologize for the wrong mistake. Own up to it. 


    If it really was as you say then you dropped the ball – and the ball was made of dwarf star stuff. Which means either you are incompetent, or lazy, or do not listen to your subordinates and community well or at all, or some combination of all that. 


    Or. You had an idea. Thought it would work. Gave it a fair shake, and realized it was a mistake. I’m more inclined to believe the later because I don’t think you’re lazy or incompetent by any means. So apologize for that instead of some made up or hard to believe mistake that most likely doesn’t exist given the evidence. 


    Otherwise, good to hear changes are coming through with that and other things! 

  8. 1 minute ago, Toxcat said:


    I don’t think you could find many, if even one at all, people who do not play mages who would agree that this sort of concept for Telekinesis is a good one. Magic is more than just for those who use the lore, it’s also for everyone else who has to experience it.

    Yes, of course, but like any lore it’s all supposed to be part of a narrative. Being able to throw people around or choke them out with your mind doesn’t need to be over powered nor un-fun. 

    Ways to balance it: Someone else tries to pull the person being choked down from their place in the air, or if on the ground they could shove or pull them harshly out of place. This triggers some kind of roll for an attempt to break the choke. 

    Throw a good fist sized rock at the guy who’s force choking your buddy. Or run up to them and punch them in the face. 


    Oh here’s a really easy one. Wear a fawking coif or some other neck armor. They could still pick a guy up by the armor, but since they can’t see the neck they can’t put force directly on it and thus no force choke or it’s at least harder. 


    I could probably think of more. Plenty of options. Pretty much all the ways you can counter telekinesis can be used. If you lift a shield up to cover your neck that breaks line of sight. Take cover. 

    Pocket sand!? The neck is the limit! I mean sky. 

  9. 1 hour ago, tasty_cheesecake said:

    ok demo well if u want force chokes can I have my telekinetic railgun please. lemme hit that other extreme of SCIENCE MAGIC


    but yea looks good v glad to see “we turned off physics” isn’t the redline as I screeched abt. spells look solid.

    I feel like those aren’t even remotely related. 

    First of all, you can just telekinetically throw objects and/or enchant an object to telekinetically throw objects at speed. Ye don’t need lore for a fookin railgun. Just don’t make it look like technomagic and ain't nobody batting an eye. As long as it follows telekinetic and enchanting lore/rules anyway. 

    Second of all, force choking can easily be balanced. Even if doing the force choke itself isn’t that “hard” for the mage, there can be many built in ways to break this. Basically make I t like a mage hand, but invisible. The person can claw at the force around their neck – as they’d likely do as a reaction – and can roll to break the force down or “pull” it away.

    “But but but that doesn’t work with moving normal objects!-“ shut up. It’s magic. You can come up with a slew of bs reasons why it works inconsistently for something like this. All it needs to do is make sense and be able to be countered against. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Sorcerio said:

    Likely taught from their teacher. Should this be accepted I’ll do my best to spread the information out to teachers who can then pass it onto their students. Books can also be written about the formula.

    As far as I know only alchemist and very specific communities "know" the universal alphabet. 


    So what if I wanted to add something similar to say illusion lore but nobody knows it in the illusion community? 


    Or is it assumed that you learn things relevant to something you study like thst? That'd be neat. I'm gonna propose that as an addition to that lore haha. 

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