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Posts posted by Smithers

  1. “Discovery Foundation conducts research and experimentation regarding Hydrofluctuation and its principles. Experimentation yields research products that possess potential for application in technological innovation.


    The Discovery Foundation has taken several new potential Fellows under employ and will direct them as necessary to the benefit of Discovery Foundation avenues of study.”



  2. [[it is important to note that all research and development is displayed for the purposes of keeping out-of-character record for those interested in development processes. Unless otherwise specified, this technology is not public knowledge.]]




    The Discovery Foundation henceforth affirms that scientific testing and observation have begun within the realm of Hydrofluctuation, and that significant progress has been made in determining the nature of how water reacts to various forms of stimuli.


    The main points of this publication can be derived as such:

    • The experimentation upon water and its interaction with a solid object in a closed space under controlled conditions.

    • The establishment and explanation of a theory based off of these findings.

    • The theoretical application of this theory.


    Throughout the course of scientific trial, scientists affiliated with the Discovery Foundation have expanded the breadth of known reactions where the interaction of water with foreign objects is concerned.


    The Discovery Foundation thus brands the concept of water displacement to be of scientific interest to the Discovery Foundation, and has conducted the following experiment thusly. The following is a paraphrasing, compilation, and summation of multiple documents associated with the experiment.


    [[An image of a long, rectangular tube half-way filled with water is inscribed upon the parchment. Next to the tube sits a cube, as well as a sequence of notes that describe the width of the cube to be almost-exactly the width of the rectangular conduit.]]


    A metal instrument, when submerged and subsequently removed from a body of water, will withdraw water from the main body in the form of smaller droplets. Water can, thus, be said to have a ‘sticky’ property. The reason for this is unknown. This shall be investigated at a later date.


    A separate experiment was later carried out. A cube of the exact internal diameter of the rectangular vessel was machined. The quality of the machining of this cube was tested as such - the cube slid down the length of the rectangular vessel and eventually came to a stop two fingers-breadths above the surface of the water. It was thus certified that the width of the cube was exactly equal to the width of the rectangular vessel, as no water was able to escape through any gap between the vessel and the cube. It is unknown why object stopped *above* the surface of the water, as if held upwards by a phantom force, and not directly upon it. This shall be investigated at a later date.


    With the machining of the cube confirmed as ‘to perfection’, the object was removed. A small hole, only three times the width of a single hair, was machined within the center of the cube. It could be stated, with great reliability, that this hole would serve as the *only* route through which water might escape from the object’s path. The clear rectangular vessel was filled halfway with water, and the surface of the water was marked via a line of blue-black ink on the exterior (the ink being derived from an animal traded from the Caliphate of Khalistein). The cube was then dropped into the half-filled vessel, and the process of sinking was observed.


    The cube sank slowly through the vessel. Bubbles disturbed the tranquility of the water within for but a moment, and then no other disturbances occurred as the cube reached the bottom of the clear vessel. It became apparent to the observing scientists that the level of water within the container had risen and the new surface level was marked with ink. The water and cube were removed from the vessel, and a Foundation scientist noted a curious property - it seemed to the eye that the water displaced by the cube (as determined by the two markings) was almost exactly the size of the cube itself.


    This experiment was later tested a second time to verify its accuracy. It was later replicated with vessels of greater and lesser size, and this effect was observed to be constant.


    It is thus that the Discovery Foundation has officially derived the following theory:


    The Theory of Hydrodisplacement


    This theory states that water, in contact with an object, will experience a phenomenon coined by the Discovery Foundation as “hydrodisplacement”. This phenomenon is such that water, when in competition with an object for space, must have space with which to ‘move’ elsewhere, else the water will prove unyielding. As per observation in a controlled setting, the water ‘removed’ from an area is directly equal to the amount of space that the object in competition with the water takes up.


    This theory has a very useful potential application. If the amount of water experiencing hydrodisplacement post-introduction of a foreign object could be quantified then, in theory, the exact size of the foreign object could also be measured.

    It is thus that the Discovery Foundation declares it to be within its interest to develop a standardized scale of physical measurement for the purposes of scientific research and development. The Discovery Foundation henceforth commits itself to the development of this scale, to the benefit of accuracy in all degrees of physical measurement.


    I mentioned in the text a situation where what would be considered power-gaming in RP would be considered okay in PvP. That is where the connection lies. In the other example, if someone knows how to build, but cannot count to eleven without someone else letting them use their fingers in character, should they be able to build on that character? There is only so much that can happen before derailment begins to occur.



    Then common sense dictates that they shouldn't play a character that "can't count to eleven" and knows how to build masterfully. Thankfully, this isn't an issue - LotC players are smart enough to know when something shouldn't be and "OOC skills" like knowing how to buld fantastically, debating well, or being a good combatant are generally transferred to IC skillsets regardless. Again, it's not something that's ever going to be moderated and to, for some reason, argue against it won't accomplish anything. I don't mean to cause offense, but your post doesn't truly have any potential to bring about change, as what you're looking at is a non-issue.

  4. Right then. In my opinion, it doesn't need to be addressed. What you're posting your thoughts on is a fundamental of roleplaying - all roleplay is based on a certain amount of OOC - you must, by the nature of human thought, consider an action in OOC before you go through with it IC, and that's why the separation of OOC and IC will never be truer than it is right now. "OOC skills translating into IC" is not ever something that's going to be moderated and it's something that shouldn't be moderated. There's a fine line between fun roleplay with a ruleset to keep everybody in line and a system of rules so in-depth resulting in so many potential rule violations that you're no longer having fun.

  5. “Discovery Foundation pioneers research and development in the progression and application of advanced medical theory. Framework for study is put forth pending the further development of sub-disciplines and the establishment of theory.


    The Discovery Foundation has founded central facilities for research and development. Relevant laboratories shall be constructed and a medical facility shall be equipped to the benefit of research.”



  6. [[it is important to note that all research and development is displayed for the purposes of keeping out-of-character record for those interested in development processes. Unless otherwise specified, this technology is not public knowledge.]]


    [!] The following information is released to libraries and academic institutions across the plane of the Realm of Athera. A note accompanies the package of information and encourages further research.




    The Discovery Foundation henceforth declares the nature of medical operations and all corresponding theory to be a horizon of thought worthy of research and development. The Discovery Foundation makes known its intention to pursue in-depth research regarding these subjects and to formulate new avenues of associated thought as is necessary. The Discovery Foundation sets forth a pipeline for research and establishes the following framework for initial steps.


    It is henceforth acknowledged that scientific headway has been made regarding the treatment of symptoms displayed within diseased individuals. True medical progress, however, has not been achieved - the treatment of tainted persons is not permanent and often results in resurgences in disease or death. The application of natural flora as medicine, while effective to a minimal degree, is an imprecise science at best and often fails within patients showing severity in symptoms. For the benefit of progression and to elevate the condition of the Descendant races the Discovery Foundation must engage in medical research to better the nature of the practice surrounding the formulation of medicine and its corresponding application. This will be accomplished through internally fabricated methodology.


    The Discovery Foundation will begin its work by confirming the anatomy of all races to better its understanding of the body and its functions. The Discovery Foundation will work with established government and scientific institutions to secure the carcasses required for analysis. After the establishment of greater understanding regarding the makeup of the bodies of the various Descendant races and a better understanding of physical differences and similarities a common ground may be found to better allow the speedy progression of research and the application of generalized medicine.


    Furthermore, the Discovery Foundation shall task itself with the analysis of disease and its theory. To better understand the workings of disease is to better understand how it might be prevented entirely or combatted within tainted individuals. A framework for study and development will be constructed to aid in the speedy progression of research and corresponding understanding. Available medical texts will be consulted for pre-established theory where it exists.


    The Discovery Foundation will constantly analyze all other possible avenues for study and potential for expansion of the sub-disciplines within medical research and development.


    The Discovery Foundation will work to the best of its ability and utilize all available resources to make progress in its research. The Discovery Foundation has permitted the entrance of several new potential Fellows and these scientists will be tasked with ensuring the progression of research and development on all fronts within the spectrum of medical study. The Discovery Foundation has established a center for research and will equip a medical facility to the benefit of scientific trial.


    The Discovery Foundation.

    For the good of all, by any means necessary.

  7. [[it is important to note that all research and development is displayed for the purposes of keeping out-of-character record for those interested in development processes. Unless otherwise specified, this technology is not public knowledge.]]


    [!] The following information is released to libraries and academic institutions across the plane of the Realm of Athera. A note accompanies the package of information, encouraging further research.




    The Discovery Foundation henceforth declares the physical movement of water and air to be a horizon of thought worthy of research and development. The Discovery Foundation makes known its intention to pursue research regarding these subjects, and declares its intention to develop associated technologies through which this research might benefit the denizens of the Realm.


    It is henceforth realized that, among several magic circles, the study and utilization of the magic of water is known as “hydromancy”. It is equally realized that, among similar circles, the study and utilization of the magic of air is known as “aeromancy”. It is further noted that the mechanics of the movement of matter are oft-known as ‘fluctuations’ in the fabric of what would normally be undisturbed space. It is thus that the discipline of matter dynamics is henceforth broken into two categories: Aerofluctuation, dealing with the dynamics of the movement of air and all of its corresponding scientific and engineering applications and Hydrofluctuation, dealing with the dynamics of the movement of water and all of its corresponding scientific and engineering applications.


    Hydrofluctuation has an extremely large potential to spur tremendous advancements through both research and the application of technology derived thusly. To understand the movement of water and why it reacts as it does to an object is to better understand how its movement might be applied to the benefit of the Descendants. The Descendant races may be better able to redirect its movement to the betterment of the availability of water in arid areas, to utilize the movement of water to power beneficial technologies, or to somehow utilize the research of hydrofluctuation in some manner yet unknown and unhypothesized.


    Aerofluctuation has an extremely large research potential, and to understand the dynamics of air, its motion, and its fluctuation in space is to better understand the world, its intrinsic rules, and how these rules might be applied to the betterment of the Descendant races. There is much that remains unknown about the nature of ‘air’ - scientific research has dictated that the weightless ether the Descendants believed to be omnipresent and life-giving does indeed exist, and that it flows and fluctuates akin to water on a lesser scale. This philosophy can be taken and applied to research, and this fledgling knowledge shall be expanded upon through due trial.



    The Discovery Foundation will work to the best of its ability to expand upon this declared horizon of thought. The Discovery Foundation will utilize all necessary resources to ensure the speedy progression of research, and will task intelligent minds to developing the theories needed to pursue its scientific mission.


    The Discovery Foundation.

    For the good of all, by any means necessary.

  8. VkjQZT7.png

    Discovery Foundation


    Scientific Mission

    To attract, foster, and stimulate participation in the research and development of advanced scientific and technological disciplines, to develop research methodology and expertise and related scientific skills, to grow and apply revolutionary technologies to the benefit of the Realm.


    To this end, the Discovery Foundation henceforth declares its goal - to elevate the condition of the Descendant races and to influence a generation of thinkers who dare envision the Descendants’ next steps, by any means whatsoever.



    The Discovery Foundation tasks itself with identifying and working at the front lines of science and engineering efforts. The Discovery Foundation operates through the utilization of a ‘bottom-up’ structure, maintaining consistent contact with the research and scientific community to identify rapidly evolving horizons of inquiry, monitoring which areas of research are most likely to result in spectacular progress, and tasking promising scientists and engineers to conduct the research.



    Fellowship with the Discovery Foundation is achievable through the research and publication of two documents of scientific inquiry, or through the complete research and development of one tangible, fully developed and executed advancement among any frontier of interest to the Discovery Foundation.


    A document of scientific inquiry is defined as a comprehensive study and proposal of a new theoretical technological development, but does not require the full process of research and development required to create an applicable product.



    [Organizational membership is to be pursued via private communication through in-character methodology - via forum private message with an in-character tone. Public posts will not be responded to. All Discovery Foundation notices will be posted through this account to preserve player anonymity.]

  9. MC name: SirSmithers

    Character's name and age: Valahan deGrey | 56


    Character’s Race: Human


    What magic will you be learning?: Xan


    Who will be teaching you?: A good man named Tsuyose.

  10. Forced conquest = good


    Unregulated forced conquest = room for error


    Allow forced conquest by default, but allow staff intervention if necessary. Having staff intervene by default is going to cause problems, but leaving it for extraordinary circumstances will allow players to have the necessary freedoms while still having the protection of the staff if need be.


    Furthermore, I'd like to expand on Wardog's point. There will always be angry players over war and losing and ban reports and etc etc etc. Players quit. Players get upset. This is a constant. Should we really shy away from a beneficial boon to RP only because a small minority fear it?


    Pretty good idea, yeah.

  11. c8daf1b3-e68d-46f7-9a77-8e148f1afc88.jpg


    A forum is called within the Silver City of Haelun'or, with the topic being the results of the most recent election. The golden-robed elf, Silir'ilume, stands before the assemblage of his peers and slides his hands tightly behind his back, presenting his piece.







    I henceforth present to you the harbinger of the children of Larihei, and the foremost authority in dictating the direction in which the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya shall take the Silver City.


    Orsino Acal'elor, by one vote, represents the majority will of elmali'aheral, and shall act as the liason between the people of Haelun'or and the foreign world. It is the duty of the new Sohaer to oversee the election of a full Triumvirate.


    Remember, lliran: these are no halcyon days. Stride forth eagerly in your duty to the Silver City and our crowning philosophy.


    Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya."


    ​A dispatch is immediately sent to the authorities of the Kingdom of Oren. 


    "Let it be known that the results of the election stand clear: the elf Orsino Acal'elor will act as the liaison between the people of Haelun'or and the Kingdom of Oren."

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