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Posts posted by Frigated

  1. Name: Crius Sellurus Horen

    Single character, or group? Single

    Small or Large? Large

    MC Skin/s (preferably a render): 


    Details that would not be evident on the skin, like scars or jewelry: He is a child of 11 years old. 

    Pose (doing magic, smiling, frowning, flailing arms, etc.): Just a nice painting of him smiling I suppose.

  2. - Tricia scribbles down on a piece of paper after seeing the flyer with the advertisement, she sends it off with a well trained hawk as it perches upon your shoulder bearing the note. - 


    "I will take all of your horses and I can beat any offer that is given to you. Please send my bird back with a response."

  3. Previous Application:



    I have hardly changed any of the events as I feel I was somewhat unfairly denied previously.


    "I think its better for the community you remain as a player. Reapply when you have no more rp left for your characters." ~ Firespirit44


    Although I understand why he thought I would have been better to stay within the rping community. Fire also told me to re-apply when I have no RP left. My RP of recent has been lacklustre and dry. I have tried my best to keep RP fluent however my characters at the moment are not surrounded by RP. Although I can't see how anyone can /run out of RP/ when there are nearly 200 people on the server active at peaks. However it has come to that time and circumstances has changed where I am /struggling/ somewhat for entertaining RP.


    Minecraft name:
    Skype ID:
    Time zone:
    GMT + 0 ( England )
    Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report:
    I have never had a strike or been banned previously on Lotc.
    Do you hold any other staff positions?
    I do not currently uphold any other staff positions.
    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?
    I currently have two active characters which I play. I play Crius Horen who is a child and gets up to childish things. This character is a fun character and provides other fun RP for others. I also have Eirik Audrek who I hardly play. He is a nordic based character and is a brute in all mannerisms.


    I also am willing to sacrifice these characters as they hole no /real/ importance but only fun to me. 
    What race/group do you think your events would best cater to?
    I do not hope to be tied down to a certain race or group. I hope to accommodate for all races and groups and provide an interesting event for all. However if I was to choose a particular group it would be the Humans or Dwarves. This is the simple reason of I know them best. I know many people within the Human RP due to my characters position, this also means I would know what sort of events they would enjoy. Same applies to my Dwarf character also.
    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?
    1. Organisation
    An organised event is generally the better events. I am an organised person and I would show this in my own events. I believe that organisation is a key factor to a successful event. There has been events I have been in previously where the organisation has lacked. Things get chaotic and people start to loose track on what is going on. To have a set scenario ready to deliver to the player base with various opportunities is vital, while doing this you must keep it neat and tidy.
    2. Setting
    The setting must fit the scene. There would be no point what so ever trying to deliver an event if the setting wasn't correct. For one it would break the players immersion. The setting is vital to a successful event. The current ( previous now ) long term event in Abresi would be the sewers and the disease. It would make more sense to RP something to do with that event rather than let's say a swooping dragon attack. ( That's to be eccentric. )
    3. Player Enjoyment
    Player enjoyment is a key factor to keep in mind while doing an event. The events must suit the players. If someone doesn't want to fight a foe they do not wish to fight so be it. They must be able to enjoy the event and not feel uncomfortable throughout the duration of the event. With intense planning of an event can provide player enjoyment. Player enjoyment shall always come above all as that's who the ET serve and hope to provide entertainment to. People should be walking away from events with a feeling of content.
    4. Interest
    Sort of like the enjoyment an event must always be in the interests of  a player. Events should be interesting and keep people wanting to see more. It's self explanatory really but I have seen the odd event in my time where it becomes repetitive and people will loose interest in the event.
    5. Diversity
    Diversity should always be there in an event. By diversity I mean options and by options I mean different outcomes. Let's say if I am doing a petty bandit event where he attacks someone. If he is overpowered they may be able to get some information about him where his stash may be to go find some nice loot. However if they decide to kill him they may receive a note telling them to go do something else. Diversity is down to player decision and what they decide effects the event. Also an event with diversity would need good organisation and planning.
    When was the last time you saw a event?
    The last event I saw was at Kal'Arkon. There was mainly mobs spawned in and the Dwarven legion had to fend them off from entering the city. There was some brief back story behind it.
    What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? Tell us!
    I have been around on the server for a long period of time now. I think it may be between 2-3 years but don't hold me to that. I did have a prolonged period of inactivity and I recently returned various weeks ago. However I do have a strong grasp on lore and I generally am an organised person. I also think my knack for creativity could contribute heavily to the event team. I am also good with plugins / commands etc so there would be no worries on that front. I have also had a position of power on the majority of my characters and of which I have never abused or taken for granted.
    Why do you want to be part of the ET?
    I wish to join the event team to bring joy and fun to the other players of Lotc. I wish to create the odd event which people will not expect just to add to the whole immersion of the atmosphere that lord of the craft emits. I'm all about the fun and I wish to provide my fun to other people.
    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events that you would organize. 1) For one-3 person 2) For a group of 5-10 3) For a group of 20+
    1.) 1-3 People
    A mysterious man appears at the side of the road next to a small group of travellers. He convinces them that they have a chance of winning a large amount of gold and jewels if they beat him at his own game. The game is simple but yet difficult. The mysterious man would pull out a die. He would then hand it over to the challenger and begins to tell him the rules. "You have three roles, you land on 3, 4 and 5 you receive a riddle. Answer the riddle correctly you may roll the dice again. If you land a 1, 2 or a 6 you can skip the riddle and move onto your next roll. However if you answer a riddle incorrectly the game is over." once the game is over the challenger would receive a note saying his was a good sport in trying and attempted to beat the riddler. However if the challenger wins the riddler would tell him the answer is within the riddles. He would then give them the map to follow. The password to the loot cave where the riddler is would have been jumbled up in the answer to the riddles. If the challenger rolls a 1, 2 or a 6 they are automatic told the answer. To enter the cave they must give the encrypted password within 3 tries to obtain the loot. 
    2.) 5-10 People
    It's a windy day within Kaldonia, upon the hill near the tavern the old rustic public house is wobbling side to side ever so slightly. There is an Kaldonian girl simply leaving the tavern after having a few wines as a large gust emits from the west. The building tumbles over collapsing on-top of her upper half. She can hardly talk but all of Kaldonia hears her screams. After a few rush up to the tavern they would see the girl under a pile of rubble. It would take a team effort to dig her out. Also within the rubble there was an old lump of gold on the roof of the taxing office. This also had fallen down also, whoever puts in the most commitment on getting the poor girl out would receive the lump of gold / iron.
    3.) 20+ People
    Screeches could be heard from a well within Kaldnia for days. The populace of Kaldonia has grown worried as they are no human cries. Each day they screech at the same times: At sun rise and sun set. The noise grows louder every day. If the guards would rally and enter into the sewers they would find a hoard of spooked oversized boars. The boars would be naturally aggressive towards the humans ( or any other race ). They would charge sooner rather than later leaving a long drawn out battle between the guards and the boars. However, if the guards do not intervene the boars would eventually emerge onto the streets of Kaldonia franticly charging at anyone they see. The army of boars would follow behind clearly causing issues within Kaldonia. The main board the leader is huge. About half the size of a large man and is extremely muscular. It would seem to be in distress with an arrow stuck in it's rump. He also begins to charge around Kaldonia in a frenzy. Once the boars have been dealt with the person with the finishing blow would receive the reward. Also if they decided to cut open the boar they would find items it had consumed various days ago.   
    How long do you plan to stay in the ET?
    I would plan on staying in the ET for as long as time bids me on Lotc. ( Or unless I would move up in the staff tree. ) But yeah I plan on sticking around if I am to be accepted.
    Tell me what you want from the ET.
    Fame and glory.


    On a serious note just to have the satisfactory feeling that I have made someone else's RP much more fun. I like to humble people with my RP and being on the ET would only allow me more of the ability to do such. And to see other people enjoying their RP this also makes me enjoy my RP and my own events I create for the server.

  4. I know Pyro and I think he would be a good ET member, however I'm reserving my vote as I think the application is lacking.


    +1 however if the events in the application are elaborated on.

  5. center]Name: Korhen.




    Weapon of choice?:Hand axe,duel if I can get them

    Are you of Northern descent?:

    Character Skills(Other than combat):I can smith and drink, aye'm also very loyal and will defend my brothers untill death do us apart, and will even then if I have any say in it

    Why do you wish to join us?:I wish to fight for the north and meet some new clan-brothers to fight alongside

    I, Korhen swear on my families honor that should I be accepted I shall pledge my allegiance to Clan Audrek and their allies until death's grasp takes me unto the aether. And I offer this drop of blood in good faith. *the drop of blood is absent, instead the bird arrives with a package attached carrying a vial of blood and a note* "I shall shed more than a drop of my own blood in fighting for you, and no doubt you and the bretherin will shed more than a drop to save me if the time calls for it, so I shall not add only a drop, but a vials worth"


    (( OOC -

    MC Name:minitoot2

    Skype Name:you have it

    Time Zone:England ))




    Accepted, welcome to The Ravens Guard.

  6. *Holds the parchment up to the light as she straightens the creases out. She then reads through the parchment pondering amongst her thoughts for a moment. After a few minutes of thinking she takes a piece of parchment of her own and begins to write:*


    "I Tricia Horen, also known as Triss hereby declare my interest to learn the arts of magic. It has been something I have had on my mind for some time, I have studied books however I seem to lack the ability to do such arts. Maybe with a teacher I can be successful and entirely wish to come study and learn the art of magic."

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