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Posts posted by nevy40

  1. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-



    "Ave Hounds!


    I congratulate my dear friend and close ally, Nikolas, and Reynault the 
    Brazen on this most prestigieous, decisive victory. 


    Proud is the realm of men to have such valiant god-fearing, soldiers.
    Once more you have proved yourselves the bulwark of Oren, shielding the Empire
    from the most vile cretins of Norland. 


    Those god-foresaken heathens corrupted the once beautiful Lorraine, turning it
    into cesspool of filth and degeneracy now known as Darrowmere. The crown jewel 
    of the Empire turned into nothing more than a piss pool filled with doddering 
    Helves and Rodents alike.


    By God Almight - I pray you Hounds put an end to the Norland insurrection and
    bring peace to the Empire once more.


    God give you strength. God give you guidance. God bless the Hounds!


    P.S. I have recieved a missive from a concerned citizen of Norland, stating 
    that the King of Norland shares his chamber with other men. Though we are enemies,
    I shall pray to God that this sick individual finds salvation...."





    Ser Loras of Lorraine






  2. image.png.69b95591b4a340ad8fda1cd3f3e4e25b.png


    Ser Loras Lorraine the Last True Knight of Lorraine, happens upon one of the DNN newspapers. He grabs the leaflet, gingerly flipping through the pages and reading its contents carefully. Suddenly he bursts out into laughter reading the ‘Breaking News’.




    “Quite the imagination those Dwarves have. By God – What a sensationalist piece of gibberish. The daft pint-sized Dwed must have been drunk on ale and high on some herb when conjuring up this fantastical ‘Breaking News’ story. I know the Goldhands, quite well actually. I’ve dealt with many of them back in the day of Lorraine’s Great Resurgence. They’re a greedy bunch of hook nosed, palm rubbing gold lovers. That much is true. Murders? Doubt it. 


    Though, let us entertain this sensationalist rubbish for but a moment. What reason would the Goldhands have to kill one of their kin? Surely you could enlighten us as to their motive without compromising this alleged “key witness.” On top of this, the Irongrinders are notorious throughout all of Arcas for taking individuals to court and exploiting the common layman’s lack of knowledge for their own monetary gain. Seems like they’ve targeted the wealthy Goldhand with this propaganda piece in an attempt to steal some their wealth through the courts....


    Rather disappointed in DNN. Usually it is the Goldhands who try to subvert nations, yet in this instance it seems the tables have turned.”







  3. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-



    I am pleased to announce that I will be returning to Lord of the Craft. 

    After long discussions with LOTC members, I’ve decided to do this community a favor and return.

    Thank you to the staff team for being cooperative during this time.

    Thank you to the players who’ve supported me.


    See you soon Arcas,










    “Ave Morana! A most welcome reform.

    No longer will unwanted migrants be

    able to traverse through Lorraine and

    leech off the lands like the vermin they

    are. Now we will be able to recognize

    friend from foe! Hail to Morana!”


    Ser Loras would then promptly drive his blade into the skull of an undocumented trespasser who illegally entered Lorraine. 






    The brave Knights of Lorraine can be seen riding towers Kaedrin.



    “Ave Arcas! It warms my heart to promulgate 

    the news that the suspected black mage known

    as  Amadeus of Haense has been captured

    by the courageous Knights of Lorrainians, brave men 

    of the County of Pestilles, and the renowned hero of

    Morsgrad Aetius. With this decisive victory over the forces

    of Oren and the imprisonment of the vile Amadeus, it 

    is more than evident that God is on the side of the






    The despicable, evil, and unholy Amadeus can be seen in Lothranian custody. They give him water and respect his human rights, despite being an enemy.



    “Though Oren is known to disregard the lives of their

    own citizens, the noble Lorrainian Knights offer the

    evil Amadeus the chance to live. His bounty is set at 

    twenty thousand Mina and will increase by ten thousand

    Mina every Saint’s half-hour. If the ransom is not paid, 

    Amadeus shall face trial and answer for his crimes.”


    “Ave children of God! Praise be to God for this glorious victory.”



    Loras of Lorraine





  6. -+-+-


    “Disgraceful. It warms my heart to know that I left that God-forsaken, Telemari cesspool. I thank God everyday for leading me away from that sin-filled hell hole. Ave to the High Pontiff ! Truly you are the vicar of God, his will incarnate, for making such a divenly wise decision and condemning those barbaric Telemari.”













    “Lothar who? This street urchin is no d’Amaury.

    I’ve served under the esteemed Augustus d’Amaury.

    My father served under Leufroy d’Amaury. His father

    served in the latter Honor Guard. Never once has my

    kin heard the name Lothar d’Amaury. Your claim

    to the d’Amaury name is illegitimate and holds no

    meaning in the lands of Lorraine.”




    Ser Loras of Lorraine







    An exquisitely painted image of Timothee the King in Green.



    “Hear ye, hear ye! The old King is dead!

    Long live the King! As we wipe away the

    tears mourning the fallen Pierre, we turn

    to our new leader. A boy, no older than

    ten years of age, has come forth claiming

    to be a bastard of House Jrent/de Felsen

    (Staunton) and a Lothringian prostitute.

    The people of Darrowmere recognizes this boy’s

    claim and crown him as their leader. King

    of all, hear him call. Hear his name Timothee!”


    For clarification, the boy has championed himself as the King of the Poor, vowing to serve the common folk.

    He does not claim to be the King of Arcas.










    A freshly painted tapestry of an Elf being burned at the stake in Lorraine



    An Open Letter to Sohaer



    On behalf of the Great State of Lorraine, I Ser Loras of Lorraine, write you this letter. Upon reading the mindless dribble which you had sent to the Highland Realm of Morsgrad, I could not help but laugh. Who exactly are you to be making demands? The ‘Silver State’ of Haelun’or could not even protect a child. Knowing how inept you are at protecting your own kin, I must ask the question: what will you do if we refuse your demands? I shall tell you what you’ll do. Absolutely nothing. The prideful High Elves of Haelun’or have been disillusioned by their arrogance and inflated titles. Thus in response to the senseless demands that the ****-Stain state of Haelun’or have made, we retort with the following demands:


    [ – ] Meet Lorraine in the field, on neutral grounds, and settle this petty dispute between ourselves in open combat. You needn’t grovel to Godric, begging he reprimand us for the harming of the Eleven child.




    [ – ] The Silver State of Haelun’or shall acknowledge their inability to protect their own kind and must vow to rectify this gross injustice to their own kind by establishing a capable military force with the sole purpose of protecting High Elves on the roads.


    [ – ] The Silver of Haelun’or shall pay a fine of 15,000 Minas directly to the Highland Realm of Morsgrad and 5,000 Mina to the Great State of Lorraine.


    [ – ] The High Elves shall publicly apologize for their horrific neglect of the Elven child in question and vow to be better parents.


    Should you be so brazen enough to decline our demands, by the good grace of God – we shall burn every Elven rodent we catch scurrying across the roads. 



    Ser Loras of Lorraine




    EDIT: This is 100% in character and not OOC. This is written on behalf of GGT’s character.

  10. Ser Loras sat in the beautiful, picturesque gardens of Lorraine.

    As his gaze wandered to the skies; he took notice of a cuckoo

    bird which resembled Ser John. “How fitting” he thought to himself,

    laughing at the uncanny resemblance between  the cuckoo bird and Ser John.



  11. “How pathetic. The Merentel toe sucker couldn’t even defend himself on the roads. Even worse, he lacked the brains to flee from his captors. Now he makes idle threats while hiding behind a wall? Though we are locked in conflict with the Orenian Empire, I must commend them for exposing this useless leech. I am ashamed to have this worthless wretch within the ranks of the Alliance and fight besides him. Praise be to my liege Lord Godric the Merciful for having the piety and patience to clean up after this imbecile. Truth be told, if it were up to me, I would strip this pervert of all titles and holdings...”

  12. Ser Loras of Lorraine would be seen in his private study, scribbling away onto a piece of parchment.

    He pauses for a moment, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before dipping his quill in ink and 

    scribbling a few more words onto the parchment.


    “Ave Oren! I believe a congratulations are in order.

    Word has reached me that you captured the Suffonian

    noble known as Alexander Merentel. To my knowledge

    this man is a Telemari pretender who is known to

    suckle upon the toes of vulnerable people. A man so vile and 

    perverted deserves the righteous justice of God Almighty.”


    “You do God’s work by putting this man to trial. I trust

    fully in the Orenian judicial system to punish this man

    justly. The world will be  better, dare I say safer, without this

    lecherous man scouring the streets, looking for toes to suck



    “I shall honor Oren for this great moral victory by hosting

    a festival in Cloud Temple. I hearby formally invite the

    stupendous Emperor Alexander the Great. I also stronglly

    encourage and invite the nobles of Haense, Curon,

    Kaedrin, and Renatus to attend this grand celebration.”


    “God bless and keep doing God’s work!”


    Ser Loras smiles as he finishes writing on the parchment, putting his quill aside and glancing over 

    the well written missive. He beckons a servant to take the parchment and make copies of it. Once

    copies of the parchment are made, they are sent off by carrier rabbit to all the nobles of the Orenian 





  13. Ser Loras of Lorraine would make the sign of the Lorrainian cross.

    He piously bows his head and speak a few soft-spoken words in

    regards to the fallen whose souls are being sent off.


    “Ave Haeseni! Lorraine feels your sorrow.

    This war has forced brother to fight brother.

    Though I know not of you and your kin, I know 

    your pain. All of Lorraine weeps for your fallen and

    prays to our Lord God for their salvation in heaven.

    Blessed are they who give life and limb for their






  14. Ser Loras of Lorraine stands in the crowd, watching over the proceedings.

    He shakes his head resentfully, showing his disdain for the woman known

    as Edyth. He lifts his visor ever so slightly to spit at the woman’s feet as she 

    sits still in the mud. Once Godric concludes his impassioned speech, he

    speaks a few words.


    “Ave! True to Godric! Praise be to his mercy and wisdom. 

    Despite this filthy wretch’s treachery, the most honorable

    Godric gave her the choice to live or die. Alas, once more

    this craven shows her true colors, groveling for her life instead

    of paying her debt in blood. Truly a miserable wretch she is.”


    Ser Loras reaches into his satchel retrieving not one, but two potatoes.

    He firmly grasps the rotting tatters, one in his left hand and the other in his right.

    As Edyth rises from the filth, where she belongs, he hurls them directly

    at the woman’s head.




    He cries out, utterly disgusted by the miserable woman’s mere existence.



  15. “Ave wise scholar! I am Ser Loras of Lorraine, the last great Knight Captain of Lorraine. I commend you on this fine piece of literature. I’ve ventured to the lands which you describe. I’ve bore witness firsthand to the Telemari. Your description of them is both accurate and befitting. In short – I agree with you! God bless!



    Oh by the way, I am sure this piece of literature will generate a handsome purse of Mina for you. Folks from all over the land will purchase this piece of  paper  to learn from it! Would you consider donating some of the proceeds to the Restoration of Lorraine fund? ”

    Ser Loras would finish writing the letter, seal it with fresh wax, and send it off.

  16. “Literally who...?”


    The famed doctor who diagnosed King Pierce of Curon with the disease known as being ‘a cuck’ (in reference to the cuckoo bird), proceeds to take the useless piece of parchment written by some disillusioned doddering degenerate and wipe his arse with it.

    On 11/10/2019 at 2:53 PM, ReveredOwl said:

    “How about a picture of your current rally, no use gloating about what you had.” said Farley


    “Not a problem little man. Here is a freshly painted mural from today’s rally.”




  17. “This is a Nauzicans? The Empire’s most elite warrior? Pathetic. To think they can even pretend that they’re capable fighters.” 


    *Loras stands over the Dayne and drives his blade into the man’s chest. Though the strike would only kill his ego.*



  18. “Propaganda blaming Lorraine for

    crimes we didn’t commit?

    As the saying goes.....
    It takes two to tango.

    This whole war will prove to be pointless.

    But at least I’ll be able to slay Ser John the Cuckhold!”



  19. Unfortunately everyone wants to be the hero.

    Everyone wants to be the person who says

    ”Heh, nice try kid. You made me use 5% of my power” in the face of an enemy. However the reality of it is, not everyone can be a hero or someone special.


    Most of the people who complain about RP that involves combat usually:

    1. Do not accurately value their lives. I’ve seen people insult their “enemies” and even threaten them when they’re surrounded by a much larger force. 
    2. Hide behind the OOC rules to protect their characters. Yesterday we warned the Illyrians of an imminent attack and offered them asylum. You know what we were told in RP? That the sky god would protect them, it’s not a big deal, and all their characters casually not worrying. All because they thought the raid rules were going to keep them alive. (A couple minutes later they were all killed and started complaining when they got raided by theee dwarves....)
    3. Power game. I’ve seen people emote being unphased by a hit to the back of the head by a flanged mace, someone just popping a squat to avoid a sword strike because they apparently heard it, and people just emoting *dodges* constantly. When you do things like that, no one wants to CRP.     

    Theres two sides to this issue. Those complaining about how this is “Bad serve reeee you PvP me!!” need to step back and realize that they are contributing to the problem. 


    Basically I agree with this guy. The rules are restricting and stifle role-play growth. People should just stop thinking they’re unkillable and RP realistically. 

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