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Alron Bluespark

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Status Updates posted by Alron Bluespark

  1. There we go. Ban Appeal made and sent. Hopefully I'll get to play with you all again. Eheh.

  2. New character: Zarchon Alder. ^-^ Hopefully he'll get somewhere in magic. Or something. (Yes, I AM obsessive when it comes to magic. Thanks for noticing.)

    1. -Max-


      magic app. problem solved

  3. Utmost Rage. My second application wasn't denied or accepted. IT DISAPPEARED.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. legoman144


      Are..Are you a WIZARD?!

    3. everblue2er101


      1. Click your profile.

      2. Search your content.

      3. ???

      4. Profit.

    4. Cappy


      The "Accepted" forum is invisible to normal users, I believe.

  4. Sorry to be a nag, but..

    It's been about four days, and I haven't had a single word back from my magic application! ;~; Even a 'Geez, I'll get around to it sometime' will be appreciated! D:


  5. Magic application denied... :

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      It's alright, just give it some time and try your best next time. ^_^

  6. Server, why must you crash!?

  7. Why is it so hard to find a Mage Teacher... ;~;

    1. Asbrind


      One does not simply walk into Asulon and find oneself a Mage!

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