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Posts posted by Wocket

  1. 5 years ago I left the server. Before I get into why, in all that time I’ve continued to RP; tabletop, play by post, forums. I’ve been on/off with Minecraft over the years but have been avoiding playing online. I’m considering returning now that my life has calmed down a bit and I feel like I have the free time at the proper hours to enjoy this once again.


    My biggest character during my two years playing on this server was Wocket a free spirit orphaned by war and survived a childhood in the wild. She met a baron who was building a city and secured wealth by mining for him before becoming that town’s primary merchant. She ran a trade store that dealt in all goods from dirt to diamonds, even successfully selling a couple chests full of dirt! She often conspired to help the downtrodden playing risky political games to make sure the poor could see a better life. Eventually the town fell to chaos as infighting amongst the guards created a rift. Being a trusted member of the city and the sole defender of her store she took charge and become a guard herself, very quickly closing the rift and seizing the position of captain herself. As she got older and dropped her guard job she tried to start a small farm but felt her position in the world fade. She lost the will to move forward and fell to sickness.


    Anyways~ I’m posting here to see if things have changed before I actually log in, and it’s a specific thing, I know a lot has changed overall. The reason I left 5 years ago was because after a map change that occurred back then the RP seemed to shift heavily towards violence. More war, more torture, more fighting in the streets. I couldn’t be a merchant or miner anymore because I kept getting pulled in violent RP, the violence itself didn’t make me uncomfortable, just the amount of it.


    The thing that tilted me was a chase in town, a bunch of bandits running from the guards I was mistaken for a bandit and killed by the guards with no RP on my end. I should’ve said something but it was the last straw for me, nothing significant was ever happening around me that didn’t include somebody being attacked for the past couple of weeks at that point.


    I tried to create peaceful RP but it wasn’t working, nobody was interested anymore. I thought it was me but I found it was the server, I started RP elsewhere, I even ran a D&D campaign where my players were opposed to attacking most things that could talk.


    I know I could’ve changed race, become a halfling or an elf, I don’t remember what I didn’t like about the idea of that. I know I didn’t get much interaction with them, only orcs ever showed up around human territory. I am actually made uncomfortable by “drunk” RP, I don’t like drunk people in rl either and that’s all I saw from the dwarves for the most part.


    To the point, I’m hoping to hear that being a peaceful human character that doesn’t get attacked on a daily basis is more of an option nowadays and I guess I’m also asking to essentially be treated as a new player as well since it’s been so long.

  2. Meinette watches with fleeting interest, taking a seat around the outer area of the square.


    She begins to talk to herself, "Oh, I can't actually remember a time where things weren't bad... I think. Heck, I don't even know half the people he's talking about! I wonder if this means something fun is going to happen? Fun always brings people together! Then why raise swords? Are we going to throw them in the air? That's not safe! Maybe I should go home..." After seeing a small fight break out she assures herself heading home is the best course of action.

  3. MC Name: emraldilian

    Character Name: Mienette


    Character Age: 19


    Character Backstory: Mienette, born into a criminal family, her parents a bit too inattentive when it came to her care. She came to enjoy the art of swordplay, her parents even began to teach her soon after she could speak clearly, but only if they ever found themselves bored. Mienette was always provided for, her living conditions above average for the sort she was born from, and yet she developed a want for independence when she noticed her parents were always "working".

    One day her father returned with a guard's armor, it was light and Mienette had grown big enough to fit in it. It was never handed to her, but she wanted it, so she wore it and wandered off from home like she always had, but this time, a thin sheet of armor would inspire her to explore.

    Good people she was lucky enough to pass by, they would unintentionally teach her morales, that her still childish mind would accept, they would show her kindness and make her want to give some in return. Gwen a sweet girl lost for words at Mienette's energetic approach, would learn of her want for a new home. Gwen had no intention to return to Cavan but the key still swayed upon her belt...

  4. ((For closure with my last character, Wocket, here's a death post!))


    Alone in her unfurnished cabin that could be found amongst a small field of wheat, Wocket laid on the wooden floor. She had secluded herself from the outside world, having failed so many times to find happiness within it. Disease found its way into her system, in the cracks the loneliness had made.


    The love she held dear found his way from the farms and moved his way up into nobility. Wocket rose alongside him, away from the earth. However, as this happened, her love weakened, he did things that angered her, saddened her, and left her empty. Yet against her better judgment, she'd forgive so many things.


    The move to Anthos had distanced her from her friends and ended her search for her parents. Far away were the places she'd dreamed to live, far away were the things that made her feel at home. Now there was nothing outside that could bring her a smile.


    The cabin she lay in, hers, yet not her home. She'd made what little life she could in this cabin, boarding up the windows and eating her meals alone. However just days ago the meals wouldn't stay, with her sickness even the water she drank would end up in the cracks of the wooden floor.


    She'd been stubborn, the outside world couldn't help her, she'd thought she could weather it. Now feeling regret, she's unable to move. Laid out across the floor, nobody would see her through the boarded windows. Without the strength to move, she would sleep.


    Waking to find herself somewhere new, the cot she lay in attached to a dirt wall, in a cave supported by shoddily constructed wooden pillars, the darkness cast away by only a few torches. Another cot just above hers, a man jumps down, her love, the one she'd fell for so long ago.


    An iron pickaxe in each hand he gives her one and smiles. They travel to the cave's end onto the edges of a large ravine, one that held treasures as far as the eye could see, gold, emeralds, sapphires, and diamonds. They'd mine all morning that day, and when the sun would threaten to set they'd ascend.


    The town above, made of humble homes, cobble walls with thatched roofs. Vegetation grew as freely as the animals roamed. Mushrooms, chickens, flowers, and pigs littered the streets. The people would smile as Wocket handed away the treasure she had found to everbody, and their smiles brought her one.


    As night would fall, she would descend and return to her cave with her love, reminiscing over what they had found, what they had given... and every night she would have a nightmare, one of waking in a cabin all alone and suffering, yet they would soon be gone, just like everything else.

  5. How dramatically will this raise the value of mina?

    I can't expect many would do that meager exchange unless the value of a mina is about 50x what it used to be, I sell bread for 3 mina, that'd be 3 gold bars per loaf :P

    And with much mina down the drain from lost notes, (~50k for me) there won't be much around until it starts to flow in from the hunters.

    I suppose it'll be a challenge to run my shop for a while, but at least I won't have to worry getting my money deleted when I sell stuff anymore.

  6. Wocket sees one of the notes and reads it,

    "What? They have Aron? ...3000 and a cannon, I guess I shouldn't worry too much about it. Such a meager amount wouldn't even phase me, I'm sure Lancel can spare it. Aron'll be back in no time."

    She tosses the one note of many, the worry that built up from not seeing Aron completely diminished by the ransom's low asking price. The thought of the trade going wrong doesn't even cross her mind.

  7. Didn't Uthor just ask the exact same question? Lol.

    To answer both of your questions, I'm almost positive that Danny stated the theme as spooky/horror themed, as opposed to Halloween themed, because it allows for more creativity and variety. So no, I'd have to say it does not have to be about Halloween.

    Actually my question was the opposite, I asked, can it be a Halloween story, but NOT horror? I'm not into horror but I could do something along the lines of adventure/comedy in a Halloween theme.

    Edit: well, reading it over again I guess it wouldn't fit the competition, but I still do like to write for competitive things, but horror stories bore me so I wouldn't come up with a good one.

  8. ((yay first RP topic from me :3))

    Wocket stands behind the sparring pit beyond the gates to the barracks awaiting the gladiants, all of which she has called to attend her speech. She wears a new attire befitting of her position. Folded uniforms, most with notes attached, lay behind her.

    A commonly overlooked ondivic directs all arrivals to stand at attention within the pit and await Wocket's words in silence.

    Wocket judges every gladiant arriving in the pit, their punctuality, stance, stillness, figure, expression, all as the time moves forward awaiting all to be present, and even as that happens she waits yet another hour.

    Although Wocket has no direct military or guard experience, it's hard to see, she had spied on the guards as a child and learned much, even teaching newer guards the proper way of things in absence of proper training. As well, upon gaining her new position she read up on what she would need to do, and how to do it. Determined to do it properly she readies herself to make a good impression.

    She walks about leisurely amongst them before centering herself above the sand pit beginning her speech.

    "As some of you know, I'm your new High Gladius, I called you all here today because the current state of the Gladiants is far from what it should be, fighting amongst each other, receiving little to no pay, and no proper training, it's been hard to deal with from where I stood before."

    Wocket takes a short breath and looks to the sky. It's easily noticed that she is speaking much more formally than usual, avoiding her normally poor pronunciation.

    "I've watched Gladiants who've been overbearingly rude, disrespectful, and weak. I've seen them throw their power around to get what they want and abuse the innocent. I've seen guards cower in the face of danger, cursing their position and its risks even though they knew what it meant to be a guard. I've seen misunderstandings taken much too far, resulting in unnecessary brawls in the middle of the streets. Although today there will be no names for them, where I stand now such behavior will be greatly punishable from this day forward."

    She then crosses her arms and redirects her gaze to the ground.

    "There have been many secrets and disagreements, arguments, even physical fights amongst the guard. If any guard is found to be giving false information about matters of security, physically attacking another guard, or conspiring to devalue the trustworthiness of somebody they should consider to be family, they'll face dire consequences."

    Looking among the guard Wocket feels hope that she can change them for the better. She then looks forward, past them, somewhat solemnly.

    "Now it may not seem like it, but it's very important that you see each other as family... brothers and sisters who stand together to protect Solace, it's citizens, leaders, visitors, and even one another. At times you'll get angry at each other, quarrel, fight, and possibly make a mess of things, yet at the end of the day you're bound together by the oath that you've made."

    Wocket glances back and forth, seeming to look at all her thoughts she has yet to speak.

    "Let it be known, that you are all responsible for the actions of the guards around you. From the outside eye you will be reviewed as a single unit of people, there will be no names when complaint or praise come from those who don't know you, they will be aimed at the guard itself, and that means they're aimed at you. If somebody else does wrong, jails an innocent, starts a fight, that means that you did wrong too, because that means the Gladiants did wrong. Do your best to show your fellow Gladiants the proper way of things."

    Her expression becomes a glare into the middle of the guards.

    "I'm your leader now, and things are going to change, no longer will you be weak, rude, disrespectful, or whatever manner of things the guard has shown to me in the past that is distasteful. Training will commence, lessons will be taught, and you will be forced to earn your place, or else you'll face demotion or a dishonorable expulsion from the guard. There will be no forgiveness for slacking in your duties any longer, you will be expected to operate in the manner of a guard, no emotion, relations, weaknesses, or any trivial thing should inhibit you from carrying out what you are sworn to do."

    She then relaxes a bit, loosening her crossed arms.

    "Now, for the time being there is no need for stress, I will guide you, I'll make sure anyone with a position of leadership knows the way of things so they can help those under them, I'll make sure you are paid and fed, I'll keep a connection between you and the Hightowers, I'll consider your concerns and give you feedback on your performance, I'll help you to help this city, and now is the first real step in that regard..."

    Wocket points to the uniforms behind her.

    "These are your new uniforms, if you are above the rank of grenel your pay is attached... Now in an orderly fashion, approach me, and repeat your oath, but replace the words aimed at royalty with ones aimed at the city itself, as well, speak your full name and rank, an extra oath, for a better guard... then, grab your uniform and leave the barracks to go about your duties."

    She steps to the side of the stairs and gestures for them to pass here on their way to the uniforms, she seems to grimace a bit, disliking the formality she has kept up, but eyes the Gladiants as they pass none the less.

    ((Well that was my first, longer than a paragraph, RP post. I hope it was an enjoyable read even for those who aren't Gladiants that will surely stop by and meta absolutely all of this, j/k.

    Anyway, any gladiant can now send RP PMs to me on the forums to keep me caught up on things I miss, and once you post here I'll send your uniform, which will be complete by the next time I log in, tuesday night at the latest.

    The uniform will have a red sash, for those above grenel, that will be defaulted as a belt, but It can be freely worn anywhere PM me if you want it changed and need help.

    Also, although this is an RP section I'd like some OOC feedback for future RP topics I might make.))

    ((Edit: Disregard the red sash for now, I'm having trouble fitting it on, I've drastically changed how the uniforms will work.))

  9. Peter Shieldings comes into town and sees Wocket running around with a blood soaked coat that looks similar to what Aron wore.

    He rushes over to Wocket and asks "What happened? Is that aron's?!"

    ((ah my faithful employee you've made error in your post as Wocket neither picked up the coat nor ran about as even prolonged walks have begun to tire her, but we can say you've met with Wocket as she was hanging up the coat after her search ready to retire to her quarters))

    Wocket finishes hanging up the coat, as Peter entered the store and expressed his concern, she nods, "He's missin'... I tried lookin' for him but, I jus' can't with this." She looks at her belly and pats it, she seems tired and uncomfortable with staying on her feet. "If you could that'd be great, but I have to get to bed I can't be stumblin' 'round like this." She then begins to slowly proceed toward her room.

  10. Being in the final stretch of her pregnancy Wocket is unable to rush about as she finds the coat on the floor of her store, she questions nearby visitors of Aron's whereabouts but gets nowhere before running into Corvus who explains the happenings and assures her that he is "probably" okay.

    She attempts to push onward to find him fruitlessly and fatigue catches up to her, she returns to her room and decides to focus instead on the child's safety.

  11. Wocket is currently one month pregnant, gonna wait until it's a year old before seeking anybody actively to RP it.

    Wocket is a successful merchant and Aron is the mayor, and possibly becoming viceroy of Solace.

    Ah, and we're humans both in our early twenties.

    At this point it's easy to leave the some of the details of the child up to the player if you'd like that, but it will take a week before it's born.

    If you're interested send me a PM, we also may have someone else lined up, but whoever can put more time into it the better.

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