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Bambi (xBambiraptorx)

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Posts posted by Bambi (xBambiraptorx)

  1. *a banner hangs upon the Cloud Temple

    "I, Schmoopy, am auctioning off a full large chest of Regeneration potions! That is 54 bottles of the healing liquid, that will swiftly seal your wounds! All combatants, step up now and write your auction upon this! I am an alchemist and have spent years making potions, therefore these are of a high quality and made with great patience! Please, buy my years of creations upon potions. The auction will close within a half an Elven day or when the buyout price of 9,000minas,"

    *below is a list to write your bids, with one entry already made.

    "Opening Bid: 2000minas!"

  2. MC name:



    Archery, any form of melee combat, pixel art (I'm fair at this), many types of strategic things.

    Weaknesses(if any):

    Any sort of knowledge towards minecraft and such, for example naming recipes for objects or item IDs and things of that sort.

    Have you read the rules listed in the Olympiad Rules? And do you agree to abide by them?

    Read them last night, read them again tonight. I believe it will be fun.

    Other notes:

    May the best 15 win! Good luck to all other volunteers.

  3. I really do not like how this thread was presented:

    1. No evidence to back up your claims.

    2. You stereotyped the entire orcish community.

    3. You could of easily sent a private message to Crackerjack, the Rex and he could of dealt with this privatly rather then putting a useless, undeeded topic in a RP SUB-FORUM.

    4. When given very valid reasons you just dismiss them and continue to relay the same topic.

    5. You came forword with a complaint, but all I see is complaint you make no effort to suggest ideas to change something you do not like. All you do is go "I don't like this. Fix it." Seriously? What do you want us to do?

    6. Instead of making a useless post, you could of posted a strike report on this player.

    P.S: Can a FM lock this now? I mean it's going no where if Bambi wants to take this problem farther he can personally message TheCrackerJack, The Rex, Or Mogroka our Administrative overseer.

    I don't think a Strike report will solve the problem. Especially when someone has said openly "Orcs don't care about VAs or Ban reports"

  4. Okay, so it's not power gaming? Nice.

    I'd like the fact addressed that many Orcs create role play that no one enjoys but Orcs themselves. Justify that, I'm sure no one can. Dwarves are irritated by it, Elves are irritated by it.. etc. None of it's fun. And many Orcs refuse to leave people alone when they are uncomfortable with the role play.

    And Crackerjack, +9. That's more than 2 people agreeing with me.

  5. When did I say anything like this? You are mistaken, and I also believe you are just grabbing at straws to salvage an essentially voided thread. People of the Orcish community have made very thoughtful and long posts just to explain your concerns and you have neglected them to act stubborn and further reiterate ignorant bias towards an entire race of the community.

    I am done posting on this thread, his question has essentially been answered. I also hope other people defending the Orcs recognize this too, and stop feeding the troll bait and let him savor what's already been posted.

    I'm trolling? That's funny, because many people agree with this post. Including many Dwarves, Humans, basically any race outside of Orcs. You have a biased view because you're an Orc.

  6. No.Its because we took our natural speed and strenght and enhanced it with training everyday all day.I can give you a Historical example that I posted on another thread a while ago.The English longbowmen were the best soldier in all of europe during the midle age.They were allready strong and broad chested.But the trained for 4 hours everyday since the age of 8.This made them superior then every other soldier in europe.Orks would be the same but we are stronger then humans and faster then them as well.But we trained loke hell enhancing it.

    Edit:Also tell me why are you so angry that everything needs flaws all the time?

    And once again, that is power gaming. You are taking the two main physical attributes and saying you can do these things to a great ability. There's no way in hell a 550 pound anything is running me down from behind.

  7. After saying something of this ignorance, I'm just going to assume you are trolling and not listening to anything we have brought up. Reread the thread and perhaps you will find your answers, if you are not trolling.

    That is basically what you are saying. That you can sprint down Elves from behind and be stronger than any other race. That is how some, NOT ALL, I swear if one more of you says I'm saying you all are like this... role play their characters. You like to say you are incredibly strong, you are fast enough to be in quick speed in FULL DIAMOND ARMOR, and say that you are intelligent and only seem foolish. Where are the flaws within this?

  8. Their is something you don't seem to comprehend. From the second an orc is born, death is around them they are raised in the blood of their enemies and their axe is their tool. They constantly train and the weak ones die, from the intensity of their lifestyle. If you spent 80% of your time training and fighting eachother it is very possible. Orc society is simply survival of the fittest the big dumb guys usually make it farther. Half of our justice system alone is based off of strength. ^-^ Elves typically RP they are agile and stuff [quite prevalent in most of my RP fights] it even states in our lore we are constantly eating to keep up with our lifestyles! Even ask Jutra our farmer she is usually working her A** off for her lil' orcsies. and again I state Orcs aren't humans we are Orcs don't compare orcs to humans!

    At some point or another, you can only compare to what we have. And my issue isn't an Orcs strength, it's how they don't have any recoils for their strength.

  9. This is sterotyping just about every orc. Again, it is not the problem with the race, it is the problem with the player. It happens in every race, and will never stop. What this is called is powergaming, and should be reported or scolded. I have seen elves say they are 9 feet 400 pounds of pure muscle. Yes, elves. There are humans who claim to be 7 feet 350 pounds of pure muscle. It is annoying, boring and dull, they take all the positives of being big, and no negatives. I'm sorry, but I don't think you realize how disgustingly tall a 9 feet elf would look like. You would be a ugly mo fo, and look like slender man.

    This is a problem with the players, not the race. If they're a good player, they wont do it, though this could help clear up so problems people have, so that's good.

    At no point did I say anything about all Orcs being like this. I said some Orcs. I know an Orc who is below average standards, being he is only 280lbs or so. This is not a message to the entire race, this a message to anyone who falls under that characteristics in their character that I stated above.

  10. Okay, there is a problem with some Orcs I'd like to address, and I find this very similar to the Goblin issue just addressed. It has to do with size.

    I'd like to here address the appearance in the lore of an average Orc. Here is the quote, all lore is taken from the wiki page.

    The average male Orc is larger than any other race, standing at least 8 feet. Their mass is much greater as well, weighing at least 300 lbs.

    Now, most Orcs I have seen typically have characters ranging between 8-9 feet, give or take a few inches. They also like to largely over weigh themselves, typically calling themselves 470+ lbs at the height of the lower half between 8 and 9 feet. They like to also call themselves made almost completely of muscle. One Orc claims he is around a high 8 feet and about 550 lbs.

    Let's get to the only real life comparison we have, humans. Let's use this in a BMI comparison, so that we can be sure that I am using a correct scale to represent a humans size to an Orcs size. A 550lb 9 foot tall orc would weigh in at a 33.1 scale on a BMI chart. To replicate this as a human, you would need to be 6'7" and 294 lbs. Now, someone is 6'7", 294lbs, and pure muscle, that is a lot of muscle to carry around. To my experience, someone that strong would have difficulty even moving their arms due to the amount of chest muscle displayed. Orcs also like to say that no Elf could move them. I am 14 years old and with my current strength, with a display I can only bench max roughly 210 lbs, I am able to move a 300 pound person while they attempt to resist. Orcs say that even when caught off guard, they are not able to be moved by an Elf. Even if it is a strong Elf, about 6'0" or so and 200+ lbs, that elf apparently could never move an Orc. A 6'0+ tall Elf that weights 200+ lbs could likely move a heavier person than myself in reality, yet Orcs seem to disagree. We need to at some point bring basic studies of the body and also use physics when we are role playing.

    An Orc walking around in full diamond armor, 500+ lbs, and a little under 9 feet tall should NOT be able to move with any type of speed at all. Orcs do not like to have any flaws with their characters. They want to be intelligent, quick, and strong and you just can't have it that way and then tell Elves that they are not strong enough to move you, yet be almost as quick as them. Many Orcs need to rethink out their physical appearances of their characters if they truly wish to say what they say. A lot of Orcs like to think that to any other race, in a 1 verses 1 situation, they are invincible. And I have an idea of why many think that.

    This quote right here:

    thus making the average male Orc considerable stronger than the average male of any other race.

    That does NOT mean that you are invincible. All that means is that you have your opponent in an arm wrestling match at best. That does NOT mean that you can simply over power anyone with voiding all emotes by typing "((You're not strong enough to harm me,". The fact of the matter is, in real life there have been people to best another in a fight when they are half the size of another. So please, stop the powergaming and use physics when you develop an Orc. I want this brought to attention and stopped. It is not fun for anyone but Orcs, and even some Orcs don't have fun with it.

  11. ~Alchemy Trade and Goods~

    *multiple flyers sit, stacked upon each other, labeled "Take one!"

    "Greetings, traveler! My Apprentice and myself have worked frequently to create an abundance of potions! Thus, we are founding an Alchemy trade shop! We sell pieces of leather on order, as well as bandaging and potions! Here are our prices!

    Healing Potion: This potion will make you instantly feel better! It will immediately seal any open wounds, so it is great to have as a common combatant!

    Price: 120minas a bottle!

    Wound sealing potion ((Potion of Regeneration)): Not as quick at the Healing Potion, but it will seal your wounds as well as make you feel fully recovered, and seals all wounds! Known as some of the most valuable liquid in the lands!

    Price: 70minas a bottle!

    Speed Altering Potions: These potions will alter your speed, the darker ones will make your muscles feel tired and slow you, while the lighter colored potion will make your muscles work at even quicker speeds to increase your agility!

    Price: 50minas a bottle!

    Bandages: Fairly simple and stated, just a basic bandage.

    25minas a bandage!

    Imbued Bandages: Much thicker to prevent your wounds from opening back up and bleeding through the bandage!

    80minas a bandage!

    We also have the 'special' potions, but you must send me a bird to have one of those! Please, contact me in Normandor if you wish to purchase one of our potions, or if you wish to purchase a 'special' potion.

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