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Bambi (xBambiraptorx)

Iron VIP
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Posts posted by Bambi (xBambiraptorx)

  1. Well let's see...

    You've probably done a lot more for this server than over 90% of the other players have, if not more. And I'd also point out the fact that I've heard a lot of negative things about almost all the GMs, but never really you. You seem to do your job well, so I'd be disappointed if you left as a GM or were banned. Luckily only 3 people total picked those options, so you should be safe. I wasn't even effected by this as far as I know, so no big deal.

  2. If my calculations are correct you are asking 25k for 54 obsidian.. that's about 470 minas each?

    Are my calculations right? if so.. I suggest you lower your prices unless Obsidian is alot higher price than what I knew..

    ps: If you lower your prices I would mabye buy a few.. not a whole stack...

    ((you misread this, this is 270 obsidian blocks.))

  3. *a note is pinned to the Cloud temple, entitled "Auction"

    "Greetings, over my years of mining I have gathered 270 blocks of Obsidian divided into 5 crates. I am auctioning them off, beginning the bidding at 25,000minas! Bid as you please, and best of luck to whoever wins this auction! ~Azure Skylord"

    *a picture of Obsidian is Drawn


  4. *a large banner, large enough to hold items from a well stocked shop, is pinned against a wall in the Cloud Temple

    "Greetings! Due to a new profession and hobby I have taken up, I am over stocked with all sorts of things! Here is what I am looking to sell-

    Jungle Saplings: Some of the richest saplings in the land. Taken care of, harvest as a professional Lumber Jack, and carefully cared for since I obtained them. You can purchase these for the simply lovely and excellent price of 250minas a sapling! If you have ever wanted a jungle farm, come grab some! We have a surplus of them!

    Redstone: Well, I thought we had too many Jungle Saplings. With over 12 bags of redstone, we have a large supply. We sell a pound of redstone ((32 pieces)) for 224 minas, and 2 pounds for 448minas! We have too much redstone that we need to get rid of! Come pick up a big and fulfill all of your redstone purposes!

    Obsidian: That is right, we sell obsidian! A very hard to obtain substance that we sell for the wonderful price of 225minas a block! Stop by and pick up this Obsidian, perfectly mined with a Diamond Pickaxe to the greatest of my ability, and also TNT proof!

    Chests: We sell very well made chests by some of the greatest Lumberjacks in all the land.

    Lapis Lazuli: We have over 300 pieces of Lapis Lazuli for 50minas a piece! Come buy some, it is well and freshly mined, and as shiny as ever!

    Stone and Cobblestone: As bland as it gets. Stone and Cobblestone, the one and only. Use it to build as you please. 160minas for a bag of stone, 100minas for a bag of cobblestone.

    Thank you for reading this with your time! ~Azure Skylord"

  5. *a large banner hangs, with more things to sell from Azure Skylord.

    "Greetings friends! I have many many more supplies for sale once again! What is for sale you might ask? Or what are the prices?

    Lapis Lazulis Ore, Jungle Saplings, Redstone, Stone, and more!! We have very fair prices, and are looking to get rid of all of this! So come to Normandor Heights and go to Stall 9-A. The Stall itself is also for sale for the price of 4000minas! Just ask the Merchant behind the counter what is in stock ((send me a bird as I can't make the merchant say it himself in game)). Thank you for the time to read this banner! -Azure Skylord"

  6. *places a reply parchment on the trade paper.

    "I'll take four jungle saplings good sir. If you wish send a bird for I'm in the area of cloud temple. signed Lock'eed Ironheart"

    ((edit ))~ I see you want people to go to your stall, wasnt very clear on this parchment, in which case I'm sending a hammer to pick the items up.

    "In reply to the one wishing to buy Jungle Saplings, please send me a bird to Normandor ((xBambiraptorx)) so I can have your purchase ready, -Azure Skylord"

  7. *upon the cloud temple, you spot a large piece of paper, that appears to have some rain on it yet is still literate.

    "I am looking to sell lots of things that I have no need for. Here would be a list of them.

    Sticks: 32minas/bag of sticks. Every stick is finely crafted and have no cracks, all are fairly close in length, but some are longer than others.

    Painting: 75-150minas/painting ((this is mainly a role play thing)). I have had some free time and painted 8 canvas' of painting. Come see this wonderful art that you can decorate your home with!!

    Cobblestone: 75minas/crate of cobblestone. Get some nice, well mined Cobblestone! We have a surplus of it and consistently restock! For an extra 25minas, I can also have the cobblestone smelted into regular stone!

    Redstone: We have about 4 bags of redstone in stock, but this is one of our cash products so this does restock frequently! We charge the wonderful price of only 256minas/bag of redstone!

    Jungle Saplings: We sell 1 sapling for 300minas, 4 saplings for 1000minas, 10saplings for 2500minas, and 15saplings for 4000minas! We have 18 saplings in stock, so get them why they are fertile!

    We also have various planks and armor and much much more! As well as a Shiny Diamond Battle Axe for only 1200minas!

    We also trade for: Diamond Chest plate (Valued at 3150minas), Gold ingots (Valued at 125minas/ingot), Diamonds (Valued at 300minas/diamond) Diamond Pickaxes (Valued at 1150minas) and Iron pickaxes (valued at 60minas/pickaxe) So stop by our shop, and see if anything appeals to your eye. Send me a bird for high value items as those are kept behind the counter with our clerk!

    We are located in Normandor Heights at Stall 9-A, the first stall on the right hand section of the building!

    ~~Azure Skylord"

  8. *you see a banner pinned up on the cloud temple, entitled "Looking for work". You read it, intrigued and wonder what work the banner could speak of

    "Greetings! I am looking for a job in the category of mining. I do not need housing, I simply need a job for mining. I can mine areas out for you, or mine the minerals in a mine you own. I am a skilled miner ((100mining)) and have a keen senses for spotting ores and sensing them. This is the payment method I wish for-

    Diamonds- I want 50% of all diamonds I mine

    Gold- I want 50% of all gold I mine

    Iron- I want 60% of all Iron I mine

    Lapis- I want 70% of all Lapis I mine

    Redstone- You can decide what percentage of this I get

    or in a minas payment, you can offer me the cash. I would imagine a payment such as-

    Diamonds- 200minas/diamond mined

    Gold- 75minas/gold ore mined

    Iron- 10minas/iron mined

    Lapis- 20minas/lapis mined

    Redstone- 2minas/redstone mined

    Please send a bird or pin a note to this as I am looking for work, my days are many and are filled with sometimes seemingly pointless actions. I am very available at the moment as my work is currently none. My price for clearing out areas is 1000minas/elven hour. I charge 750minas if you provide my pickaxes for the work. Thank you, and have a lovely Elven Day. -Azure Skylord"

  9. *you see a small note pinned to the cloud temple

    "Greetings Traveler! I am looking to buy Lapis ore for 40 minas an ore! I will buy lots of Lapis ore, so please come and sell it to me! Send me a bird if you wish to sell any! Thank you and have a nice day. -Azure Skylord"

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