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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by meg

  1. forums loading real slow for anyone or just me?

  2. Hey uh, @Admins/Tech, why the hell can't I get lotc to stop sending me emails when I get a forum message? tprjFRg.png

  3. I just wanted to rp this weekend feelsbadman

  4. anyone remember the time frame for asulon? like 20??-2012??

  5. dang. I was at school so I missed the good vs. evil talk. I always have a lot to say on that matter.

  6. I am so tired. I am so tired all of the time.

  7. my dnd character has a +11 to acrobatics so all of her problems are solved by doing backflips. has yet to fail me.

  8. A sleepless malice approaches

  9. Shout out to Ti'Gobster, the legend, grappling onto the drake. o7

  10. it's time to stop.

  11. aaaahhh I slept in AAAAAAAAAA

  12. yall gonna make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here.

  13. I was asleep

  14. *flops* fixed

  15. anyways here's wonderwall

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