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  1. You Notice Banners Being passed out by a Old, but Strong looking man. If you take it, you read it and it tells you the Following. Travellers! City Go'ers! anyone and everyone! The Gentlemen's Free Company of Asulon is now taking in it's very first Recruits, The Company's Captain;who is me, Walter Braverman. If we fight and get a payed contract, you will all get payed, sheltered and armed and armored, And may try to aquire what loot you can. Still Intrested? The following offcial details of The Gentleman's Free Company are on the bottom of this parchment. The Gentleman's free company of Asulon Is a band of Travelling mercenarys, consisting of all types of races and people. They would fight for anyone for the right price, besides evil/bad people, for they lower you're reputation. If we are hired you will get A Certain amount of Minas per day, You will be given Arms and Armor, Shelter, And the chance to fight the enemey and get their loot. You will be lead by the company's Captain Walter Braverman. There will more ranks, the hire the rank the higher the pay and loot. You will learn how to form lines, fight, and be polite. We are Gentlemen and will not be acused as Mercenary scum.We will fight for anyone who is not Evil, Corrupt, Or any other type of evil. We will fight in any war, and also act as guards. You may leave or join the Company at any time, but may not leave before youre first battle.We will be a well armed and armored, polite, veteran Mercenary Company. Our goal is to spread companionship, make Minas, and most importantly help change the history for the greater good. We wil try to always pick the more good side, for we want to hopefully make Asulon a better place, and hopefully if were polite and mannerous it will spread. That is all, please sign up today! You see directions, that lead you to a board, with lines on the bottom half of the parchment. The top half is talking how if you sign you're name, you will be under Contract to Walter Braverman Company Captain, Will you sign youre name? ((sign youre name below))
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