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Posts posted by GloryorSolitude

  1. .~Application~.

    MC Name: Spartan920
    Your name: Serva Alimore Rose
    Your subrace: Mali'aheral
    Do you swear to uphold the Mali'lumi ethic?
    I do
    Do you swear to listen to your commanders and show loyalty and honesty?
    I do
    Do you swear your devotion to the Talonnii and the city of Lenniel?
    I do

  2. "One would complain about the inability of the Sentinels - though I must agree with the fact - but one also proposes that the High Council directs pay towards farmers. This leads to a conflict. One should truly consider and balance their proposals, and more importantly, how they plan to do it, before sending them out without preparation to the public. Great theories, yet no backing to it whatsoever."

  3. "The 'pessimists' you speak of are the ones who are insistent in taking course that has not been taken, and may yet work, rather than than stabbing once again in the dark. It is our greatest fear that we will continue this wretched habit of continuously putting the military through reformation only to have it die off after a few days. Change isn't something to be afraid of. It is needed, I would imagine."

  4. Parker'onn posts a short note on the bottom of the poster.


    "It is my understanding that the High Princess clarified in the past that the High Council does not have direct influence on the military. I believe it is time that Prince Khel relieves himself on the burden, instead of attempting another time, and another after that as it has been since Bircalin took command. Perhaps, instead, allow the military to sort itself out rather than trying what has been proven ineffective."

  5. Parker'onn crouches nearby, concealed from view. He draws a Wardart from the bag on his back, occupying his hands with all manners of needless actions with it. He chuckles seeing the minuscule group of soldiers.


    "Please . . . make my day and end this idiocy before it starts," he mutters to himself.


    He reels his arm back, launching the Wardart towards the group. It would be aimed to land at Odolf's feet.


    "A gift."

  6. Parker'onn approaches the poster, scanning it over. Upon reaching the golden ink - of which he can apparently still read with an effort - he promptly tears it down. Any around would hear him curse, and state: "This is not the Malinor I had hoped to come back to. I find it difficult to believe how much idiocy riddles the princedom. Your judgement disappoints me, Khel."
  7. Damn straight his hood is on, basically daring an idiotic guard to tell him to take it down or do their JOB for once.

    A semi-existent narrator responds to the less mature comment from another narrator, noting that you in fact didn't stop them either, and also notes that the comment could be considered harassment, as RP narration is not an IC opinion.

  8. A hooded Mali'ker approaches the notice board. Unlike most, he takes time and goes through everything there - old and new. As he reaches the recruitment poster, an amused grin spreads across his face. Anyone nearby would see the odd response, for the hood was not to cloak his identity. He whistles, and a hawk, feathers hued red, descends, alighting on his shoulder. To those who would recognize it; they would note it belonged to one Serva Rose. Taking a quill in hand, he writes a brief message before sending to Captain Kaldo Z'ress.

    ((MC name: spartan920

    ((*Skype name: y'all have me added.

    What is your name? Iam titled as one Parker'onn Raven'kor. Perhaps you, Kaldo, have heard of me.

    What race do you belong to?: The Mali'ker, of course.

    How old are you?: 214, though the recent years have left me slightly unsure.

    What military positions have you been in before? In honesty, nothing.

    For what reason(s) do you wish to join the Lumidrim? I am a soldier. Need there be a more simpler truth?

    What could you offer the Lumidrim? (Skills, specializations, crafts, etc.): I've developed some basic woodworking, but most of my skill lives in the lance, perhaps a good counter to all the pesky swordsman running around.

  9. Name: Av'Ibar

    Race & percent of elven blood: 100% Wood Elf

    Place of birth (city, country, continent): Malinor, rest should be self explanatory

    Age: 220

    ==========OOC BIT==========

    Mc name: MrWizardGorlock

    Skype, if you have: pm me for it

    Alt or main?: main

    Serva has already recruited this applicant into his service. A teacher is not required.

  10. Dralin see's the banner and gets a curious look. He begins to read the papers that are there and laughs to himself...but as he starts to walk away, he begins to wonder. He walks back over to the papers. He thinks about his life so far...and decides to turn it around. He begins filling out a form. Plus, all those privileges? Might as well if you would be also be good at the actual job...and slightly care. After he fills it out, his handwriting plain, he sends it off


    Name: Dralin Torch

    Race & percent of elven blood: 100% Wood Elf

    Place of birth (city, country, continent): Unknown, Malinor, Asulon

    Age: 137

    ==========OOC BIT==========

    Mc name: phoenixlord918

    Skype, if you have: phoenixlord123

    Alt or main?: This is gonna sound like I'm copying them, so I'll put in the way I look at my char...I just created this one, but with all the lore behind him, he already feels like my main. Even though I play both my human and this char, I would call both of them my main chars and any others my alts.


    Serva takes the application in hand, reading it over. He takes it back to his quarters before considering further. In the candlelight, he writes a response, sending it to the applicant by the wing of a red hawk. ((Sending a letter IG, or over forums if I cannot contact you.))

  11. Serva approaches the board, rasising an eyebrow at another change to the Elven military. Nevertheless, he fills out a form and sends it to Khel by the wings of his hawk.


    Name: Serva Servain Rose


    Race & percent of elven blood: Purely High Elven, without question


    Place of birth (city, country, continent): A small farm near the Malinor - in Aegis.


    Age: Two-hundred and fifty-three years of age.


    ==========OOC BIT==========

    Mc name: Spartan920


    Skype, if you have: codykeilitz, though I'm already added.


    Alt or main?: Only character, so main.

  12. Full name:Elsverith Silvren



    Race / subrace:Elf, Wood Elf

    Combat training:Skilled with short swords and average with a bow. Experienced in fighting cavalry.

    ((Amount of time available)):((5pm est-7pm est week days, 3pm-6pm est week ends, assuming I have nothing else going on.))

    Other information:

    Your application has been received. Expect to be contacted soon.

  13. Full name: Damian Milark (In Game)


    Age: 107

    Race / subrace: Elf (Wood Elf)

    Combat training: Good with a bow at long distances, Fine with a sword but bow is preferred

    ((Amount of time available)):1-2 Hrs weekdays. 2-3 Hrs weekends (Summer starts in 2 weeks and will have much more time then.

    Other information: I have Skype thus allowing easy communication between members.

    ((Your application has been recieved and you will be contacted as soon as we see you IG. Alternatively, you can PM me with your skype and someone will recruit you through Skype RP))

  14. ((Is it required that we have Skype?))

    ((As almost all of our calls to muster and information goes through a Skype chat rather than repeating it over and over IG, it is strongly recommended that you acquire a Skype. If you absolutely cannot get one, we won't discriminate for it though.))

  15. ((Does the player who plays Benedict have the VA that allows him to commit arson, that being 1c, so that he COULD'VE burned the Lin'evaral farms? If not, then you should report this rule-breaking to a VA/GM so that punishment could go out accordingly. Just wish to know, for curiosity's sake ^w^)) 

    ((He actually wasn't going to burn the farms down. Few are aware - either in character or out of his true motives.))

    Serva scans the note over briefly and murmurs to himself. "My apologies for notnunderstanding what we have just now implemented as a system of 'justice.'"

  16. Full Name: Eternis Ame'Onn

    ((MCname)): luckmor

    Age: 662

    Race/Subrace: Elf/Woodelf

    Combat Training: Archery/Swordsmanship with the Wardens of Aegis.

    ((Amount of time available)): Mean; 30min-1hr/day weekdays, 2hr weekends.

    Other information: I live in Australia, so I'm on at unusual times for you US blokes.

    ​Your application has been received. Expect to be contacted soon.

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