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Status Updates posted by MagneticScenes

  1. **** this ****. I just want my account banned or something -.-

    1. gingernut97


      I'm assuming that you don't want to be a member on the forums anymore?

  2. I can see the whole world chatting, yet I can only chat OOC. I'm fairly new so if I did something to cause this, can someone tell me how to undo it?

  3. I can't figure out how to delete this account.

    1. gingernut97


      I don't think you can .-.

    2. MagneticScenes


      Darn. Thanks for the info though.

  4. Is there a way I can get my account deleted or banned? For example, swearing excessively? ( **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****?)

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