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Posts posted by jjac319

  1. If you have been contacted by the Order of Equilibrium and wish to join the ranks of our fine organization. Please fill out the following form in a comment below so we can create an official roster.  Once you have done that and have been accepted please download the skin.


    -jjac319 (Ingavr Armahnk)


    Skin: http://lh3.ggpht.com/wJyTHDqVOf2ISV7Kh2GpzCzEq6Yt6gyPVdNQuQaTZ1OxRWvJ-exWY4k2KfnWrCBNa8hbJdppKJmPIL12r0hlbw





    IC Name:




    Skype Name:


    Do you accept the Sanctum of the Light?


    Do you swear loyalty to the Order of Equilibrium?



  2. The Concept of Light (Good and Evil)


    A Thesis by Prime Judicator Ingvar Armahnk


    The question of what is good and what is evil has been present within society since the dawn of creation. The common dichotomy has been given an answer by religion, ethics and morals by churches, nations and leaders of the land. Yet we must ponder, does a being require a religion or a nobleman to decide what is good? Let us take the example of murder in society. Does one not feel grievous after taking the life of another creature with or without the knowledge of a higher power?  I believe the answer is yes. Another example is the action of theft. Does a person not feel regret for their actions after they have taken something which is not truly theirs? These are questions we as people of society must raise in order to understand our presence within the universe. The dictation of what is good and evil comes from the human being naturally. Regardless of the Creator’s word or a spirits law we would still have that grievous feeling of murder or the feeling of regret after stealing.


    So how did religion come to be if man naturally knew what was right and wrong? Why do the ancient texts give us laws to live our lives by? The answer to this question can be explained through a concept of light. Let us portray goodness much like light. Light makes up the universe yet its origin is not clear. It allows us to see colours, gives us warmth and look further down the path we travel amongst. However light cannot be contained in a jar nor captured. Goodness is much like light allowing us to bring joy to our society and ourselves much like the warmth light brings us. And like light goodness cannot be captured or sealed away. I believe goodness is light, an infinite source of power that we do not know the origin of.


    As stated before, light is everywhere in our world. The very fabrics of our reality depend on its existence. What light is made out of we cannot be certain yet we can be certain it exists. So how did the world come to be if the Creator and the scriptures are not true? The scriptures cannot be proven false for no actual being was present during the time of its legacy. Yet with the concept of light one can theorize that perhaps the Creator himself was a entity of light. An entity existing from concentrated light itself that with its energy became omnipotent. The Creator as it is written had the power to create human life and the world.. Another example of light, the power of magic. Perhaps magic is not a “gift” from the Creator but instead that same concentrated or harnessed light on a much smaller scale, giving the harnesser the power of miracles.


    Yet one must consider the fact that if light exists in the universe, what occurs in its place where it does not? The answer is the absence of light, darkness. Much like light darkness too has great power and makes up the reality in which we live. One can argue that if the Creator is a entity of light in the universe, than Iblees is possibly a entity of concentrated darkness. And much like the mages of goodwill there are the undead and necromancers who harness the energy of darkness and use it for their benefit.  Therefore through this thesis one can theorize that the universe in the grandest scheme is made up of two energies in which all other forms of energy or power derive from. Lightness and darkness.


    Then how do we associate the ideas of light and dark to the moral dichotomy of good and evil. Light is forever present in the universe as is darkness. If the Creator truly was the ultimate being of the universe he could simply eliminate Iblees and evil with the tip of his finger. Yet the Creator is not the ultimate being, there is no such thing. Iblees and the creator are simply entities of light and darkness that wield great power. Now for creation, we are not so different. I believe that we are too entities of light as the Creator made us from his own hands, therefore we are natural beings of light. The undead are the same yet for darkness. They were created from an entity of darkness (Iblees) and therefore are naturally dark. Thus, the natural feeling of what is “good” as discussed previously in this thesis is the actual exertion of light in the universe that resides naturally within ourselves. The feeling of joy and tranquility of doing good is the power of light within us. The feeling of anger and bloodlust is the power of darkness that appears foreign to most.


    So what happens when an individual obtains enough light or darkness? The answer to this question is most intriguing since  its conclusion is truly unknown. When we look at the angeuls and daemons of the  Creator, they too are concentrated entities of light with daemons being a mixture of both light and darkness due to Iblees’s intervention of their race. It is said that angeuls and daemons both have a sense of tranquility or higher knowledge than other creation. I believe this sense of grace comes from a binding with light. If someone can exert enough light by creating goodness in society, they too can obtain the binding leading them to a reality in which they have full understanding, eternal peace and infinite tranquility.


    The answer to exist can therefore be achieved. We as creations of light naturally seek this binding ever since the first breath we take. It is our duty to create light to suppress darkness within our reality by following the natural morals of man and to eliminate the natural energy of darkness. This is the concept of light.All those that believe in this concept may attribute to the existence of light by becoming stronger entities of light through acts of goodwill. Yet we must understand that goodness or light cannot simply be forced on to another being. The true light comes from within the self’s decision to do what naturally feels right, it cannot be simply because “the scripture says so”. In order for one to obtain the binding of the universe with light, they must truly believe in its power.

  3. The Sanctum of Light






    The sanctum of light is a philosophical belief that has recently arose in the land of Polaris. The belief focuses on the idea of the single being and their connection to the universe which teaches its followers to seek perfection and satisfaction in life within themselves. The philosophy is more based on practice of virtue rather than passive worship to a god or ultimate power.


    The Sanctum of Light does is non-theistic and therefore does not believe in the creator or other theist like doctrines. Instead it follows the ideas that everything can be proved through fact and critical thinking as given by the logic of the universe. The sanctum of light believes that within the universe there is a source of good known as “the light” and it is the duty of all beings to spread this power source through acts of love, honour and various other positive actions that make the self closer to the light.


    Followers of the light known as “travellers” by the philosophy believe in the idea that ever since their birth they have been given the purpose to seek a connection between themselves and the universe known as “the binding”. A being can only obtain the binding through creating light or goodness in society. As they create more good in society they get closer to binding with the universe. It is said that once a person has fully bonded with the universe an overwhelming sense of peace, tranquility and fullness will fill their lives till the day they cease to exist.


    The sanctum has no true set of laws or doctrines unlike many of the current religions seen in Athera. The idea of good is outlined by the “Order of Equilibrium” which is an organization that began the sanctum of light. The order is made up of beings that have dedicated their lives to seeking the light. The order  has numerous writings written by its members that discuss the ideas of good within the universe. Members of the philosophy tend to follow the opinions of these writings however the sanctum ultimately lets the traveller decide for themselves as the philosophy believes in the idea that people cannot be told to be good. Instead people must decide to be good in order to obtain true light.




    The sanctum of light has no true place of worship such as a church. Instead the Order of Equilibrium has created “Pantheons” which are buildings run by the order.  A pantheon’s purpose is to house knowledge of the universe for all to obtain. Numerous books on magic to fictitious writings can be found in a pantheon.  Members of the Order live in these buildings and assist travellers in their quest for the binding by giving them advice on all topics. There is no mandatory pilgrimage to a pantheon and instead a member of the sanctum can go whenever they feel.




    The Order of Equilibrium


    The Order of Equilibrium is the official organization of the Sanctum of Light. The group began the philosophy and has made it their sworn duty to protect the source of light within the universe and eliminate its opposing forces. The Sect is divided up into numerous guilds that take on various responsibilities within the organization.







    Judicators are the oldest and original founding members of the order. It is their responsibility to  determine what creates light in society and what creates darkness (the opposing force of light). Judicators write many of the papers discussing certain themes for the Sect of the Universe. The Judicator’s are lead by the Judicator Prime who is elected by his fellow judicators. A Judicator may also be called upon by a follower of the Sanctum to judge a personal issue or dispute where a person is unsure of what choice they should make.






    Executioners are the warriors of the order who have dedicated their lives to ridding the universe of darkness and other opposing forces of the light.  They are trained fighters and tend to have strict regulations that are outlined in their “Executioners Code”. The code is a set of rules based off the teachings of the order which all executioners must uphold in order to remain a executioner. Executioners train for combat everyday and live with their fellow brethren in the Pantheon for the majority of their life when not out ridding the world of darkness. The Executioners are lead by an Executioner Prime who is appointed by the Judicator Prime.






    Chroniclers are responsible for the obtainment and spread of knowledge by the Order of Equilibrium. Knowledge is considered the ultimate source of light by the order  and therefore chronicler’s have made it their duty to understand everything the universe has to offer and share that knowledge with all who wish to learn it. The Chroniclers mainly bring books to the Pantheon and assist members of the sanctum in finding information about certain fields. Many chroniclers can speak numerous tongues and are very informed with the land. The Chroniclers also may write theses on certain topics yet they must be approved by the  Judicator Prime. The Chroniclers are lead by a Chronicler Prime who is appointed by the Judicator Prime.


    Virtues of the Sanctum


    Virtues are qualities that the Order of Equilibrium has listed as good for the universe. The order believes that if a person follows and demonstrates these virtues they will be able to create the binding with the universe and create light for the betterment of society. The list is ordered from the most important virtues to the least important virtues.


    Knowledge-the understanding of the universe along with critical thinking and self-awareness


    Justice- To demonstrate fairness in society and what is truly right.


    Honour- To uphold oaths and promises, to show respect to fellow beings and to have a sense of pride of existing.


    Love- To demonstrate kindness, empathy and all aspects of charity within society.


    Hope- To demonstrate faith in the universe and determination to do good when surrounded by bad as a being.


    Modesty- To understand one is not as important in the grand scheme of things and therefore should not boast about their existence or achievements. One should believe their existence is just as important as any other beings is.


    Vices of the Sanctum


    Vices are qualities that the Order of Equilibrium has listed as bad for the universe and are considered “dark” as they oppose the aspect of light. The order believes that following the vices will result in a weaker connection to the universe creating a person to lose sight on their purpose and be engulfed into darkness as demonstrated by their actions.


    Apathy- To not care about anything including ones being, the universe and the concept of goodness or light.


    Ignorance- To avoid reality or logic when confronted by it.


    Dishonour- To lie and bring shame to your name along with disrespecting other beings.


    Hatred- To assault fellow beings through physical, mental or verbal harm due to you disliking them.


    Arrogance- To believe that one’s existence is more important than everyone elses.


    Injustice- To treat others unfairly in society for your own benefit.


    Official texts from the Order of Equilibrium


    [topic=https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/117349-the-concept-of-light-a-thesis-by-ingvar-armahnk-of-the-sanctum-of-light/]The Concept of Light- A Thesis by Prime Judicator Ingvar Armahnk







  4. Ivae'Fenn Ranger Manual


    Written by Tahorran Sulii, 1st Warden, Ranger Regiment, Ivae’Fenn


    “With Honour Comes Blood”





    Congratulations on becoming part of the 1st Ranger’s regiment. It is your duty as Rangers to serve and protect the Princedom and its people. You are a protector, a guardian of the people, do not forget this when you slay the enemies that will lay upon you in the fields of war. As your warden, I Tahorran Sulii have written this book so that the Ranger and his legacy can be studied and perfected, for the title is that of the up most respect of the Ivae’Fenn. In this novel, you will learn everything you need to know about how to be the ideal ranger. If you have any questions feel free to ask myself or a fellow ranger.


    With Honour Comes Blood



    1st Warden Tahorran Sulii


    Chapter 1: Origin and Explanation of the Ranger


    The word Ranger is derived from the ancient elven word Ber’eyha’sil meaning bow and sword. A ranger is a soldier who is trained in both archery and swordsmanship. They are intelligent fighters and kill with precision usually with their bow as a primary weapon. The Ranger is the most agile and adaptive unit in the Ivae’Fenn. They can work well in units however do not require the strength of their comrades to protect themselves in combat. The Ranger sets an example for the rest of the Ivae’Fenn both on and off the battlefield. They are famous for their volunteer work when off duty and tend to be very honest and loyal warriors.


    When In combat a Ranger does not retreat from death, in fact they embrace such a cause. At the beginning of their training till their last breath, Ranger’s live by the creed “With Honour Comes Blood”. This saying states that a Ranger finds honour by eliminating their enemies, and if so in the process losing their lives to do so. However, although a ranger may kill without mercy, they will always kill with respect. Any barbaric or unethical method of death such as castration, torture or drowning is frowned upon by a Ranger. For it was not a kill of honour in their eyes and thus no honour was gained.

    In addition to their skills in battle, a Ranger is talented and trained in survival, hunting and basic construction skills. This gives rangers skills that can be used when they are isolated from their unit, or simply have to establish a temporary base of operations when at war. Usually this training is carried out by the warden himself along with a full regiment of Rangers in which they learn teamwork and the skills listed.


    In conclusion the Ranger is a skilled fighter, a responsible citizen and a respected person by the Princedom. For they accept the ultimate sacrifice when entering battle and do what must be done to protect the Princedom and its people.


    Chapter 2: Customs of the Ranger


    Graduating Initiation: After basic training and acceptance into the Ranger regiment. A ranger must go through the following ceremony with his unit carried out by the warden. This initiation is usually known as the “graduation” ceremony by most Rangers and is the most public of the initiations. In the grand hall of the Princedom, all new initiates will be presented in full uniform in front of their comrades. The Lord Commander and 1st Warden along with the Prince will be present. When the ceremony is about to begin, the 1st Warden shall deliver a speech and then call upon each initiate in front of the present Princedom. In front of the warden is a gold chalice which is empty at the beginning along with a small engraved dagger. As an initiate is called upon, they present themselves to the 1st Warden, salute and state the creed of the ranger. After this the initiate takes the knife and slits cuts his right hand, and drops his blood into the chalice. After all initiates have done this, the chalice is then passed around to each ranger as a sip is taken from it. This symbolizes the brotherhood of the Rangers and their dedication to the Ivae’fenn.



    Combat Initiation: After a ranger has survived his first combat, a celebration takes place known by the men as “The Branding”. In this ceremony usually a fellow veteran guardian treats the initiate to a meal of his liking with his unit. After this the initiate is branded with a cast iron brander in the form of a ^ symbolizing an arrow head. This can be done anywhere on the body, usually on the back of the neck however some courageous rangers will brand their cheek so all can see its respect.


     Burial Ceremony: Although rangers are skilled warriors, they cannot cheat death. In the death of a ranger, the following ceremony will occur. After the body has been returned from the battlefield, it must be brought to the Princedom of Fenn. If the body cannot be brought back, it must be buried in territory controlled by the Princedom. After the body arrives, it is cleaned and prepared with burial using various oils and herbs and is clothed with a new uniform. After this the body will be placed on the “casket of war”. The casket of war is not actually a casket, it is a flat object made from finished wood found in the Princedom on which the body is placed. The altar is usually carried by 2 men, who were his unit members. On it the fallen ranger sits with his bow, sword and a full quill of arrows to protect him in his journey. The casket of war is usually paraded through the paths of the Princedom with the Lord Commander, 1st Warden, Prince and any townspeople who wish to pay their respects. The body is then taken to the burial grounds located near the Princedom where a flat stone serves as an altar. Here the casket is placed on the altar and is surrounded by flowers and presents, the family and friends. Then a few speeches will be given about the fallen. After this a chosen ranger will salute the fallen, and fire an arrow lit by fire seven paces away from the body. It does not matter where the arrow hits as long as it hits the platform. From here the oil prepare don the body ignites and burns the body. Although it is hard to do, rangers are told not to cry or mourn during the ceremony.


    Chapter 3: Appearance of the Ranger


    Rangers have the most distinct appearance out of the Ivae’fenn however not all Rangers will follow or carry out the appearance stated in this manual. 


    Clothing: Rangers are rarely ever seen without their uniform on, they only wear hoods to cover their face when told to by a warden for an operation. To hide ones face as a Ranger is seen as not being proud of the position and is thus frowned upon. Rangers usually do not wear vivid accessories such as jewels and such seeing that they believe there is no respect in wealth, only blood.


      Hair: Rangers usually have very neat hair. They do not allow hair to cover their face due to reasons stated in the above paragraph. Their hair is usually braided or combed neatly when out in public or with other rangers. Some Rangers also take what is known as the “Sulli Oath” in which a Ranger will shave their entire head as a sign of humiliation to show their dedication and respect for the uniform.


    Habits: The Ranger is polite and respective to all members of the Princedom, however they can become aggressive if need be when assigned to do an order.  Most Rangers will bring raw materials voluntarily for the benefit of the princedom as they are responsible for its wellbeing.   Rangers have excellent table manners however do enjoy the odd celebration depending on the Ranger.





    Assuming you have finished this manual you are now capable of being a proper Ranger of the Ivae’Fenn. You now should understand everything about your role in the Princedom along with your responsibilities and customs. Remember you are the example that all men in uniform shall desire to be, you are a warrior, a guardian, and above all a ranger.


    With Honour Comes Blood,


    Tahorran Sulii

  5. ~~OOC Information~~


    Minecraft Name: jjac319


    Skype (optional): jjac319


    Time zone: Eastern Time Zone


    Have you ever been banned? If so, why? No





    Name: Tahorran Sulii


    Age: 140


    Race: Mali'aheral


    Gender: Male


    Profession: Constable of Archery as appointed by Commander Kael Daenor


    Choose a class






    -Citizenship: yes

  6. Humans are very diverse so playing a tribe of primitive humans is easy enough. The orcs tend to be tighter knit and would probably hunt you as whitewashes.

    Of course, however the tzuli would hate the orcs for banishment and if anything set treaties or attempt to make contact with their opponents in order to eliminate the race that cast their founders into the wilderness. I mean really when you look at it the jaw, appearance, beliefs,language and such are all sort of a primitive orc culture. I could easily add some lore to arrange this idea.

  7. If they're physically humans, just grab some humans and do it. You can't be 7ft tall though. Not unless you want to be put to death by the Oren Church for demon possession.

    Orcs possibly?they are very similar in traits. Possibly they seperated and became more primitiv and now hate orcs due tobthe species banning them

  8. Tzuli: “The Red Men”

    By jjac319




    The Tzuli are the native species of the Fringe. They were present before the arrival of the refugees from Anthos and have hid away in the lands unclaimed by the immigrants to their land. Upon the new arrival of the races, the Tzuli had little population on the outskirts of the Fringe, for the main population lived within the caves found in the red mountain ranges in the southwest where their people lived a very primitive life. When the hunters of the small tribal race were looking for prey outside their homes, the Tzuli first made eye contact with the new settlers entering from the Door of Eternity that attracted the majority of the natives.  The Elders and leaders of the Tzuli felt that the land had been penetrated by the great forces of their beliefs. As the hunters returned reporting what they saw, the leaders of the Tzuli gathered their species and tucked themselves into the caves of the red mountain ranges. No actual contact has been made with the Tzuli to this day, however as the races of Anthos expand further into the fringes, it is becoming much harder for the Tzuli to avoid contact when looking for food and water.






    The Tzuli are the only currently known primitive race on the fringes. One theory believes that this race wiped out pre-existing rivals with force.  Another theory states that the Tzuli were the fittest species for the harsh biomes of the fringes and thus all other life died from natural causes. This is yet to be proven. Due to the small population, the Tzuli have a very limited gene pool so it can be hard to tell one Tzuli from another. The Tzuli are shaped much like humans. A Tzuli male stands around 7-7.5 feet tall and weighs roughly 270-300 pounds. The female stands around 6-6.5 weighing around 250-270. The Tzuli have a crimson skin colour that almost matches the mountain ranges they live in. This is most likely a gene that was enhanced by the fittest and surviving males seeing the skin acts as a natural camouflage. This crimson skin is very tough and thick and can become scaly around the joints of the species. The Tzuli have the same limbs and joints of humans however their nails appear to be much longer and sharper made from a thicker bio-material. The Tzuli have pure black eyes. The sclera, iris and pupil are a heavy nocturnal black. This trait was most likely adapted to absorb a better intake of sun making it less blinding when hunting prey.  A vast majority of Tzuli will have very long and non-maintained hair that is 90% black (the reason for the black hair being to absorb heat). There is a 10% chance that a Tzuli may have the extreme opposite and have a nearly bleach blonde hair colour. This is most likely an old but still present gene in the races bloodline.  These Tzuli are known as “Albino Tzuli” or in the native tongue “Zimbi”. Zimbi usually are the instinctive leaders of the clan, this has not been explained. The Tzuli are equipped with a very primitive under biting jaw as well most likely developed long ago in their creation.




    The Tzuli are extremely fit due to the races weak not being able to provide for themselves and thus dying off. They do not need much food or water and can withstand temperatures for longer rates than most orcs. In addition their digestive system appears to be much more withstanding of wild foods and uncooked meat , this is probably due to the lack of intellect to cook/dress foods for better taste and digestion. Tzuli also have tongues usually reaching a length of 7 inches; it is usually a deep black and tucked inside their mouths as sticking it is seen as a sign of disrespect. The Tzuli child is usually able to be self-dependant by the age of 12. At this point the Tzuli has grown around 5-6 feet and has fully adapted its system to its surroundings.  In 2 years time the Tzuli will be fully grown and ready to hunt for its family and benefit its society. Although the Tzuli may grow fast compared to other races, the life expectancy of them is very short. Tzuli only survive till about the age of 30-40 years.  This is due to the lack of medicine, proper hygiene and overall way of life the Tzuli live Elders are usually around 60-70 years of age.







    The Tzuli are most likely the least intellectually advanced race that the other races have meant. Much like the Bohra of the North in Anthos, these creatures do not have the mental capabilities to properly speak any form of “proper” or “ethical” language as defined by the other races. Although not intellectually advanced, the Tzuli are amazing instinctive beings. Their senses of sight, smell and hearing are far beyond the capacity of most races. This is due to the Tzuli relying on these senses for generations in order to survive.  The Tzuli are just as capable of emotions as the other races however they are extremely primitive. For example if a Tzuli was to kill one of its brethren in a dispute, he would most likely express his victory by beating his chest or mutilating the body. If a Tzuli was sad over the loss of a brother in battle, they would most likely scream out in a fit of rage and sadness or if smart enough be able to hold in their anger and not give away their position. Although the Tzuli are very similar to each other physically, their mental aspects differ however most are still in the streams of very primitive expression.


    Although the Tzuli may appear to be built for brutal and hard combat, they are very shy and introverted creatures around the unknown. They will antagonize random creatures to kill at first but will instead attempt to learn as much as possible. However this mental trait has most likely been developed since it is much easier to kill prey when you know its weakness. Tzuli will never fight a battle they cannot win and when away from their native grounds will move in the shadows of night or the most deserted plains to avoid being caught and killed by their predators. The Tzuli give no thought of hygiene, eating, and related normal activities and go strictly on the basis of survival.




    Tzuli habits are mainly instinctive physical and mental habits.  Most Tzuli will eat their food raw seeing that the power of fire is known but the aspect of cooking is not to this race. Some Tzuli are able to cook their food however it is usually still extremely raw and would not be suitable for many races to eat. Tzuli secrete as same to the human race of Anthos however they usually do it when the movement arrives. The Tzuli usually either travel alone or in packs of 4-5. When hunting prey they tend to wound their victim as much as possible when they have never seen or do not know its kind very well. They will then proceed to examine and test the prey’s weak spots and strengths. If a Tzuli learns one thing about a species, it will most certainly notify as many other Tzuli as it can in order to increase the chance of a successful hunt. Other than that Tzuli will usually kill prey quickly and effectively with no emotion as it is survival.


    When Tzuli confront each other they tend to stomp feet and grunt enough for the other to hear. When disputing Tzuli will simply attack one another without question until one surrenders or dies. Usually the fights end with around 5 blows to each Tzuli and some wrestling. If the dispute is won the victor’s opinion is usually preferred over the losers. However these fights are usually drawn in which the two Tzuli forgive and forget. These fights are over very absurd things such as what direction to hunt in, accusations of putting out the fire or wasting food.


    Tzuli live in the caves of their mountain ranges hidden from the rest of the unknown world. They will tend to have little sign of life on both the inside and outsides of the cave. Tzuli tend to create spacious cave dwellings which are connected by narrow paths leading one room to the next lit by basic torches. Tzuli usually have a room to hang their prey whole either alive or dead in a certain room from the ceiling. Tzuli do this to make skinning and draining of inner fluids much easier. Presumably, if a person was to be caught by the Tzuli, they would end up in this room.




    The idea of language is very basic with the Tzuli. Most of the time the Tzuli do not speak but using expressions of grunts and physical movements to express what they are thinking ((emoting)). For example if a Tzuli hunter wanted his friend to come hunting he may do the following: “* The Tzuli stomps the ground and grunts to the Tzuli across from him, he taps the bottom of his spear on the floor and grunts in a sense of persistence.”. Although Tzuli do not speak, there long tongues and jaws make for interesting clicking sounds that are used most often by the race. These are usually expressed with !, ^ or ‘  meaning various sounds ((When typed in game in a certain order they may make a common phrase or word)) .  However a few words can be said regularly without these clicking sounds or with a mixture of the two. A list of basic Tzuli clicking phrases and words is stated below.


    !- hello/goodbye

    Gwa- elder

    Zimbi- Special/sacred one

    Ninu!- dream quest

    Gi^- spirit animal

    Swa- sword


    ^^- I


    Naji- fire

    Tulo- water

    S!- air

    S^- earth

    Ni- no/ I will not/ I do not agree

    Yi- Yes/I will/I agree

    !!!- Angry

    !a!- happy

    ^u^- sad

    Duj- blood

    Fi- food


    Uliki- kill/slaughter

    Tup- animal

    !uu!- insult towards another person

    mi- mind

    hu- heart


    !’’- family

    U- god

    Kiki- elements


    *more to be added if approved



    On the topic of communication, the Tzuli are spread out in the far mountain ranges and their people are always on the move. In order to summon the Tzuli to a single location, horns made from animal tusks can be used to reach far away Tzuli. Each horn sound is unique to its tribe. Tribal horns consist of three messages.


    Blown once for long length- return home


    Blown twice for long length- danger is approaching


    Blow periodically for long lengths- A summon for all tribes to meet with the tribe sounding their horn. Note that the response to accept the sounding of the horn is to blow your tribes horn.


    Geographic Distribution


    The Tzuli are only located in the vast red mountain ranges of the Fringe. They are made purely to fit this environment and survive in the harshest, dry areas of the world. Most Tzuli now live in the mountain sides in caves either natural or made. These caves are usually are spacious and tend to have various paths and dens connecting them.  The Tzuli have not been found by the races of Anthos, however if they are their geographical distribution will most likely change.






    The Tzuli society is very simple and straight forward. The Tzuli live in tribes lead by a Wiseman or elder known in their language as “Gwa”. The Gwa tend to be the most knowledgeable at keeping the tribe alive. They will make decisions based off their people’s thoughts and their previous experiences to make the right decision. The tribes usally have 1-2 Gwa that lead the tribe to new areas to hunt, rituals or any matter of politics the Tzuli may have. Whenever there is a matter that may affect the entire race, elders have been known to meet with each other through the communication of summoning horns. This will bring all the elders of the tribes together to discuss their issues or a crisis they all face.




    The Tzuli cannot read nor can they write. Most stories or recorded events will be painted on the walls of the Tzuli’s cave with animal (usually spider) blood mixed with various pigments. These wall paintings are known by most as “Zizi”. The pigments usually create shades of a brownish red and basic primitive images are usually used with the story usually progressing farther into the cave then it progressing outward to the outside. This is probably a natural instinct for the Tzuli since leading ones-self near the outside of the cave while enjoying the story may leave them unconscious of their location and then their death. Gwa tend to have zizi all over their dwelling to remember stories and rituals that they will spread to the rest of their tribe.




    Tzuli’s all share the belief in “U” the god of sun. The story goes that the world was found the way it is in the present and that U had looked upon it empty of life for many days. So one day U looked to the crimson mountains of the Fringe and used his heat to engrave a humanoid figure into the mountain side. The segment of mountain was very hot and melting, so U let it dry. After this the engraved segment hardened and opened two black eyes. It then opened its mouth and its teeth were as yellow as the god that created him. The figure (with its face still forming) tripped and hit its jaw against a rock causing it to have a massive under bite. After the figure got its balance it looked up to the sun and praised it for giving it life. U was so happy for his creation he made it a partner, a female in the same form. And from these two the Tzuli race was born.


    Tzuli also believe in spirit or inner animals. This is due to the “story of life” in which U creates animals for the Tzuli to tame and eat. At birth, it is said the Tzuli’s spirit animal enters the heart of the newborn and fuses with the Tzuli’s body. Later on during the Adolescent years (12-15) Tzuli are sent by their Gwa to a dream quest or “Ninu!” in which the Tzuli is given psychoactive herbs and then sent into the wild for 3 days. It is the Tzuli’s goal to once again reunite with their spirit animal to strengthen their power with U and the world around them making them a better being. If the dream quest succeeds the Tzuli must return to their home on their own with the guidance of their spirit animal otherwise known as their “Gi^”. Dream quests only occur once and the Tzuli seem to never fail at finding their goal within the trial.


    In addition to these beliefs, Gwa tend to carry out various sacrifices of their prey as a gift to U. These sacrifices are often given to them by the tribe’s people. Sacrificial rituals vary from group to group; some may leave the sacrifice to “dry” out in the sun as U absorbs it. Others may burn the sacrifice alive using the power that U taught them to in the “creation of heat”.  Most of the time Tzuli use some sort of heat in sacrifice and the ritual is usually carried out by an elder.


    Elements play a huge role in the Tzuli belief as well. The Tzuli believe that all things are alive and must be treated as so. Gwa use the elements or “kiki” to heal their people’s wounds physically and mentally. They do so through sacred chants known by most Tzuli, however the Gwa have lived much longer than the usual Tzuli and therefore are entrusted with the mystic practice of healing.




    Due to the tough builds of the Tzuli they have very little need for clothing. Most Tzuli cover the most sensitive areas or as seen by them weak points of their body which are their genital areas.  Besides Tzuli usually do not wear clothing however, if needed when hiking in cold climates Tzuli will wear heavy fur ponchos in order to preserve their natural heat.





    Weaponry and Combat:


    Tzuli are not built fighters, they are built hunters. The Tzuli tend to use bows and arrows, swords and axes along with basic armour usually made from hide. Tzuli weaponry is usually handmade and takes long periods of time to make. Usually stone or metallic weapons are poured into a cruel mold in which the sword is figured. Usually the weapons come out in a mutated form in which they may be wavy or slightly unbalanced. However the Tzuli are known to edit these major problems with handcrafting with stones and various objects. Tzuli weaponry is usually engraved with the wielders spirit animal and various patterns that are equal on both sides, making the sword “balanced” with its wielder.

    Tzuli do not fight battles they cannot win. They will never fight a battle they cannot win and when away from their native grounds will move in the shadows of night or the most deserted plains to avoid being caught and killed by their predators. When faced with actual combat Tzuli tend to excel with agility and precision along with the use of their natural strength. They will usually attack by surprise, not speak nor confront their enemy until after the slaughter and then proceed to learn from the slaughter to improve their odds of survival for the next attack. Usually Tzuli never lose on their own ground and have been known to set basic traps using poison and lava to gain an advantage on their opponents.







    Thank you so much for reading my lore idea. Hopefully we can see the Tzuli implemented in the Fringe map as a small very quiet sub-race which heavy experienced role players can take on and enjoy with each other. If this lore is implemented I will make it my personal duty to add required lore, continue the Tzuli dictionary and help prepare events if asked to by the lotc team. I love this server and want to do as much as I can for it. If you approve, disapprove or have a question, please comment to show what the community thinks about the Tzuli lore idea!

  9. ((take it up with Catarrh, then. He's the high shaman. Don't do any shaman RP until you get his "Okay".))

    ((Im sorry but why do I need another shamans approval?I appear to be fine by my own now do I not?And hopefully I will meet him if he sees this thread,we could discuss the spirits in the tongue of the ancients.))

  10. ((Dometheus,it appears you are going against what you said. This post states that magic applications are no longer needed,you must be part of the culture you practice (orc), you can be creative with your magic to extents (farseeing is lore), and it must take time to process (my character has been a roaming orc for years and he hs pondered on his childhood). I am not metagaming nor am I abusing any sort of power. I am simply giving players another choice in the beautiful game of lord of the craft.))

  11. ((yeah, it's a locked subtype i'm almost 100% certain.))

    ((Could you please show me a link to this? I have not seen anything of the sort on the forums. In addtion I am quite sad you are hanging on to the fact I cannot be a shaman, I believe my lore was very well written and entertaining. I do not see any other shaman like figures contributing to the Orc forums with their lore and their ideas nor do I see any special regulations stating my lore is wrong or unjustified.))

  12. ((Can people just...make shamans like that?))

    ((Well I don't see any regulations on becoming a shaman.And this lore appears to show I understand the basics of old blah,farseeing, and the bonding of a immortal spirit. Im definitly not having a negative impact on the orc community,in fact I think we need a new ideology and such to make the game interesting for us all. Therefore I don't see the problem with my character and their lore.))

  13. AshHai:"The One People"


    By jjac319



     A figure appears in the midst of the darkest sands in Anthos, he walks down a mountain of sandstone in which the winds of the dunes hide his figure under the shields of sands. He is not known, for the likes of his kin were wiped from the world, and he himself carries their name of honour: “AshHai”. The figure now makes his way onto even ground where his withering engraved staff covered in beads and herbs dips its bottom in each step he takes within the sand below him. He emerges from the sandy winds. A 7 and a half foot tall Uruk. His air is long and patched with a murky gray. His skin is charcoal as the night itself and his eyes are as crimson as the blood that leaks from the enemies of his past. A giant red scar covers his face along with various patterned cuts and markings along his chest and arms. In one hand a 6 inch wooden pipe can be seen with its various markings of the spirits and ancients. He takes a toke of the pipe and giggles to himself as the winds pick up in the vast desert.  On his back a ragged backpack made of boar skin appears to be on the brink of bursting. Its luggage is unknown, only to the Uruk that carries it with his grey long hair covering half his face.


     He is withered, like a stone against the tide. The crimson eyes seem to gaze upon a never ending point, as if the elder had an objective that only he could see in the dunes of Anthos. Night begins to fall as the wind begins to fade like the sun. The uruk smiles and takes in the scenery of the desert, for he was forced from his homeland many years ago, only to live like a wild animal in the jungle, having nothing but his mind and the spirits. The elder pitches his tent and starts a fire to keep him warm for the night. His pipe now laid beside him as the elder opens his boar skin backpack, he pulls out a plant that seems to be grown amongst the dunes itself. It is carved into cubes and is prickly with a touch of a jungle leaf green. It is dried, and has a chalky residue over it. The elder begins to chant the language of the ancients


    “Kom Dragur ajh Frums, Zabra mi tru U hu-na lat Orka


    Kom Dragur ajh Frums, Marr mi Gijak U fund m’hrzing


    Mubush miwit hokur U giv midi orka U daggog UMog


    Udahok mi U di Dha ob di mokoshans ajh Rog mi mab mi fushot”


    The elder then shoves the plant into his mouth with his rotting old teeth. He chews and swallows the herbs and smiles as he stares into the fire. Another journey has begun for the old Uruk.


    The elder had lost his clan long ago in the same dunes he lay in, he was just a child, he knew not the reasons for the massacre. His father had taught him to be brave, and to be one with the world the spirits made up. From a young age he was a proud warrior; but as time grew that warrior began to become stronger not only in his blood, but in his mind. He would have vivid dreams of his people. He would see his father and mother sometimes harvesting the fresh crops of a well soiled earth with his clan all around him, and in a blink of an eye they would be on the floor with their heads decapitated and their crops lit by fire. These dreams were constant and not pleasant at all for the young Uruk. And so he told his father and like any proper uruk brought him to the shaman of the clan, to see if he could make the dreams stop.  The elder’s tent was filled with smoke and the scent of herbs of only those found in the lands of Orcs. The shaman sat on a red rug with various patterns woven in black. He had a drum in his lap and smiled as the young uruk entered the tent with hesitation. The elder dismissed the father and the youngling and the shaman sat there. The elder gazed into the eyes of the young uruk, he could see much more than just the face and body, but the mind and its power within. Without a word the shaman took his drum and passed a handful of herbs to the youngling. The uruk took them and began to feel very hazy and light like the feather of a wild bird. The shaman picked his drum and began chanting in the language of the ancients. The young uruk slowly got sleepy, and sleepier, until he could not here the shamans constant drum beat.


    The young Uruk awoke with quickness and confusion. The world was empty, nothing put him seemed to exist. He looked around and thought to himself, “am I dead?”  , a deep voice answered:




    This sent shivers down the Uruk’s spine. He then saw a trail of fire rise from what appeared to be the sands swirling in circles. There was no wind nor wood, how could this be? The Uruk followed the fire path in the empty world, as he walked further and further the air became warmer and warmer.  Time went on, the flame path grew higher and fiercer and the sands began to swirl with a chaotic feel. He was scared, but for some reason the Uruk kept walking forward. The air began to burn his skin; he looked and saw ahead that the air itself was on fire. As it approached him he screamed and became engulfed in the vicious flame. However, he did not die. The fire began to settle once more, and out of the massive fireball out came the Uruk with skin black as the night and twice as tall as he was before! Then the flames rose and the once sandy floor became the ground of the earth’s hottest stone.


    The Uruk looked up as his feet steamed off the burning ground. It was the great Immortal spirit, Enhrok. The throne he sat on was just like the tales elders spoke of. Row upon row was their skulls and bones of his victims and worshippers. The Uruks heart began to race with the craving for blood in the spirits presence.  The air smelt of brimstone and blood as Enrhok began to open his mouth in the ancient language.


    (Translated for all to understand)


    “My child, you have found your true father, I have summoned you here and made you fit for your task, do not fear my fire and bloodlust, embrace it.”


    The immortal spirit put out his hand and with a wave created a ring of fire before the Uruk. He took a breath and entered the ring of fire embracing the heat it had upon his black skin. The finger of Enhrok then began to lean forward to the Uruk’s forehead. Although the Uruk was scared he stood his ground. The flaming finger of Enhrok came close and closer to the Uruk in the ring of fire. As Enhrok’s finger was an inch from the Uruk he had lost all his senses. The world of brimstone was now all but black. A voice spoke in the Uruk’s head:


    “Go my child, unite them”.


    The Uruk awoke back into the desert of Anthos. He was in the middle of nowhere and was just as confused as he was in the plane. He looked at the sun and the land around him and headed in the direction he thought could be home. As the winds picked up in the desert the Uruk could smell smoke, he followed it to its origin. The Uruk’s village was gone.  His people lay slaughtered like cattle amongst the ruined huts that were set ablaze. His father’s head rested upon a stake beside a flag of what could be human origin. The Uruk called out for his mother, but there was no response.  A pool of water and blood lay in front of the now adolescent Uruk. His face was covered with a bright crimson scar and his skin was black like in the plane. It was not a dream, it was real.


    The Uruk remembered the words of the immortal spirit “unite them”.  He did not know what Enrhok meant by this nor who he was to unite. In time the Uruk would learn but for now he must leave this place. And so the uruk spent years in the world of Anthos, roaming the wilderness of its harsh biomes. He would live off what the spirits provided for him. His body became more in tune with the world and his mind began to drift. He could controls the dreams that once haunted him. He was a new persona, a new entity, and his name was Su’AshHai. The eye of the people. The Uruk that could end the fighting of his brethren and end their suffering against the races of false Gods.


    The Uruk now old and sitting in the desert of his people, begins to become as still as a statue. He gazes into the fire once more, smiles, and closes his eyes.


    “Unite Them, Unite them”.   


    ((Hello brothers! I hope you enjoyed my new clan lore. With the recent bickering of the Orc’s and the dispersal of the clans, I will attempt to create a clan in which the Orcs put aside their differences and become the true dominant and respected race of Anthos. If we are to just quarrel with each other, we will become slaves to the humans who rape and pillage our land and kill us for pleasure. We must agree on the neutral grounds and fight the fight of our elders, whether that fight be slaying the humans and dismembering their limbs or growing crops to feed the warriors of the AshHai clan. Of course I will be acting as the shaman for the tribe, the War chief’s of the other clans shall all gather round a fire set by my shaman as neutral ground, in which we shall discuss our inner rage against each other and begin new lives.  Initiation and rituals have been created however they will not be posted until I see what response the Orc community will give me. If you are interested, please comment or message me and we can get in touch.))

  14. Well done with the links!

    As an orc shaman,I have been looking into the effects of our ancestors use of zawabate as listed in the alchemy lore. However I have no idea what the actual item is in game. If you or someone knows what zawabate is and how I can obtain it,you be a great help to my mojo! Thanks

  15. (MC Name):jjac319




    Name (RP): Gwaddyn Nighstrom




    Race: Human (Northerner)




    Preferred Weapon (If any): Bow and




    Non-Combat Skills (If any):
    Hunting, cooking, crafting and woodcutting




    Previous Work (Past groups or
    Hunting for local butchers and diners, involved in a few militia raids




    Your most valued trait from list
    : Loyalty


    §  Honor


    §  Loyalty


    §  Strength


    §  Intelligence


    §  Chivalry


    §  Justice


    Have you interacted with the Order
    before? Explain if yes
    : Yes I have, one of my old yet best friend Thoromir had
    joined the order. We met in Abresi and he took me to the gates hoping to get me
    one of these letters. Sadly we arrived just as the fort was being attacked by
    some well equipped soldiers. Me and Thoromir snuck around trying to get past
    the fighting yet I had not eaten in days and passed out only to wake up in front
    of the castle gates, and now I’ve got this letter.




    Are you willing to take an oath?:




    Moral boundaries (What you will not
    I will do anything it takes to prove myself to the order, be it clean or
    unclean ((Chaotic Good)).




    (Do you have a VA? If so, provide a
    No I do not have a VA.




    Additional information: I am 19
    years of age, I grew up in a northern village just outside of Arethor. My
    father was enlisted in the Holy Oren Empires army in order to feed me seeing my
    mother had passed from illness. I am a skilled warrior from what my father
    taught me and have a desire to find a new life form the poor hunter who has no
    direction nor meaning... I believe the Order can grant me this.

  16. Out-Of-CharacterMinecraft Account Name:jjac319

    How old are you?:15

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:Est/Canada

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes I speak fluent englishSmall 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I am a 15 year old white male. I am very interested in medieval history,philosphy and role playing. I am proficient in acting and am a minecraft enthusiast.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:10-20 hours a week

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you:Roleplaying is taking the role of a character you create and assuming their lifestyle and social habits.This could include a different racial background,beliefs and social interactions.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:No I do not have any actual experience of roleplaying.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: Meta-gaming is the use of information that your character does not have access to. An example is finding a way to an area you have knowledge of OOC but not IC.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Emoting is: Power-Emoting is forcing the action of a character in a roleplaying scenario.For example,*Tim stabbed the robber in the stomach,then called the gaurds.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:I expect the server to be very serious and in depth roleplaying.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:I have played on the original ThunderHauss server and at one point was co-owner.I left due to the other server being made and I did not want the title anymore seeing that I wanted a normal player experience. I have played on the minecraftpvp hungergames servers.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes I have read,understood and agreed with the rules. I enjoy the fact that crimes such as stealing,murder,etc. are all punishable. This makes the roleplaying scenario much more realistic and entertaining.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: Yes I promise to abide by the said rules and laws of the server,forum and teamspeak.

    How did you hear about us?: I was told by another user (Narthok) about Lord of the Craft.Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?: Yes I have made one past application yet I did not use the right format. I believe it has gotten deleted.

    In-Character:Character Name:Gwaddyn Nightstrom

    What Race are you? (You may only be Human, Orc, Elf or Dwarf!) :HumanWhat Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):Northerner

    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Gwaddyn Nightstrom was raised in a poor northern village just outside of Arethor. Gwaddyns father Farthor and mother Rebun loved him and his sister (Lythil) so very much. He was taught at a young age that all races were unique and equal. His mother would read him the ancient histories before he went to bed. However all this changed one morning in the hear of the northern winter.

    Gwaddyn was out playing with his sister on a near by lake. It was snowing,which covered the almost glass like ice. Lythil was making a snow angel on the lake when suddenlythe ice cracked and she fell right under. Gwaddyn shocked what had just happened ran towards his sister screaming her name. He saw her two hands trying to grasp the smooth cold ice. He reached out and with all his strength pulled her out. Gwaddyn carried Lythil all the way home. He pushed himself to the maximum.He realized he alone had to save his sister. By the time Gwaddyn came home, Lythils lips were as blue as the water she fell in. Her eyes still open, stared at Gwaddyn with a lifeless feeling. She was dead. Gwaddyn was only 10 and Lythil 7. This event made Gwaddyn very self dependant and paranoid of frozen over lakes.

    About two years after the tragedy in the family Farthor becomes a soldier. He fought against the orcs for both Renatus and Godfrey I. With his ex periences on the battlefield he taught gwaddyn the art of the sword,archery and teamwork. Farthor told Gwaddyn what the real world was like, it wasn't anything like he was taught when he was younger. Farthor influenced Gwaddyn that the orcs were a savage and terrible race. He told him that they had no feeling for their actions when they would rip a man in half. He told him that those tales about the ancient histories are all lies. Gwaddyn thought if God was so great why did Lythil have to die?

    Years after a plague struck the nearby city of Arethor,killing his mother Rebun. This Hardened both him and his father even more. Without his mother and his dad old and weak. He had to use his combat skills to hunt for his family. He learned how to bargain on the market with his prizes and learned how to cook for his family. Gwaddyn never had time to socialize due to this, he depended on himself to provide for his family and self. At the age of 18 Gwaddyns father passed and he was on his own. Yet with all the skills he learned he manages to get on day by day in the land of Asulon.

    Gwaddyn is 6`3 with blonde hair and very blue eyes. He has a very strong yet agile build due to his skills in hunting. Gwaddyn has a very dead,depressing look on his face usually hidden behind a hood along with cold pale skin. He dislikes orcs,nosy people and other humans who believe they are superior to him. He shows very little sympathy for others and only cares about those close to him.

    What are your Character's ambitions?: Gwaddyns ambitions are to explore the lands of Asulon and become a soldier just like his father. He would also like to find out more about the ancient histories and see if there was a reason why these things happened to him.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc):Gwaddyn`s favorite weapon is the bow and arrow. He was taught how to use it by his father and used it the most through hunting which makes him very lethal when in hand.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?: Gwaddyns most skilled talent is hunting seeing that he has done it all his life for his family and self. He had to be good at it if he wanted to live. Gwaddyn is also best skilled in the sword,archery,cooking and barganing along with polotics due to his fathers experiences.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format, if you do not know how to acquire one, copy and paste this link into your browser: ( http://tinyurl.com/Lotcscreenshot ): unfortunatley I do not know how to add the photo so here is the link to my skin:http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/71552/turbomuffin2s-medieval-skin/

    Other Information about your Character: Gwaddyn is a hunter,paraniod of frozen over lakes,feels safe in the outdoors, is curios about religion. He is very intrapersonal yet knows how to work with others.He minds his own business until it involves him and shows very little feeling for people who are not close to him.

    Open-Response-QuestionsEach and every question must be answered with a minimum of a single full paragraph and entirely in RP.Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond? Gwaddyn sees that the warriors are armed and lethal. He casually walks right past the event on the side of the road,ignoring the halflings cries for help and keeping his eyes forward. He reminds himself that this is the way the world works. Gwaddyn could care less for the stranger halfling and why should he risk his life for him?Gwaddyn would carry on his day normally and wouldn't ponder on the event.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response? Gwaddyn gives a cold look towards the merchant."Arrows" he says in a sharp assertive voice, "let me see them". He snatches the quiver from the merchants hands and studies one of them. Through his experience he notices the arrows are weak and nearly useless. He takes out his bow and fires one and inch from the merchants head. "Useless" he mumbles, and walks out the stall.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?: Gwaddyn enters the hut stealthily and makes sure it is just him. He opens the chest and sees the beautiful gold sword,ignoring the iron bars. He picks it up and puts it through some tests. He sees that the sword is very well made and must be dwarven or made for a wealthy person. He understands taking the sword would make him look suspicios. "A peasent boy with a gold sword?" he chuckles. Gwaddyn knows right from wrong and leaves the building as it was when he entered it. He goes on thinking what kind of man lives in the wild, yet owns a golden sword? "Bloody bandits" he mumbles as he carries along.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond? Gwaddyn notices the camp is full of southerners and a few orcs. He pushes past the greeting orc and asks the southerner where he can get food and a place to stay for the night. He finds a tent he can sleep in for the night and has some cooked beef. In the middle of the night he hears rustling in his tent. An orc is trying to steal his pack. Gwaddyn slowly draws his hunting knife from his belt and jumps on the orc, catching him by suprise and pinning him to the ground. He puts the knife to the orcs neck,grazing his skin."Looking for something?" he says with a sarcastic voice. He spits in the orcs face and breaks his nose sending the orc running. Gwaddyn packs up his things and leaves the camp. You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?: Gwaddyn looks around and sees the men who volunteer are warriors who seemed trained. He notices the reward and thinks he could use some extra minas. He joins the party of men and helps plan a strategy for the group using tactics he learnt from his fathers stories. Gwaddyn and the others archers take high ground above the bandit camp while the swordsmen approach stealthily. The commander gives the signal and the archers take the shot. Gwaddyn kills the first orc he sees. The warriors then begin a hand to hand combat battle and gwaddyn rushes in to help get the job done. Using his combat skills Gwaddyn dodges an attack from a war axe. A very close call. He spins around and slices the bandits stomach causing his insides to pour out. Gwaddyn shows no reaction and continues to fight. He is then tackled by a bandit and brought to the ground.With a knife shining near his neck he reaches with one hand and grabs and arrow from the bandits quiver and stabs him in the neck. Noticing the battle is over Gwaddyn confronts the commander for his reward and leaves.

    Anything else you would like to say?: This is my second application and I would like to thank the staff member who helped me get this format. I have worked extremely hard on this and hope I get accepted. Thank you for reading my application.

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