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Posts posted by _Thorn

  1. [RP] 

    Persona Name: Aelon Aldar

    Do you have prior medical experience? Indeed, fair amounts of it.

    All other allegiances: N/A

    Are you willing to take lessons and learn more about the medical field? Always willing to learn more! 

    Do you accept a required course that will outline your responsibilities and various techniques? Yes.

    Understand that with the signing of this application, you will be receiving lessons based on your test scores and will only perform upon what you are taught or approved. Yes.


    Username: Coufee

    Race: Wood Elf

    Discord: Lazarus#1337

  2. Do you guys see an issue currently with the amount of players in different races? For example, wood elves seem almost non-existant, every time i've gone there the past few weeks, with the exception of one day, the city has been completely empty. If you see an issue, do you think there's anything you can do to fix it? I've felt overall the player base has been dwindling as well, but that's a whole different discussion. 


    Also, are there any of you that dislike the idea of switching to 1.9? I know me, personally, and a few other friends, HATE 1.9. We despise everything about it. 


    (fuckin' grammar nazi's. JKJK no ban me.)

  3. Heya ladies and gents! Many of you may or may not know me as I've been playing on and off for four years now. Some of you may also know that I play a wide variety of characters. I've played every race available to me, some men, some women, some gay, some straight, some indifferent. Some of them having disabilities and some of them not. I just enjoy playing characters that can give me an experience i'll never have IRL.


    Recently, i've been making all sorts of new friends and such, and many of them, upon first meeting some of my current characters (Current rotation is two grills and a dude) They assume i'm a female IRL, now this makes it an issue, not for me, but for them. (I personally don't give af what you are IRL) Just today, someone asked if I was a girl IRL, and when I replied with 'No.' They seemed... upset. It turns out they thought I was 'deceitful' for 'acting like a lesbian' (One of my female characters is female, and a lesbian .-. ) And now here I am, wandering if perhaps i'm in the wrong for wanting to experiment with character types. If I'm honest, I never thought of it too deeply... I just enjoyed the idea of creating a wide variety of characters to experience. I've always felt that was what RP was about, creating unique experiences you'll never have the opportunity to have IRL. Idk, let me know what you think!

  4. Last post (Hopefully):  You can appear to 'float' you can also vanish, pretty sure you cause someone to 'feel' cold or perhaps weary of another presence. You can also change your appearance, though the bounds of that aren't outlined anywhere, so I assume you can take the form of an animal, plant, or yourself, perhaps even another character (With permission from the person you're taking the form of? Idk if that's possible tbh, if you could let me know, that'd be cool.)  Also forgot to mention, as a ghost interacts more with humans, they lose their ghostly powers as it draws them to the human world more (But you can't be revived) You can also interact with physical items such as paintings, flower pots, etc. You can also blow out torches :D (That was specifically stated in the wiki, so I assumed that was an important power I should mention <3)

  5. To expand upon the red lines, to simply put it:


    You are not allowed any ghostly magic as a haunt, only when you become a revenant can you begin to develop the powers. When you begin to develop the powers, they are not easily harnessed. It takes a long time to be able to use the powers correctly, and without fail. When you become a Poltergeist or a Spectre, you'll have much more control over your powers, however the ways in which they used are quite different. A poltergeist will purposely try to scare and torment others due to the rage it feels, a spectre on the other hand, is fairly peaceful as it has accepted its fate. A ghost can also vary in between as it's still a sentient being which is fueled by it's emotions. 


    If there's anything else specific you'd like me to expand upon, please let me know <3 I am sure I can expand on anything you need me to. 



  6. MC Name: Trusser


    IC Name: Hallot Belal


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: Wood elf 


    Transformed Form: Ghost (Haunt)


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: n/a


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: (I feel retarded, I read this wrong) Anyways, Haunts are the first stages of... Ghostism? And are unable to interact with humans. They believe they are still alive, and will try to live their lives as they left it, however, as they try to 'live' on, they come to the realization that they are in fact, dead, which will begin to cause them to spiral further into their ghost (couldn't think of a better word) form. 

    They then become a revenant which slightly alters their appearance which usually gives them pupils and irises. In this stage, they begin developing their powers such as; Vanishing, appear to float, etc. this does not mean however, they know how to harness these skills completely. It takes them a long time to master the skills they've been given. Once they realize they are beyond gone, revenants can take two paths (more or so) That of a poltergeist, or that of a spectre. Poltergeists are filled with rage and are a constant outburst of violence and rage. If they take their demise calmly, they can become a spectre which is fairly harmless. They know how to control their abilities fully at this point as well. 


    Also to note is that ghosts will try to avoid each other, though conflict is in fact possible. 

  7. MC Name: Trusser


    IC Name: Hallot Belal


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: Wood elf 


    Transformed Form: Ghost (Haunt)


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: n/a


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: (I feel retarded, I read this wrong) Anyways, Haunts are the first stages of... Ghostism? And are unable to interact with humans. They believe they are still alive, and will try to live their lives as they left it, however, as they try to 'live' on, they come to the realization that they are in fact, dead, which will begin to cause them to spiral further into their ghost (couldn't think of a better word) form. 

    They then become a revenant which slightly alters their appearance which usually gives them pupils and irises. In this stage, they begin developing their powers such as; Vanishing, appear to float, etc. this does not mean however, they know how to harness these skills completely. It takes them a long time to master the skills they've been given. Once they realize they are beyond gone, revenants can take two paths (more or so) That of a poltergeist, or that of a spectre. Poltergeists are filled with rage and are a constant outburst of violence and rage. If they take their demise calmly, they can become a spectre which is fairly harmless. They know how to control their abilities fully at this point as well. 


    Also to note is that ghosts will try to avoid each other, though conflict is in fact possible. 

  8. MC-Name: Trusser

    RP-Name: Estek Mlodzik

    Skype: (Pm if you desire) katonawubs

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) Indeed

    Time-zone: PST

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: I do.

  9. The application is poorly filled out and has sloppy hand writing, as if written by a child.




    Name: _Tal__________________

    Race: _Mali'ame... Duh___________________

    Age: _12____________________

    Occupation: __Dancer______________

    Experience: _I can wear a helmet_______________

    Proficiencies (Archery, etc.): __Dancing___

    Place of Current Residence: __A tree____




    Username: __Trusser_______________

    Nexus Profession+Proficiency: _N/A__

    Timezone: __PST_______________

    Do you have Teamspeak?: (Y/N)_Y_

  10. The first story I started here on LOTC, the longest lasting one as well. Katona Therenal has lived 120 in-game years, died 4 times, had 23 broken bones, 30 broken noses, two wives, three children, killed two people under instruction, had his ears clipped 3 times, back sassed a superior 6 times, killed a best friend gone bad, and many, many more things. I could go on for hours about how much he's accomplished in his lifetime. 


    I have so much to say about him, but I simply can't fit it all into one forum post. I'll leave it at this:


    Thank you all so much for Roleplaying with me as Katona, you've helped  him develop into a truly wonderful character.


    Noteable people who've impacted him: Wardog(Phaedrus), Birdy(Elorna), Novastral(Laurir), MuseOfHeart(Marie), LegitCoCo(Leyu), Briar(Briar), Jlyoko(Andriel), lookaquarter(Feyko), and leowarrior (Art)


    Biggest thanks: Lookaquarter


    The guy who got me into the server in the first place, and helped me get off my feet. Thank you for showing me LOTC. Wish you'd come back and play with me :P


    Now as this story comes to an end, a new one begins to unfold.




  11. Cultist application:
    MC Name: Katonah
    Character Name: Hallot Belal
    Why do you want to be a Dread Knight?: Simply put, because first of all I love the RP i've seen from the dreadknights, but I also feel it fits my character pretty well.
    Do you understand that you cannot go against the Dread Lord's orders as a Dread Knight?: Yessir
    Time zone: PST
    Skype Name (You can PM it to me privately): katonawubs

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