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Posts posted by Merkaken

  1. Application



    Username: Merkaken

    Activity Rating (How many days/hours do you play per week?): roughly 4-6, varies

    Discord: Merkaken#7781

    Timezone: EST


    Name: Raell Thredarr

    Gender: Male

    Place of residence: Fenn

    Race/Sub-race/Culture: Mali'fenn

    Do you swear obedience to the Princedom of Fenn and the Grand Prince?: Yes

  2. So you knowingly say that this will bring a rise in bandit RP, a kind of RP that is more often than not is simply just “Minas or die”, and thus we all know it will bring a rise in players enjoyment decreasing and a rise in player reports. Not to mention the map is massive and takes quite some time to get around. Shouldn’t these have been clear indicators this is a poor idea?


    We’ve had this “We need to bring back road RP” for years. It’s certainly been an argument since I’ve joined. This isn’t going to bring it back. People are just going to run past people that try to stop them, whether or not it’s actual RP or bandit “RP” because no one is willing to take the risk of having their **** stolen. 


    Just bring back the warp signs, this is clearly a bad choice.

  3. A young mali’ker comes stumbling out of his home, coughing and waving a hand in front of him as a rather foul smelling billows into the air and disperses. Another failed alchemical experiment. Alor takes out a notebook with a sigh, not looking down on it, and writing a big fat “NO!!” underneath it, crossing out yet another theoretical recipe. He rubs his forehead, looking around at the odd looks and laughs he gets. While they laugh, Alor knows they mean well. The Mali’ker walks back inside, moving his face mask above his mouth and nose as he allows his home to air out once more.


    ((Great community with great roleplay. Very glad I found you guys.))

  4. I’ve always been a firm believer that smaller map sizes are better to centralize roleplay. Athera (At least I think it was Athera) was fantastic since most nations were a stone’s throw away. However with a lot of larger maps RP tends to be... Spread way too far out. This is probably the worst I’ve seen it in terms of travel times. Not to mention there’s one nation or another every 2 steps you take that’s completely abandoned. I mean, I was only on atlas for like the very last part, so take what I say with a grain of salt, maybe it was fantastic up until this point. However I’ve just found smaller maps to be more successful in terms of keeping RP hubs active and roleplay more together. 

  5. 4 hours ago, chaosgamer said:

    heya, I could be able to do some shading and texture if you’re interested?


    I’ll make a shaded version from the given skin and show you later. If you find any points that think needs improvement and (or) some changes, I’ll simply design the skin more into your liking.

    That’d be great ?

  6. 6 hours ago, Tato said:

    whats somethin old u wish was still around

    whats somethin still around u wish wasnt

    There’s quite a few things I missed. The heavier and most important one I’ll save for last. 

    1. I miss  stomping around with my old Dread Knight buddies from way back in Anthos. It was a very odd relationship three of us had, Alexandros (My character), Verin (SiEnimFallorSum’s Dread Knight) And Aelor, the Dread Lord when my DK was name (Wish I remember his MC name. It was Augur or something like that I THINK). It was almost like two sons and a father... But not really. Neither one of us loved or cared for each other. But it was more of a “Hey, I dislike you two the least out of everything on this planet” type of thing. 
    2. I miss phobism. If you weren’t around for it, it was essentially a more powerful deity illusion magic that focused on ritualistic spell casting that drove those that were victims of the phobism user insane. It had one attack in a group of preset spells you could use. And that attack wasn’t much special. Sadly, though, what happened to Phobism is what happens to a lot of magic. It got shelved. We were offered to rewrite it, and the phobism users that came after me tried their best but for reasons unknown to me it got denied time and again. The reason I know of on why it got shelved was powergaming, which I honestly disagree with and I honestly thought was a rather dumb choice. I don’t really have anything against the LT that made that choice or anything, I just wasn’t happy with the decision. LotC would benefit greatly from more magic or creatures that focused more on the mysticism (Pun not intended but enjoyed) of magic and more ritualistic side of it rather than what seems to be focusing on fighting. Just my personal opinion though.
    3. Of course, a magic, and truly a massive amount of lore based around said magic, leads me to the one who made it... Watyll. I miss him more than anything and a day doesn’t go by without thinking of him. It was heartbreaking when he passed. I may not have known him as well as others on this server but I still considered him a good friend. I enjoyed our chats on skype and our Darth Sideous and Darth Vader esque roleplay we had as cultists. It’s a tragedy a man with such a spark of genius is taken from us. I know that’s a bit heavy for a goofy AMA but eh. 

    As the second question... I suppose the LT shelving thing. Again, I really don’t have anything against the LT members themselves. I’ve chatted with a few of them and they seem like perfectly nice people. I just think it’s a shame when things need to be shelved or gotten rid of. I might just be salty cuz I tend to be in the groups of things that get hit when things are shelved so I mean take that with a grain of salt. On the plus side I get to RP my old DK as a bit more 3D now that he’s no longer solely focused on killing, so there’s a silver lining to it. It’s gonna be freaking interesting to see how he adjusts to being in Atlas/wherever this new place is since he was turned in Anthos


    1 hour ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    Is modern LoTC better or worse than LoTC when you first joined?

    Hmmm... Depends on what we’re talking about specifically. Community’s a lot more toxic now, sadly. However the roleplay’s better, magic seems less clique-ish (Which I know seems false to some people but if you were in Asulon you know what I’m talking about). 

  7. 3 hours ago, Lumiin said:

    what’s your favourite part about this community? What do you genuinely enjoy about it, and what keeps you coming back?

    Hmm... Favorite thing is the people. You meet some genuinely amazing people on this server, friends even. True, there’s lots and lots of toxicity. Honestly it’s worse than I’ve personally seen it before, but for starters that’s my opinion, and also it always tends to come back to the middle. There will be highs in every community, whether it be a race or nation, or even the server itself, and then there will be lows. Neither lasts forever, for good or ill. 


    What I genuinely enjoy about it is, again, the people and obviously the roleplay. It took me a long time to kind of come out of my shell and put myself out there, but once I did and I got a feel for what group of people I fit in with the most I had an amazing time, and they’re times I think about often, whether they are RP memories that are silly or serious and even ooc moments in skype or discord.


    What keeps me coming back is nostalgia and a genuine love for the server. Sometimes I’ll need to take a break whether for personal reasons or just a loss of interest, but it’s difficult to stay away for long. I think about the amazing memories I’ve had on this server and eventually feel a need to make more.

    1 hour ago, Unwillingly said:

    How long have you been playing LOTC? 

    I started in mid-late Asulon in July of 2012, so about 6-7 years which is really crazy to think about. I’ve sprinkles in some breaks here and there, and it’s always interesting to see who’s still around/who left/who came back when I return.

    1 hour ago, Telanir said:

    Happy to see you back Soresan. What’s your favourite thing about roleplay itself?

    He knows my true name! I didn’t think anyone still on this server remembered what I used to go by lol


    My favorite thing is probably how open ended everything can be. I enjoy that it’s sort of up to your imagination (within reason, especially on a server) what is happening and how your character will be effected by that. It’s kind of like you’re writing your own little story about someone, and as your character interacts with this world it’s influenced either in a large or small way by other players doing the same thing. It’s interesting thinking of a character, giving them a basic personality, and then sending them out to the world into the world and seeing how they change according to the world around them, the actions the events. It’s just fascinating how you can have a sort of plan for your character on what you want them to be and how many times things will pop up that change that plan. I mean I thought my Dread Knight was going to be the last remaining Dread Lord forever. Now he’s Human again and is trying to figure out what to do now that he’s no longer immortal. Things can change in a second, and I find that amazing.

  8. I’m a little surprised at how incredibly toxic it’s gotten. I mean there’s always been a toxicity problem but god damn it’s gotten out of hand. I’m a little disappointed certain staff have thrown their professional attitude out the window and find it acceptable to passive aggressively or flat out insult the playerbase they work for. I get that dealing with a toxic playerbase gets frustrating and sometimes you need to push a bit back but it seems that toxic behavior by players is being met by toxic behavior by some staff. 


    On a smaller note I’m hoping the next map won’t be as ridiculously huge as Atlas. Large maps never work


    On the plus side side I got captured in a raid and honestly that was the first time I’ve had a positive experience during a raid

    1. Racial spawns
    2. Bringing back player monks (as far as I am concerned monks still aren’t allowed to be played unless that’s changed)
    3. Allowing monks to be effective outside of the Cloud Temple, or getting rid of cloud temple entirely and letting them set up shop in a popular RP hubs while keeping to their neutrality. 

    I really do think player monks did help new players,  I did in my brief time there. But the problem is they can’t really do their job if the job if they are tied down to a single place, a place that is dead to RP that even new players don’t stay at.

  9. This sadly is nothing new. It’s very rare to see lore that is told to be rewritten to be accepted, sadly. Same thing happened with Phobism and Dread Knights. Phobism was told to be rewritten to be “Less powergamey” (How a magic with a single minor attack and spells that will make you go insane for a very short amount of time simply for the sake of interesting roleplay rather than offense is “powergaming” is well beyond me”. Every single rewrite was stricken down either with an awful excuse of a reason or just no reason at all. It’s a real shame that one of the few magics that focused solely on bringing fear, something missing from most roleplay, rather than combat was taken away.


    Same with Dread Knights. Came back from a break, decided to help bring back the Dread Knights since I was (At least as far as I knew) the only Dread Lord on the server who was actually playing. Whelp, turns out I’m not allowed to make more because Dread Knights were inactive. Not sure how exactly you’re meant to bring back a group of people if you aren’t allowed to recruit.


    It’s also rather disturbing that it seems that some of the LT has a “This is what going to happen. Don’t like it? Screw off”. 

  10. MC Name: Merkaken (Formerly a character on my off account, Shaees

    Character's Name: Kaharal

    Character's Age: 32


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Kharajyr are a humanoid-feline race made by the Daemon Metztli, crossing ocelots and Humans in an attempt to create the perfect being. After many failures, the Tla was born, a Kharajyr of white fur. Metztli then created more Kharajyr, and released them into the world. Kharajyr society is highly religious, worshiping the Daemon Metztli as their mother and protector, as well as having a strong warrior and hunter caste. Kharajyr bodies have fur, a tail, and claws, as well as a keen sense of smell and great hearing. And while they are certainly fast and nimble, they are not as fast as normal big cats of the jungle. The Kharajyr also have difficulty speaking the common tongue of the descendants, and thus have thick accents. 


    Red Lines:

    -As stated above, Kharajyr cannot be as fast/faster as normal big cats

    -Kharajyr cannot be stronger than an Orc

    -It is impossible for a Kharajyr to have children with a descendant, only a member of their own race. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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