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Posts posted by Valor777

  1. ~Signs are posted around Athera's main

    taverns and roads~


    Leatherworker Alarica Diari is willing to fill any orders.

    I can make you any leather products such as:

    Dyed Leather Armor


    Iron Studded Armor

    And All Your Other Leather-y Needs


    Contact me via bird (In game message)

    or letter (Forum Reply)


    -Alarica Diari ((EmoGuyGothic))

  2. ~Notes are posted about the Stone Road

    and Athera's main taverns~


    People of Athera, are you in need of materials for building? Contact Ren Takumi ((via replies or bird in game)).  We can get all sorts of wood for your needs. Such as: Oak, Spruce, Jungle, Birch, Dark Oak, and even Acacia! Contact Ren with your order of what you want as well as the quantity.

  3. ~A note is posted around the main roads of Athera calling for a skilled tinkerer~


    I search for a fine tinkerer to build for me a well crafted alchemy kit. I will be able

    to pay a commission of 350 minas for the man that can accomplish this task.


    ~The note is signed by a man named Ren Takumi who has also left a location to accept

    letters ((replies)) or carrier pigeons ((In Game Messages))

  4. Poster:

    ((MC NAME)): valor777

    ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): jfobean (skype)

    Name: Ren Takumi

    Age: 17

    Reason for signing up: Approached when he was without a cause.

    Weapon of choice: A blade. A quick and lethal blade.

    Previous combat experience: Used to get into a bit of trouble... (Quite adept)

    Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): Yet to be decided.

    Any Questions: Nay.

  5. Minecraft name:     valor777


    Skype ID:    jfobean


    Time zone:   Eastern Standard Time


    Have you ever
    been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report:    I have never been banned or gotten a


    What do you
    believe are key factors for a successful event?  


       I believe to have a successful event there
    are a few key factors worth noting. One of the first being fun for everyone
    their. This would mean not leaving the one person in the corner out of the rp
    just because he doesn’t seem important. I want everyone at my events to be
    participating and enjoying every second of it. I myself have always hunting for
    RP so I would bring it to the cities, the wilds, the roads, and other places
    where people would want to participate. Big server or city-wide events that our
    prepared would be the best. Giving out small hints to the players that
    something is happening.




    What type of
    events are you most interested in creating?   


                Some of the types of events that I wish to
    create as an ET member would be things like monsters attacking towns,
    specifically I would think it would be cool to see the classic big monster
    attacking the village trying to eat the occupants. Another idea I have is have
    a natural disaster in capital cities of each nation. One thing I would really
    like to see would be some small group or personal events for the role-player’s
    enjoyment. It may seem strange and may not be a good idea but, I would like to
    try it and maybe get some feedback. I want the players who are left out to feel
    included and then everyone will have a different war story to tell. Whether it
    be saving a child, defeating a beast, or stopping an infection scavenging the
    land of all it’s life.






    What strengths
    could you contribute to the Event Team?


       I believe my most powerful strength is
    including everyone and trying to make everyone on the server have fun. I
    remember when I first joined I was shy and wouldn’t start RP. I would help the
    Event Team with any event that I can attend. 
    I believe another one of my strengths is helping people and cooperating
    and helping people. If someone needs help with something I am always willing to
    do it.                                                                                                                                                                                                        




    Create three
    distinct RP scenarios /events that you, as an actor, could create for others
    (one paragraph each):






    Cold Feet




       The random yet strange teen walks into
    Abresi. Shady looking, in his black robe and carrying a strange book. He waits
    around the square, looking quite fearful if his expression can be seen. All of
    a sudden ice begins to form around his feet. He screams and soon becomes a
    solid block of ice. The people choose to save him or not. If they attempt to
    get him out, the ice melts reforming into an ice knight. He attacks the town.
    If the town is unable to take on the monster, the child wakes up and says a few
    words, melting the ice knight. If they choose to leave him the ice knight comes
    up taking the block and jumping into the fountain, melting away with the child.






    Come Fly With Me




         A man dressed in very strange clothes
    walks into the town. He dances around and speaks strangely. Eventually he will
    just speak to the closest person if he is not approached. He tells them all
    about how he is a genie sent from the skies and has been to the heavens is
    back. He then tells them that if the adventurer (and his friends if others are
    there) can impress him, prizes will be awarded and ale to the whole town! If
    they choose to do something hostile like attack him, he will transform into a
    swarm of crows, pecking and biting at the adventurers. He will drop some small
    prize if all the crows are defeated before pecking and running away.




    Suspender Man




        It is a bright and sunny day in Abresi and
    everyone seems to be up to the usual. Gossiping and fighting. The Suspender Man
    would walk in through the gate playing a marvelous and melodious tune on his
    lute. It attracts attention from all around. He seems to be emanating some sort
    of happy yet dark energy. If people begin to talk to him he explains about his
    deal with a dark spirit. He sold his soul for musical talent and an amazing
    lute. After explaining a bit, Suspender man falls backwards, passing out. His
    body lays there, staring up at the people sinisterly he is dead if checked for
    a pulse. If someone attempts to pick up the lute in a greedy manner or with
    greedy intentions, Suspender Man’s body is struck by a red bolt of lightning
    and the body jumps up to his feet. The body is the spirit that created the
    lute. They must convince him of their true intentions and promise to spread the
    word of his magic. If they do they will get the lute and it will RPly allow
    them to play good music but, not amazing music like Suspender Man. He was the
    truest man. The demon will try to escape with the lute if attacked.









  6. OOC:
    MC Name: valor777
    Skype Name (may be sent via PM’s):   You know ma skype.
    Agreement to Follow Server Rules:   Of course.
    Links to VA, both accepted and denied (Va’s are not required for the guild):
    Links to MA, both accepted and denied (Ma's Are not required for the guild):   N/A
    RP Name: Crona Lunas
    Race: Human
    Age:  17
    Short Biography:   An old criminal, wishing to stop his ways. His old gang slowly but surely stopped working and Crona decided to do something with himself. He wishes now to protect others and stop criminals.
    Talents/Skills:      He is quite athletic and is very good with throwing knives and knife fighting as well as martial arts.
    Loyalties(where/whom are you loyal to):   Crona is loyal to all his friends, protectors, and colleagues. He is someone who would never backstab someone close to him.
    Moral Boundaries:    Crona has a soft spot for people who are nice to him and children. He would never harm them.
    Reasons why your character may want to join the Order:    He wishes to become someone. not feared but, he wishes to be known and looked up to by others. The order will allow him to protect others.
  7.    +1

      I had an amazing and in depth Rp session with him. He is a great roleplayer. When I was Rping with him I thought he was event team. I believe he really deserves the position. I know everyone around was having a good time. Good luck Dovahkiin!

  8. *Crona reads the notice, eyes wiide as he begins to scribble down on a piece of paper.



    MC Name:   valor777

    Skype Name (may be sent via PM’s): jfobean

    Agreement to Follow Server Rules: Yes.

    Do you acknowledge that the Masked Masters CAN and WILL kick you out should you break any server rules or exhibit particularly poor roleplay without attempting to improve: Yes.

    Links to VA, both accepted and denied (write “No VA” if you have not written one accepted or denied):

    Most recent (others included): http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/90880-cronas-3rd-mini-va-geo-for-review-please-55/?hl=crona



    RP Name: Crow L.

    Race: Crow

    Age: 17

    Short Biography:   I have been in the Reagents for a while now. I am a Crow that likes to kill things. 
      Likes: Human meat, Swords, Sharp objects
     Dislikes: Humans, Elves, Orcs, Khas, Dwarves,
     Blunt Objects, Sunny.

    Talents/Skills: Stabbing, Torture, Stabbing Sunny, Torturing Sunny.

    Loyalties(where/whom are you loyal to):   The Reagents of the Mask

    Moral Boundaries:   What does that mean?

    *Crona signs his name at the bottom*

  9. A man in a black robe near the notice board recieves a crow going towards the board setting down a note.


                      "To the one who bids 400, you receive the girl. Send a bird to us. To the man who bid 6000, we believe your bid is too suspicious. Thank you to all who bid."

    *scents are handed to the winner to send a bird*
       ((valor777) or ((colaone1))

  10.    Crona smiles looking at the flyers and calls his hawk.

       "Sounds like a great job to me," Crona says laughing. He begins writing his letter afterwards, giving it to his hawk and sending it off.

  11. (To join the republic's army and working force. Only with an application may you receive your 3x4 plot of land )



    RP NAME:Crona

    AGE (RP):17

    SKYPE NAME: jfobean     

    RACE: Human

    Signed Oath:


    I do hear swear by the blood of my person that I shall always be loyal to the king of Cairn, as long as he is true to his promises and always treats the working force with respect. If do grant thy life to King Alex of The republic and will do everything in my power to help the republic prosper. I shan't praise no other nation, nor assist the tyranny of Oren in any way, unless commanded to by the Hierarchy of the republic.


  12. Minecraft Name: valor777

    Applicant Name: Alitaus Lunas


    Race and Age: Human, age of 17.


    What position are you applying for? (Librarian, Maven, Inventor, Analyst, Phrenal):

        I wish to apply to join the Ministry of Contemplation as a Phrenal philosopher of the Department of Erudition


    List any experience you have had with matters regarding that Department:

       I have written many poems about all sorts of ideas. One elven year ago I begun my devotion to the study of truth and mathematics. I have helped in past battles creating battle plans using mathematics, statistics, and logical thinking to create a strategic edge. I have also taught a few others in the ways of mathematics and poetry. The poetic works I have created are mostly based off of certain societies and their disadvantages along with the problems erupting around the lands.


    Describe the reason for your interest in that position (>5 sentences):

       I wish to better improve my leadership and teaching skills along with my overall knowledge of the world. This Ministry could use my current knowledge to help others as they learn their studies. Thus increasing the knowledge of the Ministry. I believe if the world had more teachers, the world would have more innovators. More innovators bring more knowledge to the people, ranging from Orcs to Dwarves, nobles to the common people, North to South.  As we grow in knowledge, we may grow in respect for each other. As we learn others culture, we learn to live together instead of apart. Altogether, my interest is to increase my knowledge and teach other men and women to become scholars.


    By applying, should you be accepted you are expected to utterly adhere to the Common Clauses. Do you understand this?:

     Yes, I, Ali Lunas inderstand and will abide by the Common Clauses after my acceptance.

  13. [size="5"]Character Name[/size]

       Crona ((Last name varies. Since he never knew his real last name he changes it every so often.))

    Nicknames: Crona!

    Age: 17


    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Status: Alive and Bloodthirsty

    Height: 5 ft. 10 in.

    Weight: Lightweight: 120

    Body Type: Lean and compact

    Eyes: Purple

    Hair: Brown

    Skin: A light tan

    Markings/Tattoos: A cut in his shoulder as well as a large scarred cut across the palm of his hand

    Health: Mentally and Emotonally Unstable

    Personality: A shy xenophobic teenager with a large blood lust.

    Inventory: Iron saber as well as a few throwing daggers.

    [size="3"]Life Style[/size]

    Alignment*: Neutral Evil


    Deity*: Himself

    Religion: The kills lots of stuff religion


    Job/Class: Runs a casino in the wilds.

    Title(s): Thief

    Profession(s): Conning and fighting with blades

    Special Skill(s): Knife throwing.

    Flaw(s): Xenophobic, Has a large Bloodlust, trusts no one.


    Current Status: N/A

    Current Spell(s):

    Fighting Style: Melee combat: Eviscerating his opponent with a blade.

    Ranged combat: Throwing knives and sometimes a shortbow.

    Trained Weapon: Saber and throwing daggers.

    Favored Weapon: Short saber.

    Archery: Small amount of training with a shortbow.

    Parents: Unknown to him.

    Siblings: Unknown to him.


    Children: Unwed

    Extended Family: Unknown to him.

    Pet(s): Skyfire, his hawk.


  14. ~A note is posted near the Great Nation Crossing~


         Hello, I am in search of a locksmith to lock our doors and chests. We will pay 25 for each lock. Send a bird to myself or Bublicus. ((valor777 or mr_bubbles724))


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