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Status Updates posted by Hanrahan

  1. Fun fact: Axlrose once warclaimed the Halflings and lost.

  2. 1985 film - The Hobbit! Done by Glorious socialist republic..

  3. Can't place that there M'looooord

  4. Do zombies need to poop?

  5. #FreeTrololFromLotc

  6. Mogmen pls return.

  7. Regular show is /much/ too addicting. Night.

  8. Aedan isn't the last of the Adunians! >:0

  9. let my people go

  10. Where in the actual hell do you post Apps these days

  11. Okay, I can't post in application submissions. WHY?!

  12. I'm baaaack huehuehue

  13. Make an Adunian Today!

  14. Pls leave gates open thanks

  15. God damn the animation of Shrek I is so bunk, looking back on it.

  16. The only true kingn is mog

  17. I smell an age of exploration comming on... *Looks to Calendar*

  18. Oh my god the Grand BP hotel still is fantastic

  19. I miss the days of trapping animals

  20. >comes back after like 2 weeks >sees VAs are a thing >ends life in shame

  21. #TangibleMinasBestMinas

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