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Posts posted by Thymweed

  1. Your Minecraft Username: My Minecraft Name is ChuBByArdvark.

    Your Monk's Name: My Monk's name is Thymweed.

    Have you read and agree to follow the rules?: I have read the rules and I agree to all of them.

    Your Monk's Personality: Thymweed is a happy, curious type of person. He speaks the Renatian accent, making him slightly posh.

    A Very Brief Bio (Just a basic bio, not nearly as long as the one you used when applying for the server): Thymweed is a traveling apothacist. He is extremely poor, and is most commonly starving. He wanders Asulon in search of something that will suit him, and this is something he thinks that he might be able to do. He is a skilled herbalist, and delves in farming.

    Why your character wishes to join the monks: My character feels that he is a waste of space. He needs something to do, and this was the most appealing to him. He is a kind person, and wishes to be kind to others.

    Why you as a player deserve to be a monk, and want to: I'm not exactly sure I deserve to play a Monk. I know it is a very honorable position, but I'm not really... Known on this server. I want to help newer players, and I also want to delve in some new RP.

    Who were the Celestial Triumvirate?:

    Lord Keldrith of the Sun

    Lady Rellenia of the Moon

    Lord Tariel of the Stars

    A Lost traveler come to the Sanctuary and asks, "Monk, where am I and how might I find my way?" How do you respond?: Thymweed looks up, inclining his head. He examines the traveler's appearance, deciding he is an Elf. "Thou art in the Wilven Sanctuary, Elf," Thymweed replies. "Wilven Sanctuary? I need to get to Normandor!" the Elf exclaims. Thymweed chuckles, pointing in the direction of the yellow arch. "Thither is thine path, take it to the Docks. Thither is a boat to Malinor, take that," Thymweed guides the Elf. The Elf smiles, waving and running towards the arch.

    A Screenshot of Your Monk's Skin (Robes must be one of the three colors and similar in base) You said you were creating the skin, yes? This is the base skin: s1rY1.png

  2. A gust of wind brings a parchment straight to your chest. When the wind dies down, you read the parchment.

    In Search of Work

    I, Thymweed Tanglewood, am in search of work. I am in dire need of coin to my pocket, having starved for the last few weeks. I am most skilled at the art of herbalism, but I also dabble in the reaping of crops. I love to write, and I may be of use as a scribe of sorts. I am primarily searching for work in the Oren proximity, be it a barony or perhaps even duchy. Please, send a messenger raven to Arethor; that is where I am most. I am of pure Human lineage, and of the male gender. I am of working age, being twenty one years old.

    Signed, Thymweed Tanglewood


    • Herbalism: Level 50
    • Farming: Level 25
    • Minecraft Name: ChuBByArdvark

  3. On your travels, you find a small notebook resting against a grand Oak tree. The book is made of quickly strapped leather, a common binding and covering. On the cover, you find a large symbol and a name. "Herbaliaaem, V.1" Should you choose to read this book, what is inside may be found here.

    Quite often does a man ask himself, what is the use of the many plants of mother Asulon? I myself have asked the question many a time, but to no answer; however, there is always an answer. Why, why, why? Is it because God himself planted them? Is there a reasoning to it? Yes, reader. There is a reasoning to it. The reason being-- to aid us in life, or in death. There will be many volumes of this reading, with many different categories of research. Please, do read on.

    You turn to the next page, a sketch of a weed and other plants making the focal point. "Common Plants, Chapter One," you read to yourself. Seeing that there is nothing left on the page, you continue to the third page.

    Common plants of the Human Lands

    Witches' Cap - The Witches' Cap is a brown, solid form of fungus. Upon touch, it is extremely moist and warm. When picking, beware of where you place your fingers. The Witches' Cap is usually home to many insects and other life forms, some of which that may feel threatened by your picking. Pick in small handfuls, as the Cap is soft and easily crushed. Primarily found in the forest of Midonia.

    Witches' Cap may be uses in several forms. The Witches' Cap is most used by it's name, which possesses a 'Witch' in it. The reason being-- the Cap may be used in poisons of different variety. Most common side effects are hallucinations, and nothing more. More study should be placed upon the Cap for uses in healing.

    Brown Foot - Brown Foot (P. Brown Feet) is a mushy, muddy fungus that grows on the grounds of many counties and baronies. It is living, and extremely harmful to the people breathing around it. It emits a harmful gas that poisons the breathers of a male or female. Most harmful to children, and elderly. More study shall be put upon the Brown Feet to see to removal from towns, villages, etc.

    Delairam - Delairam is a flowering plant. Most commonly used in royal gardens, this plant is known for it's beauty and lush ways. It spreads from where it is planted, usually flowering onto stone and wood. When picked, petals die almost instantly. The crushed petals may be used for healing colds. Side effects of the use of crushed Delairam include mellowness, and dizzyness. Delairam is a quick acting medicine, use for common colds.

    Tulai - Tulai are yellow colored flowers. They are abundant in mother Asulon. The mashed, no healing capabilities are found. Usefulness is for decoration, etc.

    Limbwort - Limbwort is a mushroom found in the various caverns of Midonia. Usually hardened when found, colored a dark grey. When picked, will die in the next day or so. When dead, use depletes. Must cook until becomes paste. When rubbed on burns and wounds, Limbwort eases pain.

    Common Plants of the Elven Lands

    Shallow Root - The Shallow Root is named for it's white color. Easily crushed, handle with care. When eaten, stomach pains seem to disperse. Found most commonly near willow trees, and streams. Many animals favor this plant.

    Delighted Circlet - The Delighted Circlet is yet another flowering plants, growing around the many Oak wood forests of the lands. The Circlet surrounds the tree with many petals of different colorings. Use if mostly for decoration, etc. Birds and other flighted animals commonly nest in the Circlets.

    Ker Shade - The Ker Shade is named for the shrowdiness of the plant. It is most commonly found under water, in the many streams of Elandriel. The Ker is extremely hard to find, as it is colored a dark black. When eaten, severe pain is caused in the upper torso area. Pain subdues in one day. Take care when eating, if you do at all. The plant kills fish when eaten, almost instantly. Do not eat the fish that eat this substance, as the substance survives in the body of it's victim.

  4. Thymweed opens to a blank strip of paper in his notebook, cracking his left wrist. He moves a sharpened stone in his left hand to the ink well before him, wetting the stone with a black substance. He takes a deep breath, and begins to write.

    For so very long hath I searched, picked and planted all I could. Finally, I hath found the correct materials to commence my research. In this journal, I shall site my discoveries and their uses. I shall describe each and every one I find, in hopes that it progresses the Herbaliaac line of use.

    Witches' Cap - The Witches' Cap is a brown, solid form of fungus. Upon touch, it is extremely moist and warm. When picking, beware of where you place your fingers. The Witches' Cap is usually home to many insects and other life forms, some of which that may feel threatened by your picking. Pick in small handfuls, as the Cap is soft and easily crushed.

    Witches' Cap may be uses in several forms. The Witches' Cap is most used by it's name, which possesses a 'Witch' in it. The reason being-- the Cap may be used in poisons of different variety. Most common side effects are hallucinations, and nothing more. More study should be placed upon the Cap for uses in healing.

    Mallowyn Root - Mallowyn Root is what it is. It is sliced from the root of a large tree in the Mallowyn Forest, of which is south of the Wilven Sanctuary. The Mallowyn Root is most recognizable from it's size, about a Human male's palm. It is pale and fair, it's sides smooth without roughness. It smells of fresh bark.

    Mallowyn Root has been most profitable in liquid form. Cook at a very high temperature over an open fire. Mallowyn Root may be combined with Brooms Twig to create a rash cream. When drunk, the liquid Root tastes of sap-- a not so pleasuring taste.

    Thymweed dips his stone in the ink well yet again, thinking of which ingredient to describe next.


    So this is basically my first RP post on the forums. I simply wanted to create a small journal, and display what my character finds here. I plan on writing many more entries, and hope to eventually be able to use them in RP creams, salves, etc. I hope you liked reading! I will make more posts soon.

  5. Out-Of-Character Details

    Minecraft Account Name: My Minecraft Account Name is ChuBByArdvark.

    How old are you?: I am sixteen years of age.

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: I live in the United States of America. My Time-zone is UTC/GMT -5 hours

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: I believe I have an excellent grip on both the English language and English grammar. English is my first learned language, my second being German.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: I have little experience in Roleplay. This is my first Roleplaying environment, though I have studied the topic very much. I hope to learn more skills from this community, of which has very good Roleplaying skills in my eyes. There are many things you can do while Roleplaying. Be it speaking to a stranger, fighting off hordes of monsters, or creating the world's next foot ointment - the possibilities are truly endless.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: Yes, I have both understood and agreed to the rules.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: I found a YouTube video by TeamLDU, of which displayed the server. This video interested me, so I decided to try and have my own adventure on this server like those two.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: This is my first application.


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Upon research and study of this act, I believe I know how to explain this. Roleplaying is the act of stepping into another person's shoes, playing out their life and their actions. You play another person, actioning out their daily thoughts and activities. By Roleplaying, you seemingly create your own story-- One different from your own, in real life.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: Meta-gaming is using Out of Character (OOC) information, and using it In Character (IC). You can meta-game in many different ways. You or your friend could message eachother your coordinates, you could call for help on Teamspeak, or you could simply use the name people use on their playercard, without anyone telling you their name. It's against the rules, and it ruins Roleplay. Don't do it.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: Power-emoting is doing things that would be extremely difficult to do, with ease ICly. Say you're a small Halfling with no weapons, facing a large Orc with a battleaxe. It would be power-emoting to automatically emote killing the Orc in one stab. Power-emoting does not have to be fighting, though. Power-emoting could also be used in peaceful situations. Say you're a apprentice of a blacksmith. It would be power-emoting for you to make a legendary sword within seconds. Again, power-emoting is against the rules and it makes for bad roleplay. Don't do it.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: The name of my character is Thymweed Tanglewood.

    Character Race: Thymweed is of the Human race-- A mix of Northerner and pure blood Human.

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    On a beautiful Grand Harvest's noon, an apothacist and a house wife were blessed with a child. The child was of the male sex, instantly recognizable with the view of his privates. The boy would come to be known as Thymweed, Thymweed Tanglewood. Thymweed was born an average weight, and an average height. Thymweed did not scream very loud when he was born, he was quiet, with only soft cries to be heard from the parent's chambers. Thymweed was born of Human parents, his skin fair like the white silk of the spinner's across the village.

    Thymweed grew up in a small county within the Crown Lands of the Holy Oren Empire. He was an extremely quiet child, which worried some, including his parents. His parents often attempted to introduce him to the other boys of the village, but Thymweed often disliked what they did. Thymweed was a curious type of child, always prancing around in the fields of grain rather than with the other children. By the age of six, Thymweed was an average heighted young male. His hair was colored like the bark of Oak trees, silky and unkept. His skin was still like his birth, fair and smooth. His favorite thing to eat was the vegetables on his plate every eve.

    As he grew, Thymweed would venture further and further away from the village every day. He often came home with assorted greens and flora, though his parents never seemed to mind. He soon grew old enough to start aiding his father with the apothecary, and he quickly grew accustomed to the smell of potionss and ointments. By his teens, Thymweed had now outgrown the other children of the village, making his slightly more popular. Thymweed finally mingled with the other children, a blessing to his father and mother. Thymweed made some friends, all who introduced him to rings and other games. Thymweed was growing slimmer with this much activity, but he grew taller as well. His hair reached his shoulders by the age fifteen, though he was under the average weight.

    Nearing young adulthood, Thymweed started to run the apothecary more often than his father. His father was quickly growing elderly, and needed rest often. Thymweed was now quite experienced in creating the things his father once did. He created an assortment of ointments, potions, medicinal items, and the like. Thymweed made quite a profit off the apothecary, making some ointments better than his father once had.

    Thymweed finally reached the age 20, an experienced apothacist and herbalist. He now follows in his father's footsteps. Thymweed's hair still reaches his shoulders, and colored brown like the Oak trees. Thymweed is slim and tall, reaching about six foot and weighting one hundred and fifty pounds. He wears a green tunic, which his mother made for him before he became an adult. His pants are baggy and made of cloth, they are weathered by still prove their worth. He has pine green eyes, which twinkle with youth.

    Thymweed is now a wandering apothacist and herbalist, looking to settle down somewhere and start his own apothecary as his father once did. He wishes to raise a family, of pure Human racial status.

    What are your characters ambitions?: Thymweed hopes to start his own apothecary, and create assorted oddities as his father once did. He also wishes to raise a family of pure Human blood.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:


    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character? There is nothing. I hope to be able to be able to start my own apothecary and offer some unique Roleplay. I know there is a herbalism skill, but I will create other things such as ointments, brews, etc.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    Thymweed takes a deep breath of air, walking over to the shop keeper. "Hello, sir," Thymweed greets the Dwarf, bowing his head quickly. "Why 'ello, friend! Could ah' interest yeh in some o' me wares?," the Dwarf asks Thymweed, a gleam of hope in his eyes. Thymweed thinks for a moment, before nodding. The Dwarf takes Thymweed into his shop, assorted spices and ingredients lining the counter. Thymweed's jaw drops with joy, an exited expression appearing on his fair face. "How much for the Malin's Root, sir?," Thymweed asks the Dwarf quickly, looking down at the shop keeper. "That would be fifty Minas!" the Dwarf replies with a grin. Thymweed frowns for a moment, before digging his hands into his pockets. Thymweed pulls out some coins, tossing them onto the counter before him. "I shall take just one root, please," Thymweed says with a nod, extending his right hand. The Dwarf picks the Minas with a dirty glee, handing over a root to Thymweed. Thymweed curls his fingers around the root, feeling it's rough sides. Thymweed grins, nodding to the Dwarf. "Thank you, sir," Thymweed says to the Dwarf, turning and walking to the door. "Farewell!"

    You’re in the Cloud Sanctuary late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. The only present monk is fast asleep, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?

    Thymweed frowns, watching the people with a worried expression. He looks around, taking a step back from the debacle. Thymweed thinks to himself, knowing that he has no skills in speech or fighting. He holds a debate in his mind, though quickly ending it. He turns, quickly striding through the Blue arch in fear of becoming involved with the soon-to-be-fight. He does not hold grudges with either race, nor does he know either of the people arguing. A good move by him, he thinks.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?:

    Thymweed gasps, quickly catching the old man. He helps the man stand up, taking a breath of relief. "Oh, are you alright sir?," Thymweed asks the man with a worried frown, examining him. "Why yes, yes I am," the old man replies, looking down at his Minas. "Though, my Minas," the man trails off, looking up at Thymweed. Thymweed nods, offering the man his shoulder. The man lays on Thymweed's shoulder, and Thymweed escorts him to a nearby Oak tree. The old man lays on the tree, watching Thymweed proceed to pick up each and every coin. "You c-can 'ave those," the old man tells Thymweed. Thymweed looks up, his expression turning to happiness. "Oh, thank you sir!" Thymweed exclaims with joy as he pockets the Minas. Thymweed walks over to the man, offering him his shoulder again. The man takes Thymweed's shoulder, walking slowly with him into Normandor.

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