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Posts posted by xenenxnennxnx

  1. Tantaparo, as much as I'm trying to make sense of your argument, moving the won't make them active man. The time spent rebuilding burrows, making farms? That's notoriously our worst time for activity. Not enough people can build in the correct halfling style, so the weight is put on a small number of individuals. Halfling RP is about chilling with each other... Smoking, fishing, tea parties. We're unique in that way.

    This is effectively going to kill Halfling activity, probably once and for all.


    Didn't they say they would World Edit your village wherever you wanted? Also, how can you kill something that was already dead?

  2. 1. Yes we are

    2. Deestroying everything we have and being told by GMs that they 'dont give a f uck' where we go will not make us active.

    3. We have a group of halflings who have only just been accepted onto the server and they're all leaving the server because of this. Destroying all our stuff helps us retain new players? Are you mad?

    4. We're not innocent? What are we guilty of, can I ask? I don't understand why a small group of players need to be punished for any reason.

    5. Out of proportion in your view because it's not your community and group of friends being torn apart.


    If anyone else wants to reply some bullet-pointed b ullshit you can PM me to do it.


    Look, I can understand why you might be angry. I can understand being resistant to change. I cannot understand your denial of what is happening. If you were truly active, this would not be happening. I've been to the Halfling village in RP and OOC before and there were 0 people there. Why would anyone want to wait around for someone to RP with? Here's what happens: Person shows up and no one is there, said person leaves to go RP somewhere else, still no one is there, rinse repeat. You are being heavily assisted by the GMs to improve your activity by putting you near a nation. Why does this boost activity, you may ask? Well, you are now closer to a location with budding RP that can rub off onto your settlement. New players will see Halflings as a viable race for activity purposes because if they get bored they can travel a small distance to check out another place for RP. There are many benefits of being near a Nation. I don't know if you remember your first week of LotC, but I do. I remember flocking to the nearest place of RP and trying to have fun. It was really difficult for me and if I was playing a Halfling, I would have quit. Who wants to sit alone? I would much rather be near a Nation. 


    Now, moving onto what I've heard about Skype chats. I've heard that the Halflings were heavily modshopping, pulling GMs in and out of their chat, verbally abusing them, and kicking them shortly after or before they had a chance to respond. IF THIS IS TRUE, do you really think that it will help your case? This only makes the GMs upset and less willing to listen to you. It's immature for your group to do something like this. 


    How are you being torn apart? If anything, your anger should pull you together. For example, if all the employees hate the boss (which it seems like is a rather viable example for you), then they all get together and gossip about the boss. Anger pulls groups together and empty threats about quitting the server not only makes it hard to take you seriously, but it also doesn't help your activity.


    I'm honestly so very confused why you think this is a bad thing happening to the Halflings. If I were you, and I felt the same way as you did, I would be all over it for trying to prove that my group was actually active and to prove the GMs wrong. Instead of getting on the forums to cry and whine and point fingers, I would playing my character in game.

  3. My personal opinion is that moving halflings somewhere say, on the island of the wood elves where they can have their own town would do them much more good than letting a town that isn't used linger as their population goes straight down the toilet. Seriously, I'm so surprised the over reaction to flies over everyone's heads. I mean, come on guys, this is literally a non-issue if no one is even using the town. Like, the town is moved to a place where it will be used, can piggy-back off of activity of others, expose themselves to players to join their ranks, and they get to keep their buildings.

    Like, lol, what literally is the problem, other than halflings might actually get active again?

    I know there's an idea that stomping and being angry makes one right, but I honestly disagree. Also, if you made a group with a charter that was unique, but your activity hovered near zero, do you think the entire server would throw a temper tantrum for you because you lost perms to a piece of land you aren't using?

    Though, I will point out the irony that this is sorta what people asked for, but every time the someone asks for something and they get it, they whine about it.

    TL:DR It isn't a big deal. Be positive about it. Use it to increase activity. Get charter with your new activity and actually have halfling RP. Halflings are the only race on the server that I haven't seen in over two weeks. Not even once.



    I sorta doubt it. Otherwise this wouldn't have come up. I've literally never ever seen a halfling in two weeks. Yet, I manage to see over ten orcs and at least three to four unique khas. But I guess since you say so it is true.

    I doubt that would have happened if for the above point. Which mind you, would happen to any less special groups.

    Yes you can create a charter. Just like any player can. But you shouldn't be held to same measuring stick as everyone else?

    Is that why you're being very overly emotional about an MC town that you basically get to keep but at different cords or something? Also, that might make my view more objective, but I don't like pulling petty cards like that.

    Seriously, what exactly is the big deal. Accoding to the same measuring stick the rest of the community is held to, you didn't measure up. You're going to get magical skygod help. You have an opportunity to really balloon your activity. What, exactly, is your fit about?

    Also, I sorta didn't know that halflings were still a thing until this came up.


    I am so pleased someone caught on. I've been holding off posting but thank youuuuu. You saved me a lot of time. And honestly, instead of all the halflings posting on here to try to throw a shitfest about the "staff", you all could be playing  a halfling on LotC and actually being active. 




    Let's be real:

    1. You guys aren't active.

    2. This will help you become more active.

    3. This will help retain more new players as halflings, helping you become more active.

    4. From what I can tell, the halflings aren't innocent. Stop victimizing yourselves.

    5. This has been blown out of proportion and has turned into a way to hate on the staff. I could be wrong, but a lot of the people freaking out and posting don't actually give a **** what happens to the halflings; they're just trying to hate on the GMs. GMs are volunteers who go out of their way to try to better the experience of LotC and keep it fair. GMs are not trying to ruin your roleplay experience-- they would be off the team if they were. Stop hating on the people who are trying to help you.


    tl;dr Stop.

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